Tag Archives: logging

Technical FAQ

How can I upgrade Twproject to latest version?

Go to “admin” –>  “Monitoring” –>  “Check for updates”. If you need to upgrade go to https://twproject.com/on-your-server/  and download your installer (be careful to 32 or 64 bit versions). Run it. That’s all.

How do I verify / change Twproject memory settings?

On Windows: if you are using the windows service: open a command console (Start -> Run -> “cmd” in the run input), go to the Twproject folder, and into the bin folder. Say that your Twproject  service is displayed as “Teamwork-8080”, the system name will be teamwork8080. Type

tomcat6w //ES//teamwork8080

and an application will open and in the “Java” tab you can modify memory settings. Another method is go to Start -> Run, and run “regedt32.exe”. There should be an entry at HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE -> SOFTWARE -> Apache Software Foundation -> Procrun 2.0 -> [Tomcat service name]. If you are launching using the tw.bat, edit the file, change the -Xms64m -Xmx128m settings to a higher range.

On Linux: open the teamworkLinux.sh script, and change the -Xms128m -Xmx384m settings to a higher range.

On OSX: if you are launching by script by hand, open the teamworkOsx.sh script, and change the -Xms128m -Xmx512m settings to a higher range. If you are launching Twproject  as service, change in [Twproject  root folder]/launchdScript.sh the line “export JAVA_OPTS=-Xmx512M $JAVA_OPTS” (if it is #export JAVA_OPTS=-Xmx512M $JAVA_OPTS, remove the #).

All cases: In all cases, you may also want to widen the PermGen space (the part of memory which cannot be garbage collected): e.g. -Xms512m -Xmx1024m -XX:PermSize=128M -XX:MaxPermSize=256M

Can I configure a Public Domain Name for my Twproject?

If you intend to access Twproject both from intranet and extranet, you should set a public name to your Twproject. Go to “admin” –>  “Basic system configuration” –> “http server” and set “server name” to the same name you set on your DNS.

How can I schedule batch jobs?

Twproject has its own scheduler that is used by default for monitoring events, dispatching messages, download e-mail and so on. If you need to schedule some additional jobs, there are several ready-to-use jobs you can use: org.jblooming.scheduler.ExecuteJavaMain, org.jblooming.scheduler.ExecuteOsBatch and org.jblooming.scheduler.ExecuteSQL could be a good starting point to develop you own or to use them as-is.

How can I authenticate my users using my LDAP/Active directory?

Twproject supports both standard, http, ldap or ldap with standard fallback. Go to “admin” –>  “Advanced configuration” –> “LDAP integration” .

Where are Twproject log files?

You can see/download Twproject logs directly from the web interface: Go to “admin” –>  “Monitoring” –>  “Logging”.

You will find Twproject log here [TWPROJECT INSTALLATION ROOT]/webapps/ROOT/WEB-INF/log

Can I get more information from log files?

Sometime,  in case of trouble, you may need to get more information about Twproject status and behavior. In this case go to “admin” –>  “Monitoring” –>  “Logging” and set log level to “info” or “debug”.

Other advanced debug options are available on “config.properties” file. Do not “play” with this parameters, if you have trouble, contact us, will be happy to help you.

When I upgrade Twproject to a new version, where can I find database schema changes?

Twproject check your database schema and eventually applies changes automatically. Every action is logged on [TWPROJECT INSTALLATION ROOT]/webapps/ROOT/WEB-INF/log/schemaHistory.log file