How does authentication works?

Twproject API authentication is based on an API key that can be generated by every Twproject enabled user, the API will operate with this user privileges, you can read more details below:



Which events can call webhooks?

Webhooks can be called on every event that are subscribed on project and other several creation events, you can find the complete list here:




Integrations FAQ

Can Twproject share agenda with Google, Exchange, Outlook or others?

Yes you can.

Can I schedule a process for bulk operations?

Yes, Twproject has its own scheduler that is used by default for monitoring events, dispatching messages, download e-mail and so on. If you need to schedule some additional jobs, there are several ready-to-use jobs you can use: org.jblooming.scheduler.ExecuteJavaMain, org.jblooming.scheduler.ExecuteOsBatch and org.jblooming.scheduler.ExecuteSQL could be a good starting point to develop you own or to use them as-is.

Can I use my LDAP for authenticating users?

Yes you can.

Can I create my ERP/CRM bridges?

This is the most common integration our customers requires. A good starting point is to use a scheduled job for performing such operation. Other solutions can include wizards and plugins. Contact us, we will be happy to give you hints and eventually cooperate for developing your bridges.

Can I import/export to MS Project

Actually you can, but considering the differences between data models, exporting from Twproject is a lose-something operation. Importing from MS Project is generally ok.

Gantt chart FAQ

Can I import in Twproject a project built with the free on-line editor?

Yes of course! Go to projects and click on import button image and choose “import from Gantt”. You can eventually import a Gantt as phase, doing the same steps from the project editor.

Is the Gantt chart editor open source?

Yes it is. jQuery Gantt  editor is released under MIT License, one of the most “open” open source licenses. This a way for us to say “thank you” to the open source community.

What browsers are supported?

All latest versions of Chrome, IE, Firefox, Safari, Opera. SVG version requires IE>=9

Can I print a Gantt?

Yes. A dedicated style sheet will be applied while printing. One page for data grid, one for the Gantt side. You will print what you see.

Which dependencies can be managed on the Gantt chart?

For years, Twproject has managed dependencies of the classical type Finish to Start (FS):
Meaning that activity A must finish before activity B starts, or in other words, activity B cannot begin before A is completed.

Starting from version 7.1.004, the following types can be managed: Finish to Finish (FF), Start to Start (SS), and Start to Finish (SF) relationships. See details here.

Security FAQ

How can I see only the projects that I am working on?

Doing nothing Smile. By default every user sees only active projects where it is assigned. Of course when you start searching Twproject security starts working and you will see only projects, ToDos, resources  that you are allowed to see. See https://twproject.com/support/using-twproject/security/

How Twproject uses role-based security?

In two ways: global or local to a project. Global roles are valid everywhere (ok, not really everywhere, but in a security area) so if you have, for instance, a permission for “project read” you can see every project even if you are not involved on it; this could match the company’s boss case. Global roles are set from the user editor.
Locally to a project, role-based security is applied assigning users to a project. In this case a “project read” permission will allow a user to see the project structure from that point and down. See this section for a complete overview on security: https://twproject.com/support/using-twproject/security/

How can I configure permissions for my users?

Permissions are set on roles. Roles can be assigned directly to users or by assigning them to projects.

How can I have a read-only user?

Yes you can, both globally or locally to a project. There are built-in roles that accomplish this goal: “Supervisor” , “Stakeholder” and “Customer” respectively.

There are password policies?

Twproject have several password policies. Go to “admin” –> “Security policies”.  If you company have already implemented such policies using Active directory or a LDAP server you should consider to use it for authentication. https://twproject.com/support/twproject-advanced-usage/connections/ldap-active-directory/

What an “administrator” can do?

Almost everything. There are some visibility restriction on private agenda events or private chat. If you have security concern, you should have only few (one or two) administrators and use “area managers” instead. Administrators have access to sensible configuration data.

Can I disable a user?

Yes of course. When a resource leave your company, administrator can disable it. Doing this you will preserve all inserted data and you will free a license. Go to the “resource editor” –> “security /login” and disable it.

Can I separate completely two departments data?

Twproject supports multiple separated “areas” in the same installation. Projects, users, resources, ToDos etc. created on says “area 1” are not accessible by users coming from “area 2”. Using security area you can manage two distinct companies/directions/department on the same installation. Cross-areas users can be created e.g.: top management. See https://twproject.com/support/using-twproject/security/ https://twproject.com/support/using-twproject/security/areas/

Can Twproject run on HTTPS?

Of course. On the cloud solution is already on HTPPS using a 2048 bit certificate. Twproject by default runs on Tomcat, you should refer to Tomcat documentation.

Can I configure Twproject for LDAP authentication?

Of course.

Can I import users from LDAP?

Yes you can.

Is a Two Factor Authentication available?

Yes. Twproject supports a Time One Time Password (T-OTP).
You can use your mobile phone with a T-OTP app like Google Authenticator.

Do you have any certification for your Cloud service?

Yes. We are listed on Cloud Security Alliance Star registry.
You can see our assessment here: https://cloudsecurityalliance.org/star/registry/twproject-srl/services/twproject/

We are also Qualified by the Italian Cybesecurity National Agency (ACN) and Twproject has is available Cloud Product Catalog: https://catalogocloud.acn.gov.it/service/2531

Resource planning FAQ

Where can I see the work load for a team?

From the main menu click to the resourse icon-> “Resource workload”. Filter for your Team or from the Project view of your project click on “balance” icon. From the load page you can eventually add more people to inspect on-the-fly.

Can I see the working capabilities of a department?

Yes. You can access it from the main menu by clicking on the resources icon -> “Resource workload” and filtering by Team for the department you are interested in.
Read the dedicated section at this URL:

Can I plan activities day by day?

Yes. For each assignment you can define the working plan. From the “workgroup” box on a project (or on a department) or directly from the assignment click on “see plan”.

How can I set priority on a project?

You can set priority on assignments. https://twproject.com/support/using-twproject/projects-and-tasks/assignments-who-is-working-on-projects/

How can I see assignments for a resource?

From the Project list page select the desired resource in the assignee field.

Does work done, affects work load estimation?

Yes. By default Twproject uses remaining work (work to be done – work done) to compute the load for the future. If you didn’t done you work fro today you will probably need to work a bit more tomorrow Smile.

Can I plan activities using ToDos?

ToDos can be used for planning users activity. Using the ToDo planner you can set the day you want to close an ToDo; estimated work on the ToDo give you the work load for that day.

Dashboard FAQ

How can I change my default page?

Open the “home” menu drop down, go to the page you want to set as default, then open again the menu and click “set as my home”.

How can I add/remove a widget on my page?

Open the “home” menu drop down and click on “customize this page”.


If there is not such option, probably this page has been set as “not customizable” by the administrator.

How can I restrict access to some pages?

Administrators can restrict the access to some pages by adding required permissions. For special purposes administrators can create new permissions.

How can I create a new widget?

Quite easy, but you need to be a little confident with Java and Jsp. That said, there are several examples supplied. 

Is the page grid configurable?

Yes, page grids are called “templates”. https://twproject.com/support/twproject-advanced-usage/customizations/dashboard-customization/

Can I set a page un-customizable?

Yes, go to “admin” –>  “Customization” –> “pages” –> edit page and set switch off “customizable” flag.

Can I set some widgets mandatory for each user?

Yes, you can put mandatory widgets on “not customizable” areas. The page must use a template with such areas defined . Default ones have such areas.

Tips / Tricks FAQ

How can I link entities in Twproject?

Every entity is identified by a code or its id. If you write on a test field T#code_or_id#  Twproject will transform this string in a clickable link. Use T#code_or_id# for project, I#code_or_id# for ToDo, R#code_or_id# for resources, B#code_or_id# for boards, A#code_or_id# for agenda events. The code for each object is generally shown on the respective editor.

How can I search for projects created before a specific date?

Every filter fields can be used using QBE syntax. Writing “<1/1/2015” on a date search field means every date before 1/1/2015. But you can write “LM” as well that means every date in Last Month. There are lots of useful tricks.

Can I use short “something” while inserting dates?

Yes, lots of “something”! “Y” means yesterday, “T” means today, “LW” means last week, “–3d” means three days ago. See the complete reference here https://twproject.com/support/twproject-advanced-usage/tips-tricks/

Can I send documents to a project via e-mail?

Yes. https://twproject.com/support/twproject-advanced-usage/connections/manage-by-e-mail/

Do I need a calculator?

Not necessary, most of numeric field supports inputs like 3*(4+5).

Can I move quickly on agenda, timesheet or plan?

Yes. Usually on calendar based pages like agenda, timesheet, plan, ToDo planner, operator load or assignment priority, you can move fast by clicking on the date bar at the end of the page or by click and move on the period  bar at the top of the page.

Can I save useful links on Twproject?

Yes indeed. On each page you can open the “tools” menu and click “+ add current view to bookmark”; from here on, current page will be available in the “tools” dropdown. Consider that search parameters and actions will be saved as well and will be re-used. External links can be saved as well. See: https://twproject.com/support/twproject-advanced-usage/tips-tricks/

Projects/phases FAQ

How do I create a new project?

You can create your first project by going to “projects” and pressing “create project” button. If it is disabled it means you have no permission to create a “root” project, eventually you may have permission to create phases on project where you are already working as project manager.

How can I specify people working on a project?

You can do this by creating a new “assignment”. Each assignment define the resource working on that project, the role he/she plays and some additional information. You can have multiple assignment for each project. The assignment is the “core” of Twproject; it collects work done, planning, costs, permissions and subscriptions.

Can I attach document to a project?

Of course, as many you want. Just drag files (one or more at once) on the document box in the project editor. If you upload the same file more than once, versions will be created. Uploaded documents will be full-text indexed.

Can I track project progress?

Yes, of course.

Twproject includes nine different automatic rules to calculate project/phases progress.

By worklog / estimated: project progress is calculated according to the work inserted on the estimated one.

By phases (weighted): in this case Twproject considers the relevance of each phases and its progress to calculate the parent progress.

By phases completed: in this case the parent progress follow the status of its children, for example if the half of its children are closed the progress is at 50%.

By ToDo closed / total: project progress increase according to the number of its closed ToDo.

By cost / estimated & by cost / budget: Project progress increase according to costs bear in relation with estimated ones or budget.

By date: Project progress increase with end date approaching.

Different phases calculate their progress using a different rule.


How can I insert and monitor project costs?

In Twproject costs are mainly given by work done. Assigning a resource to a project you can specify the estimated work to be done and the hourly cost; this is the minimal requirement for monitoring cost. Moreover you can also manage fixed costs for the project, this means costs that not comes from men-work; both estimated and actual costs are managed. You can also define a global budget for a project and eventually split this budget on phases.


You can also manage expenses for each assignee (e.g: travel or stay expenses) and assign him a budget. https://twproject.com/support/using-twproject/projects-and-tasks/assignment-expenses/

Who users can edit my project?

You (the owner), the assignees with “project write” permission, eventually an area manager  (global project write permission), the system administrator.

Can I create a discussion over a project?

Of course. You can start one ore more discussion on every project. You can get notified when someone contribute to discussion.

Can I create a project template?

Yes. Every project can be used as “template”. You can simply copy a project; the copy tool will let you specify what you would like to reuse of that project.
If you want you can mark a project as “template” using a type.

Can I  move a project?

Of course. https://twproject.com/support/using-twproject/projects-and-tasks/work-with-projects/

Can I categorize a project?

Projetcs have a “type”, “relevance” and  a set of tags. Moreover you can eventually add a custom field. https://twproject.com/support/twproject-advanced-usage/customizations/custom-fields/

Can I add tags to a project or a phase?

Of course! In the “Tag” field, you can enter as many tags as you like, separating them with commas. These will be visible to those with the appropriate permissions.
As you start typing in the field, the system will automatically suggest the tags already saved.

How can I set priority on assignments?

The simplest way is to go on the assignment editor from the project itself, and change the priority. Higher priority projects will “float” in your home page. You can plan an assignment priority on a weekly view.

Can I move an assignment?

Yes. you may need, in some rare cases, this feature. https://twproject.com/support/using-twproject/projects-and-tasks/assignments-who-is-working-on-projects/

Can I give access to a customer of mine to its projects without giving a Twproject access?

Yes. You can set-up a project public page. This feature lets you define what you would like to allow to your customers.

There is a project history log?

Of course. From the project editor, use the “more” button and then “logs”. Here status and date changes are tracked. In case your project uses a workflow “process” here you will have a detailer view.

Can I export project data?

Yes. You can export a project in MS Project format.

Messages FAQ

Can I send a message to my team with Twproject?

Yes. the easiest way if you want to send a message to one of your colleague is to open the “me” link at the top right of the page and click on “send a sticky”. Here you can write a message and decide to even send it by e-mail.

Can I communicate with my team about a specific project with Twproject?

Yes. Every project in Twproject has a dedicated forum for all resources involved where you can create discussions about the project to be always in contact with your team.  To start a new discussion just go in the project and click on “discussions” in the right menu.

User, Resources FAQ

How can I delete/disable a resource?

If a resource has worked in Twproject on several projects, it could be impossible to delete it due to connections to all main objects. The best way to discover if this is the case  is  to try deleting it. If you get the error you will need to delete anagraphical data and then, if for example your user asked to remove its data from your instance, replace his name with xxx.

If it is not necessary to delete user anagraphical data, the right thing to do is disable the user. In Twproject users may be enabled and disabled any time; as soon as a user is disabled, she/he is no longer counted in the license count, but all data connected to that user is preserved. Go in the resource editor of the resource you want to disable, in the tab called “security/login” here there is a field called “enabled”, pick on it and save. If the user you want to disable is administrator remember to set at least another user as administrator before disabling it.

Can I recover a user’s login credentials?

User passwords cannot be recovered as they are stored in the database in encrypted form and are therefore unreadable.

If a user needs to reset their password, a Twproject administrator must go to the user’s profile, navigate to the “Security/Login” tab, and select “Change Password.” The administrator should enter a new password and communicate it to the user. Upon the user’s first login with the new password, they will be prompted to change it for security reasons.

Can I set-up my organizational chart?

Yes, resources can be organized according to your company structure from the top to the lower levels. The main structure can be created with the “create company” button. In this case you can set the type of this entity that could be “department”, “unit” and so on, these types are customizable. Once the structure is defined you can add people to it with the button “new person”. Define the “resource of” field to specify the company unit he belongs to. for more info read here https://twproject.com/support/using-twproject/users-resources/

Can I define a manager for a group of resources?

Yes, you can specify it in the resource editor just below the personal details.

Can I use Twproject for managing my contacts?

Yes. A resource in Twproject  can live without a login being just a contact, with all personal details, that you can easily search and read from the web but also from the mobile.

Can I assign a department to a project  instead of a single resource?

Yes, doing this all resources in the department can read ToDo on that projects. If a specific resource needs to record worklog instead, she has to be assigned herself.

 How can I reset a password?

To reset your password you need to be sure that email integration has been set on your instance (Twproject cloud has it by default).

In the login page click on the “forgot my password link” and insert your login name. You will receive an email with a link to follow to insert a new password.