Time Tracking FAQ

Can I insert work done weekly?

Yes, in Twproject there is a specific page for this that you find clicking on the “timesheets” button in the main menu.

Watch the video tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v4OJhOdybbI&list=PL32A8C9C60AEE13FF&index=5

Can I insert work done for someone else?

Yes, in the timesheets page (“timesheets” button in the main menu) there is a specific combo that let you select resources. By default it select yourself but you can anytime change it to insert worklog for someone else.

There is a way to start recording time spent?

Yes, Twproject supports time counters. This functionality lets you start recording time on a specific project just clicking on a button, something like a semaphore that you can turn on and off. Read here for more info:

Can I exclude some worked hours from project costs?

Yes,  In the cost page there is the possibility to filter worklog by its status. So for example you can have a report of your project cost just by worklog marked as “billed”. Consider that worklog status are customizable by the user.

Can I record work done for a specific ToDo?

Yes, if the ToDo is assigned to you, there will be a watch icon in the ToDo line. if you click on it a yellow box will appear at the top of the page where you can record your time spent, the date and a description. The same yellow box will appear every time you mark on of your ToDo as closed.

Can I insert my work done directly on my dashboard?

Yes. there is specific widget for doing this called “WORKLOGDAY” that you can add to your page while customizing. How to do that is written here:

Is there a way to check if I forget to insert work done for some days?

Yes, just go from Timesheets menu and click on -> “Timesheets overview” -> “check for you or more resourse. You will be able to specify a range choosing from Month, 3 weeks, 2 weeks or 1 week.

Can I insert worklog on non active project?

Yes, by default your timesheets page will show you just your active projects in the week you are looking to have the page as clean as possible. However, that page you will also have a combo where you can find non-active project, simply choose on of them to have it added to the list

Can I have greater control and security in project worklogs?

Certainly. Twproject has security-related features the security functions on the entry of hours worked on projects provide for more detailed roles: for each type of user it will be possible to specify add, read, write, delete, manage functions. In addition, the name of the person who recorded the worklog for a given user will always appear (the two do not necessarily coincide).

Furthermore, a block has been activated whereby the worklog entered by a user cannot exceed the allocated estimate and it will not be possible to enter hours on already closed phases.

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