Twproject as CRM: In Practice

According to client’s needs, Twproject can also be used to insert contacts and customers among the resource list: this makes Twproject an excellent tool for CRM, as well as for project management as a whole.

It happens that our customers ask us whether they can only include users who have an active login in the resource list.

The answer is: not only!

All resources entered without login, in fact, are not counted in the license count, so you can have as many as you want.

Monitoring sale activities from the first contact stage is a good idea for several reasons, which we will discuss in detail below.

But now let’s see how to do it right from the start.

Record a first contact through Twproject as CRM

Say that you are at one of  your yearly trade fairs and, after some hours, you meet John James from ACME SPA, he is smart and you talk to him for a while about your company services, he is very interested.

You talk about his boss Victoria Miller, and also about the last NBA Match Boston – Cleveland, he roots for Boston Celtics. 

At the end of the conversation he gives you his business card.

Well, if you are using Twproject project management software as a CRM, it’s time to save all these information, and you can do that very easily.

For example I would simply take my iPad and create a new resource. I would create a new lead for John James from ACME SPA, I would record that his boss is Victoria Miller and all the other information written in his business card. I would also save in the notes that John roots for Boston Celtics… you never know.

Adding resources in Twproject CRM software

Follow the lead

Now that your lead is entered, you can search for the project you use to save pre-sales information and insert a new activity for the conversation you had, just to remember everything you said.

At the moment what you have is just a lead, so there is no need to create a specific task for this activity, it could be just a phone call.

The best way to manage this situation is to create a new pre-sales activity (a new To-Do in Twproject) as a reminder, in order to call John after a week and talk about what your company can do for him.

to-do as reminder for lead following

Twproject’s To-Do’s are the most versatile tool for carrying out such operations, for several reasons:

  • In addition to adding a title and a detailed description, you can insert a direct link to the resource by simply copying and pasting the alphanumeric code you will find on the top left of the resource page.
  • You can attach documents related to John’s profile or his company, so that everything is available for consultation.
  • You can use comments and tag your colleagues, simply by putting the @ before their name, to share information, suggestions, ideas.
  • Finally, you can assign the To-Do to a colleague, if you are not directly responsible for the customer relationship, and at the same time stay up-to-date on the progress of the deal.

When the To-Do expires, the system will remind you of the call.

to-do reminder when using Twproject as CRM

Thanks to the link, you can check all the details of the resource and start the conversation where you left off.

If the conversation is fruitful, you can finally create a dedicated pre-sales activity for ACME, to record in detail the first contact, perhaps a demo, the offer and the final contract.

Add a new pre-sales project

Now that your lead has become a real pre-sale project you can insert it in Twproject to check its progress.

Gannt chart in Twproject for pre-sales activities

Thanks to Twproject all pre-sales activity can be monitored, managed and saved like all the other projects.

One of the best tools Twproject offers for project management is its interactive and dynamic Gantt.

Even for pre-sale projects it can be very useful to have a tool that offers a 360° view such as Twproject’s Gantt.

In fact, each activity can have phases and sub-phases, either connected to each other or not, by different types of dependencies.

Let us say that the first phone call with John led to a presentation agreement with his boss Victoria Miller. This will involve a number of intermediate activities such as content optimisation, landing pages, etc. These activities will be included as related preliminary steps in an interdependent relationship with the presentation.

All of this will hopefully lead to the conclusion of the contract, which will then initiate an actual operational project.

In this way each step in the process will be monitored and can also be managed by different people involved in the project, eliminating unnecessary e-mail exchanges.

To sum up, thanks to Twproject’Gantt used as a CRM tool you have:

  • Contacts and projects together
  • Agents assigned on pre-sales activity
  • Pre-sales progress monitored
  • Pre-sales budget and expenses managed
  • Pre-sales effort registered for future report and considerations

Convert the pre-sales plan into an actual project

We therefore saw how to use Twproject tools for CRM activities.

It is evident that its functionalities exceed those of any other specific software for all the preliminary activity of tracking potential customers, thanks to the fact that Twproject is a complete, flexible and multifunctional software.

But there is more.

The advantage with Twproject is that the software evolves together with your projects.

Let’s assume that the presale phase has turned into a contract and you can start managing the actual project: if you use Twproject as a CRM you already have a lot of the information already entered and you don’t have to start all over from scratch.

In addition, you have everything together under control and so you can also monitor costs and hours worked for pre-sales.

This is usually data that is not counted, and ends up in a single block with all business activities.

Instead, it is key information to know if you want to manage projects accurately, right from the start.

All this because, with Twproject, you can have both a CRM software and a Project Management software, together.

To try this and other features for free, sign up for a 15-day trial period, or book a demo with our support team: see how many project issues you can handle on one platform!

CRM software and a Project Management software, together.

Multiple calendars: more flexibility for your projects

Twproject’s calendar has always been efficient and with a highly customisable configuration, but with the recent release it takes a huge step forward by allowing you to define multiple calendars for use on projects and resources.

With this innovation, we want to respond to the need of those who manage different teams and projects with non-uniform working hours.

The coexistence of several calendars is in fact an essential requirement for most structured companies, which necessarily have to manage different work configurations according to departments.

Target audience for the introduction of multiple calendars

With this shared development, Twproject wanted to respond to the most heterogeneous realities. We are talking, for example, about companies with departments that do not share the same working days, or international companies with branches in foreign countries and therefore with a different holiday calendar.

This was therefore an essential innovation to allow flexibility and adherence to the real needs of teams, which nowadays are increasingly manifold.

Until now, the calendar in Twproject allowed the definition of weekly working days and company holidays or closures; this calendar applied to all resources and projects.

It also allowed, from the calendar itself, to set the working hours of resources (such as part-time, etc.).

What changes with the development of multiple calendars

As we have seen, a main, customisable corporate calendar is already present in Twproject, and this is what will now be considered the ‘Default‘ calendar.

The difference will be that from now on for each resource, but also for each project, it will be possible to set a different schedule than the default.

But let’s go into detail: what changes with the introduction of multiple calendars in Twproject and how can we set them up?

Creating and editing a calendar

The system administrator can create a new calendar from the administration page, assigning it a name, description and other data that we will now see.

The calendar editor is in fact divided into two sections: the first contains the name, description, weekly working days and the ‘default’ tick.

Multiple calendars configuration

It is possible to define only one default calendar.

Please note: the default selection operation must be done with caution as it has an impact on project durations and workloads.

A change in this respect will not directly change the task data, but on first access on the WBS or Gantt the phases will show any inconsistencies due to changes on the calendar.

The second section of the editor relates to the definition of company holidays and closures.

company's closure or holidays

The first click on a cell defines a holiday with a variable date (Easter, Thanksgiving etc.), the second click sets a fixed holiday (Christmas, New Year etc.).

At this point we will have as many calendars as there are different configurations of working days at company level, whether they are determined by different types of work or geographical conditions.

Multiple calendars on resources

But that is not all: there are also important new features in the work settings section of the resource.

For each resource, the calendar to be used can be set via a drop-down menu.

If “Use default calendar” is chosen, the resource in question will use the calendar marked as default (via the tick we saw in the previous section). In this example, the default calendar is called “Default” and has an *.

multiple calendars on resources

An important new change introduced in this release is that for a resource, working weekdays can be defined, even if they are holidays for the chosen calendar.

This is useful for handling situations where the company generally does not work on Saturdays and Sundays but, for example, the maintenance department does.

Thus, the selected calendar provides public holidays, but working days can be defined for each individual resource.

Similarly to other work data, such as time, cost per hour, etc., the calendar is also inherited from the organisation chart unless otherwise specified.

If the calendar of a department is changed from A to B, all resources of that department that had calendar A will change to B. Those that had calendar C will keep C.

In the example in the image above, we see that the resource ‘Giulia’ uses the default calendar (which has five working days from Monday to Friday), but Giulia, in his specific case, has set Wednesday as non-working and Saturday as working.

Consequently, all interfaces that display the working calendar (such as timesheet, workload, timesheet overview, etc.) will show the non-working days specific to that resource. In the case of Giulia, Wednesday and Sunday.

Multiple calendars on projects

A further step forward is the fact that with the new version it is possible to set a specific timeframe for both the project and the phases.

A new project is always set to the default calendar. In the event of subsequent changes, the name of the chosen calendar will be shown to the right of the dates (as in the image below).

In this way, one could, for example, have a project using the solar calendar (365/365), but operational phases involving specific departments could use a 5/7 calendar.

calendar on projects

In the event that the project calendar is changed, e.g. by adding holidays or company closures, so as to interfere with the task dates, a small alert will be displayed the first time we access the project.

alert on calendar changed

Clicking on the alert will result in a more detailed message, highlighting the points where date changes generated interference.

But how do we change the timing of a project or phase?

To do this, we must use the Gantt diagram; this is because from the Gantt we can immediately see the effects of the change on dates and durations, and there is the possibility of saving at a later date, without the risk of permanently changing the data.

From the options on the project line, we can select the calendar change.

A pop-up will appear for choosing the calendar and deciding whether to try to keep dates or durations.

how to change the calendar on projects

It is optional to keep dates or durations as far as possible. The conditionality is that there is no guarantee that dates can be kept in full (as in the case where a start or end date corresponds to a holiday for the new calendar).

If milestones or binding dates are violated, the system will send a message and will not carry out the requested change. The user must first change the dates appropriately and then make the change.

With this new version, the first time one logs on to the Gantt, a check will be made to ensure that the start date, end date and duration of the project are consistent with the calendar in use.

In previous versions, if the unique calendar had changed, the end date was simply, and silently, recalculated from the start and duration.

In the new version, dates are kept instead and durations are changed accordingly. In the event of discrepancies, we will see an alert.

If milestones had been touched, these would be highlighted, as well as for the phases that had their duration recalculated.

fasi indefinite Gantt

It is sufficient to change even a single piece of data to enable saving and make the new durations definitive.

Effects of multiple calendars on interfaces

Having different calendars on resources and projects also has natural consequences on the appearance of certain Twproject interfaces, such as the Timesheet.

In this case, we note from the bottom line that the employee does not work on Wednesdays and Sundays.

multiple calendas on timesheet

At the same time, however, the projects she works on have different timetables:

  • A.365/365‘ (highlighted in red) is always active
  • B.LMM‘ (in yellow) is active for the first three days of the week
  • C.MMGV‘ (in green) is active from Tuesday to Friday

Users will be able to mark their worklogs freely, while taking into account the information on the timetable of each project, also made clearer by a more comprehensive legenda.

Twproject never inhibits the insertion of worklogs (except in the distant past or in the future), but simply reports the ‘suspicious’ worklog.

For example, if hours worked are recorded on a date that is non-working in both the resource calendar and the project calendar, this will be considered a ‘suspicious’ case, and consequently reported.

In the case of views with several resources, such as the Workload, the different calendars for each resource will be shown:

multi-calendari nel Carico operatori

Or, as in the case of the Timesheet Overview, since this includes an overall group of resources, the company calendar will be shown:

calendar shown in the timesheet overview

However, indications and reports from the calendar of the resources involved will appear within it.

We have seen how the use of multiple calendars for resources and projects can improve and make scheduling more realistic.

Now you just have to try out this important feature, which helps to make Twproject a tool that is always one step ahead of the others.

Twproject’s multiple calendars allow you to make your time management process much more efficient and to achieve greater flexibility in scheduling resources.

All customers using a Twproject cloud licence have already had the update automatically, while those who have Twproject on server can find the new installers here.

Try this and other features free of charge for 15 days. Start planning and setting work schedules now!

The new release is awaiting you

Projects and workload: what you need to know

In project management, evaluating the workload that insists over the resources shoulders plays a fundamental role for the project Happy Ending.

In an ideal world where you work with infinite resources, projects are always in-time.

In the real world, on the other hand, we often have to deal with team members simultaneously involved in multiple projects, which have to manage daily activities and several emergencies.

For this purpose a lot of companies use contractor scheduling software to  better allocatie resources across various projects  and make sure that no team member is overburdened. Optimizing schedules and balancing workloads ensures that projects are completed efficiently and within budget.

In this case, an indication on “sustainability” is essential to understand who and when will be able to positively bring our project to completion.

Duration and effort in workload: which is the difference?

At the beginning, I was surprised by the difficulties that some of our customers face to understand the difference between duration and effort. For many of them the ratio was one to one.

This type of approach is not only wrong in management terms (a phase that lasts 30 days could require an effort of one hour e.g.: waiting for material from a supplier), but implies a total and exclusive allocation of the resource on that one activity.

If this approach works well in the analysis and budgeting phase, it cannot work in the planning phase.

A good question to ask yourself at this point is: “How many hours can a resource work on his project per day?”

To answer correctly, several parameters must be considered:

  • the obvious working hours (full-time, horizontal or vertical part-time)
  • holidays, illnesses, permits etc.
  • what has already been allocated to other projects
  • routine activities
  • spot activities already planned

The first two points are intuitive and partly out of the PM’s control, so we will analyze the others and we will see how they contribute to generating the “workload” of a resource.

Project Activities

A project, or rather a phase, always has a start date, an end date (therefore a duration, usually expressed in working days), and some resources assigned on it.

Each resource must perform the estimated activities for a total of days / hours (effort).

Without going into too much detail, we can evaluate the load on a resource by dividing the estimated hours by the project/phase duration.

For example: a 10 days phase with an effort of 20h generates an average workload of 2h per day or 25% (assuming 8 hours a day).

Easy, at least before the project starts.

But once it get started, what happens if for the first 5 days I have not been able to work on this project?

It happens that I will have to work 20h on 5 remaining days, with a load of 50%.

Therefore in the project activities the hours “not yet done” give an incremental feedback to the workload, accumulating in the remaining days.

incremental feedback to the workload

Having the opportunity to compare the “ideal” situation (the one planned by the PM, without taking into account the done/ not done), with the “real” one (which takes into account the feedback) gives many food for thought and possible corrections.

It is interesting to note that the failure to work on the planned project can be read from the worklog records.

The worklog is an excellent indicator from this point of view, it is a sort of “heartbeat of the project“; if the heart doesn’t beat the project is dead!

What said above consider the “average workload”.
Twproject allows you to plan all the hours or just a part by assigning them directly on the calendar (there are various tools to do this), but the substance does not change; 20h needs to be done in the 10 days of the phase.

If a resource works on several projects at the same time, the calculations can become complicated and for this Twproject helps us by presenting this information in an efficient way.

Balance your resource as we do!

with Twproject you can manage your resource allocation, insert worklog and resolve peaks.

Try Twproject now!

Routine Activities: Do you work eight hours a day?

They are the Cinderella of activities.

Many of us, despite being in the office for 8 hours (at best :-)) can only dedicate a percentage of their time to “real projects”.

We spend a lot of time (note: I didn’t say “we lose it”) in activities not attributable to a project.

In my case: reading incoming emails, department meetings, phone calls, supporting colleagues.

In addition to these generic ones, there can be other more specific ones such as updating, training, document archiving, backup verification, maintenance etc.

How much time do I spend on these activities? Almost 3 hours a day!

I know this with some confidence because, with the help of Twproject, I recorded daily , for years, the hours spent and I know that, on average, the 38% of my time goes like this.

If I were planning a project that involves me 100% for a period longer than a few days, it would definitely go out of dates.

The funniest part is that if someone asked me how many hours I can work on one thing every day by instinct I would say “eight hours“. To avoid these errors it is important to have objective data on which to base our choices and analysis.

The worklog recording is the basis for good planning, not just for good cost control.

I know very well that this is an additional effort and in fact when I tell our clients to record the “lost” hours, the first reaction I get is of the “reluctant / snorting / I get up and walk away” type.

This is why it is important that the worklog registration activity is as “painless” as possible.

On this point Twproject is unbeatable; you can record the worklog at the close of the To-do, with the start-stop buttons, on one / two / three weeks, on the whole month day-by-day, etc .. The overhead is minimal!

With the aim of “measuring” routine activities, having a “cauldron” available where you can put everything that cannot be traced back to a project greatly lightens the recording by helping us to “reach 8“.

We always advise our customers to create a non-project “cauldron” (or “basket” or “BAU” Business As Usual for the more chic ones) which starts on 1/1 and ends on 12/31 for the recording of non-project activities .

After a few months of recordings, you can better understand how long our resources can really devote to their projects.

It also happens that it is necessary to take a look at what went into the “cauldron”; perhaps it could be structured to better “classify” routine activities.

For example this is what we use in Twproject:

Work Breakdown Structure
Business-as-usual structured example

We understand how to use the worklog to calculate the hours we can devote to “real projects”, but how do routine “projects” behave from a work-load point of view?

More or less like real projects. The effort is “spread” evenly over the period.
There is a small difference: they do not have incremental feedback.

Let’s take an example: my support activity to the development team takes me “on average” one hour a day.
If I don’t get support requests today, it’s not necessarily true that I will receive twice as much tomorrow.
In practice, the effort is considered constant over the entire period.
Its graphical representation is a constant bar:

constant effort
Routine activities

Spot Activities

These are activities that take place within a “contract” without knowing first how much and when.

The best example is the interventions to be made on request as part of an annual maintenance contract.

In this case, you can create a “project” that has the same dates as the “contract” and assign resources if necessary.

Since it is difficult to predict the overall effort first, for simplicity we can not specify it and leave it at zero.

If, on the other hand, you want to track it, because a package of hours has been sold to the customer, you can enter them, these will not be considered by the load anyway.

Therefore, unlike projects and routine activities, spot activities do not generate a “spread” load over the duration of the project / contract, but only on that days in which the activities are planned.

With Twproject this can be done directly by assigning ToDo’s or by using the work plan.

A practical example: Giorgio’s workload

Giorgio works in a production company and has been dealing with a specific product for many years, he supports customers who buy it and participates in the development of his customizations.

Giorgio’s daily work is therefore composed of projects of a different types. Let’s create them in Twproject and see how his workload looks.

Giorgio has a general customer support project that lasts all year and takes up more or less a couple of hours a day. This project is routine:

employee's assignment

And this is how the workload will look like:

employee's workload
Routine activity that takes about 2 hours a day – 25%

Giorgio is then involved in a project for a custom product of one of his customers. The phase in which he is involved lasts only 10 days and his effort is estimated at 40 hours.

This is the new assignment:

new assignment

And the new workload evaluated:

project workload
75% load with the addition of a project

Finally, Giorgio has an active support contract with a specific customer, with a 40-hour pay-as-you-go package. Giorgio does not work on this project unless the customer calls him. This activity is spot and even if we insert the effort, the load does not change.

spot activity

But what happens to Giorgio’s load if the customer calls him and they schedule an intervention on the product? Giorgio will create a scheduled ToDo and this will modify his load.

effect of spot activity on workload
Workload with the spot activity scheduled

As can be seen from the image, the commercial activity has stolen some time from the Analysis project and in fact the hours that Giorgio will have to dedicate to it in the remaining days have increased.

These are just 3 simple examples managed by Twproject but which give a good idea of how to map the different types of business activities.

For optimal workload management, it is therefore crucial to estimate the time required to complete each project step and to keep track of the activities involved in the process.

With Twproject 7 we have worked a lot on these aspects and introduced a tool, which using the information of the load “suggests” a “sustainable” project end date for the team.

We have also introduced a tool to quickly solve load peaks and overlaps, because not always everything goes smoothly like our Giorgio, we will see this tool in a dedicated post.

Start now with a proper resource allocation


Calculating working hours of resources: here’s how to do it

Calculating human resources work hours in a company can be a hot topic for employees and employers who may be afraid of the math behind it.

In this article, we will try to clarify the difference between working and non-working hours, the types of hours, the most common challenges companies face, and, most importantly, the solution to this often tricky issue.


Calculating working hours: let’s clarify the differences between working and non-working hours

Working hours are those hours when the employee is required to be on duty, not only in the workplace but also in other sites, as long as they are committed in work-related activities.

Although this is a fairly basic definition, things can get a little more complicated when a team has to move to different locations, such as construction sites.

In general, practice says that when an employee goes to work, for example, what might be the designated place for the day, these are non-working hours.

However, if an employee has clocked in for the day and is asked to transport material to another location, this task falls within the beginning and end of working hours, and actual travel time must still be paid.

As for non-working hours, the matter is more straightforward, as these are when the employee does not work, such as breaks or off-duty hours.

What about training? Usually, when a company requires its employees to obtain specific training, it is required to pay them for those hours.

Conversely, if an employee is interested in taking a course voluntarily, even though such training will benefit their employer, it will not count as working time.

Types of working hours

Different types of working hours determine how working hours are classified for an employee.

  1. calcolo ore di lavoroPart-time hours: Part-time hours are less than full-time hours defined by an employer. Part-time can cover different percentages, such as 50% or 75%, compared to full-time. It is imperative to keep to this schedule and avoid overtime. The danger of having part-time employees working close to or the same number of hours as full-time employees is that they may resent not receiving the same benefits.
  2. Full-time hours: This is the maximum time employees can work in a given period. The standard in Italy is 40 hours for 5 days or 8 hours per day; however, companies worldwide are beginning to institute 4-day work weeks with the same expectations in terms of hours.
  3. Overtime: Overtime refers to hours worked in addition to the 40 hours per week stated in the full-time contract. Overtime hours are paid more than traditional hours. In some companies, overtime hours are not paid but accumulated as “banked hours,” which can be used later to obtain additional hours or weekdays.

Calculating working hours of resources: how to do it with Twproject

Twproject is one of the most efficient project management software on the market, which allows managers to solve the calculation of work hours easily.

calculating work hours

registrare ore di lavoro

The software allows real-time monitoring of the entered worklogs, highlighting any deviations from the plan. It is possible to track the hours worked for each task, project, and team member.

It also allows entire departments to be assigned to a project and have a single assignment on which all can report.

Worklogs will then show employees who have logged hours for a specific department, thus simplifying accounting.

Another feature of Twproject is the ability to visualize the workload of entire departments as well as individuals.

Many parameters are considered to calculate the workload, including:

  • Project Status
  • Planned hours
  • Hours already worked
  • Actual workable hours, taking into account vacation, leave or illness

… And much more.


Having this data, a project manager can then determine the following:

  • The hours worked by a specific resource or department in general
  • The ability to work for a particular day
  • The overall workload

In addition to hourly estimates, Twproject also allows you to monitor the budget closely.

By activating a new feature, entering excess hours in case of an overrun of scheduled hours will no longer be possible.

In case you overrun, an error notification will appear, and the remaining number of hours that can be entered will be shown (if that is the case).

Another new default option involving the cost center can be very useful to project managers when calculating labor hours.

If you change the cost center of a specific activity or resource, all derived tasks will be updated to the new cost center.


An additional advantage of Twproject is its graphical visualization that breaks down the various stages with different colors. This way, any workload variable, such as an employee’s vacation, can be easily identified.

Work time tracking through Twproject is important for companies and employees because:

  • Improves productivity: Enables measurement of time spent on specific tasks;
  • Improves billing accuracy: Billing leaves no room for error as it can also have legal repercussions. Proper calculation of working hours ensures that employees are duly paid and that the company does not suffer overpayments or losses;
  • Improves time management: Using Twproject to calculate labor hours saves the project manager the time that would be spent calculating everything manually;
  • Improve flexibility: More and more companies are moving to remote working. Project manager software not only makes that flexibility possible but also makes it work.

Ultimately, effective management and calculation of working hours are crucial to the success of any business.

Using tools such as Twproject simplifies this process and improves productivity, billing accuracy, and time management, reducing the risk of errors and mishaps.

Adopting such technologies enables companies to remain competitive in an increasingly dynamic and flexibility-driven market while ensuring transparency and justice for workers.

Therefore, the ability to track working hours in real-time and use accurate methods is not only an operational necessity but also a real investment in the organization’s future.


Still in doubt? Well, you can try yourself with a free demo.


From time management to schedule management in projects

Schedule management or project scheduling is the process of project time management through milestones, activities and final results, usually indicating the expected start and end dates.

A schedule or scheduling is the project or program calendar.

This shows how the work will progress over a period of time and takes into account factors such as limited resources and the uncertainty estimation.

This process begins with the work necessary to meet the requirements of the stakeholders.

This includes the technical / practical work that creates the results and the management activity that deals with aspects such as risk management and stakeholder management.

Through careful scheduling, project managers can ensure that each project phase is carefully planned and monitored, improving the probability of success and optimising the use of available resources.

In this article we will explore the various aspects of schedule management, which is essential to ensure the success of a project.

Definition of types of work

Some types of work can be defined much more easily than other types.

Engineering work, for example, tends to have detailed and complete specifications from the start, while some IT activities follow a more iterative approach to define what needs to be done.

The approaches to time calculation must be equally flexible.

In some cases, you can use rigorous techniques to model the work and calculate the detailed times.

In other cases, general estimates have to be made from the start, then, as the project continues, they are constantly refined thanks to the information available.

A detailed model can be used to perform “what-if” calculations and analysis to test the result of potential events.

For example: “what happens if the X resource is not available in February?” Or “what happens if there are unfavorable weather conditions in March?”.

Schedule Management: Rolling Wave Planning

The detailed high-level planning approaches usually follow the so-called  “rolling wave” planning.

Short-term work is generally better defined and can be subject to more rigorous and comprehensive planning.

Long-term work is more vague and subject to changes and will be detailed working progress.

The detail window then moves along the program like a “rolling wave”, literally a rolling wave.

The most commonly used graphic planning form is the Gantt chart.

In its simplest form it uses bars on a horizontal chronological scale to show the beginning, duration and end of the various activities.

setting duration in the Gantt chart

Variants of the Gantt chart can transmit all types of information adapting to the circumstances.

At the end of the work scheduling shows what has been planned and what really happened and can be an important tool in identifying and determining the lessons learned.

How to perform project scheduling

Before deepening  project planning, let’s examine the basics.

You have to ask yourself three questions to start project planning:

  1. What must be done?
  2. By when will it be done?
  3. Who will do it?
to do list schedule management

Once you have the answers to these questions, you can start planning dates, linking activities, setting duration, milestones, and resources.

Following are the necessary steps  to plan a project:

  • Define activities: Using a Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) structure and a deliverable diagram, you can begin to perform these tasks and organize them by mapping the activities needed to complete them in an order compared to what is necessary;
  • Making estimates: Once the activities have been defined and divided, it is necessary to determine the time and effort required to complete them;
  • Determine dependencies: Tasks are not isolated and often it isn’t possible to start a new one until the previous is not completed. This is the so-called dependence of activities;
  • Assign resources: The last step to finalizing the planned program is to decide which resources will be needed to perform these tasks on time.

You will have to choose the project team and the time of the collaborators will have to be planned exactly following the planned activities in the planning.

As the complexity of work increases, it becomes impractical to maintain a single detailed program.

Large-scale projects will often use wave planning in which only short-term work is shown in detail with the long-term work that is shown in summary.

As the amount of management activity increases, it may be useful to create separate delivery plans for different areas such as a communication plan, a technical plan, a marketing plan, etc.

The need for multiple plans is inevitable as the complexity of project increases.

To be effective, the project manager must ensure that similar programming policies are adopted throughout the program.

These policies can be defined in a planning management plan.

The schedule management plan has essentially three parts:

  • Development planning
  • Control
  • Planning of changes

Schedule Management: Development planning

Development planning in schedule management is a crucial aspect for the success of a project.

In this section the procedures for the development and revision of the program are established.

The personnel responsible for the development is identified and the potential contribution of the project team members is discussed.

Written procedures for estimating asset duration and budgets, contingency levels, and resources are specified for the project.

Moreover, if the project is complex, a workforce scheduling software is very often a useful tool to have.

Scheduling check

In this section the procedures for measuring and monitoring the project program are implemented.

Throughout the project, planning deviations and costs should be known or calculated regularly, which requires an estimate of the percentage of completion of each activity according to scheduling.

At this stage it is necessary to have clear answers to the following questions:

  • How will the program be measured?
  • Which units will be used to measure completeness of activities?
  • Who will measure it?
  • How often will it be measured?

To measure project progress, it is important to clearly define measurement methodologies.

These may include techniques such as Earned Value Management (EVM), which integrates time and cost measurements to provide a comprehensive view of project progress against the project timeline.

Identifying who will be responsible for measurement is crucial to ensure the accuracy and consistency of the data collected.

Often, the project manager or a member of the quality control team may be in charge of this task. It is essential that they are trained in the use of monitoring tools and techniques.

The frequency of measurements must be established in order to provide timely and useful data for decision-making.

Measurements could be conducted weekly, monthly, or at major project milestones. The frequency should be sufficient to quickly identify and address any problems.

Scheduling changes

Normally, any change to the initial project planning must be communicated and approved.

In fact, in most cases, someone has initially approved the project budget and deadline and expects to receive results accordingly.

That person is usually called the “project sponsor“.

And it is the project sponsor together, often, to the stakeholders who must be informed and approve all the changes to the initial planning.

schedule management, time management
                                                                                                                                         Thanks for the image to  Watch List

Here are the basic questions to consider in this case:

  • What are the appropriate reasons for a change of program?
  • How much notice do you need?
  • Who must approve the changes?

Project planning is probably one of the most difficult jobs of a project manager, but the coordination of delivery dates on estimates can be simplified and made more efficient when you have gained experience and when using appropriate software for schedule management.

To sum up, proper scheduling supported by effective project management software such as Twproject allows the project team to work in a coordinated manner, monitoring progress and adapting to changes in real time.

This combination of skills and technology tools not only facilitates meeting deadlines, but also improves overall project quality and stakeholder satisfaction.

What are your experiences with project scheduling? Write us your comment here.

Start planning your projects.

Schedule resources in projects

Scheduling resources into projects means using your company’s productive resources more efficiently and smartly in a highly competitive and volatile global marketplace.

To make the most of available resources, it is critical to follow the resource management plan and avoid any wastage that could impact the final outcome of the project.

You should always remember that resources are limited, and to achieve the full potential of its limited resources, an organization must set up a proper resource scheduling process.

What is resource scheduling?

Scheduling means identifying and allocating resources for a specific period to various types of activities.

I project manager estimate resource requirements needed to meet the end results and resource allocation is performed based on these.

Each project is an integration of several activities that require certain niche skills to yield tangible results.

It is up to the project manager and ensuring that the right resource is working on the right task at the right moment.

If the resource’s skills are not aligned with the project activities, or if the activity is being performed at the wrong time, the quality of the project will be jeopardized and unsatisfactory results will be achieved.

Therefore, it is imperative that the project manager keep a close eye on workforce availability. For example, if a critical resource is booked for several projects at once, that resource may be at risk of burnout.

Moreover, every activity has its own defined timeline, and it is the project manager’s responsibility to ensure that the project is delivered on time while meeting project constraints and within within budget.

If resources are not planned and scheduled in an efficient manner, it will lead to delays in task execution and, in the worst cases, could even bring the project to a halt.

Best practices for efficient project resource scheduling

Resource scheduling is not just about filling the gap by planning or allocating resources to projects, it is more than that.

A thorough resource scheduling solution includes enterprise-wide resource planning, utilization management, tracking actual values, etc.

Best practices for efficiently scheduling project resources include:

  • Creating a work breakdown structure that defines all the essential elements of the project and outlines task dependencies alongside required skills. Once the details are sorted out, project managers or coordinators can identify activities and schedule resources with the right skills for the project activities.
  • Resource optimization techniques to better manage projects. These might be, for example, resource leveling or resource smoothing.
  • Centralize resource planning: in order to centralize resource planning, there should be one schedule for the entire company from which each project manager can get information. This enables planning and scheduling to be performed in real time by multiple stakeholders and ensures that there is no double booking of a resource.
  • Track skills in real time so you can assign the right people to the right tasks. Individuals are assigned to the right project based on skills, experience, qualifications, location, cost ratio, etc. This information needs to be up-to-date at all times so that you have a clear and factual picture of the situation.

It is essential to integrate advanced technological tools that support these activities.

The use of project management software such as Twproject not only simplifies scheduling and resource management, but also improves communication and collaboration between team members, ensuring that each task is executed according to plan.

4 strategies to better manage project resources

Here are further strategies that can be adopted to better manage project resources:

  1. Using project management software for real-time visualisation: Twproject allows managers to view the current status of each resource, including workload and availability. This helps prevent work overload and redistribute resources more efficiently.
  2. Implementation of alert and notification systems: configure automatic alerts to warn project managers when a resource is at risk of overload or when deadlines are approaching. This proactive system helps to keep projects on time and on budget.
  3. Training and continuous competence development: investing in the training of resources not only increases their effectiveness but also their flexibility in being allocated to different projects. Twproject can help track acquired competencies and competence gaps, thus enabling a more informed planning of training needs.
  4. Regular review and adaptation of plans: with Twproject, project plans are not static but can be updated and adapted according to project progress and changing market conditions. This ensures that the scheduling of resources always remains optimal, regardless of the challenges that arise during the course of the project.

How does scheduling resources benefit organizations?

An effective resource scheduling system will yield huge benefits within a company:

  • Maintains and raises project quality

Having the right person with the right skills is fundamental to ensuring that a project is finished on time and with proper quality. Without an efficient scheduling, the project manager will allocate underqualified or inadequate resources to the tasks, which may lead to budget and schedule overruns, compromising project quality and resulting in low client satisfaction.

  • Enables proactive capacity planning with data-driven forecasting

You can predict resource demand for a project to identify resource shortages or over-allocations. You can then adjust project timelines, retrain current employees, or hire a contingent workforce in advance.

  • Improves profitability

Billable resource utilization is a key KPI for a company to provide profitability and sustainability.

managing and scheduling resource workload

Choosing a resource scheduling software

Many projects can benefit from project management software such as Twproject, which includes a section dedicated to scheduling projects and resources in greater detail.

This allows stakeholders to easily visualize the entire project lifecycle planning process and, in detail, resource scheduling.

The software you will choose varies depending on your project planning methods, but you must ensure that you will be able to produce Gantt charts easily and efficiently.

Also, with this type of software, you can centralize your company’s resource planning; a point we previously mentioned as a best practice in resource scheduling.

Over budget or over deadline for a project are the main problems that many companies face.

This occurs primarily due to last-minute error corrections-because they were not timely noticed-and improvements that often take longer than initially anticipated.

Projects that were on the right track suddenly fall behind schedule, resulting in costing much more than expected, not to mention the quality of results that the client finds unsatisfactory.

Planning and scheduling a project’s resources is therefore a great way to avoid these problems.

Manage resources of your projects with Twproject.

The best workload management software of 2024

Are you looking for the best software for the workload management within your team? We are here to guide you in your choice.

Workload management is a crucial activity for every project manager.

Perhaps, even more than project management itself, it is important to take into account how tasks are assigned, to whom they are assigned, and why.

All of these, if done empirically, can generate chaos. Inequalities are inevitable if we do not carefully plan the load allocated to each resource.

We have already seen how to calculate operator load and what the benefits are in doing so.

Today we will try to answer this question: who do I rely on to do it most effectively?

But first, let’s focus for a moment on the underlying reasons for wise management of this issue.

Workload management: three crucial factors

The first aspect may seem obvious, but it is often undervalued when planning project assignments.

There is a tendency in some cases to neglect the overall view and therefore it may happen that we distribute tasks to fully-loaded resources.

This happens because the load is only taken into account at a later stage, when it should be the first aspect to consider when assessing the feasibility of the project itself.

When such a mistake happens, delays and slippage of phases and deadlines are inevitable, leading to disordered planning.

Secondly, another fundamental objective in managing the workload is the search for balance.

Several studies claim that an excessive load not only does not improve productivity, but instead it blocks it.

Thus, efficient load management not only reduces costs and increases productivity, but also fosters job satisfaction and prevents burnout.

The challenge for the project manager is to allocate the right load to the team members: this must not be excessive but at the same time must be well balanced among all the people involved.

This will result in a greater sense of fairness and consequently commitment and involvement from the entire team.

We therefore recommend that the activity of allocation distribution and load management is transparent.

This transparency in task allocation is only possible when using a shared system.

A good platform will therefore serve not only the project manager to calculate assignments and loads, but also the recipients of assignments, to know that they are not overloaded and that they can share the work with the other resources involved.

What features should a workload management software have

It is not easy to assign tasks to operators, taking into account priorities, delegating tasks to the right person and checking their availability.

Doing this procedure manually is practically impossible and extremely time-consuming, unless we rely on good software.

One of the crucial points is to find suitable software that carries out workload management automatically. The software will necessarily have to be linked to project and task management, so that we do not have to enter data several times.


Therefore, integration with other functions is a fundamental aspect to look for in a management tool.

Workload management can never be detached from context. That is why there is no software that is solely dedicated to this function.

It is also important that our tool allows us to enter data in an intelligent and simplified manner, without having to repeat the same information within the various sections.

Task distinction

Another tip we give you is to look for software that distinguishes the different types of activities.

On a practical level, in fact, we know that not all working hours are spent in the same way.

There are the routine activities, i.e. ‘business as usual’: meetings, mail processing, supporting colleagues and so on. Depending on the task, this type of activity will have less or more impact on the daily load, but in any case a percentage of our time is spent this way on average.

Then there are the projects with a start and end date, with a planned workload to be done by those dates.

Finally, there are the activities that are not planned within a certain period, but are determined by, for example, a support contract that stipulates a certain number of yearly support hours. These hours constitute the so-called ‘spot’ activities.

These three types of activities do not behave in the same way when we calculate the workload.

In fact, the routine activity hours do not sum up to the following days in the event of absence or commitment on other fronts.

Conversely, project activity hours, if not carried out for whatever reason, are redistributed over the following days until the end date of the project.

And finally, spot activities are not normally included in the daily load, but are only included when an ad hoc intervention is planned for a certain day.

Having a tool that distinguishes between these three types of activities will make workload management much more realistic and useful for consistent planning purposes.

And here we come to the point.

Which software gives us the best performance in terms of workload management? Let’s find it out together.

1. Twproject

Twproject workload management

Twproject is a comprehensive project management software. It offers refined and precise workload management, which makes our work much easier thanks to its automations.

This workload mangement software bases its calculation on two pieces of information: the duration of the project and the estimated work for a resource.

Its algorithm optimises time and when two projects overlap within the same days, Twproject intelligently redistributes the load over the following days, thus not changing the duration of the projects.

If the limit is exceeded, Twproject reports the overload, thus inviting the project manager to revise the timetable or the assignments (i.e. the two basic data provided at the beginning).

The workload interacts with the to-do list and the calendar. The information entered in these fields is automatically carried over to the workload page, which saves a lot of time when making entries.

Moreover, as resources enter their work done, Twproject’s dynamic load automatically redistributes the remaining hours.

Best features:

  • distinction between project, routine and spot activities
  • dynamic redistribution of the load
  • possibility of customising the working time of resources in any way
  • integration with the calendar, Gantt, assignments and to-do lists
  • effective notifications in case of overload
  • agile conflict resolution (even with a single click)

Pricing: from € 7.89 per user/month.

Pros: The workload in Twproject is the result of many years of experience in the field, which has led to the development of an excellent tool that is able to take every need into account. Its operation is intuitive and helps to carry out realistic and accurate planning.

Cons: In our opinion, no flaws exist.

Thanks to its automation and dynamism, Twproject leaves no margin for improvisation, preventing overload and helping you balance your team’s work.

2. Toggl

Toggl workload management

Toogl is another workload management tool with good functionality and some automations.

It aims to help balance the workload capacity of the team and adjust the project load accordingly.

In particular, this tool shows some attention to the visual aspect, but may be a little tricky for beginners.

It has a specific focus on staff well-being and a reporting system aimed at preventing burnout.

One of its types of alerts, for example, suggests when it is appropriate to hire new staff within the company.

Best features:

  • Availability overview accessible on all team timelines
  • Rescheduling of tasks and reallocation of resources via drag and drop
  • Importing data from Google calendar
  • Conflict reporting
  • Visualisation customised according to the role of the resource
  • Scheduling of total hours is only possible at task level and not at project level

Pricing: from $ 9 per user/month.

Pro: Toggl has a good interface and its workload analysis method is well planned. It is a software that offers a good overview thanks to its dashboard.

Cons: Despite a good user interface, Toggl does not offer an equally good user experience. It is somewhat lacking in future planning tools.

A good tool for those whose primary goal is to avoid overloading, but which requires a certain amount of experience in the field.

3. Hive

Hive workload management

In Hive, the load management function, or ‘Resourcing’ as it is called here, is only available for the Enterprise licence.

Its peculiarity is that the process starts with the allocations of resources and then the system determines the timing of the projects accordingly.

Therefore, Hive is characterised by a high focus on internal resource management and is suitable for those who use this specific procedure.

Its resourcing capabilities are also useful in project management, and to allocate time and budget appropriately.

The ultimate goal is for all employees to work at the best of their potential.

Best features:

  • resourcing dashboard from which the manager can retrieve availability for assignments
  • automatic load allocation after entering assignee, date and estimated time
  • use of workspaces for team creation
  • use of filters
  • indication of overruns by different colours
  • possibility of displaying the load in hours or in percentages
  • customisation in the display of assignments among team members

Pricing: from $ 12 per user/month.

Pros: Hive has an inviting interface and at the same time offers a good level of customisation. Its automations are effective and the approval and review system is very detailed.

Cons: Despite being a collaborative tool, Hive has few security measures for data disclosure. Furthermore, at the task assignment level, this tool does not provide for document sharing.

A good tool for those who choose, as a calculation methodology, to start from the availability of resources to establish project timelines.

4. Zoho

Zoho workload management

Zoho aims at an equal distribution of work in order to strengthen collaboration within the team.

Specifically, this software is not a single tool, but a kind of mosaic composed of various applications that can be optionally integrated.

Thus, one does not necessarily have all the functions and this can limit one’s work to some extent and be dispersive.

Best features:

  • Multiple ways of displaying the load
  • ‘Heatmap’ to display the free time of each resource
  • Resource utilisation graphs
  • Possibility of task automation

Pricing: from $ 5 per user/month.

Pros: The main feature of Zoho is the option for customisation, both in terms of the tools used and the data visualisation. Overall, it is an easy-to-use tool with a good level of intuitiveness.

Cons: The need to integrate several apps of the Zoho family in order to have complete management may discourage some users. This also makes the whole infrastructure of Zoho scarcely compatible with other apps.

A composite tool for those who want workload management that can be customised at will according to specific needs

5. nTask

nTask workload management

As its name implies, this workload management software focuses on the management of daily tasks, and therefore has many functionalities related to them, such as task automation, task-related reports and so on.

Therefore, workload management also starts from the tasks entered rather than from a general project schedule.

This aspect makes nTask more suitable for small teams or self-employed workers.

Tasks can be distributed among resources with a kind of kanban board showing the workload.

Best features:

  • Kanban-style load view
  • new tasks assignable via drag and drop
  • Rescheduling according to various parameters (date change or resource commitment change)
  • Filters for customising view or sorting
  • Load settable in percentage or FTE (Full-Time Equivalents)

Pricing: from $ 8 per user/month.

Pros: nTask has good security and also information sharing functions. In the event of an overrun, it allows you to choose how to solve the conflict, as it has various possibilities for adjustment.

Cons: Being designed for small teams or freelancers, it is not very user-friendly when there are several projects going on. It also lacks advanced reporting.

An agile tool with some useful insights, more suitable for freelancers or small teams than for large companies.

Bottom line

To sum up, we have seen that workload management is the process that identifies, monitors and manages the work of a team. Within this framework, there are different ways of carrying out the process and the various tools on the market represent these methodological choices.

It is hence from the choice of tool that project managers can let their skills shine: the right path must be found, taking into account team size, sector, use cases and project style.

We hope this short guide will help you choose the best workload management software for your company.

If you like, share your opinion with us and start planning your load now: with Twproject you can do it for free for the first 15 days.

How to build a cross-functional team in your business

Building a cross-functional team in your company is key to business success.

In a modern, competitive work environment, businesses must be able to adapt quickly and respond to challenges that arise.

But how can you build a cross-functional team? What value does it bring to the company? Let’s find out.

Why it is crucial to create a cross-functional team in your business

Cross-functional teams are work groups consisting of members from different business areas. These teams are often assembled to work on projects that require skills and knowledge from various departments, such as marketing, sales, engineering, and customer support.

A cross-functional team in a company serves to achieve goals that require close and integrated collaboration among different roles or departments within the organization. Here are some of the main goals and objectives:

  • Better communication: they can help improve communication between people from different departments. This can result in better understanding and collaboration.
  • Productivity boost: they help increase productivity by leveraging the skills and resources of people from different departments or areas.
  • Cost reduction: Cross-functional teams can help reduce costs, as they can prevent redundancy in efforts and resources.
  • Strategic alignment: they can help ensure that different parts of your company’s organization are aligned with its strategic goals, thus making it easier to have a shared vision and joint commitment.

7 benefits in creating a cross-functional team in your company

While traditional or functional teams focus on specific tasks within a single area, cross-functional teams combine various skills and perspectives to address more complex and dynamic challenges.

Their unique formation, goals, and operating methods make them well-suited to foster innovation, flexibility, and collaboration within the organization.

However, they can also come with unique challenges in managing and building group dynamics.

Let’s take a look at some advantages of having a cross-functional team in your company:

1. Innovation: combining different skills, experiences, and perspectives can foster creativity and yield new and innovative solutions. Each team member can bring their unique perspective, challenging traditional approaches and promoting innovative thinking.

2. Better communication: a cross-functional team promotes communication between different departments or sectors of a company. This can help break down the “silos” that often form within organizations, improving collaboration and understanding between different departments.

3. Efficiency and speed: by assembling all the necessary expertise in one team, decision-making becomes faster and more efficient. Instead of seeking approval or input from different departments, teams can work more agilely and respond quickly to changes.

4. Resource optimization: a cross-functional team can work with greater synergy and leverage available resources more effectively. This can yield higher productivity and better resource allocation.

5. Better troubleshooting: The diversity of skills and knowledge of the team allows a more thorough assessment of problems. This provides a faster and more accurate solution by considering different aspects of the issue.

6. Professional development: team members can learn from each other, enriching their skills and promoting professional growth. Collaboration between individuals with different skills can increase mutual understanding and promote the development of new skills.

7. Greater employee engagement: working in a collaborative and dynamic environment can boost employee satisfaction and engagement. Being part of a cross-functional team often means having greater control and responsibility, which can improve motivation.

Achieving these benefits involves careful management and the use of appropriate practices and tools to support cross-functional collaboration.

team interfunzionale aziendale

How to create a cross-functional team in your company

Cross-functional teams are often assembled to work on projects that require skills and knowledge from different departments, such as marketing, sales, engineering, and customer support.

Let’s take a look at some tips for project managers on how to build a cross-functional team in their company:

-Clearly define your team’s goals. What is the team’s goal? What is desired to be achieved? Having clear goals will help the team stay focused and motivated.

-Choose your team members carefully. Ensure team members have the skills and knowledge needed to complete their project. They should also be able to work well together and be open-minded.

-Create a collaborative work environment. Cross-functional teams must be able to communicate and collaborate effectively. Project managers must foster an environment where team members feel comfortable sharing ideas and feedback.

-Provide your team with the resources they need. Team members must be provided with the resources they need to complete their project. This includes time, money, equipment, and software.

-Measure your team’s progress. Monitoring your team’s progress and implementing any necessary changes along the way is crucial. This will help ensure the team is on track to achieve its goals.

How to manage cross-functional teams with Twproject

Twproject is a project management tool that can be extremely valuable in managing cross-functional teams. Here’s how:

  • Planning and tracking: Twproject offers planning features that allow you to assign tasks, set deadlines, and establish priorities. This helps employees clearly understand their roles and responsibilities, boosting collaboration and efficiency.
  • Smooth communication: Its platform offers built-in communication tools that make it easier for team members to exchange information. This is particularly important in a cross-functional team, where communication between different departments can be challenging.
  • Progress monitoring: Twproject makes it easy to monitor the status and progress of your projects, providing a clear overview of where the team is concerning goals. This helps managers take early action if something is not going according to plan.
  • Resource management: this tool provides features for resource management, allowing you to see who is available and who is overburdened with work. This can help balance workload among cross-functional team members, ensuring that skills are used as effectively as possible.
  • Real-time collaboration: Twproject’s collaboration tools allow team members to work jointly on documents and files, sharing ideas and feedback in real time. This is key to promoting a collaborative work environment.
  • Customized reporting: Twproject offers the option of creating custom reports that can provide key insights regarding team performance and project progress. This can help pinpoint areas where there is room for improvement.
  • Integration with other tools: This software can be integrated with other tools used by your company, ensuring that all information is conveniently accessible in one place. This integration can further streamline workgroup
  • Mobile access: Mobile access allows team members to stay connected and up-to-date wherever they are. This is particularly beneficial in a cross-functional environment where team members may be located across multiple locations.
  • Customization: The option to customize its interface and functionality according to your company’s specific needs means that Twproject can be tuned to support the unique dynamics of cross-functional teams specifically.

Simply put, a cross-functional team is intended to build a dynamic and responsive unit within an organization, capable of facing complex challenges and contributing to the growth and development of its members.

Its application can be a key factor in a company’s flexibility, competitiveness, and success.

Work together with your team effectively


How to manage multiple teams in a project

Working with more than one team can be challenging.

In an increasingly globalized and connected world, it is ever more common for projects to involve multiple groups based in different locations or continents.

Therefore, it can be quite a challenge for project managers to find ways to coordinate the activities of these different teams effectively.

In this article, we will look at the main challenges involved in managing multiple teams in a project and explore some of the best practices for successfully managing multiple teams.

Challenges in managing multiple teams

Managing multiple teams in a project comes with its own unique set of challenges, such as:

    • Cultural and language diversity: Members of different work groups may come from different cultures and speak different languages, making communication and collaboration difficult.
    • Physical distance: Members of different work groups may be based in different locations, making it challenging to manage meetings and monitor activities.
    • Lack of coordination:Work groups may have different goals and priorities, resulting in conflicts and delays.

5 mistakes you should avoid when managing work groups

Managing multiple teams in a project is a challenging matter that requires special care.

By preventing these mistakes and taking a proactive and mindful approach, project managers can successfully manage multiple teams, ensuring that each group works effectively and harmoniously toward common goals.

Here are some common mistakes you should avoid:

  1. Not distinguishing the priorities of different teams: Each team has its own goals and priorities. Treating all groups equally without recognizing their unique needs can lead to confusion and frustration. It is crucial to understand the particularities of each team and allocate resources accordingly.
    1. Lack of communication between teams: When several teams work on different aspects of a project, poor communication can lead to overlaps or shortcomings. Setting up clear and regular communication channels between teams is critical to ensure everyone is aligned.
    2. Not ensuring that all groups work the same way: Each team has its own dynamics and way of working. Forcing a standardized approach can be counterproductive. Instead, it is essential to recognize and value each team’s different approaches.
    3. Avoiding conflicts Instead of facing them: with more than one team involved, tensions or disagreements are unavoidable. Ignoring these conflicts and hoping that they will resolve spontaneously can make the situation worse. It is better to address tensions and find collaborative solutions proactively.
    4. Not defining roles and responsibilities clearly: in a setting where there is more than one team, it can become confusing about the duties of each. Ensuring each team member knows their role and responsibilities prevents misunderstandings and duplication.

How to manage multiple work groups in a project with Twproject

come gestire più team nei progetti

1. Define a clear shared goal

First of all, it is critical to have a clear common goal. This goal must be understood and shared by all members of the different groups.

When each group member has a clear understanding of the expected deliverable, they are more likely to work in synergy with others to achieve it.

With Twproject’s help, for example, you can define clear goals for each project and assign them to specific work groups. These goals can be monitored and updated in real-time, ensuring everyone is aligned and working toward the same goal.

2. Promote information sharing

Effective exchange of information is essential to ensure that each group can work efficiently.

This not only helps prevent misunderstandings but also ensures that all members are kept up-to-date about the latest news and project progress. This can be done through online communication tools such as chat, video conferencing, and project management systems.

Twproject offers a built-in communication system that allows each group member to share information effectively. You can create threads, share documents, and keep track of conversations in one place, ensuring that information flows smoothly.

3. Build an efficient workgroup

An efficient work group consists of dedicated individuals who bring different skills and viewpoints to the table. This diversity can be a valuable asset, yet only if it is properly managed.

It is vital that each member is respected and valued for their skills and that there is an environment in which group members can learn from each other.

4. Clearly define roles and responsibilities

It is essential to define the roles and responsibilities of each team member clearly. This will help in preventing confusion and conflict. Roles and responsibilities should be clearly documented and communicated to all team members.

Using Twproject, specific roles and responsibilities can be defined for each team member. This way, everyone will have a clear view of their responsibilities and assigned tasks.

5. Monitor and evaluate regularly

One of the keys to successfully managing multiple teams is to monitor progress and gauge the effectiveness of strategies employed regularly. This way, you can quickly pinpoint problems and make the necessary changes before they become severe obstacles to project success.

Twproject provides advanced planning tools, such as Gantt charts, that allow each group’s activities to be planned and monitored thoroughly. Constant monitoring of activities helps to detect deviations early and take corrective action.

6. Promote collaboration among groups

Although each group may have specific goals, it is essential to promote collaboration among teams. You can do this through regular coordination meetings, workshops, and team-building sessions. When groups work well together, the project as a whole is more likely to be successful.

Bottom line, Twproject is a one-stop software that offers all the features you need to manage multiple teams successfully. From planning to communication, monitoring to reporting, it provides everything you need to ensure the success of your project.

Work together with your team effectively


How to measure the department’s workload

A department’s workload is a key indicator for understanding the efficiency and productivity of a team within an organization.

By measuring workload, you can easily spot any problems or imbalances and take measures to improve efficiency and productivity.

So, how can you measure it effectively?

Here are some steps to take into consideration.

Steps for measuring a department’s workload

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1. Define the workload

First of all, it is essential to define what is meant by “departmental workload.” A department must handle this volume of activities and tasks in a given period.

This can include projects, daily tasks, meetings, and other responsibilities. The key is to envision what needs to be done clearly.

Accurately defining the workload means outlining and quantifying these activities, ensuring a solid foundation for subsequent analysis and management steps.

2.  Analyze the resources involved in the process

After defining the workload, it is crucial to examine the resources available. This is not limited to counting the number of people in the department but requires a thorough analysis of each individual’s skills, experience, and abilities.

Understanding the potential and limitations of each team member is critical in determining whether the department has adequate resources to deal with the expected workload.

3.  Use project management software

Workload management can benefit significantly from using project management tools such as Twproject.

These software programs provide a detailed and organized view of current activities, upcoming deadlines, and project status.

With Twproject, you can assign specific tasks, track the time spent on each task, and gauge the overall efficiency of the department, ensuring optimal resource management.

4. Monitor and analyze your data

Once the tools and processes are implemented, monitoring and analyzing the data is essential. This will help identify bottlenecks, areas of inefficiency, and opportunities for improvement. Data can be used to make informed decisions and changes to increase the department’s efficiency.

5. Review and update your processes

No department remains static. Needs, priorities, and workload can evolve.

Consequently, it is essential to periodically review the processes and strategies adopted, making the necessary changes to ensure that the department can always respond effectively and timely to new challenges. This continuous review ensures that management is agile and adaptable to changing business needs.

Measuring a department’s workload: benefits

What are the real benefits of accurate workload measurement? And how can it positively affect the entire business ecosystem?

  • Resource optimization: knowing the workload enables efficient resource allocation, ensuring each department member is employed to the best of their ability.
  • Better planning: a clear understanding of workload helps plan activities, ensuring deadlines are met, and projects are completed on time.
  • Identification of bottlenecks: measuring workload can highlight areas of congestion or overload, allowing early action to resolve such problems.
  • Increased productivity: regular monitoring of workload can lead to greater efficiency, reducing wasted time and increasing the department’s overall productivity.
  • Improved employee well-being: a balanced workload prevents employee overload, reducing stress and improving job satisfaction.
  • Forecasting and preparation: knowing the current and future workload allows the department to prepare for work peaks or quiet periods adequately.
  • Continuous improvement: workload analysis can lead to discovering areas for improvement promoting innovation and efficiency within the department.
  • Transparency and communication: measuring and sharing workload can improve communication within the department and other parts of the organization, promoting greater understanding and collaboration.
  • Performance evaluation: measurement can be used as a metric in performance evaluations, helping to identify team members who excel and those who may need additional support or training.

In summary, measuring departmental workload provides a clear overview of current operations, enabling more effective and informed management of resources and activities.

How to measure a department’s workload with Twproject

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With the evolution of Twproject, workload measurement is no longer limited only to individuals but also to departments.

This innovation provides a broader and more detailed view of current operations.

Workload calculation in Twproject takes into account many essential parameters: dates, status and type of projects, estimated assignments, hours planned through the plan and/or ToDo’s, hours workable considering leave, vacation, and illness, and hours already worked for each assignment of each department member.

Once this data has been analyzed, the algorithm undertakes to optimize the allocation of resources, trying to provide as truthful a representation of the workload as possible.

This is based on several factors, including the hours worked by the resource (both individual and departmental), daily work capacity (which takes into account working hours and can vary from day to day), and overall load, calculated as the sum of all contributions.

A distinctive aspect of Twproject is the graphical workload display, where different colors represent different phases or projects. If multiple resources are assigned to the same stage or project, the box displayed represents the combined total of all contributions.

In addition, unavailabilities, such as vacation or leave, are clearly indicated in a pale pink color, providing a clear view of planned absences.

In conclusion, workload measurement is an important process for companies of all sizes to improve their efficiency, productivity, and employee well-being.

Work together with your team effectively


Reviewing an issue in the production process

Issues in the production process in the modern industrial world are common and can harm a company’s efficiency and profitability.

These problems range from minor hiccups to severe failures that can undermine the entire production line.

Reviewing these problems is not only a core part of project managers working in industrial manufacturing but can be a complex and multifaceted challenge.

Identifying and solving these problems involves a thorough grasp of the production process, knowledge of the possible causes of such issues, and the ability to implement effective solutions.

In this article, we will go into detail on dealing with problems in the production process, from techniques for identifying and analyzing causes to choosing and implementing the most appropriate solutions.

1. Identify the problem in the production process

Identifying an issue in the production process is the first and crucial step in reviewing any industrial problem.

This step requires a thorough and detailed analysis of every facet of the production process, and clarity is paramount.

First, it is crucial to ascertain the type of problem. It may be a defect in the final product, such as a poorly assembled part or low-quality material. Alternatively, the problem could be a delay in the production chain, such as faulty equipment or a late material delivery.

Pinpointing the problem is another crucial aspect. Determining exactly where the problem lies in the production process, whether at the beginning, middle, or end of the production chain, is imperative to understanding the entity and impact of the problem.

Identifying the problem often involves using diagnostic tools, visual inspections, or customer feedback. Using advanced technologies, such as sensor technology, can be particularly beneficial at this stage for accurate diagnosis.

Documenting the problem is another crucial step. Documenting the problem clearly and accurately through photos, video recordings, or detailed written reports ensures that all relevant information is available for analysis and resolution.

Communicating the issue to all stakeholders, including team members, suppliers, and, if necessary, customers, is a pivotal step. Clear communication can prevent further misunderstandings or delays and ensure everyone is on the same page.

Assessing the impact of the problem on the production process as a whole is also an important aspect. This assessment can help determine the urgency and priority of the solution, ensuring that resources are allocated appropriately.

Lastly, depending on how intricate the issue is, it may be useful to involve experts in the field, such as engineers or technical specialists. Their experience and expertise can provide a deeper assessment and guidance toward a more effective solution.

2. Analyze what causes the problem

Analyzing the causes becomes the next crucial step after accurately identifying the issue in the production process.

This step involves more than simply identifying the problem and getting to the very core of what caused it. Here is how an effective root cause analysis can be carried out:

  • Data collection: Collecting accurate and relevant data is critical. Collecting information from different departments, such as production, quality, and logistics, may be necessary.
  • Use of specific tools: Tools such as the Ishikawa Diagram (fishbone diagram) or the 5 W’s Method (Who, What, When, Where, Why) can be used to analyze root causes.
  • Process analysis: Examining existing processes and practices can unveil where errors or inefficiencies may have occurred.
  • Staff interviews: Talking to the staff involved can provide valuable insights about the source of the problem.
  • Technical assessment: Technical assessment using advanced diagnostic tools, such as 3D scanning or vibration analysis, may be necessary to understand the source of the problem.
  • Temporal analysis: Understanding when the problem first occurred can help identify the causes. Trend analysis over time can be beneficial.
  • Interdisciplinary collaboration: Working with experts from different fields within the organization can provide a more comprehensive picture of possible causes.
  • Environmental impact assessment: External factors such as environmental conditions can sometimes play a factor in the issue. Assessing these aspects can be crucial.
  • Documentation and reporting: Creating a detailed report that documents the root cause analysis helps in immediate resolution and future prevention.

Root cause analysis is a complex process that requires a deep understanding of the issue and a systematic methodology to explore all possible causes.

The goal is not only to fix the current problem but also to prevent it from reoccurring in the future. Clarity, precision, and proper tools and techniques are essential to ensure this step is conducted successfully.

3. Implement solutions in the production process

Implementing solutions in the production process is the step where the discoveries made during problem identification and root cause analysis become concrete actions.

Solutions can be simple or complex, but an effective solution usually requires a focused approach.

Here are some key aspects to take into consideration:

  • Solution definition: First, it is necessary to define the solution clearly. It may be a change in a process, adding a new tool, or providing additional staff training.
  • Planning: Creating a comprehensive plan with clear deadlines, responsibilities, and goals helps keep implementation on track.
  • Interested parties involved: Communicating and involving all interested parties, from employees to suppliers, ensures that everyone is aligned and involved in the process.
  • Monitoring and control: Implementation of monitoring and control mechanisms to assess the solution’s effectiveness during implementation may include regular reviews or using software such as Twproject for monitoring.
  • Flexibility: Be prepared to adapt to unforeseen changes or obstacles during implementation. Flexibility can be the key to overcoming obstacles.
  • Impact assessment: Assess the solution’s impact on the production process as a whole, including long-term effects and possible unintended consequences.
  • Documentation: For future reference, document every aspect of implementation, including accomplishments and lessons learned.
  • Training and support: Continuous training and support can be essential to ensure the solution is successfully integrated and maintained over time.
  • Implementing solutions in the production process is a task that requires considerate planning, clear communication, and effective resource management. Whether the solution is simple or complex, a focused and systematic approach is often the key to ensuring that the solution not only solves the current problem but also helps improve the overall efficiency and quality of the production process.

4.   Monitor the production process flow

Constant monitoring is a key step in the process of reviewing a problem in the production process.

It is not just a one-time audit but a regular effort to ensure that the implemented solutions work as intended and that no new problems arise.

Monitoring can be done manually through regular inspections, data reviews, and meetings with staff to discuss the progress of the process. This monitoring requires constant effort and clear communication between all parties involved.

However, in the modern industrial scenario, advanced digital tools can supplement or even replace manual monitoring.

Twproject project management software stands out as a must-have tool in this context. It offers real-time monitoring capabilities that provide instant and accurate insight into the production process.

With Twproject, project managers can set alerts and notifications to be notified immediately if something goes wrong.

They can also use customized dashboards to visualize key metrics and analyze trends over time.

This type of digital monitoring enhances efficiency and accuracy, allowing a quicker response if problems emerge.

Furthermore, constant monitoring through software can facilitate collaboration between different departments and levels of the organization, ensuring that everyone is aligned and informed.

Whether done manually or through tools like Twproject, continuous monitoring requires constant commitment, a deep understanding of the process, and a willingness to adapt and respond quickly to emerging challenges.

5 tips for reviewing a problem in the production process

Reviewing a problem in the production process is a challenging task that requires various skills, tools, and approaches.

Here are some key suggestions that can help guide this process:

  • Clear communication: Clear communication is critical at every stage of the process.

Whether identifying the problem, analyzing the causes, or implementing solutions, open and transparent communication can be key to success.

Getting all stakeholders involved and ensuring everyone understands the goals and expectations can prevent misunderstandings and conflicts.

  • Constant training: Regular staff training is critical to keep skills up-to-date and aligned with the latest technologies and methodologies. Training can be problem-specific or broader, but it must be ongoing and targeted to be effective.
  • Use of project management software: Features like time tracking, team collaboration, and resource allocation can be a powerful ally in reviewing and resolving problems.
  • Regular review: Regular review of the production process is not just a response to a problem; it can be a proactive strategy to prevent future issues. Regular performance analysis, inspection of equipment, and evaluation of procedures can detect potential problems before they become serious.
  • Flexibility: the industrial manufacturing world constantly evolves, and changes can be swift and unexpected. Being flexible and ready to adapt to new situations can be priceless. Whether it is changes in the market, technologies, or regulations, a flexible mindset can help you successfully navigate these changes.

Problem review in the automotive parts manufacturing industry

Consider a manufacturing industry specializing in producing automotive components, such as brakes, suspension, and steering systems.

The industry is renowned for its high-quality production, but recently it has encountered some issues related to delays in the production chain and defects in some finished products.

Let’s examine how the project manager can deal with these problems:

  • Detailed analysis of the issue: First, it is crucial to understand the source of problems. The project manager should work with quality and production teams to pinpoint troublesome areas, including obsolete machinery, unreliable suppliers, or inefficient processes.
  • Clear and prompt communication: Maintaining open communication with all stakeholders, including suppliers, customers, and team members, is key. Informing everyone of problems and proposed solutions can prevent misunderstandings and build trust.
  • Software implementation: Consider implementing project management software like Twproject to track, analyze, and fix problems. This way, you can improve efficiency and provide a clear view of the production process.
  • Regular staff training: Ensuring personnel are properly trained in the latest technologies and methodologies can reduce errors and improve quality. Training should be regular and targeted to the specific needs of the automotive industry.
  • Supplier evaluation and improvement: If delays in the delivery of materials are a concern, evaluating and improving supplier relationships may be a solution. This could include negotiating better terms or finding more reliable alternative suppliers.
  • Constant monitoring: Implement a constant monitoring system to spot problems before they become critical. This may include regular inspections, quality control, and using sensors and technology for real-time monitoring.
  • Flexibility and adaptability: Being prepared to adapt to changes in the market, such as fluctuations in demand or new regulations, is vital. A flexible mindset and a proactive approach can help you navigate these changes successfully.

By integrating Twproject with other software already in use, the whole process has become fluid and, last but not least, thanks to timely reporting, the company has now a clearer view of project costs.

Reviewing an issue in the production process is a task that demands focus and expertise. Remember, the key may lie in simplicity and clarity. Most effective solutions can be implemented with a focused and systematic approach. When applied carefully and consistently, these suggestions can guide project managers and their teams toward effective and proactive problem management, improving the production process’s overall efficiency and quality.

Increases work productivity.


Work overload: how to mitigate risks

Work overload is a common challenge for project managers.

Managing the majority of the workload every day can induce work stress and negatively impact productivity.

This condition occurs when someone has too many tasks and lacks the time and energy to carry them out. This can negatively impact physical and mental health, productivity, and work fulfillment.

So how can this risk be mitigated?

How to spot work overload

The first step to better managing work overload is to identify it.

Take time to gauge your team’s workload. We have assembled a list of “symptoms” often common to companies that hide the signs of overload:

  • Increase in mistakes: if you notice increased errors in your team’s work, it could indicate that they are overloaded. When people are stressed or tired, they are more likely to make mistakes.
  • Decline in productivity: if your team cannot accomplish tasks in the scheduled time or the quality of work is dropping, this could be a sign of work overload.
  • Mood swings: being cranky, frustrated, and apathetic may be signs of stress and work overload. It may be time for a follow-up if you notice changes in your team members’ moods or behavior.
  • Increase in absenteeism: if your team members have begun to take more sick days or if you notice an increase in absenteeism, it could be a sign that they are trying to avoid the excessive workload.
  • Overtime excess: if your team members are working over and above regular working hours all the time to complete their tasks, it is a telltale sign of work overload.
  • Physical signs of stress: these can include headaches, weariness, poor quality sleep, belly problems, etc. If you notice your team showing physical symptoms of stress, it could be due to overwork.
  • Lack of engagement: if your team members appear uninterested or distant, it could be a sign that they are overloaded and struggling to maintain a work-life balance.
  • Bad or lack of communication: if you notice that communication within your team has become poor or if team members are not communicating at all, this could be a sign.

Tips for mitigating work overload risks

1. Identify the most important tasks

In a fast-paced work environment, focusing on what is truly important is imperative. Identifying and ranking tasks according to their priority and relevance is the first step in efficiently managing a workload.

Make a work plan that details who does what and when. Determine with your team which tasks are most important and focus on them. Establish which tasks are urgent and important, which are important but not urgent.

2. Manage time efficiently

Another way to mitigate work overload is to manage time effectively. This means planning your workday and taking time to rest and recharge your batteries.

Remember, working restlessly can cause stress and reduce productivity. So take time for yourself and activities you enjoy.

3. Set realistic deadlines

One of the most important things a project manager can do to mitigate work overload risk is to establish realistic deadlines considering team capabilities.

If deadlines are too tight, team members may feel overwhelmed and more likely to make mistakes.

Here are some tips on how to set realistic deadlines:

  • Consider your available resources: How many people are on the team? How many hours of work are available each week?
  • Evaluate complex tasks: How long will each activity take to complete? Are any tasks that are more complex than others?
  • Include an error margin: it is always a good idea to have a margin of error in deadlines so that you will have time to address unforeseen contingencies.
  • Check-in with your team: be sure to check with your team for their feedback on deadlines. They may have information you haven’t considered.

4. Use work management tools

Work management tools can help tremendously in managing work overload.

For example, project management tools such as Twproject can help with task organization, progress monitoring, and efficient work delegation.

They also help pinpoint and eliminate tasks that do not add value, thus freeing up time and resources for more important activities.

Managing work overload with Twproject

Teams often work on multiple projects simultaneously, have to manage day-to-day activities, and respond to emergencies.

Given this context, a clear picture of each resource’s workload becomes critical to successfully completing projects.  

Twproject offers a range of features that significantly simplify workload management and distribution.

For example, it is possible to define the duration of your project from its creation. The effort, which is the estimated time each resource will have to devote to the project, on the other hand, is defined when the assignment is created.  

This provides a clear understanding of each resource’s workload and allows you to manage time and energy better.

Furthermore, Twproject helps you consider several parameters to determine how much a resource can work daily on the project. These include working hours, vacations, sick leave, time already allocated on other projects, routine activities, and scheduled sports activities.

Routine activities, such as reading emails, attending department meetings, answering phone calls, and supporting colleagues, can take up a significant amount of a resource’s work time.  

It is possible to record these activities in a “pot” to understand how much time your resources can commit to projects.

Spot activities do not generate a load “spread” over the project/contract duration period but only on the days when the activities are scheduled. You can manage these activities directly by assigning ToDo’s or using the work plan.

Thanks to advanced optimisation calculations, Twproject allows the load of resource groups to be managed optimally.

How to balance workload with Twproject

Balanced workload distribution is critical to prevent overloading and ensure that projects are completed efficiently. Twproject offers many features that facilitate this distribution.

The more information you enter into Twproject, the closer your charts will come to reality. You can enter how much you intend to work on a project, giving estimated hours.

If you are structuring your project with ToDo’s, you can also estimate by quantifying each.

From the Workgroup section, clicking “workload” will present a graphical illustration of the total load per day for each resource in the selected workgroup. Each color stands for a different project or phase. You will also have access to a detailed explanation of the workload components.

The workload information is available every time you create an assignment. When you select one of your resources, you will immediately know how busy your assignee is on other projects, so you can decide which is the best resource to assign.

Twproject does not just sum up the estimates for each day but tries to distribute the workload so that the resource does not exceed its working hours per day, in this case, increasing the load on less busy days.

Furthermore, it offers advanced reporting features. For example, you can generate custom reports that show time spent on each project, progress made, and resources used. This can help you pinpoint any overloaded areas and make informed decisions on reallocating resources or revising deadlines.

Bottom line, Twproject is a reliable partner for project managers looking to manage work overload and improve their team’s productivity.

Start planning the workload of your team

How to make a project budget

How can I create a budget for a project if I have no historical basis on which to orient myself?

When starting a project, it is difficult to know how much it will cost.

If we are dealing with a repetitive project, we will probably have a history on which to base ourselves.

In this case it may be easier to draw up a project budget, but different is the case when it comes to a new project.

Project managers are required to account for their budget estimates.

Given the great uncertainty that usually prevails in the initial phase of a project, this can be one of the major challenges of a project manager.

The ability to create an accurate budget is an essential skill for a project manager.

It can be a daunting task, especially for new project managers; however, once the first budget is created, you will have a first reference system.

From then on, it will be easier to manage this aspect for future projects.

The approaches to drafting a budget

There are two main approaches that can be adopted when drawing up a budget:

  • Top-down approach: decide how much the project will cost in total and divide the amount between the various phases of work;
  • Bottom-up approach: calculate the individual work steps, starting from the lowest level, then adding sum up their cost and estimate the total cost of the project.

Both approaches, like all things, have their advantages and disadvantages.

Let’s try to evaluate them together.

How to make a project budget: The top-down approach

The top-down approach, literally from top to bottom, is more than simply a guess of the total amount on which to base the whole project.

In fact, it is necessary to explain how the work will be carried out and structured within the amount of budget allocated for each phase of the project.

One should ask oneself if the balance sheet seems realistic on the basis of the experience of past projects, if there are any.

The advantage of the top-down budgeting approach is that it focuses on achieving the project within the allocated budget and leads to efficiency and reduction of costly practices.

A disadvantage is that it presupposes that the person who creates the budget has sufficient knowledge and skills to make a reasonable cost estimate.

If this is not the case, a conflict may occur when a team member is assigned an unrealistic and insufficient budget to complete his work phase.
In fact, there is the risk that deliberately low budgets are created with the – false – belief that this will encourage cost savings and waste elimination.

How to make a project budget: the bottom-up approach

In the second approach, bottom-up, literally from bottom to top, the project budget is built starting from the individual work stages, from the lowest level, and adding them up until reaching the total cost of the project.

The team is often involved in identifying the tasks and activities needed to complete the project and to estimate the various costs.

The advantage of the bottom-up budgeting approach is its accuracy, assuming that we have not forgotten any activity, and consequently its cost.

It is good for team morale because the project manager involves the team in budgeting.

For this reason, this approach is sometimes called participatory budget.

A disadvantage of the bottom-up approach is the difficulty of obtaining a complete list of activities and tasks necessary to complete the project, especially if it is something new, or if we are dealing with a young and / or inexperienced team.

In fact, the risk in starting new projects or in the involvement of junior resources, may be that of not contemplating entire phases of activity and process.

This inevitably leads to totally unleashing not only the costs, but also the time required to complete the project.

The different types of cost in creating the budget

In creating the budget the Project Manager must take into account different factors and above all the different types of costs.

There are basically two types of costs that affect project managers when they create a budget:

  • Direct costs
  • And indirect costs.

The former are uniquely attributed to the project and can be easily definied, such as: the cost of personnel, equipment, travel, consultants, ecc.

Indirect costs, on the other hand, are related to expense items loaded simultaneously on more than one project. Only part of their total cost is charged to a single project.

For example: telephone bills, office rent, company insurance, office equipment, etc.

How to calculate these costs?

For example, if the project will take 6 weeks and the internet bill is € 50 per month, the total cost of the project will be € 75.

To get an idea of the other costs, you can take a look at the previous year.

It will be necessary to see what has been spent on the whole and then divide it by 52 (the number of weeks in the year) to obtain an average weekly cost.

This can be valid for an indirect cost such as that of the equipment.

How to make a project budget: the management reserve

A management reserve or contingency reserve is usually added to projects and usually corresponds to a percentage of the total cost and time of the project.

This fund is used when events related to unexpected costs occur during the project.

The management reserve should be adjusted according to the level of risk identified for the project.

Clearly, the more risky the project is, the greater the management reserve will have to be, and viceversa.

A routine project, already carried out several times, will have a lower management reserve than a totally new project.

The budget will therefore be made up of direct costs, indirect costs and the amount that serves as a management reserve.

 How to make a project budget

How to make a project budget: ineligible costs

There are also costs that are generally not eligible in a project and therefore can not be included in the budget.

In general we can identify them in the following:

  • Non-accountable costs, such as voluntary work;
  • Capital investment costs;
  • Financial charges;
  • Passive interests;
  • Losses caused by the currency exchange, among other things not quantifiable given the volatility;
  • VAT in the case it is a recoverable cost;
  • Costs covered by EU funding or by another type of state funding;
  • Sanctions.

Manage budget changes

Projects rarely go according to plan in every detail.

It is therefore necessary that the project manager is able to identify when costs vary from budget and manage these changes.

A project manager must regularly compare the amount of money spent with the amount provided and report this information to the managers, the company president and the stakeholders.

It is therefore necessary to establish a method on how these progress will be measured and reported.

A widely used method for medium and high complexity projects is the earned value method.

This is a method of periodic comparison of the estimated costs – budget value – with the actual costs during the project – actual value.

The earned value method can provide information not only with regard to cost variances, but also with regard to time deviations, ie if the project is on time or not.

A simple way to evaluate the progress of the project is to take two values:

  • Direct cost percentages pertaining to an activity;
  • Sum of already worked hours on the activity and the forecast of the hours until the end of the project.

The progress of the activity will therefore result from the product between these two indicators. If it less than 1, it means that we are facing a project delay.

At the end of a project, it will be necessary to evaluate if a budget deviation has taken place and what were the reasons that caused it.

Regardless of the approach a project manager chooses to make the budget, it is essential to take the time to monitor it throughout the whole project.

In fact, for project management, cost monitoring is a strategic aspect.

For this reason in Twproject, we have developed the functionalities able to insert and manage both the costs generated by the work (direct costs) and the additional costs (indirect costs), reserving, of course, such access only to the Project Managers.

The importance of monitoring and managing a budget is crucial! Here is a small example of the support that TWproject can give you.

how to make a project budget

In this example (an integral part of the previous screen) your forecast margin (calculated from budget and planned costs) is 850.

This is the first estimate you’ve made, and it’s probably very close to what you told your client.

Then, in a second phase, you have refined your estimate: the second line represents how it is going in relation to what is planned.

The last line is the “real” situation, you have a budget of 2500, and you have spent 1285. Great! There is a margin of 1215, better than expected!

By streamlining internal project management via Twproject, Temera was able to implement a very strong and effective cost control on the resources directly involved in account-based projects, and to include and represent costs and resources from other services and systems in the same tool

Which is the best tool for making a project budget?

Therefore, building, customizing and monitoring the budget are fundamental aspects for a winning project!

Budget management is of the main tasks of the project manager, who also has many other activities to carry out during the project life cycle.

The support of a project management software can prove to be a very effective choice, not so much to eliminate the risk of cost overruns, but to help keep them under control.

A tool like Twproject is developed to meet the supervisory needs of the Project Manager and of those in the company who deal with cost management.

See how useful it is to use Twproject to manage your costs:

If you want to start testing the features of our software today, to create an accurate project budget, try the demo version: it’s free and complete with all the useful and necessary features.

What are the biggest difficulties you have experienced while creating a budget?

What strategy did you use?

Leave us a comment and share your experience with us.

Start now to create an accurate project budget

Corporate onboarding: how to introduce new hires to ongoing projects

Corporate onboarding is a key process for introducing new employees to an organization and preparing them to work efficiently and productively on current projects.

Well-structured onboarding helps new hires quickly become familiar with the company’s policies, procedures, culture, and organizational roles.

It also improves collaboration among teams and reduces the time needed to achieve high productivity.

This article will examine the main strategies for effective corporate onboarding, focusing on introducing new hires to ongoing projects.

We will also discuss how project managers can benefit from using tools like Twproject to streamline and improve the onboarding process.

Pre-onboarding preparation

The onboarding process begins even before the new employee joins the company.

The project manager must set the stage for the newly hired employee to start working on ongoing projects from day one:

  • Define role and expectations: Clarifying the new employee’s position and expectations about their contribution to the project is essential. This helps avoid misunderstandings and ensures that the new employee has clear goals.
  • Provide informational materials: Send the newly hired employee informational materials about the company, culture, policies, and procedures. This will give the new employee a broader view of the organization and enable them to understand better the environment in which they will be working.
  • Plan the necessary training: Find gaps in the newly hired employee’s skills and plan training sessions to fill them. Training may cover using specific tools and software, company regulations, or project management methodologies.

Corporate onboarding: the strategies to adopt

Once a new employee joins the company, it is crucial to introduce them to ongoing projects quickly.

Here are some strategies the project manager can adopt to facilitate this process:

  • Arrange a meeting with the team: the project manager should arrange a meeting between the newly hired employee and the project team. This allows team members to get to know each other and establish a collaborative relationship. It will also give the new employee a better understanding of the team dynamic and role within the group.
  • Present the project: The project manager should present the project in detail, highlighting the objectives, timelines, constraints, and opportunities. In addition, it is crucial to explain the newly hired employee’s role within the project and how their contribution will be critical to achieving the objectives.
  • Provide an overview of current activities: The project manager should provide an overview of everyday activities, highlighting milestones, deadlines, and open issues. This will enable the new hire to understand the project’s current status and identify areas where they can begin contributing immediately.
  • Assign a mentor: Assigning a mentor to the newly hired employee can effectively streamline the onboarding process. A mentor can support, answer questions, and help the new employee integrate into the team and the project.
  • Establish regular communication: The project manager should ensure regular communication between the newly hired employee and the project team. This can include weekly updates, project meetings, and informal check-ins to ensure the new employee knows the latest news and feels part of the team.

Corporate onboarding: examples

In this context, we examine three examples of in-house onboarding strategies that enable new hires to be introduced to ongoing projects efficiently and productively:

  1. Structured training program: an effective onboarding strategy can include a structured training program for new hires. This program could consist of theoretical training sessions, hands-on workshops, and shadowing of experienced colleagues. For example, a new software development team employee could attend training sessions on the programming languages used, development methodologies, and project management In addition, they might be assigned to work closely with a senior developer to learn from their expertise and gain a greater understanding of ongoing projects.
  2. Peer-to-peer onboarding: another effective approach is to implement a peer-to-peer onboarding program, in which the new employee is assigned to an experienced colleague within the organization as a mentor. For example, the new employee joining a marketing team could be paired with a more experienced marketing manager, who guides them in understanding current marketing strategies, target customers, and planned activities.
  3. Initial small projects: another helpful strategy is to assign the newly hired employee small projects early in the onboarding process. For example, a new employee joining a project management team could be assigned to manage a small project, allowing them to become familiar with the project management software used by the company, collaborate with other team members, and understand internal procedures. Larger projects and increasing responsibilities may be assigned as they gain more confidence and skills.

Project management in the corporate onboarding phase

Project management software such as Twproject can greatly facilitate an effective corporate onboarding process.

Twproject is a comprehensive project management solution that helps project managers plan, monitor and control their projects while facilitating collaboration among team members.

Here are some of the ways Twproject can improve the corporate onboarding process:

  • Centralization of information: Twproject allows all project-related information to be centralized in one place, making it easier for new hires to access documents, project plans, activities, and updates.
  • Assignment of tasks: the project manager can easily assign specific tasks to new hires, ensuring they clearly understand their responsibilities and goals to be achieved.
  • Progress monitoring: the software allows project managers to monitor the progress of tasks and projects, enabling them to quickly assess the performance of new hires and provide feedback and support when needed.
  • Communication and collaboration: Twproject facilitates communication and cooperation among team members, making it easier for new hires to integrate into the team and contribute to ongoing projects.

Tips for improving onboarding in the company

An effective corporate onboarding process is critical to ensure that new hires integrate quickly into the organization and contribute to ongoing projects in a productive manner.

Properly preparing the ground, introducing new employees to ongoing projects, and using project management tools such as Twproject can make this process much easier and ensure the success of new employees and the projects in which they are involved.

Some additional suggestions for improving the corporate onboarding process include:

  • Periodic assessment: The project manager should periodically assess the progress of new hires during the onboarding process. This allows any areas of difficulty to be identified and additional support and training to be provided as needed.
  • Two-way feedback: Encourage the new employee to provide feedback on the onboarding process and the project in general. This helps identify any problems or areas for improvement and allows the project manager to make changes to ensure the success of the project and the well-being of the new employee.
  • Create an inclusive work environment: Ensure that the work environment is inclusive and welcoming to new hires. Promoting diversity and inclusion can help create a more productive and collaborative work environment that fosters successful projects.
  • Celebrate successes: Recognize and celebrate the achievements of new employees during onboarding and ongoing projects. This can increase new employees’ motivation and engagement and strengthen their sense of belonging to the organization.


In conclusion, an effective corporate onboarding process is essential to ensure new hires’ integration and ongoing projects’ success.

Adopting pre-onboarding preparation, introducing projects, using tools such as Twproject, and implementing periodic evaluations and two-way feedback can help create a well-structured and functional onboarding process.

By following these steps, project managers can ensure that new employees integrate quickly into the organization and contribute significantly to achieving business goals.

Use Twproject to generate your status update reports.

How emotional intelligence can help you become a better project manager

An often overlooked yet crucial aspect of project management is emotional intelligence.

Successful project management requires more than technical competency in an increasingly digitized and technologically advanced world.

In this article, we will look at what emotional intelligence is and why it is so important.

What is emotional intelligence?

Emotional intelligence is recognizing, understanding, and managing your and others’ emotions.

In a work environment, this means navigating stressful situations, motivating team members, and resolving conflicts effectively.

This is a critical skill for a project manager as it involves interacting with different people within the project team, stakeholders, and others interested in the project.

Emotional Intelligence and Project Management

The Project Management Institute (PMI) acknowledges how important emotional intelligence is in a project manager’s role.

Managing emotions and understanding those of others can make the difference between a smooth project and one that encounters insurmountable roadblocks.

A project manager with high emotional intelligence can:

  • Understand their team’s emotions: the project manager must understand the emotions of their team to help ensure a positive work environment. This can lead to increased productivity and better quality of work.
  • Manage stress: in any project, there will inevitably be stressful times. A project manager with high emotional intelligence knows how to handle these moments without losing their temper or productivity.
  • Resolve conflicts: conflicts can happen in any team. A project manager must know how to resolve these conflicts constructively, preventing them from becoming hindrances to project success.

intelligenza emotiva project management

Twproject and emotional intelligence: the perfect balance for the project manager

Integrating emotional intelligence into project management practices can yield significant benefits, and, Twproject serves as the perfect amplifier of these benefits.

Twproject offers a comprehensive digital work environment that enables project managers to organize, plan and monitor project progress. However, Twproject‘s features extend beyond project management.

Twproject promotes collaboration and communication among team members, critical aspects of any successful project. This approach reinforces the importance of emotional intelligence.

A project manager who understands and manages the emotions of their team can leverage our project management software to maximize the effectiveness of communication and collaboration.

It also offers time and resource-tracking tools to help project managers manage team stress.

For example, if a team member is overwhelmed with work, the project manager can use Twproject to redistribute tasks equally, thus preventing burnout and keeping team motivation high.

Bottom line

Emotional intelligence is a critical component of a successful project manager.

By combining this skill with a comprehensive and user-friendly project management tool like Twproject, project managers can achieve their project goals and create a more positive and productive work environment.

A project manager with high emotional intelligence knows how to motivate, manage stress, and resolve conflicts and is a priceless asset to any project.

Having a mix of technical skills, efficient project management tools, and, most importantly, high emotional intelligence will ensure project success.

New targets, a new way of working.

Netiquette in remote team management

Netiquette is different when it comes to smart working compared to that traditionally followed in the office.

Remote working began to gain popularity rapidly in all industries during the Covid-19 pandemic, and revolutionized the traditional business organizational model.

Remote working proved to be a highly convenient solution by workers, so much so that it is being adopted even after the public health emergency.

Therefore, it is crucial for leaders to find solutions to effectively manage communication and day-to-day remote work with their employees.

So, let’s see what is the best netiquette for managing a remote team.

Netiquette: 5 golden rules every leader needs to know to manage remote teams

1.Schedule daily meetings

Daily meetings, also known as stand-up meetings, are powerful tools for kicking off the day and planning activities.

These types of very brief meetings, whose duration usually doesn’t exceed 15 minutes, provide regular interaction between the project manager and the team.

When  working remotely, it is not unusual for employees to feel alienated from their supervisor.

Without in-person meetings, team members may lose a good deal of the communication aspect, which could turn the relationship with the manager cold.

Stand-up meetings, especially when held via video call, prevent this from happening.

2.Schedule one-on-one meetings with team members.

In conventional offices, team members meet all the time, thereby generating opportunities for work related talks and casual chats.

However, this is often an important thing that gets lost in remote work environments.

Holding regular face-to-face meetings with each of your team members is key to connecting and communicating with them.

Depending on your needs, one-on-one meetings can act as feedback and/or coaching sessions, work-related questions and answers, more informal talks, and more.

3.Implement participative leadership

From a traditional perspective, leadership means leading a group of people in pursuit of a common goal.

Yet when it comes to remote teams, a leader must do more than “simply” lead the group.

In this case, the term used is participative leadership.

Basically, the manager must be open to the idea that team members can contribute with their thoughts and ideas to activities.

This infuses a feeling of equity among employees because all important actions are taken by including their suggestions.

If you don’t know how to become a participative leader, here are some tips:

  • Be straightforward in assigning roles and responsibilities to each team member;
  • State your expectations clearly;
  • Discuss with your group your goals and the roadmap to achieve them;
  • Be open about the goal of your project and explain the ways in which everyone is personally responsible to it.

4.Hire responsibly

Although the impact of the pandemic has waned to a certain extent, remote work is currently being adopted in many companies.

Therefore, the potential for expanding your remote team in the future is high.

To make sure you hire the right people, you need to set some rules:

  • Be clear about what duty your new teammate will perform and how they will make a difference;
  • Share your expectations so that your new employee will know from the very first day what their part in your company will be;
  • Discuss the goals you are trying to achieve as a team and how the new hire will be able to help;
  • Share all the resources needed to fit in with the corporate culture;
  • Devise a comprehensive and descriptive onboarding process for new hires.


5.Invest in the right tools

Having access to the right set of tools gets even more important in remote settings.

Employees need to be self-sufficient as they do not have the option of walking over to the next desk looking for answers.

This means, first of all, having the right hardware and software, such as a laptop, accessories, project management software, etc., as well as clear instructions for setting up and accessing the different software.

Asking your team members also which tools will help them most can serve as an easy way to understand what they need.

Remote project management can become even easier by using good  project management software.

Twproject for example, allows you to create a true centralized hub where you can find your project plan, tasks, deadlines, resources, budget and documentation needed to get the most out of your work from anywhere, without requiring your team to work on different applications and platforms.

This is a significant convenience since communication tools, shared files, task and deadline tracking, and reporting are all centralized in a single software platform.

In conclusion, we have seen how managing a remote team is quite challenging.

As a project manager, you need to focus on management issues, set clear expectations on tasks and deadlines, choose good communication channels, and make sure your team feels supported and appreciated.

Yet all of this goes by the wayside if you do not have a tool to actually measure the progress of activities.

This is why choosing good  project management software like Twproject becomes paramount when managing a remote team.

This will provide transparency, visibility and control of all aspects of your project at all times.

Plan your projects with Twproject


Image credit.

The best task management and to-do list software of 2023

If you are looking for an optimal solution to manage your team’s tasks and to-do lists, in this short article we will help you find the right software for you, with an updated overview for 2023.

Compared to other long lists that you will find online, ours will be short and effective, because we have selected and tested for you the 6 best products on the market, and we will examine them in their free and paid versions.

1. Twproject


If you are looking for a flexible software solution that can meet the needs of workgroups of any size, from small businesses to larger companies, you can give Twproject a chance.

Twproject is an optimal tool because despite its simplicity it offers all useful tools for project management in every key aspects, from to-do lists, to task assignments, to worklogs, up to budget and workload management. Its strenght lies in the possibilty to combine a waterfall management, highly structured and useful for the project manager to keep the entire production cycle under control, with an agile system that responds to the needs of the individual workers to manage their daily assignments through simple tools. In a recent article we talked about the difference between waterfall vs agile management.

In the setting phase of Twproject, the project manager can create a general WBS and an interactive Gantt, which will allow to keep deadlines and budgets under control over time. Then, the manager can start assigning tasks and managing daily work through to-do lists, kanban boards, weekly planners. Every need, whether of the project manager or of the employee, is covered in Twproject.

In short, the main features of Twproject are:

  • Waterfall/agile management
  • Gantt chart
  • Kanban board
  • To-do list
  • File sharing
  • Worklog and attendance sheets
  • Budget and resource management
  • Workload management

Pricing: from 4.89 € per user/month.

Pros: Twproject is a complete tool for all the different working roles, allowing you to differentiate positions in the organization and offering better time and cost management than many other products on the market. In Twproject, the project manager always has a constantly updated overall view of the project.

Cons: We haven’t found any.

Twproject is the right answer to those looking for a complete but simple tool, an exhaustive but highly flexible system.

2. Wrike


Wrike is also a very popular task management software and is well suited to the needs of both small workgroups and larger enterprises.

It has an integrated work time tracking system, but it is a bit lacking in the possibility of adding free annotations because it does not have tools for notes or concept maps.

Wrike’s main features are:

  • File sharing
  • Monitoring progress on tasks
  • Workflow statuses
  • Milestones

Pricing: Free to $24.80 per user/month.

Pros: unlimited projects; customization according to the different needs of the type of team.

Cons: Gantt chart and tracking timer only available in paid plans; lack of annotation tools.

Whether you’re part of a small team or managing a large company, Wrike can do it for you. However, if you’re a creative thinker, you might feel a little limited.


Monday is currently a highly advertised product that offers task management functions in a simple and intuitive manner. It features several task management features that will let you create assignments with ease.

However, as is to be expected for such a sponsorized tool, its cost is not exactly among the cheapest.’s main features are:

  • Calendar view
  • Time tracking
  • Automations
  • Unlimited tabs

Pricing: $8/user per month to $16 per user/month.

Pros: integrated messaging system especially suitable for teams working remotely; user interface that allows you to view more information in one place.

Cons: somewhat disorganized and dispersive navigation; lack of some functions, especially the dashboard, in the mobile version.

Currently one of the leading players on the market for task and to-do-list management, with tools that foster team collaboration. However we hope that over time it will improve in flexibility.

4. ProofHub


ProofHub is powerful, all-in-one project management and team collaboration software that has amazing task management capabilities to help you get more done. From setting priorities with custom to-do lists to assigning tasks and deadlines with ease, ProofHub ensures that everyone is on the same page.

You can also collaborate on documents, files, and presentations, and communicate with team members using chat, comments, and discussions. ProofHub is easy to use and its flat pricing plan makes it a great option for businesses of all sizes.

Key features:

  • Multiple task views – Table, Board, Gantt, Calendar
  • Built-in chat
  • Custom field reporting
  • Time tracking
  • Comments and @mentions for effective collaboration
  • Customized workflows
  • Online proofing

Pricing: Flat pricing at $45 per month (billed annually) for unlimited users.

Pros: simple learning curve, suitable for teams of any size, a centralized hub for organizing and storing data for small or medium sized groups.

Cons: notifications are sometimes overwhelming

An all-in-one project management and team collaboration software, ProofHub caters to the scalable need of teams of any size. This makes the tool suitable for a number of different industries and workflows.

5. Basecamp


Basecamp is also a particularly useful application for remote teams. Its operation is simple: enter a project and divide it into tasks to be completed, then save the latter in the form of a to-do list. Then you can assign tasks, define due dates, add notes and attachments.

However, Basecamp lacks some rather basic project management features: first of all, the ability to prioritize tasks and track time; furthermore, this platform does not offer tools such as Kanban boards and Gantt charts. If your team can do without these tools, Basecamp is a good solution for a medium-sized company.

What Basecamp offers:

  • Real-time messaging
  • Simplified task management
  • Self check-in
  • Project Progress Tracking (Hillcharts)

Pricing: Free to $299 per unlimited users/month

Pros: good price/quality ratio; placing all tools, communications and documents related to a project in a single place, which facilitates collaboration in the group.

Cons: lack of some basic features; somewhat limited storage space if collaborating on multiple projects and if team members upload several files.

A simple interface with essential information concentrated in a single view, particularly effective if your team works remotely and with independent timing.

6. Trello


Trello stands out for having Kanban cards as its main focus: therefore, its main interface looks like a large bulletin board with different cards on which users act as if they were noting information on post-its.

In order for Trello to be efficient for projects with higher complexity, it is necessary to purchase a paid license. In that case you will be able to unlock some additional features like Gantt charts and others. Therefore, our doubt is whether the effort is worth it, since there are other software that offer the same features at lower prices.

Trello’s main features are:

  • Organizing in “boards”, “lists” and “cards”
  • Checklists
  • Files attachments
  • Unlimited integrations (premium version)
  • Public/private boards (premium version)
  • Increased customer support (premium version)

Price: Free to $17.50 per user/month.

Pros: instant notification system; ease in viewing deadlines; good navigation and visibility also in the mobile version.

Cons: no offline work; file upload limitations; not suitable for projects with multiple work teams.

Trello is a very visual and highly adaptable solution that is useful when working remotely. However, it is not efficient when working on large projects or if you intend to make long-term plans.

Conclusion: how to choose the right task and to-do list mamagement software for you

1. Define your team’s main needs

In a previous article we addressed the reasons that should lead you to opt for a project management software, instead of relying on individual initiatives, which are still too often limited to paper notes or at most shared Excel sheets.

In our experience, many employees complain of not having the right technology and tools to optimize their work. In fact, it is not always possible to keep track of every project activity, meet deadlines, monitor progress and manage your team without an adequate tool.

But how to understand what to use? We recently talked about the ten aspects to keep in mind when choosing a good project management tool. In short, you should focus on the key aspects of task management and understand which ones are critical to your team. Consider these ten points and prioritize them:

  • Workflow: project’s phases
  • Gantt charts
  • To-Do lists
  • Time tracking and resource management
  • Internal collaboration
  • Budget management
  • Customization
  • Integrations
  • Remote and/or mobile use
  • Language and assistance

Finally, remember that the ultimate goal of good task management is not to leave anyone behind. With careful management of activities you will be able to strengthen the sense of belonging to the group and not waste resources, being these economic resources but also and above all human ones.

2. Take a free trial

As you have seen, it is clear that by now the choice of software solutions in the world of task management is vast. Therefore, after you have opted for one or more solutions, our advice is always to do a free trial. The reasons are in our opinion the following:

  • Don’t spend your money right away buying the first project management software that comes into your mind; many of them offer a free trial period. Of course, be careful to use this service well and watch out for the trial period to expire! Choose who gives greater guarantees also in this sense.
  • Very often, together with the free trial, you will be able to access customer support and therefore explore all the features, understand their use and compare your needs with the experience of those who know the system well, also taking advantage of any customizations. Also remember: if the platform you choose doesn’t have the features you want, it doesn’t mean they won’t be there in the future: the best software companies are constantly testing and regularly releasing new versions of the product.
  • Would you like to give a chance to our first on the list? Twproject offers you a free 15-day trial and in our opinion it is a very useful solution for managing projects of teams of all sizes, perfect if you need to rely on a single platform wich is easy to use but also accurate and elaborate.

These are for us the best task management and to-do list software of 2023.

Let us know about your experience and what your final choice will be!

Collaboration in the team: a goal to be achieved

Collaboration in the team is a key part of success in project management.

Collaborative workplaces see a more engaged workforce, increased trust, and improved performance.

However, creating a collaborative environment is challenging – let’s see how to do it in this article.

What is collaboration in the team?

Team collaboration is about working together as a cohesive group on a project to achieve a better result than could be achieved individually.

This involves brainstorming, creative thinking, sharing unique skills, and a broader vision to achieve a common goal.

Team members manage workloads as they discuss ideas, new methods, or different perspectives to find better solutions.

The conflict becomes an integral part of collaboration in the team as personal views can be called into question.

The key is to possess the tools to manage friction constructively and move all together toward the corporate mission.

Also, with more and more companies opening up to remote or hybrid work, prioritizing effective collaboration is more critical than ever.

Regardless of where team members are located, good collaboration is often the secret ingredient behind the success of any project.

8 tips for achieving team collaboration

Here are 8 tips for achieving positive team collaboration.

1.     Establish common goals

All team members must be aligned when it comes to goals so that they act following that vision. This requires that goals be clearly communicated, frequently reminded, and re-evaluated if necessary.

2.     Establish clear expectations

Once objectives have been determined, team members need to know what their obligations are so that they can focus on performing these tasks in the best way possible. This requires setting clear expectations and assigning roles and responsibilities, so there is no confusion. Moreover, the project manager needs to provide regular performance reviews. To this end, it can help to have certain leadership skills, which can also be acquired through specific corporate leadership training.

3.     Assess individual strengths

This point is related to the previous one: by knowing what each employee’s strength is, it will be easier to capitalize, assign the right tasks and, as a result, make progress as a team. In this way, the project manager can optimally delegate various tasks. It is also wise for the team to know the strengths of each colleague so that everyone knows to who they can ask for assistance in the case of a specific problem.

4.     Foster new ideas

Collaboration in the team should ensure a free exchange of ideas. A supportive and judgment-free environment will show employees that everyone can contribute to progress without fear. Creative conflict should be widely supported. This will make the team more likely to find better solutions during the debate.

5.     Delegate

When the project manager actively uses delegation, it simultaneously creates a platform for open communication and collaboration. Employees can ask questions, thus creating a trusting and more relaxed environment. If team members see that they can advance their careers through project management opportunities, they will be more motivated and enticed to have these learning experiences. The act of delegating will create a communication channel by offering employees the chance to work together on different projects and increase trust between each other and the project manager.

6.     Positive feedback

Positive feedback boosts employee morale and motivation. Whenever the project manager notices good examples of collaboration within the team, they should take the time to praise them. How? For example, through an e-mail to all employees or by mentioning this behavior during a meeting.

7.     Team building

Spending time with colleagues outside office hours doing other activities can increase bonding and collaboration. Team building activities are perfect in this regard, but possibly organizing a happy hour at the end of the workday can also have positive effects. The important thing is to refrain from forcing these events or planning them too often to ensure a good work-life balance.

collaboration within the team

8.     Using the proper collaboration tools

Especially in the case of hybrid or fully remote teams, using the right collaboration tool can make all the difference. Nowadays, technology offers many options thanks to instant messaging, video conferencing, etc. In addition to these, it is also critical to use the right project management software that allows everyone to stay up-to-date on project status and assignments in real-time.

A Collaborative Team Improves the Company

Building relationships and trust, sharing feedback and communicating clearly and regularly take time and effort, but the long-term results pay off.

This is an initial investment that helps create a solid collaborative foundation that can have a positive impact on the final outcome.

The data are clear: collaborative teams are more productive, and companies that know this invest time and resources in creating environments conducive to teamwork.

These environments are creative, open, and trusting; they are inclusive, praise individual contributions toward common goals; they value knowledge sharing and information transparency; and they invest in the tools and technology that make collaboration possible.

Good cooperation in the workplace enriches the employee experience, creating a domino effect of increased engagement, motivation, and collective innovation.

However, improving team collaboration is more than just a one-person job: it takes the whole team and the efforts of all employees to build it.

See how easy it is to create your work team with Twproject and keep each member constantly updated on the progress of the projects.

With Twproject you can assign different roles, entrust individual project phases to direct managers and keep everyone updated through the to-do tool. A more efficient work organization will help you strengthen collaboration within your team.

Try Twproject for free today: it is a detailed and efficient software that will help you better manage your work team.

Collaborate effectively with your team.


Resource Management Plan: 5 key tips for creating a perfect one

Resource management is the process of determining what resources are needed, in what quantities, and when to use them to complete a project.

In addition, this process also helps predict the cost and timeline associated with a project.

Organizing these resources efficiently to ensure the proper execution of the work requires adequate planning.

This article will discuss 5 tips for creating a resource management plan.

What is a resource management plan?

A resource management plan is a program that guides how project resources are to be classified, allocated, managed, and released.

Here are some of the components of a good resource management plan:

  • Resources include team members, machinery, equipment, and space needed to complete the project.
  • Timing: keeping track of the time availability of each resource will give a better picture of how each can fit into the overall schedule.
  • Quantity: quantity generally refers to physical resources and is yet another crucial element in planning work effectively.
  • Assumptions and constraints: assumptions may include assumptions about employee availability, assumptions about work commitments, etc. Limitations relate to project schedule, cost, and scope.
  • Roles and responsibilities: in order to avoid conflicts within the project, it is necessary to clarify the roles and responsibilities of each member working on it.

Why is the creation of a resource plan important?

1.     It helps achieve efficient planning of project resources

It is desirable to complete a project, but not having sufficient resources to carry out the work necessarily leads to gridlock, delays, and an impact on quality.

An intelligent resource plan helps the project manager anticipate all needs.

This way, it is possible to allocate a resource or consider hiring one if necessary.

2.     Minimizes project resource costs

An effective resource plan helps the project manager make data-driven decisions and implement the proper measures at the right time.

This way, all resources are allocated in the most cost-effective way possible, helping keep project costs to a minimum.

Likewise, efficient management maximizes the profitable use of resources.

 3.     Helps to deliver the project on time and within budget

The benchmark for successful delivery is meeting project deadlines and avoiding overbudgeting.

A good staffing plan helps the project manager periodically review project performance using forecast reports compared to the actual ones.

Regular monitoring will then lead to the achievement of project metrics such as customer satisfaction, improved quality, or increased brand loyalty.

Creating a resource management plan: 5 tips

Once you have seen what a resource management plan is, here are 5 tips for creating one:

1. Determine the resources needed for your project

Determining what resources are required to complete your project is the first step in drafting a proper resource management plan.

This information can come from knowledge of the project, understanding the goals and activities and comparing them with the skills of the resources, or using previous successful similar projects as a guide (lesson  learned).

2. Matching the right resources to the right tasks

Effective resource management means aligning project needs with the most appropriate resources.

It is crucial to ensure that the tasks set are aligned with the resource’s skills and that the resource has the time available to complete the assigned tasks.

To plan resources accurately, the project manager should consider not only what needs to be done with the current project but also all current or recurring projects that the same resource is engaged in completing.
creating resource management plan

3. Keeping track of the project’s progress

It is easier to fix a potential problem before it arises than to try to repair the damage that has already been done.

This means that the earlier problems in resource management are perceived, the easier it will be to find a solution.

The project manager must therefore keep an eye on the project throughout its life cycle, regularly observing and monitoring how actual performance compares with the planned resource allocation.

4. Make changes if necessary

In any project, it is important to expect that only some things will always go as planned.

A project manager must be ready to make changes and adjustments if the situation requires it.

5. Perform post-project analysis

At the end of the work, comparing the planned resources and planning with what was actually used is good practice.

These lessons help avoid mistakes in the future, especially in the case of similar projects.

In addition to reviewing reports, it is also useful to interview resources directly to get another perspective and see if they feel the project went smoothly or if they have any ideas for improving processes.

Resource management, therefore, requires real-time data to keep track of c and timelines spent to keep the project on track.

While spreadsheets can do a satisfactory job for simple projects, this can become very difficult in the case of more complicated projects.

Scheduling resources in this way can become virtually impossible when the team expands, and you start tackling multiple projects at once.

This is where good project management software becomes necessary.

This resource management tool provides relevant and timely information allowing the project to stay on track.

Still in doubt? Well, you can try yourself with a free demo.

Resource allocation

Resource allocation is a crucial step in project management. This is so important because, as is easy to realize, resources are limited by nature.

Therefore, it is easy to see how the success of a project is directly proportional to the appropriate allocation of resources, regardless of the industry.

Easier said than done, especially if you lack the tools for resource management. In this article we will discuss what this is all about in detail.

What is resource allocation in project management?

Resource allocation is about determining and planning your manpower, equipment, and facilities on the different tasks of a project in order to achieve your goals.

Resources in a project pertain to everything you need to accomplish it. Here are some examples:

  • Human Resources: The team members, the eventual consultants, and freelancers who bring the various skills needed to carry out the project.
  • Equipment/tools: from project management software to computer hardware, from the equipment for an industrial processes to specialist’s tools.
  • Facilities: the environment necessary to carry out a project, such as an office or warehouse.
  • Materials: these are the consumables needed to generate output. For example, office stationery or raw materials to build a house.
  • Budget: the funds necessary to purchase any of the aforementioned resources.

The 7 steps for successful resource allocation in project management

Project resources may be fully, partially available, or unavailable.

Therefore, the project manager, or resource manager, must take this into account to make decisions that ensure the best use.

Here are the 7 essential steps to successful resource allocation:

Resource allocation: Creating a Project Plan

For starters, you need to split each project into multiple tasks and create their dependencies.

This process is known as the Work Break Down Structure, or WBS, and is the absolute minimum requirement for creating a project plan.

It is possible to have two activities run sequentially or in parallel based on their relationship.

The critical path within a project plan dictates the minimum amount of time required to complete the project.

Resource allocation is an integral component of this process because resources are allocated to each project activity.

Resource allocation: Understanding resource requirements for activities

Once the project has been broken down into the smaller activities, you will be able to identify the requirements needed for each resource.

Activities may require both human and non-human resources, depending on the nature of the work.

For human resources, you need to determine and assess skills and competencies.

Conversely, in case of non-human resources, you need to determine the specifications of the different equipment before assigning it to a task.

Resource allocation: Find available resources with a matching skill set

In this step, you need to determine the availability of a resource with the corresponding skills.

A project management software with resource management functionality can handle this step quite easily.

This kind of system also allows you to see in real time whether a machinery is available for use or not.

Allocate your resources efficiently!

In Twproject you find all the functionalities to monitor your resources and avoid bottlenecks

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Resource allocation: Closing the gap between demand and capacity using multiple channels

If there is no human resource with matching requirements, emergency resources can be hired or used.

Likewise, if some equipment is unavailable, it can be rented or purchased as per the respective strategy and budget.

Once the resources have been selected for the specific project, we proceed with the actual resource allocation process.

Resource allocation: Allocating resources according to demand

Once resources have been determined, they are assigned to specific tasks.

Unforeseen events are always around the corner, and it may happen that the resource assigned to a particular task, at the very last moment, is no longer available – for example, when a team member falls ill.

Especially, in the case of the most critical positions, the solution is to have a backup plan.

For example, if you employee is sick and isn’t available to work on the project, having knowing a freelancer who possesses the same, or similar, skills could save the day.

Resource allocation: Reallocating resources between projects as necessary

Resource reallocation may be necessary during a project lifecycle for a number of reasons.

A resource may present performance issues or, again, a resource with a niche skill may be required in another project with a higher priority.

In these cases, you should devise a resource reallocation plan so that the current project is not affected.

Resource allocation: Tracking and monitoring resource usage

You should monitor the performance of each resource to make sure you are following an effective resource allocation process.

The ideal situation is that no resource should be over/under-allocated or over/under-utilized.

Small companies could probably just monitor this using a shared calendar.

Larger companies, however, need a dedicated resource allocation tool.

Of course, the project manager’s experience plays an important role, but the use of good project management software can provide key support.

Ultimately, resource allocation is an essential part of any project.

Without it, project managers can define a project timeline of activities and milestones, but they cannot know whether or not those timelines will be achievable using the resources at hand.

Moreover, getting understaffed during a project can cause unnecessary anxiety and inefficiency.

Worst case scenario, poor resource allocation can even lead to project failure.

Conversely, having a sound resource allocation strategy can provide confidence, create a positive work environment, and head the project toward success.

Twproject includes the ‘Plan’ module that allows the creation of a customised schedule for the allocation of resources and working hours during the project, based on specific preferences

Make use of the tips offered in this article and supplement them with good project management software. They will help you to efficiently allocate project resources and thus achieve your goals.

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