5 tips for effective strategic planning

Businesses put a lot of time, effort, and money into the strategic planning process. Still, many fail.

This doesn’t mean, however, that research for a strategic plan should be dropped.

After all, this process is vital in helping companies determine how to achieve specific goals.

Yet, for strategic planning to work, it must be more than just a nice vision and mission of the end destination that does not consider the company’s culture and structure.

The right path begins with creating a sound and feasible business plan that can involve the whole organization.

In this article, we will discuss 5 tips for effective strategic planning.

Strategic planning: 5 key tips for achieving it

Strategic planning defines what a company aims for and how to achieve it.

This does not take place overnight but must include a series of detailed steps that show its path to the destination.

Here are 5 tips for effective strategic planning:

1. Evaluate the current state of your company

Gauging your business’s current position is essential to getting a clear picture of its future direction.

A helpful tool in this case is the SWOT analysis, which identifies four aspects:

  • Strengths: What is the company doing well? What is its competitive advantage over its competitors?
  • Weaknesses: What areas of the business could be improved? What is lacking compared to other businesses?
  • Opportunities: Are there new opportunities in the market that the company can capitalize on?
  • Threats: Are there potential obstacles that the company might run into in the near future?

2. Set business objectives

After completing the SWOT analysis, you can use the results to determine goals for your business strategy.

These goals must be achievable and concrete; the SMART model can be used to set them:

  • Specific: The goal must clearly outline what you want to achieve and the steps required.
  • Measurable: The goal must be numerically measurable so that metrics can be used to monitor progress, celebrate milestones, and determine when it has been achieved.
  • Achievable: The goal must be realistic and achievable.
  • Realistic: The goal must be relevant to what the company truly needs at this time.
  • Timely: The goal must have a definite timeframe and deadline.

strengths - weaknesses - threats  opportunities

3. Outline your strategic plan

When you have defined clear business objectives, it is time to map out the strategic plan.

Most strategies include the following key elements:

  • Description of the company;
  • Mission statement;
  • Business value and vision;
  • A SWOT analysis of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats;
  • An analysis of present internal and external settings and how each affects the company;
  • Business goals;
  • Action plans to achieve these goals;
  • Business processes to maintain continuity and operational effectiveness.

4. Embrace the plan company-wide

It’s time to move on to strategy execution by distributing the plan to the entire company. Here are some best practices for this step:

  • Arrange a group meeting to officially present the strategic plan, which includes goals, timelines, resources, and implementation methods. Allowing team members to ask questions is critical at this stage.
  • Link all activities to the strategic plan. For example, if you are constructing a new facility, explaining how this effort fits into the business strategy is important.
  • Align all teams with the strategic plan by providing a detailed breakdown of each member’s role in the strategy. Everyone needs to know clearly what they are responsible for.

5. Measure progress and make updates to your strategic plan

The strategic planning process does not end with implementation.

To carry out the strategy, it is crucial to monitor progress regularly and adjust and update the plan as needed.

If a team member is overwhelmed, it is important to redistribute tasks.

The timeline must be revised if the project manager notices that an effort is not progressing as swiftly as planned.

It is critical to know how the work is progressing at any given time and to intervene if there are any bottlenecks.

Twproject for effective strategic planning

Twproject is one of the best project management tools on the market.

A tool like this can help and support project management in tracking and monitoring the strategic plan.

Twproject, specifically, comes with several features that allow project managers to stay informed.

Twproject allows project progress to be accessed, and thanks to an alert system, the tool will proactively inform the project manager if deadlines, budgets, or work logs are missed.

Not only will the project manager benefit from using this tool, but team members will also be able to check the status of their activities at any time and communicate with each other in a timely manner.

Twproject is an extremely flexible tool that can fit into any business scenario.

From early analysis to goal setting, activity planning to resource management, communication among team members, and regular progress monitoring, this project management software offers indispensable tools for a clear and complete view of the project.

Twproject thus becomes the key ally in ensuring effective strategic planning.

Plan your projects with Twproject

Kanban vs Gantt: features and uses compared

Kanban vs. Gantt are two popular tools in project management that can significantly improve efficiency and effectiveness.

Both are valuable in different ways and have pros and cons.

In this article, we will compare their features and uses.

What is a Gantt chart?

A Gantt chart provides a clear overview of project progress.

Project managers can break down complex projects into smaller, more manageable tasks  through this tool. 

The chart visualizes each task as a horizontal bar, with its length representing the duration required for completion.

Arrows symbolize dependencies between activities and show the order in which they are to be completed.

Resource allocation can also be displayed in the Gantt chart.

By assigning resources to specific tasks, project managers can, therefore, ensure that the right people are working on the right activities at the right time.

Here is a list to provide a clearer understanding of the benefits and limitations of Gantt charts:

Pros of the Gantt chart

  • Identifies activity dependencies;
  • Visualize project schedule;
  • Shows milestones (the critical path);
  • Helps manage resource allocation;
  • Indicates deadlines for activities;
  • It helps break down the project into smaller, simpler tasks;
  • Monitor progress.

Cons of the Gantt chart

  • Its set-up can be complicated;
  • It can be confusing;
  • It does not state priorities;
  • It includes more details than necessary for some team members;
  • It requires time for adjustment;
  • It is not recommended for projects lacking a clear end goal.

What is a Kanban board?

A Kanban board is a visual tool for the project manager and team to manage and monitor workflow.

The Kanban method, which is derived from the Lean methodology, is commonly used in agile processes.

The principle behind Kanban involves focusing on completing tasks before starting new ones.

Kanban means “signboard” in Japanese, and from this, we can see why each activity is represented by a “card” that moves across the board as it progresses through the different stages of the workflow.

Columns on the board usually include stages such as “To Do,” “In Progress,” and “End.” One of the main benefits of using Kanban boards is their visual nature, which provides a quick and user-friendly way to understand the status of tasks and the overall workflow.

Team members can easily see which activities are ongoing, which have been completed, and which have yet to be started.

Just like Gantt charts are useful for some things and not as useful for others, so are Kanban boards.

Here are the pros and cons of this methodology:

Pros of Kanban board

  • Shows workflow;
  • Boosts productivity;
  • Reduces waste;
  • Promotes collaboration;
  • Provides flexibility;
  • Prevents activity overload;
  • User-friendly.

Cons of Kanban board

  • It is difficult to determine when tasks will be completed;
  • It can become too complex and inefficient;
  • Must be constantly updated;
  • Not suitable for projects with tight deadlines;
  • Requires process stability;
  • It does not show how long an activity has been on the board.

Gantt vs. Kanban: Which one should you use?

Kanban boards and Gantt charts are project management tools that visualize upcoming tasks, when they are to be completed, completion percentage, and, often, who is in charge of the tasks.

The main difference is that the Gantt chart shows the entire project on a visual timeline that also displays relationships between tasks. In contrast, the Kanban board focuses on the volume of work that needs to be done, is in progress, or is completed.

Therefore, the Gantt chart is better suited for planning since it can link dependencies and show the critical path, as well as resources, costs, and more. Kanban boards, on the other hand, are better for the team as it executes its tasks.

Team members can see what has been assigned and move it from one column to the next as they work on the task to completion.

Gantt vs Kanban: Why not use both with Twproject?

As this article has shown, the Gantt chart is better suited to a predictive approach, while the Kanban methodology is agile.

Nevertheless, you can use both, such as creating a Gantt chart for the project as a whole and applying the Kanban methodology to its subsets.

It might seem cumbersome to successfully integrate two tools during project management, but this and more becomes feasible thanks to project management software such as Twproject.

With Twproject, you can easily create Gantt charts and Kanban sheets and use other project visualizations.

This software is highly flexible and can adapt to any methodology.

Every company has its unique way of working, and Twproject was created to streamline processes while respecting the uniqueness of each reality.Gantt, Kanban, and more: Twproject cares about your success.

Still in doubt? Well, you can try yourself with a free demo.

Project monitoring: evaluation tools and methods

Project monitoring is a critical part of project management because it helps companies monitor progress, evaluate the effectiveness of efforts, and make informed decisions.

This article will shed some light on this topic by discussing popular evaluation tools and methods.


What are project monitoring and evaluation?

Project monitoring and evaluation are systematic processes that entail collecting, analyzing, and using data and information to track a project’s progress and gauge its performance.

Monitoring a project, therefore, helps the project manager ensure that work remains on track.

Monitoring plays a significant role in achieving a project’s desired and planned outcomes.

As such, project managers must be meticulous in all phases of project monitoring, ensuring that tasks are executed correctly and that any doubts or hurdles are ironed out in time.


Project monitoring: how is it performed?

A successful project monitoring plan can only take place through the following actions:

  • Setting clear goals: It means working with specific, measurable and time-bound indicators. These indicators provide benchmarks to measure progress and success.
  • Data collection: Data are the cornerstone of project monitoring. Throughout project implementation, data are collected through different methods, such as surveys, meetings, focus groups, observations, and document reviews. These data can include both quantitative and qualitative information.
  • Data analysis: Once collected, data are analyzed to measure project performance and impact. Data analysis may involve statistical techniques, qualitative coding, and comparative assessments.
  • Reporting and feedback: Findings from data analysis are used to generate reports. These documents provide in-depth information on what works and what does not during a project’s life cycle.
  • Learning and adaptation: Project monitoring is not just about evaluating past performance but also about using that knowledge to make future improvements- so-called “lessons learned“; project managers and stakeholders should be prepared to adjust their strategies based on their findings.

Project monitoring: 10 most used techniques

You can use many techniques for project monitoring.

Here are some examples:

  1. Work breakdown structure (WBS): A way through which work can be broken down and organized into smaller pieces. It includes a visual representation of all project activities and can be used to split up activities and budgets.

wbs work breakdown structure2. Gantt chart: It is another way of visual data representation. Nonetheless, it is probably more exhaustive than the previous method and provides more information to a project manager. Gantt chart visually represents activity versus time and helps project managers monitor progress in real-time.

diagramma di gantt

3. PERT chart or graph: PERT stands for “Project Evaluation and Review Technique.” It is similar to a Gantt chart, although structured differently. This chart allows project managers to spot and highlight interdependencies between project activities and identify possible bottlenecks.

4. Critical Path Method (CPM): This tool identifies the most important tasks in a project and the estimated time to complete them. Using this information, the project manager can determine which activities must start first and which affect the overall project schedule.

5. Project dashboard: Dashboards provide a real-time, visual overview of project status, including KPI (Key Performance Indicators), progress toward goals, risks, open issues, and milestones. These are powerful tools for project managers because they help them quickly grasp the project’s status and communicate it effectively to stakeholders and teams.

6.Risk monitoring: This technique involves identifying, analyzing, and responding to project risks. It includes assessing the likelihood and impact of risks, devising mitigation strategies, and continuously monitoring risks throughout the project to manage any changes.

7.KPI: KPIs are specific metrics used to measure progress in various aspects of a project. They can include task completion time, cost, work quality, customer satisfaction, etc. By measuring these indicators regularly, project managers can gauge whether the project is on track to meet its goals.

8.Project reviews and audits: These are formal reviews performed during and at the end of the project to ensure that everything is moving forward according to plan. Reviews may include reviewing compliance against quality standards, verifying adherence to budgets and timelines, and evaluating the effectiveness of project management.

9.Team feedback techniques: Encouraging regular feedback from team members can provide valuable insights into project progress. This can be accomplished through update meetings, surveys, or retrospective sessions, where teams discuss what is working well and what can be improved.

10.Trend analysis: this technique involves observing project performance over time to spot trends, predict potential problems, and take proactive action. Trend analysis can help predict whether a project is on track to meet its goals or whether corrective adjustments are needed.

By using a combination of these techniques, project managers gain a thorough understanding of project progress, identify and resolve problems in a timely manner, and guide the project to a successful conclusion.

Early problem identification allows corrective actions to be implemented before issues become more significant and costly. Furthermore, a thorough assessment of potential risks at each stage of the project enables the development of effective mitigation strategies and contingency plans.

Corrective actions may include adjusting timelines, reallocating resources, amending objectives, or revising execution strategies. These actions are crucial to keeping the project on track with its original objectives and ensuring that it is delivered on time and on budget.

In every project, it is vital to set up a structured process for monitoring and managing potential risks. This process begins with risk identification, followed by their assessment regarding the likelihood of occurrence and impact on the project. Subsequently, it is necessary to plan and implement actions to mitigate the identified risks, continuously monitoring the effectiveness of these measures.

Project monitoring: using Twproject

In the previous section, we went through various techniques used for project monitoring.

Using these charts can be simplified with Twproject, the best project management software available.

Twproject allows you to plan, schedule, assign, and update activities, resources, and end results.

It also provides customizable dashboards, reports, and alerts that indicate a project’s status, problems, and risks.

By collecting data and updates in a single place, project reporting and evaluation become, therefore, straightforward.

Thus, the project manager, team members, and stakeholders can access all pertinent and current information related to a project anytime and anywhere.

When it comes to project monitoring, the following features of Twproject make it the ultimate software:

  • Task planning and assignment: It helps to break down projects into tasks, set deadlines and detail work performance schedules.
  • Resource allocation: Assign and allocate both human and material resources.
  • Collaboration tools: They promote communication and teamwork among team members and stakeholders.
  • Document sharing and management: Facilitates centralized archiving, management, and project documentation sharing.
  • Time monitoring: It helps to track time spent on activities and projects for performance analysis.
  • Reporting and analysis: It provides in-depth information on project performance through customizable reports and dashboard visuals.
  • Scalability: It can vary according to the size and complexity of projects and grow with your business.
  • User-friendly UI: If a tool is convenient, team adaptation is facilitated, and problems associated with the learning process are minimal.
  • Integration features: Ease of integration with other business tools to assist workflow efficiency and reduce redundancies to a minimum.

Project monitoring and evaluation are key steps to project success.

Opting for comprehensive software such as Twproject will maximize efficiency, optimize resources, and guide the team to amazing results.


Plan your projects with Twproject


Work Breakdown Structure vs. Gantt: a hands-on comparison

Work Breakdown Structure vs. Gantt? These are both powerful and critically important tools in the project management world.

Although these terms are sometimes used interchangeably, they are not synonymous and it is crucial to understand their purposes and area of use.

Let’s take a look at what they are and how they are used.

What is a Gantt chart?

A Gantt chart is a bar graph showing a project’s progress, time sequence, and dependencies.

This tool, developed more than a hundred years ago by Henry Gantt, has become one of the most widely used techniques for planning and monitoring projects.

A Gantt chart comprises horizontal bars (Gantt bars) representing project tasks.

Gantt bars show start and end dates, dependencies, schedules, and deadlines, including the portion of the task completed per phase and who is responsible for the work.

Beginners in the field create their first Gantt charts with some common programs such as Excel (learn more –  Gantt Chart with Excel: What are its limitations?)

Please remember that Excel was not designed for this purpose.

Yet, to take planning to a higher professional level, you must choose a full-featured project management software such as Twproject.

What is a Work Breakdown Structure?

A Work Breakdown Structure, or WBS, is a hierarchical breakdown of the project scope into smaller, more manageable components.

WBS can help define project scope, allocate resources, assign responsibilities, and estimate project duration and budget.

Project managers implement the WBS to break down large projects into smaller, more easily manageable steps to carry out tasks faster and more efficiently.

Breaking down the project into less complex parts improves team productivity and helps manage costs and contingencies.

Moreover, full WBS representation can support communication, increase transparency, and promote effective discussions.

There are many software solutions for creating a Work Breakdown Structure, and Twproject is one of the best options on the market.

WBS vs. Gantt: When should you use one or the other?

Typically, project managers apply the WBS to visualize what they are doing and the Gantt chart to illustrate when they are doing it.

More specifically and in practice, we can say:


  • Pros: WBS can help clarify the project goals, avoiding scope shifts and unnecessary changes. It can also break the project down into manageable parts, supporting the organization and prioritization of project work.
  • Cons: It can smooth communication and collaboration between the project team and stakeholders, aligning their expectations and requirements. It can also support risk management and quality control processes, helping identify and mitigate potential problems and errors.

Gantt chart

  • Pros: Gantt charts can benefit project management in many ways, such as providing a clear and visual overview of project planning, showing dependencies and constraints between project activities, highlighting critical paths and downtime, and improving communication and reporting on project status. It can also help monitor and measure project progress and performance, optimize resource allocation and activity sequencing, manage risks and problems, and keep stakeholders informed and engaged.

  • Cons: Gantt charts have some shortcomings. They can be difficult to display and interpret, particularly for multifaceted projects. Also, they can be inaccurate or misleading if they are not based on reliable data and assumptions and may not account for changes and variations in the project environment.

The Work Breakdown Structure vs. Gantt clash is always relevant and raises many questions since these are two core project management tools.

Both concepts provide project managers and their teams with information on progress.

They also boost efficiency and guide individuals to successful decisions.

The best choice would be to integrate both tools – the WBS divides the work hierarchically, from top to bottom. More specifically, it can be considered the skeleton of the future project plan.

The Gantt chart is linear and illustrates time progression from left to right. Once the necessary activities have been determined, dates, timelines, and dependencies are considered, and then a Gantt chart is developed for the start of work.

This is why modern PM tools such as Twproject include the option to create a Gantt chart within the Work Breakdown Structure feature.

WBS vs. Gantt: Twproject built-in tools

With Twproject, managers can accurately define each task’s finish date, ensuring that deadlines are always met.

This platform shows the start and finish of each task through a bar chart, making it easy to read and interpret the work plan. 

This visual aspect is critical for tracking project progress, providing a snapshot of progress and any critical issues.

Furthermore, Twproject is not limited to planning and monitoring; it is also a powerful tool for risk management.  

Through the detailed analysis provided by the WBS and the timeline representation of the Gantt chart, project managers can identify potential risks early and plan corrective or preventive actions to ensure project success.

Optimizing planning with WBS in Twproject

Using the Work Breakdown Structure in Twproject is the first step in breaking down a complex project into smaller, more manageable parts.

Project managers can begin by defining the main objective of their project and breaking it down into sub-projects and activities. This hierarchical approach makes it easier to understand the project’s overall scope but also helps identify the resources needed and distribute tasks effectively.

In Twproject, the WBS becomes interactive, enabling managers to add, edit, or rearrange tasks with simple drag-and-drop. This ensures that every element is in the right place and nothing gets overlooked.

Gantt timeline visualization in Twproject

After defining the project’s structure with the WBS, project managers can switch to Gantt timeline visualization in Twproject.

This tool turns the plan into a visual timeline, where each task is depicted by a bar indicating its duration, dependencies, and alignment with other tasks.

Twproject’s feature of showing real-time changes in the Gantt chart allows managers to quickly adjust the schedule in case of unexpected events, ensuring that their project stays on track. 

Therefore, Gantt visualization becomes central to monitoring project progress and ensuring that each phase proceeds according to plan.

With Twproject, project management becomes a more streamlined, controlled, and visually user-friendly process, converting every challenge into an opportunity for success.

Keep all your projects under control with Twproject!


Gantt vs. Pert: two tools in comparison

Gantt vs. Pert are two of many different project management planning tools available.

They aim to help project managers accomplish their work better by facilitating activity coordination and stakeholder communication.

These diagrams help manage the challenging constraints of time, cost, and scope, which are the predominant forces in any project.

Let’s look at the comparison of the Gantt vs. Pert tools in detail.

What is a Gantt?

A Gantt chart is one of the most popular ways to show activities by time, as it is a core project management tool for planning and scheduling (learn more at How to make a Gantt chart).

Specifically, it consists of two axes:

  • A vertical one consists of a list of activities that must be accomplished to complete the project.
  • A horizontal one represents the timeline of a plan, in which the bars are the activities set in chronological order.

This system allows all stakeholders to be provided with the same information and shared expectations.

Plus, the Gantt chart, thanks to its graphic time sequence, clearly shows how activities are related to each other, making it one of the best visualization tools in project management.

The clarity with which a Gantt displays this information helps considerably with management and communication within the project team.

When is it appropriate to use a Gantt chart?

The Gantt chart is arguably the most flexible project management tool available: not only is it used during the planning phase of the project, but it is also useful throughout the execution phase to monitor progress.

Therefore, project managers use Gantt charts to get an overview of the project at any given time, create and assign tasks, monitor their budget, manage resources, and much more.

With this tool, you can ensure everyone can access any schedule and project details in real-time.

Gantt can be used in many scenarios, but it is particularly beneficial when:

  • Project activities are well-defined and neatly arranged. A Gantt chart is great for visualizing a series of activities in a precise sequence. However, if activities are still loose or the order is unclear, this chart may not be very helpful.
  • The project has a set duration: The Gantt chart is useful for monitoring progress over time and identifying any delays. The diagram may not be the best option if the project duration is uncertain.
  • The project is small or medium-sized: Gantt charts are easier to manage for projects involving a limited number of tasks. For very complex projects, they may be difficult to interpret and keep up to date.
  • You need to communicate your project plan to a team or client: The Gantt provides a user-friendly visual representation of the project, making it easy for all stakeholders to understand.

Besides these cases, the Gantt chart can also be useful for:

  • Manage project resources;
  • Identify dependencies between activities;
  • Estimate project duration;
  • Monitor project costs.

What is a PERT chart?

PERT stands for “Program Evaluation Review Technique” and is a project management tool that visually represents activities and dependencies of a project.

In this chart, we use arrows to show the activities required to meet a given event, symbolized by a node. As a result, a node represents a completed phase of the project.

Therefore, a PERT chart looks like a network diagram, where each separate box (or node) represents a project activity. Arrows show the dependencies between activities, connecting them.

When should you use a PERT chart?

A PERT chart provides a visualization of the entire project timeline in a chart that is easy for team members and project stakeholders to understand.

Moreover, the PERT chart allows project managers to learn and keep track of important workflow information: task dependencies, estimated task time, and minimum project delivery time.

Therefore, it is mainly suitable for all projects except small ones, where checklists are good enough to get the big picture.

PERT can make the workflow smoother when:

  • The plan involves multiple activities running simultaneously: In this case, the diagram will make the prioritization process easier, helping to understand which activity depends on another.
  • The project has a strict time frame: A PERT chart is not only a visual representation of a project’s structure but also helps gauge its duration. This tool allows you to set deadlines and stick to them.

Here are some cases where you should use a PERT chart:

  • Projects with many unknowns: The PERT chart is particularly suitable for managing projects with many variables and uncertainties, where the exact duration of activities is difficult to estimate.
  • Projects with many interdependent activities: If project activities are interdependent and the delay of one may affect the others, the PERT chart helps to map out the critical path and manage any potential issues.
  • Long-term projects: It helps estimate the duration of long-duration projects, which are spread over several months or years.
  • Projects with limited budgets: PERT can help optimize resource utilization and reduce project costs.

Besides these cases, the PERT chart can also be useful for:

  • Identify project risks;
  • Evaluate different project alternatives;
  • Communicate the project plan to a team or client.

Gantt vs. Pert: two tools in comparison

Gantt and Pert charts offer unique approaches to planning, executing and monitoring projects, each with strengths and ideal applications.

Twproject integrates both of these tools, empowering teams to choose the approach that best suits their needs.

Twproject’s Gantt, which is a bar chart, provides a visual representation of project progress by showing activities as horizontal bars running along a project timeline.

This user-friendly layout provides project managers and team members with a convenient way to see the sequence of activities, their durations, overlaps, and time dependencies at a glance. 

It is particularly useful for projects with a clear, sequential structure, where planning and time tracking are crucial.

Let’s take a look at the pros of the Gantt chart:

  • Immediate visualization: It provides a clear and straightforward overview of the project’s progress.
  • Resource monitoring: It helps to assign and monitor resources, displaying who is working on what and when.
  • Deadline management: It helps to identify and manage deadlines, making it easier to adjust plans according to changes.

Twproject’s PERT chart, on the other hand, focuses on analyzing and planning activities based on their interdependencies.

It uses nodes to represent activities or events and arrows to show precedence relationships between them. This approach is especially useful in complex projects, where finding the critical path and understanding dependencies between activities are critical to project success.

Let’s take a look at the pros of the PERT chart:

  • Critical path analysis: Identifies critical activities that cannot be delayed without affecting the project deadline.
  • Time optimization: It helps optimize project plans, allowing better allocation of time and resources.
  • Risk management: It provides a foundation for risk analysis, allowing potential snags to be predicted and mitigated.

In short, we have seen that both Gantt and PERT charts are visual tools for organizing activities during project planning.

The choice between Gantt and PERT depends on your unique project needs.

The PERT chart is great as it clearly shows dependencies between activities and the critical path.

This means that a project manager can make better decisions by managing data and performing what-if analysis.

The downside is that it is difficult to scale a PERT chart, and this can be an issue when working on more complex projects. The larger the project, the more complex the PERT chart will be and the more difficult it will be to interpret.

A Gantt chart allows a project’s time sequence to be displayed in a more structured fashion. It also allows work progress to be clearly visualized in real-time.

Therefore, a good project manager typically uses both techniques to fulfill multiple purposes.

Plan your projects with Twproject


Work breakdown structure vs Product breakdown structure

The Work Breakdown Structure and the Product Breakdown Structure are often confused because they are very similar yet quite different.

These two breakdown structures play a critical role in the project planning process and how successful – or not – the outcome will be.

In this article, we will try to clarify the difference between the Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) and the Product Breakdown Structure (PBS).

What is a Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)?

The WBS provides a hierarchical structure for the project effort. Essentially, this is a map that details every piece of work needed, breaking it down into smaller, more manageable parts.

Simply put, it stands for the project’s “to-do list,” and its main focus is on “work,” not “things.”

The WBS provides the foundation for a project plan, allowing it to be broken down into work packages and activities.

The level of detail depends on the complexity of your project and the level of control you want to have.

A WBS is especially beneficial for teams managing large projects because, as previously mentioned, it breaks the project down into smaller, more manageable components.

Generally speaking, the WBS clearly states what needs to be done and makes it easier to assign work to the project team.

Therefore, this will help the project manager to estimate resources, time, and risks better.

What is a Product Breakdown Structure (PBS)?

In the WBS, the project is broken down into work packages and activities to be accomplished, while the product breakdown structure presents products (or results) to be delivered by the project.

The focus of the “to-do list,” in this case, is on the “things” and not the “work.”

By focusing on the “whats” rather than the “hows,” PBS guides team members in understanding the expected results and ensuring that each deliverable has appropriate quality and meets specifications.

The PBS breaks down the project’s main product into its forming blocks as a hierarchical structure.

The main benefits offered by the PBS are:

  • It defines the project scope;
  • It raises awareness among your team about what will be delivered;
  • It forces your team to think about the content of the product, say if it is a database: what type, how many records, format, etc;
  • It provides a better way to determine what quality criteria will be applied to the product, how it will be reviewed, and what skills are required to undertake the review;
  • It serves as the foundation for creating the Work Breakdown Structure.

Work breakdown structure vs Product breakdown structure in project planning

project manager breakdown-structure-vs-Product-breakdown-structure

The WBS and the PBS play complementary roles in the project planning process scenario.

Ideally, project managers would begin by creating a PBS to clarify the outputs and products needed and then use the WBS to organize and detail the work required to achieve them. 

This integrated approach ensures that project plans are thorough, covering both output (project or product) and work-related aspects and making it easier to spot discrepancies or oversights.

Both techniques are valuable during the planning process and ideally should be used jointly to ensure success.

Together, they help project managers determine:

  • What is the result?
  • What is necessary to achieve it?
  • When will it be achievable?
  • How will people know they have achieved it?
  • Who is required to accomplish it?

First and foremost, you should outline a PBS that clarifies what needs to be built or imported from elsewhere.

The product registry is a handy way to find suppliers for third-party products, and a product flow chart helps pinpoint the order in which products are required.

This helps in understanding the plan’s logic at a high level before detailed planning begins.

Then, you design a WBS to organize and build a feasible plan for the associated work packages and activities. Thus, having an overview of the plan that includes both “things” and “work” will cover all variants of your project.

Are there products without work packages? In this case, you will not be able to deliver the desired result, or the PBS will include products that are not needed for the scope of your project.

Are there work packages without products? If so, you may be undertaking unnecessary work or missing something in your PBS.

When used jointly, the PBS and WBS techniques provide powerful tools for ensuring the accuracy and completeness of project plans, whether simple or complex. Both must be used for their intended purpose correctly without blurring the boundaries between “what” and “activity.”

If this part is achieved and the relationship between deliverables is critically reviewed early in the planning process, the risk of completing work without the required deliverables being completed can be significantly reduced.

In this context, project management tools like Twproject can offer significant support, facilitating the integration between Work breakdown structure and Product breakdown structure, improving collaboration and efficiency of project teams.

Twproject allows easy management of project hierarchical structures, ensuring that all aspects are considered and that communication among stakeholders is effective.

Moreover, it enables the project manager to have a comprehensive view of the project, improving planning, execution, and monitoring, thus contributing significantly to the project’s success.

Still in doubt? Well, you can try yourself with a free demo.

The best Project Management techniques for maintaining assets

In today’s dynamic commercial enterprise surroundings, powerful asset control and maintaining is critical to achieve certain operational performance and maximize the life of crucial property.

Project control is key in formulating successful asset renovation strategies, ensuring green use of sources, and efficient protection activities.

This article examines first-rate practices in project control specially designed for asset control, supplying techniques that can be used to decorate organizational performance and asset reliability.

Asset control is the cornerstone of any enterprise’s business method, encompassing quite several activities aimed at the efficient and lengthy-term renovation of gadgets, machinery, and materials.

Project management strategies provide systematic planning, execution, and management of asset control offerings.

Let’s discover pleasant practices that can decorate asset safety through venture management techniques.

Best practices for peak asset performance:

1. Comprehensive Asset Inventory

The first step to effective asset management is having a complete and up-to-date record of everything you own.

Project managers should collaborate with management teams for creating and maintaining a detailed asset registry.

This registry should include vital information like asset type, location, current condition, maintenance history, and any relevant documentation.

This comprehensive list is the cornerstone for all asset management activities and resource allocation decisions.

2. Risk Assessment

Not all assets require the same level of attention all the time. Conducting regular risk assessments helps identify assets most susceptible to failure or those posing significant operational risks if neglected.

Project managers, working with subject-matter experts, can then prioritize assets based on criticality.

This allows for developing customized maintenance schedules that proactively address high-risk areas while optimizing resource allocation.

3. Utilizing Predictive Maintenance Techniques

Traditional reactive maintenance practices, where you fix things only when they break down, can lead to costly downtime and unplanned repairs.

By leveraging predictive maintenance techniques, such as condition monitoring and data analytics, project managers can anticipate potential equipment failures before they occur.

By harnessing real-time data and machine learning algorithms, businesses can shift from a reactive to a proactive maintenance strategy, minimizing downtime and extending the lifespan of their assets.

4. CMMS Integration

Traditionally, dealing with asset protection projects frequently includes paper-based total work orders and manual records monitoring. This can result in inefficiencies and communication gaps.

Integrating a CMMS (Computerized Maintenance Management System) offers a powerful answer. A CMMS software acts as a centralized hub for all asset and upkeep information. Project managers can leverage the CMMS to create and assign painting orders electronically, schedule preventive maintenance based on gadget records, and music the development of protection tasks in actual time.

This now not handiest improves conversation and collaboration between venture managers and maintenance teams but also allows for information-pushed choice-making regarding aid allocation and universal task efficiency.

5. Performance Metrics and KPIs

Measuring the success of your asset maintaining efforts requires defining key performance indicators (KPIs) that align with your organizational goals.

Project managers should establish metrics like asset uptime, mean time between failures (MTBF), maintenance cost per asset, and overall equipment effectiveness (OEE) to assess project performance and identify areas for improvement.

Regularly analyzing KPI data allows for continuous optimization of your maintenance strategies.

6. Continuous Training and Skills Development

Asset maintenance practices evolve alongside technological advancements and industry trends. Project managers need to prioritize continuous learning and skill development for their maintenance teams.

This ensures proficiency in using new tools and methodologies. Investing in your workforce fosters a culture of innovation and empowers personnel to adapt to ever-changing maintenance requirements effectively.

By implementing these best practices, businesses can leverage the power of project management to optimize asset maintenance strategies and achieve operational excellence.

The result? Increased asset reliability, minimized downtime, and a maximized return on investment for your valuable assets.

Author bio:

Lindsey Walker is the marketing manager for NEXGEN, a Sacramento-based industry leader in designing advanced computerized maintenance management systems and asset management software tools for utilities, facilities, public works, manufacturing, and fleet industries. In her free time, Lindsey enjoys travelling and reading, which allows her to gain new perspectives and inspiration for her work. She is committed to creating content that connects well with her readers, enhancing their digital experiences.

Adopting a new project management tool – Stories of failure and success

Whoever has the arduous task of introducing a new project management tool in a company must always come up against some resistance and try to overcome major obstacles.

In fact, it is commonly known that any procedure changes in the workplace can throw even the most open-minded individuals into turmoil.

But there are some tricks to follow on which your success or failure may depend.

In this article we are going to show you how you might deal with change processes when introducing a new project management software in your company.

Our support to companies in adopting new project management methodologies has already surpassed twenty years of activity, both online and by consulting on site.

So far, we gained enough experience for us to to identify specific patterns of success and failure and we want to share some with you.

During our work as consultants, sometimes adoption succeeded and sometimes failed.

But in general, we think that most of the time success or failure did not depend crucially on the tool itself, but actually depended on the attitude of people involved.

What we are going to show here can be valid for any kind of tool. Either if the tool is a simple shared spreadsheet or even a physical whiteboard on the wall, not necessarily a fully-developed software system.

Our list will begin presenting failure patterns and then we will show some success stories.

In the end, we will give you 10 tips to keep in mind when introducing a new project management methodology in your company.

Failure Patterns

Frustration when choosing a new project management tool

1. Users do not use the new project management tool

In our experience the first cause of failure in the adoption of a new project management tool is not the discovery that the solution chosen does not accomplish a specific task.

It is rather the mere fact that users do not use the tool.

After a while, mangers have to acknowledge that their team is not going to adopt the solution proposed and this is probably the worst scenario.

One way to prevent it is to wonder, right from the beginning, whether is it realistic that people in your team are going to welcome the change.

Some questions you may ask yourself are:

  • Am I asking too much?
  • Is this solution simple?
  • Is it quick?
  • Are there visible advantages for the users?

If you consider this from the start, there are better chances that you avoid this pattern.

2. We’ll start using it when everything is in place

Another frequent failure pattern we have noticed is represented by the statement: “We’ll start using it when everything is in place”.

This is what we call a priori failure. In fact, in this case the defeat begins before the adoption of the tool.

In fact, saying that a new methodology will start only when everything is in order, predictably means that you actually never start.

As it is commonly known, perfectionism can be counter-productive.

3. If you don’t get a complete data coverage, what you’ll gain is worthless

A belief that frequently causes failure is that either you get a complete data coverage, or what you will be gaining is worthless.

This means, in short, that partial data is useless.

This is in our experience a big mistake: partial data is way better than no data.

If you start with just a few information, you will always have the chance to increase them during time, heading towards a more and more complete work coverage.

Try it out and let us know if this is true.

4. Software replaces human management

An almost superstitious belief in adopting such tools is that software might replace management.

This is never true, but actually the opposite happens.

A good new project management tool can help you analysing, finding patterns, exploring ongoing situations, improving collaboration.

All of these factors will enforce management instead of replacing it.

5. Migration of past habits into the new project management tool

Yet another mistake originates by hoping to migrate all the current methods in use in the company to the new system.

This often means projecting the bad habits, which can be also determined by the limitations of the tools used in the past, and moving them to the new system.

This mistake makes you miss the great opportunity provided by the introduction of new tools, i.e. the chances of reforming paths, of thinking out what can be changed or removed of old habits.

Most often the company’s greatest advantage is the acceptance of a reformation process, instead of the adoption of the tool itself.

6. Theoretical over practical advantages

One last pattern we want to share with you is this: the tendency to put the advantages of a new project management tool before the relationship between people and new methodologies.

The human factor is in fact what you should actually take into greater consideration, because team cooperation is the key for success.

In this perspective, starting with a small motivated team is more important than all the functionalities of the tool which you will chose in the end.

Success patterns

team collaboration in selecting a new project management tool

1. Present the tool differently to different people

The first one is a technique we have seen used in winning situations, which is to present the tool differently to different groups of people.

Even if what you introduce is in some way a centralized formalization of working practices, the nuances in which you show it to different people can make all the difference.

The way you present a software to the IT department must necessarily be different to the way you present it to others, as for example the group of promoters.

By adapting your presentation, your expectations in usage from that group, and the advantages you see in some specific aspects, you will make it easier for different people to understand what will happen once the system is put to work.

Generally speaking, what you need is a collection of data and information, but you do not need to get it in the same way from everyone.

2. Take the opportunity to improve processes

Another thing that successful managers know is that introducing a new solution is an opportunity for opening discussions and not for giving impositions.

Giving the chance to anyone of discussing the way the tool will be introduced may be a way for gaining respect and establishing new communication channels.

Do not forget to grab this opportunity.

In fact, not being asked for opinion is one of the main causes for dissatisfaction in the workplace.

3. Better work quality is an advantage for everyone

A point you should try to make clear in every discussion is that quality at work ends up helping everyone.

This is not just a propaganda slogan but it is the evidence in our experience and probably in anyone’s experience.

Workplaces where the attention to production quality is higher are the places where the life quality of individuals working there is higher.

4. Start simple and proceed one step at a time

Le’s support this point with a short story that happened to us once.

We were proposing our solution to a bank and our contact was smart young manager.

He invited us to a large committee meeting whose agenda was the adoption of our tool.

Every department had its own requirements and especially the IT department asked for some integrations with the existent solutions.

Our client, the young manager, said yes to anyone but after the meeting he actually told us not to do any of these integration and set up the tool as it was.

He started with a small motivated team and used a simplified project management methodology.

After the first group started, another group joined and in the end all the bank adopted this new solution in its simplified version.

His approach has had a great success.

We did some integrations later, but nevertheless he managed to get started quickly and without too many complications.


And finally, here are our 10 short tips that you should always keep in mind when proposing a new project management technology to your company.

  • Start with a small motivated group
  • Start simple, avoid useless complications
  • Put real data in the new system, right from the beginning
  • Poor and scarce information is better than none
  • Complete system integration may never happen, still your company may benefit from the new solution adopted
  • Do not delay reform while waiting for… [put any strange requirement here]
  • Reject bizarre ideas coming from a single user. If this person is the CEO (as it happens most often), answer positively but then postpone actions. At further enquiries answer: “Yes, we are going to do it, but not just now.”
  • Do not be mislead by developers and by technical details. Remember what matters in the end is people’s attitude.
  • Listen to women. In committees, women’s observations and contributions tend to be more concrete, since they seem to have a more realistic picture of human behaviour at work.
  • Remember: it is more a question of people than a question of technology.


The solution that we have been proposing for the last 20 years is a highly complete software: Twproject.

It is a very versatile and flexible software tool which adapts to all ways of working.

Its introduction is therefore very simple and it will further help you to overcome all resistance issues and to pursue the path of success.

This innovative solution covers all project management needs, from the to-do lists for workers, to the overview pages for project managers, to specific reports for board management.

It allows you to start step by step, taking advantage of a portion of the features at the beginning, and refining them over time.

If you want, you can do a free trial, keeping our series of advice in mind, and then you can let us know what you think and if you are going to propose it to your team.

Avoid failure: try Twproject.

How to make a Gantt chart

How to make a Gantt chart” is the starting point for all those who want to organize their workflow effectively.

A Gantt chart is a key tool for project planning and tracking. But how can you make an effective Gantt?

This article will explore the basic steps to create a simple and effective Gantt chart.

What is a Gantt Chart?

Before delving into the “how,” it is necessary to understand the “what.”

A Gantt chart is a visualization tool that allows project managers to map a project’s path from start to finish effectively.

Developed in the early 20th century by the mechanical engineer Henry Gantt, this tool has since evolved into one of the staples of modern project management.

Specifically, it is a type of bar chart that illustrates a project’s schedule, showing the different activities to be carried out on the vertical side and the expected timeframe for each of them on the horizontal axis.

Each bar in the chart stands for a specific activity in a project, with the length of the bar representing the expected duration for completion of the activity.

What makes the Gantt chart so precious is its ability to provide, at a glance, a detailed overview of how and when the various activities overlap, allowing project managers to optimize resources and better manage time.

Why use Gantt for your project workflow

Adopting a Gantt chart in your project workflow is recommended and a real winning strategy for any project manager.

This tool provides a straightforward view of each project phase, from each task’s start and end dates to the overlap between tasks and their duration.

But why is it so critical to the workflow’s success?

First of all, Gantt makes project management more accessible by allowing the selection of relevant data with precision and the visualization of the time axis format in a user-friendly manner.

This helps to immediately understand the sequence of activities and their interdependencies, improving planning and resource allocation.

Furthermore, visualizing distances between bars and stacked bars makes optimizing the time-space and preventing work overload possible.

Using a Gantt chart also supports selecting the most suitable format to visually represent the project, allowing you to include legend items and organize categories in reverse order, if necessary. This flexibility results in a better comprehension of the workflow by the entire team, streamlining communication and collaborative efficiency.


How to make a Gantt chart

Creating and using a Gantt chart are key steps in project management, providing a visual snapshot of a workflow.

Here are some guidelines for creating a Gantt chart:

1. Identify activities

The first step in creating a Gantt chart is establishing all the tasks required to complete your project. This includes large and small tasks, from the obvious ones to those that could easily be disregarded. Each task must be listed to be clearly displayed in the diagram.

2. Define dependencies

After having listed your tasks, the next step is to set the dependency relationships between them. This involves determining which activities must be completed before others can begin. This step is critical for creating a logical workflow and avoiding bottlenecks along the process.

3. Assign durations

Each task included in your Gantt chart must be given an assigned duration.

This not only includes the time required to complete the task itself but must also consider any dependencies that might affect its start or completion. The duration may be estimated in days, weeks, or months, depending on the scale of your project.

4. Calendar development

With the activities, dependencies, and durations in place, the next step is to develop your project schedule. This involves assigning specific start and end dates for each task, with consideration of dependencies and available resources. The schedule must be realistic and flexible, accommodating any changes.

5. Use the right tool to make your Gantt chart

Using a dedicated project management tool, such as Twproject, can considerably streamline this process. This tool has advanced features, such as easily updating tasks and their dependencies, checking real-time progress, and collaborating with team members.

6. Monitoring and updates

After creating your Gantt chart, your work is not over yet.

This chart must be regularly updated and monitored to reflect the progress of the project and any changes in the plan. This helps keep the project on track and pinpoint any delays or problems at an early stage.

But that is not all. The Gantt chart should be shared with your entire project team. This ensures everyone knows deadlines, priorities, and the overall workflow. Effective communication is crucial to the success of any project.

Make a Gantt chart with Twproject: the ultimate solution for effective charting

Twproject offers a user-friendly graphical editor for creating Gantt charts, which can be accessed by clicking the button at the beginning of the WBS.

editor gantt twproject

Those familiar with MS-Project will appreciate Twproject’s editor’s user-friendliness while noting significant differences in data models and usage dynamics.

Twproject’s main objective is to track work progress in real-time and adapt to dynamic and changing situations. This feature differs significantly from traditional project management, which involves detailed and advanced project definitions, often unrealistic in many work contexts.

Twproject adopts a distinctive model for organizing the project tree, deadlines, and statuses, diverging from the traditional Gantt chart. Projects can remain active beyond their scheduled deadlines or be temporarily suspended, thereby reflecting a more flexible schedule and dependency management.

Upon accessing your Gantt editor, you will find the WBS node you are exploring. The changes you make will only take effect once you press the “Save” button, allowing you to experiment with your project structure without altering its original configuration.

Grid panel

The project tree interface is structured in two main sections, divided by a movable vertical line. This divider can be moved to the right or left to suit your work area better. The section on the left includes the text panel.

Twproject gantt software

You can expand columns by dragging them and directly edit details such as code, name, dates, and dependencies by simply clicking on specific fields.

The project layout can be compressed; the system will save this visualization choice. You can also change project statuses via the status indicator.

gantt twproject software

Having established the dependency between the two phases, you can change the default Finish to Start (FS) relationship, opting for a different type of connection.

Twproject dipendenze gantt

Moreover, Twproject allows that interconnected activities do not necessarily have to follow one another sequentially but can overlap or be spread apart while still following the chosen dependency logic.

This flexibility improves compliance with project reality and reinforces the concept of delegation.

Elastic dependencies offer project managers the option of managing project phase schedules with greater freedom, without changes in one phase automatically leading to shifts in subsequent stages, thus promoting a more dynamic and customized approach to project planning and execution.

Gantt Panel

On the right-hand side of the interface, which graphically represents your project timeline, you can move the different phases of your project temporally by dragging and dropping them, changing all dependencies accordingly, where feasible.

Positioning your pointer at the beginning or end of a project or phase will turn into a bi-directional arrow, allowing you to extend or reduce the duration of the relevant project or phase. Again, the associated dependencies will be adjusted, always within the constraints set by the project.

Actions performed within the panel are bound by the limits and restrictions of the project and will only be allowed if they do not meet these constraints. For example, you cannot move a milestone if it has already been defined.

Using the Gantt panel, you can also set up new dependencies between project phases by dragging dependency markers to other phases and changing the associated states accordingly.

To create child tasks, all you have to do is write their name in the ‘name’ column.

gantt chart twproject

Then, you can set the start and duration by dragging the bar from the graphic part or manually writing dates in your columns.

Recently, we introduced a new feature that integrates ToDo lists with the Gantt chart to make it easier to manage project meetings (learn more here).

This new feature allows the planned activities in the Gantt chart and the details of the ToDo lists to be displayed simultaneously, making it easier to understand the progress of the project and the individual tasks to be completed.

Watch our tutorial to learn how to make an effective Gantt chart step by step:

Making a Gantt chart means having in-depth control over each task and its start and end dates and being able to plan precisely, anticipate risks, and manage resources efficiently.

Whether managing small projects or orchestrating large initiatives, the Gantt chart remains an indispensable ally for anyone who wants to complete their projects efficiently.

Still in doubt? Well, you can try yourself with a free demo.

The schedule and its importance for the Project Manager

The time schedule generally refers to the skills, tools, and techniques used by the Project Manager to manage time when executing projects to achieve specific goals.

A time schedule must adapt to a specified period of time and use available resources with the right skills.

Given the many uncertainties and variables and the possibility that the availability of resources or the scope of a project may change, it is difficult for the Project Manager to create a schedule that remains stable from beginning to end.

Why you need to plan the time for a project

At the beginning of each project, it is necessary to know how events and activities will be organized during time.

And do not forget that during the project cycle, it will be necessary to spend some time to update deadlines by considering any changes to the project plan.

The investment of time for planning the project schedule may seem superfluous, but in reality it is absolutely necessary for success.

During the life cycle of the project a part of time of the Project Manager should be foreseen to review the schedule and the dependencies of the various activities.

This allows you to check if the project plans are still on track, what is working and what is not.

The schedule of a project is composed of sequenced activities, milestones and goals that must be delivered within a given deadline.

Having a project schedule means knowing exactly what needs to be delivered and in what order.

Moreover, with the right planning techniques, it is possible to regulate the activities in the case that the project is late or if any changes to its scope occur.

The time schedule: how to structure the project planning routine

schedule and project manager

There are two routines to follow for the planning of the project:

1. Planning of the weekly project

Set a time once a week to analyze the schedule and the project plan, determine the results achieved in the past week, and define the goals for the current week.

This time must also be used to be sure that all resources are aligned to ensure the execution and achievement of the goals.

2. Planning of the daily project

Plan at least 30 minutes a day to reflect on the day and / or review the schedule for the next day.

This moment can occur at the beginning or at the end of the day, depending on the preference of the project manager and the most efficient technique.

Here is a brief example of what daily project planning can look like for a project manager:

  • Review the program and update the Gantt chart, if necessary.
  • Ensure that the meetings scheduled for the next day are properly planned and confirmed.
  • Plan the next day based on whatever deliverables are expected. If necessary, the project manager will block a part of his agenda to work quietly on this.

How to obtain a schedule

The process that allows the Project Manager to obtain a schedule is composed of four phases:

  • Create a model of how the work will be performed;
  • Estimate the duration of activities;
  • Calculate times for activities;
  • Present the results.

Every aspect of the process is taken into account by the team, using experts in the field, when necessary.

In fact, a program agreed with the team is more likely to succeed than one imposed from the board of directors.

Estimation of activity durations must take into account many factors, such as effort required, resource efficiency, physical constraints, etc.

Regarding the third point, the simplest form of calculation is the critical analysis of the path. This uses a duration estimate that includes all the factors.

The final results are usually presented as a Gantt chart.

The main advantage of this model is that it can be updated frequently with new information and quickly recalculated.

This is a continuous process throughout the project life cycle and uses the information on actual progress to predict the end date of the project.

Most of the project planning is normally performed with the help of a specific project management software.

In the past, printed calendars or spreadsheets shared by e-mail were the method used by Project Managers to keep an eye on the project schedule.

But today, most teams and organizations implement project management tools with the appropriate features.

These can simplify the creation of timelines and save them online, making the planning of activities and teams much easier.

Because projects have so many moving parts and change frequently, project planning software automatically updates tasks that depend on each other when a scheduled task is not completed in time.

With some software, it is also possible to have the advantage of setting milestones, linking activities, and seeing the actual or planned progress of the schedule update dynamically.

One of the best software on the market is Twproject: after having set the tree structure of a project and having defined its milestones, in Twproject it is possible to insert all the defined phases in a Gantt diagram. It will be sufficient to indicate the estimated time for each activity and then chain the development phases. It is also possible to make some steps dependent on others. This will allow to update statistics in real time, recalculate project deadlines in the event of delays or changes and have a complete overview of the progress of a project.

Twproject has allowed us to organize work subdivision in a simple way through the WBS, then planning the duration of the phases and the workload of each assignee by using the Gantt chart.

What are the benefits of using a time schedule?

As explained, there are many advantages that a well-made project schedule ensures to project managers, the team, and the organization in general:

  • Managers, team members, and stakeholders can monitor progress, set and manage expectations, communicate and collaborate clearly.
  • Tasks and results can be monitored and controlled to ensure timely delivery of the output – and if delays occur, it is possible to easily assess their impact and make the necessary changes.
  • Increase profitability.
  • The communication of clear and better details about the project helps the organization in the distribution of resources where they are most needed, helping to achieve the goals of the project.

Following these steps ensures the project manager to always work efficiently on any project and to be able to predict and mitigate the risks before they turn into big obstacles.

Twproject offers a 15-day free trial with the assistance of its support team. It could be an opportunity to build an effective and complete time schedule and to start optimizing work times by improving the performance of the entire work team.

We have the tools, we have the culture.

Gantt: what it is and why it is key for projects

Why create a Gantt Chart? What is it and why is it important in projects?

If you are starting to immerse yourself in the world of project management, then you should familiarize yourself with this essential tool in this industry.

Its importance in the context of project management lies in its capability to help you organize activities logically and sequentially, identify dependencies between activities, allocate resources effectively, and keep track of overall project progress.

In this article, we will explore together what a Gantt chart is, why you should use it, and how Twproject can revolutionize your approach to project management.

Gantt Diagram: what is it?

The Gantt chart, which bears the name of its inventor, Henry Gantt, is a visual tool used in project management to portray activity planning over time.

This tool appears as a horizontal bar chart, where each bar stands for a specific project activity, its duration, as well as its planned start and end.

The key to the success of a Gantt chart lies in its power to provide an at-a-glance overview of the project’s progress, allowing project managers and team members to understand deadlines, dependencies between activities, and resource allocation easily.

It also facilitates the identification of potential schedule delays or conflicts, allowing real-time changes to be made to keep the project on track.

Thanks to its simplicity and effectiveness, the Gantt chart has become an indispensable tool for managing projects of any size and complexity, promoting clear communication and improving team efficiency.

Key elements of a Gantt chart

Gantt, with its user-friendly visual structure, comprises several key elements that make it easy to read and interpret. These elements are central to understanding at a glance the progress of a project, its timelines, and the relationships between the various activities.

Here are the key elements of a Gantt chart:

1. Horizontal bars

Horizontal bars are the most distinguishing element of a Gantt chart. Each bar represents a specific activity in the project, with the length of the bar expressing the duration of said task. The position of the bar along the time axis shows the expected start and end of that task.

2. Time axis

The upper or lower horizontal axis of the diagram shows the total time frame of the project, which is divided into time units (days, weeks, months). This axis makes it possible to visualize when activities should begin and end, providing an overview of the project timeline.

3. Activity list

On the left-hand side of the diagram, there is a list of all activities planned in the project. These are usually arranged in sequential or logical order and can be grouped by phases or work areas, making it easier to understand the structure of the project.

4. Milestones

Milestones are visual indicators, often represented by symbols, that mark critical points or significant objectives within the project. They have no duration but mark key moments such as the completion of a critical stage or the delivery of a deliverable.

5. Dependencies between activities

Dependencies show relationships between activities, indicating how the completion of one activity influences the start or completion of another. These are often expressed by arrows or lines connecting the bars, highlighting the logical sequence of activities and their interdependencies.

6. Activity progress

Some Gantt charts provide a visual representation of task progress, with partially filled-in bars to indicate how much of the task has been completed. This makes it easy to compare the actual progress with the original planning.

7. Allocated resources

In more detailed versions of the diagram, it may also be specified who is ultimately responsible for each activity or what resources have been allocated. This element helps to manage human and material resources better, ensuring that each activity has the necessary resources to be completed.

8. Colours and codes

Using different colors or codes can help to quickly differentiate between different activity categories, project phases, or priority levels. This design element further increases the diagram’s readability, allowing an immediate understanding of the project status.

These key elements make the Gantt chart an extremely powerful tool for planning and monitoring projects, providing a clear and understandable view of progress and facilitating resource and time management.

Why use the Gantt Chart in project management

After having shed some light on what a Gantt is and what it is about, let’s take a look at its benefits.

Using a Gantt chart in project management is not just a matter of convention or convenience – it is a strategic choice that brings with it many significant advantages. This tool proves to be vital in tackling the complex challenges of modern project management, thanks to its ability to simplify the planning and monitoring of activities. Now let’s take a look at why the Gantt chart is so valuable:

  • Clarity and immediate grasp: The first and arguably most apparent advantage of the Gantt chart is its visual clarity. The graphical portrayal of activities on a time scale makes the duration of each activity, overlaps, dependencies, and margins for flexibility immediately obvious. This helps all team members to quickly understand how their work fits into the larger project context, facilitating planning and self-organization.
gantt chart twproject

  • Better internal communication: The transparency offered by the Gantt chart improves communication within the team significantly. Each member can visualize not only their own activities but also how these relate to the work of others. This promotes a sense of collective responsibility for the project and helps to prevent misunderstandings or overlooking deadlines and priorities.
  • Time management optimization: By visualizing durations and dependencies between activities, Gantt charts help project managers optimize resource allocation and time planning. By pre-emptively identifying potential conflicts or overload periods in advance, it is possible to redistribute resources or revise deadlines to keep the project on schedule.
  • Facilitazione della pianificazione e del monitoraggio: Gantt chart is not only a planning tool but also a monitoring tool. It makes it easy to compare the actual progress of the project with the original planning, highlighting any delays or deviations. This is crucial for taking timely corrective action and ensuring that the project stays on track.
  • Decision support: when facing uncertainty or needing to make quick decisions, the Gantt chart provides a robust basis of objective information. Visibility into how various activities affect each other helps managers assess the consequences of any changes, supporting informed and strategic decision-making.
  • Versatility and adaptability: The Gantt chart is fit for projects of all sizes and industries. Its versatility makes it a precious tool for project managers working in diverse contexts, always offering a solid support structure for project management.

Gantt Chart: Which software to choose?

Beginners often resort to Excel for project management, mainly because it is familiar and seemingly simple. However, this choice can prove counterproductive.

Despite being a powerful tool for data processing, Excel is not optimized for project management and presents several limitations that can compromise effective project planning and monitoring (learn more here).

Evaluating project management software is a pivotal process to ensure that the chosen tool aligns effectively with the needs of the team and the project.

Twproject stands out as the best software on the market for creating Gantt charts for several key reasons that meet the needs of project managers.

These aspects make it well suited for those seeking not only to plan activities effectively but also to monitor project progress in real time, manage resources efficiently, and facilitate collaboration between team members.

Here’s why Twproject is the right choice:

1. User-friendly and customizable interface

Twproject offers a user-friendly interface that makes it easy to create and manage Gantt charts.

Users can easily add, edit, and arrange tasks, sub-projects, and milestones with just a few clicks. Advanced customization allows the Gantt to be adapted to the specific needs of the project, improving readability and understanding of the project status by all team members.

2. Advanced dependency management

Unlike other tools that offer limited functionality, Twproject makes detailed management of dependencies between activities possible.

This includes the option of defining complex relationships, such as flexible dependencies, which better reflect the dynamic nature of modern projects, allowing for more realistic and flexible planning.

3. Real-time collaboration

Twproject simplifies collaboration between team members by providing them access to the Gantt chart, viewing assignments, updating task status, and sharing documents in a centralized environment.

This considerably improves communication within the team and with stakeholders, reducing the risk of misunderstandings and accelerating the decision-making process.

4. Monitoring and reporting

Managers enjoy powerful tools for monitoring project progress and generating detailed reports. This way, they have a clear picture of the project’s progress, identify any delays or problems at an early stage, and make informed decisions to keep the project on track.

5. Efficient resource management

In resource management, Twproject offers powerful functionalities for allocating and monitoring human, financial, and material resources. Users can easily overview resource availability, prevent overloads, and optimize resource allocation to maximize project efficiency.

6. Scalability

Twproject is designed to fit projects of all sizes and complexities, making it a scalable solution that can grow with your business. No matter whether managing a single project or coordinating a portfolio of multiple projects, Twproject offers the functionality and flexibility to manage projects in different scenarios effectively.

Making a Gantt chart with Twproject is an easy and intuitive process, so you can focus on what matters: successfully completing your project.

Remember, the key for a project manager is not only knowing the right tools but also knowing how to use them at the right time.

Twproject is here to guide you through every step of your journey, making project management a smooth and rewarding experience.

Plan your projects with Twproject

Why choose a project management software in your language

Managing a project effectively is a complex task. It requires a lot of time and high capacity. This is why the implementation of a project management software possibly in the mother tongue simplifies the process.

This implementation becomes more and more essential, if we consider that companies have goals to achieve that can also be taken as a reference point to measure the overall level of success and growth.

The value in purely economic terms of the organization also depends on success, growth, and efficiency. It is clear that if a project management software can be simply used by all members of the team, it can facilitate the achievement of goals, becoming an indispensable resource for the company itself.

An effective general management of the project cannot depend only on the skill of the Project Manager in managing tasks and resources, but also depends on the possibility that the Team has to feel supported, to interact, and to check individual and group progress. All this and much more can be achieved only with the use of a good software in the mother tongue of the Team that helps the PM managing the entire project and the Team to carry it out.

Project management software and its advantage

Since managing a project is a complex and time-consuming process, streamlining it using a project management system is a valuable solution that can be applied to an increasing number of projects and organizations.

The main purpose of the project management software is to assist the team in planning and monitoring the project, taking into account the resources, components, and overall stakeholders.
This investment is economically advantageous in the long term, if we consider the amount that the company could lose with poor project management and if, as already mentioned, we consider the added value that the company has for every goal achieved.

Companies that are not yet using project management softwares are likely to do more work with less profits. This is due to the time wasted on adjustment activities.

If these activities have already been taken into consideration in advance and are already planned, the project manager, with his team, will have more time to concentrate on the fundamental operations for completing of the project.

Here are some reasons why a project management software is useful for organizations of any size:

Scheduling and planning of activities

Detailed scheduling of activities with dependencies and milestones in the Twproject gantt diagram

Without a computerized system, it can be difficult for the team to meet deadlines due to the lack of a fixed guideline on what should be done, by whom and by when.

Even the overall visualization of the tasks to be performed helps. Time is lost when employees show up for work without knowing the tasks they should do.
The use of a software outlines the activities and makes them visible and clear to everyone in real time.

Setting deadlines and priorities, together with planning, avoids misunderstandings and overlaps of activities and schedules.
In fact, some of the indispensable functionalities in a project management software are a synchronized and shared team calendar that provides an overview of everything. 

The Gantt chart is a tool that easily shows the timing of steps and milestones and also allows you to see the assignees of each individual task and the overall progress.

It is particularly useful if it has sufficient elasticity to realistically reflect the progress of project phases and the correlation between them.

Resource workload with coloured Gantt charts

Management of the resources needed for the project

Resource management is another reason why a project management software is useful.

Managing resources efficiently is important to ensure the proper functioning of the project activities and phases. Good management of the workflow does not waste anyone’s time.

This feature describes the resources that will be used and when they will be used.

Knowing the materials that will be used in a project allows you to work smoothly without blockings caused by a missing tool or equipment.

The calculation of the use of a resource must also be present. This allows, in a cost saving perspective, not to forget certain resources and to avoid their excessive use.

It is clear that this leads to a reduction in expenses and ensures the payment of resources only when they are really needed and used.

Calculating resource utilisation with Twproject

Budget management

Each project comes with a budget that also counts contingencies and profit.

The goal of a project manager is to keep the actual cost below, or at least equal to the estimated cost, in order to maximize the profit earned by the company for the project.

To manage expenses efficiently, the simple creation of an Excel spreadsheet will not be enough.

In this case, some essential functions that a good PM software should have can be the monitoring of the time spent on the various activities. The monthly and weekly reports on expenses, a financial reporting dashboard and, in some cases, the automated billing option will become valuable references for the Project Manager.

Management of the project documentation

Many organizations use excel spreadsheets, others, probably the smallest, can even use pen and paper to track project progress.

However, these methods expose to potential errors. A research shows that 88% of the data in a spreadsheet contains errors that are alarming for organizations that use it as a reference tool for managing business operations.
The use of a project management software guarantees an accurate documentation based on the data collected in a detailed and methodical way.
A project management software can therefore definitely help you get the projects under control and and the team work moving in the right direction..

Collaboration within the work team

When managing a large project, each member of the team is designated with individual activities.

To ensure that everyone has the same focus, it is necessary to use a project management software to simplify team collaboration.

When a member has questions or concerns, he must immediately get the right answer by communicating internally to the team. He must communicate with the right people within the right project, without wasting time looking for other sources. Therefore, it is almost essential to have an internal chat within the software.

This reduces the time spent searching for answers

A chat also optimizes the sharing of documents, timelines and status updates to notify everyone of important information such as the amount of work done and how much time is left to complete it.

Some features not to be underestimated can be the possibility of file sharing, sharing of customer data, a chat for each project integrated in the system, and a dashboard for each team that provides an overview of the progress of each single piece within the project.

The choice of a project management software in the mother tongue

In short, thanks to a project management software, it is possible to maintain the management of the group and the project.

But this can only be done if all the members of the Team will be able to use it to its full potential. And how will all this be possible if not all the members of the team fully understand the language of the software?

When choosing a project management software, the language is often underestimated, while playing a key role instead.

Having a software available is certainly important, but it’s not just about having it… You also need to know how to use it and make it work.

There are some aspects related to team management that are strongly related to the language. They are aspects that are a great part of the success or the inexpensiveness of a project.

The software, in the realization of a project, is an almost indispensable resource, and for this reason is important to use a project management software with a multilingual version or a project management software that contemplates the mother tongue.

Certainly, many project managers will understand English, given the amount of foreign terms in the sector.

However, when we talk about other collaborators and team members who have to deal with the system, the situation changes. It is essential to make sure that the chosen software is available in the mother tongue.

It would not be nice if, due to a bad interpretation of a term, the workflow of a given project was somehow interrupted. Interpretation is the enemy of efficiency.

Choosing a project management software in native or multilingual language is essential to ensure the use of the software itself. If the team finds a pleasant environment, where the barriers to use are not present, it will definitely be more inclined to use the tool. Clearly, this will guarantee a constantly updated and performed project.

But there are other aspects related to the language that have to be taken into consideration. Let’s see them together.


Assistance must also be an aspect consider when choosing a software.
In fact, if you choose a project management software in your mother tongue, you can also have mother tongue language support. Any need, any doubt will not leave room for interpretation, the understanding will be immediate and the intervention of the PM will not be necessary.


The software becomes a tool of great value if integrated with the production processes. For this reason, the language becomes strategic in allowing the team to switch from one application to another without having any kind of shock.

Cloud or Enterprise

When choosing a software with a multilingual version, it is essential to think about the evolving company.
Today, choosing whether to install the software or keep it in the cloud is a strategic choice, but it must not become a constraint.
Usually companies start with cloud projects and then evolve towards enterprise solutions. This is why it is necessary to start immediately with a project management software in Italian.
Only thanks to this choice, whatever the evolution of the company, the software can be enjoyed serenely and without barriers by the whole team.

Do you use a project management software? Are there certain fundamental benefits for you that we have not shown in this article? Share your opinion with us!

Twproject is in your language!

Gantt vs Agile: differences and combinations

Gantt vs Agile? Choosing between tools and methodologies in project management can significantly impact your project’s outcome.

Understanding the peculiarities of a planning tool such as Gantt and a dynamic methodology such as Agile is critical for project managers who strive to optimize processes and lead their work teams to success.

We will examine their differences, benefits, and potential combinations for effective project management.

Gantt vs Agile: key differences

The distinction between the Gantt chart and Agile is fundamentally rooted in their nature – the  Gantt chart is a visual tool for planning and monitoring project phases, visualizing the length and sequence of activities on a time axis.

Conversely, Agile provides a flexible and iterative methodology designed to adapt to quick changes and promote continuous feedback between development teams and customers.

This core difference strongly impacts how project managers approach the structuring, execution, and adaptation of their projects.

The choice between Gantt and Agile and the decision to integrate them depends on the nature of the given project, the work environment, customer requirements, and team culture. Understanding these key differences is pivotal for project managers who seek to implement the most effective strategy for managing their projects.

Let’s take a look at their key differences:

1. Approach to planning:

  • Gantt chart: It is based on detailed and sequential project planning. Activities are presented as colored bars on a chart, with clearly defined start and end dates. This approach provides a clear picture of the project and makes it easier to monitor progress; however, it can be inflexible and unsuitable for projects with variable requirements or in uncertain contexts.
  • Agile: It is based on an iterative and incremental approach. The project is broken down into short cycles (sprints) lasting 1-4 weeks; a working version of the product is released at the end. This approach promotes flexibility and adaptability to change, making it ideal for projects involving uncertain settings or requirements that may evolve over time.

2. Team involvement:

  • Gantt chart: The team’s involvement in the planning phase may be limited. The Gantt chart is often created by the project manager or a planning team, and the development team may only play a minor role in defining activities and timelines.
  • Agile: The Agile methodology focuses on team involvement and collaboration. The development team is actively involved in sprint planning, task estimation, and decision-making. This approach supports the empowerment and motivation of the team.

3. Change management:

  • Gantt chart: The Gantt chart is a strict tool that is not well-suited for frequent changes. Changing a single activity can have a chain effect on the whole project, requiring an update of the diagram and timetable.
  • Agile: Agile methodology is designed to manage change flexibly. The sprint structure allows the project schedule to be revised and adapted frequently, incorporating feedback received and any changes in requirements.

Gantt vs Agile: pros and cons

Gantt and Agile offer distinct approaches to project planning, execution, and control, and each has its unique strengths.

Exploring both advantages can help project managers choose the best approach for their unique project needs, balancing detailed planning with the ability to adapt quickly to evolving challenges.

Pros of the Gantt chart:

  • Detailed and accurate planning: Gantt provides a visual portrayal of the project plan, illustrating the duration, start, and end of each activity on a time axis. This way, project managers can plan in detail and easily understand the dependencies between different activities, ensuring that all teams are aware of the different activities.
  • Progress monitoring: Project managers can easily monitor progress compared to the original plan, quickly spotting any delays or deviations from the schedule.
  • Deadline orientation: The Gantt diagram is especially useful in projects with well-defined objectives and deadlines, where the sequence and duration of activities are clear from the get-go.
gantt chart dependences

Pros of the Agile methodology:

  • Short iterations and constant feedback: Agile is based on short development cycles, known as sprints, which make it possible to adapt quickly to changes and to incorporate feedback from customers or end users constantly.
  • Better risk management: It helps to recognize and mitigate potential problems in advance.
  • Collaboration and communication: The agile methodology emphasizes collaboration among team members and with customers, promoting open and frequent communication.
  • Adaptability to change: Unlike Gantt, Agile allows for changes even at the late stages of a project, making it ideal for projects in dynamic and rapidly changing environments where requirements may change over time.

Is it possible to combine Gantt and Agile?

Integrating Gantt and Agile in a hybrid approach to project management offers many benefits to project managers, allowing them to leverage both qualities to drive teams to success in an increasingly complex and dynamic working environment.

1. Strategic planning and operational flexibility

The combination of Gantt and Agile allows managers to set a thorough strategic plan, thanks to the Gantt chart’s visibility on project phases and milestones.

Likewise, implementing Agile principles ensures the operational flexibility needed to adapt to changes, enabling the team to respond proactively to project and market needs. This balance between planning and adaptability is critical in complex projects where conditions can change rapidly.

2. Progress monitoring and quick iterations

The hybrid approach makes it easy to monitor project progress effectively, combining the straightforwardness of Gantt’s linear progress with Agile’s ability to implement changes quickly through fast iterations.

Project managers can, therefore, assess project progress concerning the original plan while preserving the flexibility to make corrections or adjustments based on feedback received during sprints.

3. Better communication and customer involvement

By integrating Gantt and Agile, project managers promote better communication within their teams and with customers.

Whereas Gantt provides a clear and understandable roadmap for all stakeholders, Agile supports continuous customer involvement, ensuring the final product is as close to expectations as possible.

This hybrid approach ensures that decisions are made with a full understanding of the project context, improving customer satisfaction and team effectiveness.

4. Resource optimization and efficiency

The combination of Gantt and Agile helps project managers optimize resource use, assigning tasks and priorities more effectively.

Thanks to Gantt’s in-depth planning and Agile’s flexibility, workloads can be balanced, resources can be allocated according to the evolving needs of the project, and waste can be reduced, increasing the team’s overall efficiency.

5. Response to change and innovation

Ultimately, the hybrid approach helps project managers to respond more effectively to change by using the Gantt structure to keep the project on track and the Agile methodology to integrate new ideas and innovations.

This improves the project’s ability to adapt to emerging challenges and promotes a working environment focused on innovation and continuous improvement.

Twproject: the ultimate solution for Gantt and Agile

Twproject stands out in the project management industry thanks to its superior solution that effectively integrates Gantt and Agile.

This tool is designed to simplify project management, making activity planning and monitoring more user-friendly, extremely flexible, and adaptable to different work contexts.

Twproject’s Gantt Chart is known as one of the best on the market for several reasons.

First and foremost, its user-friendliness does not come at the expense of power and versatility. Customers choose Twproject for its clear graphs, ease of monitoring project progress, and advanced features, such as visualization of task dependencies and real-time resource management.

The platform offers a wide range of dynamic features, including:

  • Real-time resource allocation: Twproject provides an easy way to monitor and modify resource allocations, quickly identifying any over or under-allocations.
  • Management of flexible working hours: It offers the option of setting customized work schedules for each team member, ensuring accurate work capacity planning.
  • Project status supervision: Through dedicated dashboards, Twproject provides a real-time view of project progress, making it easier to detect any critical issues.
  • Sharing and communication: The platform emphasizes the importance of communication in project management, providing tools for easy sharing of ideas, documents, and feedback.
  • Task planning and management: This software blends planning management with Gantt and task entry for the whole team, bringing projects closer to the day-to-day work of the resources.

Twproject‘s adaptability to different working methods, its user-friendly interface, and powerful features make it a must-have tool for project managers who want to optimize their project management, improving team communication and overall efficiency.

Plan your projects with Twproject

Gantt charts for a project: productive advantage or disadvantage?

Gantt charts for projects are the essential weapon of the Project Manager, but they can be extremely useful and effective even for anyone who wants to organize their activities in a structured way.

This planning tool appeared in the early twentieth century and has since been widely used for project planning.

The main reason for the success of the Gantt charts is their simplicity and the focus on the quick visualization of the activities.

Gantt charts are also an excellent way to plan the project in a temporal way, allowing to define roles, responsibilities and effective use of resources.

In fact, they provide an immediate vision of how to develop and structure the project and act as a guideline to the end.

What is a Gantt chart?

The Gantt chart, also called scheduled bar chart, is a tool for panning a set of activities that, generally, are part of a single, more complex project.

On the horizontal axis there is the time span, whose unit of measurement depends on the project calendar – days, weeks, months, etc. – while on the vertical axis we find the list of the various activities.

Each task forms a coloured bar that goes from the start date to the end of the activity.

Once all the activities have been inserted, there is a visual scheme of how the project is structured, which tasks come first, which ones overlap and which ones happen later.

The resources that carry out every single activity are easily identifiable.

With such a graphic structure, it is easy to understand, at first glance, if the processes are taking place on schedule and if the progress of the project is in line with the scheduled deadline.

mobile app gantt Twproject

Many software have, in the Gantt, their sore point because the Gantt is not very effective or even non-existent.

Only some software, including Twproject, allow not only to obtain a Gantt chart of the project that is easy to read, but also to get even more details, indicating for example:

  • the resource assigned to a given activity;
  • if the resource works full-time or part-time;
  • how much work has been done and remains to be done;
  • the cost associated with each activity.

optimised workload management in Gantt with Twproject

What are the advantages of the Gantt chart?

As a company we think that the Gantt chart, if well structured and managed, can bring various benefits to the management of a project.

Here is a list of advantages that this system inevitably presents.

The Advantages of Gantt: Visualization

The Gantt chart allows to clearly visualize the workflow and the project structure.

When we insert the various tasks, or analyse the schema after inserting them, we can immediately realize any inconsistencies.

The linear scheme allows you to understand in advance if you will face potential organizational or technical problems and allows you to prepare in advance.

The distribution of the activities allows to identify the intermediate goals and to understand if the project is in line with the schedule or not.

clear and organised workflow visualisation with Twproject Gantt chart

The Advantages of Gantt: Flexibility

As already mentioned, an advantage of the Gantt chart is to clearly show the start and end date of a given activity.

The timing of each task will be set after a direct comparison with the managers of each sector, in order to have a realistic value.

For this reason, the Gantt chart is also useful for the feasibility analysis of a project.

Once the entire project structure is set up, it makes no sense to run to complete certain steps before the set date – unless there is really a valid reason – as this may be reflected in the lack of completeness and / or accuracy.

If you have agreed on a certain date speaking to the direct responsible, it means that this is the time necessary to carry out the work correctly and completely.

Forcing time would affect the quality of work.

flexibility of dependencies in Twproject's Gantt chart

The Advantages of Gantt: Efficiency

These charts allow an intelligent and effective use of resources.

It becomes really difficult for the resources to be reliable when they are grappling with too many processes and find themselves submerged.

All conflicts and problems that follow an overload of tasks can lead to a definitive blockage of the whole project and, inevitably, to its failure.

Using Gantt charts as a project planning tool gives you an overview of the project timeline so you can easily see where and when a particular resource is busy.

So, it is possible to allocate resources in such a way not to slow down or block the activities.

Once a process comes to an end, you can transfer the resource to another activity.

The Advantages of Gantt: Motivation

Gantt charts are great for morale!

Probably we all had those days where we felt completely lost and submerged from work and projects and we could no longer see the direction in which we were going.

In this case, the Gantt chart can be a valid psychological aid.

Looking at the diagram, in fact, you can immediately see how activities are taking place and how each process leads to the completion of the entire project.

It is a very effective method to raise morale and motivate the team.

Moreover, seeing the achievement of a goal – however small it may be – is still a gratification. It allows to concentrate, step by step, on the different blocks of activity without feeling disoriented by a project that can be long and complex.

The Advantages of Gantt: Communication

Gantt charts are not just a useful tool for planning the project.

Team members can use these diagrams to see where they are in the project, what they need to complete certain tasks and the inputs they need.

The project diagram shows them exactly who they should contact and who they should collaborate with during each phase.

This makes them able to communicate better not only with each other, but also with the Project Manager.

Thanks to the Gantt charts, it is also possible to help improve cohesion, communication and understanding of and in the team.

Create your Gantt now

Contact us for a tailored demo and find out how to use Twproject’s interactive Gantt

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The aspects (disadvantages) of the Gantt chart to keep under control!

As with any high performance tool, even for the Gantt Chart, there are some aspects to monitor.

Aspects that if not properly managed could result in real disadvantages.

Let’s list briefly the aspects to pay attention to, so that everyone can make his evaluations:

  • It can become extraordinarily complex. Except for the simplest projects, a Gantt chart will present a large number of activities and resources used to complete the project. There are special software that can handle all this complexity. However, when the project reaches this level, it must be managed by a small number of people, or often by one, able to handle all the details. Large companies often employ one or more prepared Project Managers. In companies not used to this type of management, this may not work as it should.
  • The size of the bar does not indicate the amount of work. Each bar on the graph indicates the period of time in which a given activity will be completed. However, by observing the bar, it is not possible to determine what level of engagement we need to complete these tasks. For example, a short bar could take 500 hours, while a longer bar could take only 20 hours.
  • The length of a bar in fact indicates the timing of a given activity and not its complexity in terms of working hours.
  • It needs constant updates. After starting the project, things can change. If you use a Gantt chart, you need to be able to change the chart easily and frequently.
  • Difficult to see on a single sheet of paper. The software that allows you to manage these graphics are mostly suited to a computer screen and are not meant to be printed. It therefore becomes difficult to show the details of the plan to a broad audience. It is certainly possible to print the chart, but this normally involves a job of “cutting and pasting” of the individual pieces, rather expensive in terms of time.

Bottom line

To sum up, in the context of project management it is essential to have a clear view of the beginning of activities and how they develop as the project progresses.

We have seen how using a Gantt chart helps team members visualise not only when individual activities begin and end, but also how they intersect and influence the final outcome of the project.

All in all, the biggest advantage of the Gantt chart is the pure simplicity and the clear overview of the activities and their duration.

This makes it ideal for projects where facilitated access to all relevant information is required and where these should be easily understood by all those involved in the project.

This is why we thought of an evolution of the Twproject Gantt.

We have, in fact, built a tool that can shape situations in real time and be easily modified over time.

Twproject’s focus is to capture the work done in real time, to guide the Project Manager during the entire project development.

Twproject includes an interactive Gantt that allows us to punctually assign resources to each phase. Thanks to this approach, we can monitor the progress of the project in all its parts with full transparency.

Our customers’ experience in this direction encourages us by providing us with guidance in future development.

Now it’s your turn, create your Gantt with Twproject and get a 15-day free trial!

Do you want to create your first Gantt?

The project baseline and the measurement of the variables

The project baseline is an “instant photo” of the project taken at its initial moment.

The goal of the project baseline is to see how far actual results have deviated from the initial reference plan.

In project management, it is essential to establish a baseline with clearly defined requirements, an accurate cost structure, and planning estimates, before the project execution and monitoring start.

All this must be completely defined and documented before the actual activities of the project begin.

In the baseline, the following elements of a project are included:

  • Scope
  • Timelines
  • Costs
  • Resources
  • Risks
  • Quality

Project Manager and project baseline

The project manager must examine the deviations from the project baseline when the work is done and throughout the project life cycle.

After the planning process is completed, this plan is agreed by all stakeholders and everyone expects the actual results to match the planned ones.

The role of the project manager is to verify during the execution of the project, if there is any variation from the baseline, in any element mentioned above.

If an event occurs that causes the project budget to be exceeded, for example, or if there is a risk that will cause the project to be delayed, corrective and preventive actions must be taken.

The project baseline can be changed, but it is not an easy process. These changes can be complex and require careful consideration.

In fact, the baseline should allow to verify how much the project is in line with the initial planning.

If a baseline changes too frequently and there are too many deviations from it, this can be considered misleading.

Therefore, in the real world, the baseline of the project is generally modified only if an important request for modification is approved and only with the recognition of the sponsor of the project.

These changes are considered and approved through a specific process, in which the impacts on the project are assessed.

If a change is approved by the control committee, first its impacts are reported in the project plan and, next, the modification can be implemented.

Deviations from the project baseline are often due to incomplete or incorrect risk identification.

There may be a deviation from the baseline of the project, for example, if the cost of an activity or article exceeds the planned values, or if an activity takes more time than the planned duration.

Why is the project baseline important?

Establishing a baseline allows the project manager to evaluate performance and resource optimisation for the duration of a project.

If a project is behind schedule or above budget, it is time to make changes to the baseline or add more resources.

A technique often used by project managers to measure and compare the performance of a project with its baseline, is the following calculation:

Planned Value (PV) = The estimated cost of the planned work

Actual Value (AV) = Actual cost of work done up to the current date

Effective Value (EV) = Planned Value (PV) x % of project completion

Schedule Performance Index (SPI) = EV / PV , measures progress made up to the current date with respect to the initially planned progress.

When SPI <1, less work than expected has been done.

When SPI> 1, more work than expected has been done.

Cost Performance Index (CPI) = EV / AV , measures the value of completed work compared to the planned labor cost.

Finally, baseline determination helps with the accuracy of future estimations. This allows the project manager to get a better idea of how long it will take to complete the project and at what costs.

Estimated at Completion (EAC) = (total project budget) / CPI

EAC is a forecast of how much the overall project will cost, so that it is possible to approximate the correct allocation of resources.

Maintaining an accurate record of current project estimates and actual results allows estimates to be applied to similar future projects.

How to check the status of the baseline

 The check of the progress of the project with respect to the baseline, must follow specific procedures that are established even before starting the execution of the project.

Effective control is possible when these elements are defined:

  • Performance assessment standards and criteria
  • Data collection system
  • Frequency of monitoring, ie. when the checks must be carried out
  • Frequency of reporting
  • Approval process for the new programming
  • Stakholders communication plan.

Practices to follow for optimal calculation and good control of the project baseline

 Let’s see the “modus operandi” to set, track and maintain an optimal project baseline.

 1. Setting of the original baseline

At the beginning of any project, it is very important to set a baseline that represents the starting point of the work. This is a useful method to document the change of various parameters of a project. The goal of setting a baseline is to avoid rewriting its parameters, but eventually just adding new ones. The experience of the project manager in this operation has a very important role.

2. Keep track of previous baselines

As the project progresses, surely the project manager will have to make changes. However, before any change, it is important to save a history of the previous baselines so that it is possible to access the previous baselines for comparisons and restore changes, if necessary.

3. Maintenance of a baseline

Once a change has been approved, it is time to update the forecast by adding the new scope, deadlines, and approved changes. Keeping an accurate record of updates and changes to the baseline allows the project manager to keep the project in line with the new requirements.

In order for the project to be successful, a structured control system becomes fundamental, as well as a good initial planning.

In addition, a project manager must be able to manage contingencies and any changes that may occur during the life cycle of a project.

The control must not only be limited to reporting the changes and rescheduling the activities planned for the future. Instead, control must be a proactive process in which project managers try to anticipate problems.

The project manager must therefore have a continuous and detailed view of the project and must communicate continuously with the project team and with stakeholders.

Managing the project baseline with project management software

Managing projects with a project management software is clearly simpler, but if the software also manages the baselines, even the subsequent analysis will be simpler.
Twproject records every change on your project and allows you to scroll through the whole story in a simple and visually impactful way, thanks to its timeline, managing to get to the starting point to analyze everything that has happened: every time the budget has been exceeded, the hours estimate, time, any correction and advancement.

move timeline

Thanks to this, a project manager can refer to different baselines and it is important that he has an adequate control system available.

A good project software like Twproject that keeps track of project timings and deliverables, can certainly give a big help in the control of the project baseline, too.

Manage your projects effectively with Twproject

One try is worth a million words.

Gantt chart in Excel: what are the limitations?

The Gantt chart in Excel can be compared to one created in project management software? You will find out shortly by continuing to read.

As you well know, the Gantt chart is a central tool in project management for visualizing the progress of every task.

Project managers often rely on Excel to create these charts, using horizontal bars to portray the series of data relating to tasks’ start and end dates.

Still, what are the limitations of a Gantt in Excel? Let’s analyze them below.

6 limitations in using Excel for a Gantt chart

1.    Static and strict activity management

Excel was not designed specifically for project management (learn more here).

Excel’s spreadsheet format implies a static and strict management of activities using a Gantt chart. This poses several specific challenges, including:

  • Manual updates: Any changes regarding start or end dates, task lengths, or resource allocations must be filled in manually. For a dynamic project, where times and resources can change frequently, this process becomes cumbersome and error-prone.
  • Slow response to change: In Excel, responding quickly to changes is complex. If the end date of a task is postponed, project managers must manually update all dependent tasks. This process is prone to omission mistakes, which can cause inaccurate time and resource estimates.
  • Lack of automation: Since there are no automation capabilities specific to project management, task planning becomes time-consuming, lacking the possibility of quick and automatic adjustments in response to project variations.
gantt excel

2.  Complexity in visualizing dependencies

In a Gantt diagram, it is critical to visualize dependencies between tasks.

Dependencies are vital in any project – they state how the delay or acceleration of one task affects the others. Excel presents significant limitations in this regard:

  • Manual mapping: Dependencies must be mapped manually in Excel, often using comments or complex cell organization. This counter-intuitive method makes it difficult for team members to visualize how activities are interconnected quickly.
  • Complicated updates: When a dependency changes, the project manager must find and manually update each reference. This process is error-prone and highly inefficient, especially in projects with many interdependencies.

Limited visualization: Excel does not offer a straightforward way to visually distinguish between different dependencies (e.g., start-to-start, end-to-end, etc.). This limitation limits the project manager’s analysis and planning powers, and they must rely on external solutions to overcome this shortcoming.

3.  Limitations in scalability

Large projects can become particularly problematic in Excel.

As the number of tasks and team members increases, the file becomes heavier and takes longer to manage. This limitation in scalability can make it difficult to manage complex projects efficiently.

4. Lack of real-time collaboration

Collaboration is a major aspect of project management.

Excel does not support real-time collaboration, so team members cannot simultaneously work on the same file.

This limitation makes it difficult to communicate and update information in real-time, which is crucial in a dynamic working environment.

Collaborating on an Excel project typically requires sending the file via email or uploading it to a shared drive. This approach can lead to confusion about which version of the file is the most up-to-date and increase the risk of unintentional overwriting.

Moreover, with no way to work on the same file simultaneously, team members must wait for one person to complete their work and update the file before another can start. This considerably slows down the process of updating and revising the project.

Also, it is difficult to track who made what changes and when. This lack of traceability can lead to difficulties in managing accountability and understanding the history of changes made to the project.

5. Lack of specific features

Excel does not offer specific project management features such as task progress tracking, alarms for upcoming deadlines, or integration with external tools.

This lack makes it difficult to perform comprehensive and detailed project management.

6. Difficulties in customization and interpretation

As mentioned, creating a Gantt chart in Excel that is visually clear and easy to interpret can be challenging.

Customizing and interpreting Gantt charts in Excel pose unique challenges, particularly for large teams or complex projects:

  • Advanced customization: To adapt a Gantt chart to the specific requirements of a project, users often have to resort to complex manual solutions, such as modifying formulas, editing conditional format bars, or creating macros.

This requires some advanced skills in Excel, which not all team members may possess.

  • Visual clarity: Keeping visual clarity in a Gantt chart can be tricky in Excel.  

With no dedicated tools, differentiating between different project phases, task priorities, or progress states requires significant effort for visual customization, which may not be intuitive or easily interpreted by all team members.Data interpretation: Gantt charts in Excel can be difficult for team members of different skill levels to interpret. Without a clear and accessible presentation of information, communication, and understanding of the project status can be compromised.

Overcome Excel’s limitations with Twproject

Over time, using Excel to create Gantt charts has proven severely limiting, especially when managing complex projects that require effective collaboration between team members.

Twproject is a project management software that includes many advanced and integrative features.

The software creates a dynamic and interactive Gantt chart, which supports detailed task planning and real-time management of resources, task dependencies, and milestones.

gantt chart twproject

Also, Twproject allows Gantt and ToDo lists to be visualized simultaneously, making it easier to manage tasks and their allocation during project meetings. This integration provides a complete overview of the project, improving communication between team members and leading to more effective workload management.

In Twproject‘s latest release, we have introduced flexible dependencies in the Gantt chart to allow greater flexibility in planning activities.

These flexible dependencies allow overlaps and downtimes between project phases to be managed more realistically, better reflecting the dynamic nature of modern projects.

The option of intuitively modifying dependencies and managing the elasticity of project phases is a marked improvement over the rigidity of diagrams produced with Excel.

Moreover, Twproject stands out for its ability to provide a project overview that includes planned activities and actual progress, thanks to the automatic updating of data within the Gantt.

This is key to keeping all team members up-to-date on project progress and making timely decisions based on accurate information.

Twproject is the ultimate solution for project managers, providing a more integrated and dynamic approach to project management.

Its state-of-the-art functionalities and user-friendly interface make it an indispensable tool for successful project management.

Still in doubt? Well, you can try yourself with a free demo.

Project management plan: what it is for and how to make it

With no adequate project management plan, your business will be vulnerable to chaotic management, vague objectives, inadequate resources, and frustrated employees.

As a matter of fact, unrealistic planning results in high risks that produce poor quality results from high costs.

This is why it is so important to make a comprehensive project management plan before the work begins.

In this article we will take a look at what a management plan is, what it is for, and how to implement it.

What is a project management plan?

The project manager creates the project management plan based on input gathered from the project team and key stakeholders.

A project management plan is a formal document that outlines how a project will be executed, monitored and controlled.

As work moves forward, project performance is benchmarked compared to the performance measurement baseline included in the project management plan.

Should a deviation from the baseline occur while the work is in progress, the project manager needs to address it by making adjustments to correct it.

If these adjustments should fail to correct the deviations, formal baseline change requests become mandatory.

Project managers spend a great deal of time ensuring the achievement of objectives., ensuring that all stakeholders get the hoped-for benefits.

As well as proper planning, a project manager’s skills also consist of efficiently controlling the project and ensuring that project deliverables are on time and that the project proceeds according to the project management plan.

How to make a project management plan

There is no unique model that works for all projects.

Each management plan must be tuned to the given industry and project circumstances.

Yet, typically, here is how a management plan is made:

1. Identify the goal of your project

To build anything meaningful, the first step is to lay the right foundation. Here are the questions you need to ask:

  • Why is this project being created?
  • What is the goal?
  • How will it be measured?
  • What is a successful scenario?
  • How will this affect stakeholders?

2. Trace the framework

This following step must detail how things will proceed and what the project will look like once it has started.

It is critical that a project does not overstretch otherwise the team will never achieve its goals.

The scope of the project should include deliverables and scheduling of results; in fact, all team members should know what is to be delivered and when.

3. Visually trace your project

A thoughtfully crafted project schedule is the key to success.

Without this, your project will likely collapse into a chaos of missed deadlines, mismanagement, and frustration.

In this case, planning tools such as the Gantt chart and time sequences can streamline the creation of amanagement plan.

Viewing schedules through the Gantt

By visually outlining each activity in the project, it will allow for faster addition of important milestones and search for any dependencies or conflicts.

4. Identify the structure of your project team

Assembling a team and aligning them with your project vision is not so simple.

This can only be achieved through good communication, which is why good project documentation is paramount.

An organizational chart can help include some necessary information such as team hierarchy, everyone’s responsibilities, and contact information for each member.

5. Risk management

A key task of a project manager is to pinpoint the factors that could potentially jeopardize your project, and devise solutions to address them.

A risk management plan typically begins by listing all the elements of a project, and then a risk breakdown structure allows to organize them both hierarchically and by category.

With a dynamic and always up-to-date project monitoring tool like Twproject, the project manager will be able to keep an eye on any critical aspect of project progress.

the summary of the project status to carry out the project management plan

This will make it easier to find them, manage them, and figure out a quicker solution.

6. Plan communication

One thing that project managers often overlook is having a  communication management plan. This outlines how the project team will communicate with stakeholders.

Too often, by default, project communication consists in ad hoc emails or last-minute meetings, but we can prevent this by planning ahead by drafting a structured communication plan.

This form of reporting is valuable for providing regular communication of clear and consistent updates about project progress.

This can also help in detecting and flagging problems before they arise, build trust with stakeholders, and make it easier to reflect on project performance.

Therefore, it becomes clear how a project management plan is key for a successful project, as it will be able to drive work and keep it on track.

Who can help you make a good project management plan

As previously mentioned, there are a number of management plan templates based on your industry, company culture, and project type.

In this case, a good, comprehensive, feature-rich project management tool, can help in choosing the best plan template and drafting a complete and comprehensive document.

This way, the project manager will be able to ensure that actual progress stays on track with planned progress.

If you choose Twproject, planning will be much easier, thanks to its dynamic tools for calculating risk, workload, and budget.

Thanks to its statistics pages and notifications you can always have the situation under control and carry out your management plan in a pleasant and satisfying way.

We offer you a 15-day free trial as well as our efficient support service that will personally guide you through the composition of your plan. What are you waiting for? Start now!

Manage your projects with Twproject.


Swot analysis of a project, how to do it and why

A project SWOT analysis is a strategic planning technique that project managers can use to assess the strengths and weaknesses of their projects.

In addition, this analysis will allow for the identification of opportunities and threats that may need to be addressed during the project life cycle.

Incorporating SWOT analysis into project management can help improve planning, reduce risk, and increase overall project success.

What does SWOT mean?

A SWOT analysis is a technique that companies often use to evaluate four critical aspects of their organization.

This analysis can help companies better understand how successful they are likely to be and what areas they should improve.

Just as entrepreneurs and executives use a SWOT analysis to evaluate their company, project managers can use the same technique to assess their projects.

Here is an overview of the four areas of interest that make up the SWOT acronym and how they apply to project management:

  • S – Strengths: These are internal factors, i.e., factors that can generally be controlled, that determine the success of a project. An example might be good project management software or experienced team members.
  • W – Weaknesses: Weaknesses are internal factors that can make it difficult for a project to succeed. For example, when the team has never worked together, and several members are new and inexperienced. Other internal weaknesses could be disengaged stakeholders or lack of project funding.
  • O – Opportunities: Opportunities are external, uncontrollable factors that could help the project succeed. These opportunities may be current but not yet exploited or future. An example might be a discount on goods from a supplier.
  • T – Threats: These are external factors that could harm the project if they occur. As with opportunities, they can be current or future threats. For example, a threat could be the failure of a major supplier or customer, or increased costs of supplies, materials, or contractors.

What is the purpose of a SWOT analysis?

SWOT-analysis helps the project manager plan the project and considers the factors that can help or hinder its success.

In fact, the goal is to find risk areas and controllable factors that need to be paid attention to and monitored throughout the project.

When you fully understand a project’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats, you can plan a successful strategy that addresses these four factors.

Conducting a SWOT analysis can help produce new ideas for leveraging what the project manager and team do best and potential opportunities.

In addition, SWOT analysis also helps increase awareness of weaknesses and potential threats to the project so that you can defend against them.

the SWOT analysis

Who should do a SWOT analysis?

For a SWOT analysis to be effective, you need complete, accurate, and unbiased information.

Depending on the project’s scope, the team conducting the analysis should have a good overview of the organization and the business.

A project with a larger scope usually should involve a project leader with a higher position or an outside expert to perform the analysis.

In addition, a project with a greater impact on the entire company should involve multiple participants in different departments of the organization.

In general, creating a team with diverse perspectives is essential for a more accurate assessment.

Advantages of SWOT analysis

Companies should perform a SWOT analysis before committing to any action or project plan.

In this way, they can answer questions such as “is it possible to do the project?” or “should we do the project?”.

SWOT analysis provides teams and organizations with the following benefits:

  • Create honest assessments of their strengths and weaknesses.
  • Provides new perspectives on the company and its business.
  • Provides information on how to maximize what is available, address limitations, make additional investments, and avoid risk.
  • Create supporting documents for the project plan.
  • Provides an effective strategic planning tool when performed regularly.

Examples of SWOT analysis

A medical startup wants to develop and commercialize a noninvasive, optically-based blood glucose monitor in this example.

This company wants to offer patients a better way to monitor and manage their blood sugar levels without painfully pricking their fingers using traditional home electronic glucose meters.

So, let’s see what the SWOT analysis looks like in this case.


  • The company has patents on its optical blood glucose monitor technology.
  • The technology and device are FDA approved.
  • The company has the support of industry experts with extensive experience regarding technology, including medicine, optics, electronics, and manufacturing.


  • The company has no funding.
  • As a startup, the company does not have a distribution network.
  • The device is expensive to build.


  • There is an untapped market for noninvasive blood glucose monitors.
  • Due to endemic diabetes, the demand for monitors increases each year.
  • Leading scientific institutions and organizations are expressing interest in conducting joint research.


  • Existing competitive and emerging products have a strong market presence.
  • Device prices are dropping.

Actions to be taken:

This company should consider getting capital from interested investors such as venture capitalists or angel investors from the SWOT analysis.

Also, the company must quickly build relationships with medical device distributors by attending conferences and developing distributor incentives.

The company can also benefit from joint research and publications with institutions and companies with existing distributor networks.

Another example of a decision a company might be faced with: hiring an intern for the summer?


  • Energetic and hardworking person
  • Knows the latest technologies
  • Convenient


  • Could become a new full-time employee


  • Investing time in training
  • Must return to college at the end of summer


  • Could use the training he received to get hired at a rival company

Also, SWOT analysis can also be used to make decisions regarding personal life, e.g., jogging after work.


  • Burn Calories
  • Breathe fresh air
  • Sense of accomplishment


  • Meet your future better half
  • Discover new landscapes of your city


  • Sweaty clothes
  • Muscle pain
  • Fatigue


  • Attacked by a dog
  • Suffer an injury

Bottom line

In conclusion, SWOT analysis doesn’t so much help determine what to do as it does determine whether or not to do something.

The ultimate goal of SWOT analysis is to match strengths with opportunities to determine a clear path to success. Or also, to uncover weaknesses that could be exploited in a way that could be avoided in organizational strategy.

If you plan from the outset using project management software such as Twproject, the various elements of the SWOT analysis will be evident at a glance.

Twproject guides you in analysing and kicking off your projects, following you step by step. Test your project data now for free and discover all the launch opportunities and possible risks to avoid.

Improve your strenghts.

One try is worth a million words.

The project milestones: planning objectives and results

Milestones or project milestones are management tools used to define a specific point in the project planning.

The points define, in fact, the beginning and the end of work and mark the end of an important phase of the work.

Milestones in project management can be used to symbolize all started and finished stuff.

If a milestone focuses on the main points of project progress, it becomes useful as a planning tool.

Just as the tasks break down a larger project into manageable parts, the milestones split a project into milestones.

So, when starting a project, milestones can help immensely with programming.

Milestones are usually present in project management software, and of course also in Twproject.

They have their own specific icon in the Gantt chart function, and are diamond-shaped.

Project milestones: the planning

Project milestones are a way to estimate the time needed to complete the project more accurately.

Hence, they become essential for precise project planning.

With milestones, you can better calculate project planning by segmenting it into more manageable and easier-to-control time intervals.

They are also a flexible tool for planning.

With a little bit of flexibility, they can do much more than act as mere indicators of the project phases.

For example, milestones can be used as reminder of important meetings or to report other interesting events, such as workshops or training courses.

They can represent also the moment of invoicing customers.

In short, using this diamond icon is a great way to make sure everyone is aware of upcoming deadlines and upcoming important meetings.

Naturally, milestones can indicate the deadlines for anything related to the project.

Project milestones: Keep track of progress

Part of a project’s planning is the ability to monitor and keep track the progress of that program in real time.

Milestones are a way to see both at what point is a specific single activity, and the general state of progress of the project itself.

This is useful when dealing mainly with stakeholders.

In fact, these are generally not interested in a detailed report of the project progress.

What they want to know is if the project moves forward or not as initially planned.

Milestones are ideal for this type of report because they show the main phases completed.

Here at Twproject, for example, we use milestones to define the release dates of the software. This helps us being aware of how many features we can add from time to time in order not to stray the release plan. But this is just one of the many ways they can be used!

Plan your milestones!

In Twproject you can plan your project by highlighting the milestones. Thanks to the interactive Gantt you will always know if a delay has an impact on the milestones and you will be notified immediately.

Try Twproject now!

Project milestones: Simple task or milestone?

Discern between what to consider a simple desired dates and what to consider a milestone can be difficult.

More projects are complex, more difficult is to recognize the difference between simple dates and milestone.

To resolve the doubt it is essential to ask itself the following questions:

  • Is this a dates that can be rescheduled or not?
  • Will this affect the final deadline?
  • Is this an important moment in the project that will indicate future progress?
  • Is it an event that has an impact on the project?

Answering these questions will help you understand if we are talking about a normal date or a milestone.

Basically, the most important events of your project must be reported as milestones, so that they can be easily visualized and mapped by the project team.

Project milestones: Why use them?

Milestones can improve planning and execution in different ways:

1) Monitor deadlines

No plan is complete without a list of deadlines. The best way is to use the milestones to indicate them.

The milestones, as already mentioned, are usually marked as a diamond-shape icon in the project planning software.

Hence, this icon represents a delivery, a presentation of the deliverable or in any case a deadline that mustn’t be forgotten.

2) Make it easy to identify important dates

Are there important days that may have an impact on the project?

Perhaps a training course for the project team or a workshop?

Or a meeting with the stakeholders?

It is important to keep in mind all these events in project planning.

These are events of such importance that they can have an impact on the whole project and it must be easy to identify them.

3) Identify potential blocks of the project

Many projects rely on work produced by external teams or partners in order to progress.

If these external factors are not monitored, the probability to forget or not following them increases.

So, if you are working on a project that depends – even – on someone or something of external with which you do not have frequent contact, it is important to list these results as milestones.

As we have seen, milestones are a very useful project management tool.

It is also an easy-to-use tool for project planning and reporting.

In Twproject a milestone always coincides with the beginning or end of a task, this because normally a milestone is linked to a delivery or a kick-off phase.

In order to support the team in achieving the goal, Twproject also sets up a milestone notification system.

The notifications make even easier the work of the team that will automatically receive the alerts of the activities expiring or delayed and they will complete the tasks.

By default the alarm (milestone of the neighboring task) is 3 days before the milestone, but it is also possible to change it from the configuration pages.

Reaching and overcoming a project milestone is also good for the morale of the team and of the project manager himself.

This is why every tool (like the alert) that facilitates the task is always very well received.

In Twproject, milestones can be linked to project phases via different types of dependencies to best reflect the actual project implementation.

See how much Twproject’s Gantt chart can help you in the planning and performance of your projects:

Watch an overview about the Gantt diagram and its miestone in Twproject

Now it’s your turn to try to map your project with milestones in Twproject and see if they help you better understand deadlines and deliveries

What are your waiting for? Try Twproject for free for 15 days!

Set the milestones of your project.

Wrike vs Clickup: which Project Management software you should choose for your business?

In this article, we will help you explore the key features of two giants in project management software, Wrike vs Clickup.

Let’s visualize the scene. You have finally decided to adopt a unified system for tracking projects and for assigning activities to your work team. So you hope to optimize the time you spend every day juggling shared folders, e-mails, paper notes, worklog files scattered everywhere: therefore you are looking for a single tool that allows you to manage all these aspects in a single platform.

But which one to choose?

The transition will certainly take some time, a lot of data will have to be transferred to the new system and you will face resistance from someone.

You are quite sure that you will have to choose between one of the two “big names” of the project management market, Wrike vs ClickUp and you would like this rating not to take up too much time. Usually these software offer a free two-week trial: but for those who wants to start soon, knowing that the learning curve could be long, it is important to speed up the software testing phase.

And this is where we meet you. In fact, we have tested the two most popular software in depth and we can provide you with a detailed analysis of the main features by comparing them and highlighting their pros and cons. We’ve tried to anticipate the questions you might ask and have broken down the top issues by topic.

In general, you need to know that you will not regret the path taken and that adopting a good project management system will bring you undoubted benefits. Both in terms of optimizing time and resources, and in terms of quality of the level of collaboration within the team.

In fact, numerous researches have shown that sharing of information and individual empowerment of workers, such as when they obtain the management of project phases, increase overall productivity and team satisfaction. This is all easier said than done when you learn to use good tools.

But let’s get to the point and start with the analysis of the single functions of these software, Wrike vs Clickup, divided into macro areas.

Wrike vs Clickup: Project planning and Gantt diagram

The first aspect that we have considered concerns a tool that project managers deem very useful in terms of visual impact.
If you have done some researches in this field you will most probably know what it is. Put simply, it is a horizontal bar graph showing the various phases of a project between a start and an end date and the possible relationship between the phases.

During our study of this aspect within the two examined software, we were impressed by a good usability of the tool in both. But in particular we liked Clickup for a small but useful detail: a green bar showing the entire duration of the project phases by making a sum between the activities present within it.

gantt wrike vs clickup

In both software we found it useful to see the assignee’s name on the project phases, and yet it would have been even better in our opinion to be able to display further information, such as the project’s code, which many companies use for immediate identification.

In Wrike it is possible to enter your days off, as we will see in the next point, and this has an impact on the Gantt chart and on the duration of the project in general, since it causes the slipping of all the activities planned for those days and all those connected to them. Consequently the project extends beyond the planning.

Moreover, the project manager does not receive a notification of the changes that have occurred and therefore we consider this method quite unacceptable for the achievement of good results. On Clikpup the problem does not arise because employees cannot directly insert days off. Therefore, even if this is a general shortcoming, at least it does not affect the timing of the projects.

Wrike vs Clickup: Workload

The second aspect that you will improve with the adoption of a project management tool is the management of the workload. In fact, this is a factor that plays a key role in the success of a project given that it is normal to have your staff involved on several fronts. Calculating the load of each resource is essential to understand who and when will be able to complete the assignments. If we unify management systems, this work will certainly be faster and more effective.

In Wrike , we have found workload management simple and intuitive . You can manage this aspect in the “Tools” area and this allows you to easily move the assignments from one user to another, when the load is excessive. To calculate the total load, Wrike lets you to enter the number of hours required for each task per day, even if it is not possible to change the dedicated hours among the days.

workload wrike vs clickup

Unfortunately in Wrike it is not possible to set daily working hours other than 8 and the project manager cannot enter their empoyees’ days off, since users can only enter their own hours: this is a little limitation in workload management processes. Perhaps in a slightly less intuitive way, Clickup instead proposes the insertion of a maximum number of daily tasks for each employee as a solution, but it does not allow you to indicate the hours for each project. We believe that this method is very simplistic because it does not take into account the substantial differences that may exist in the use of resources depending on the planned activities.

As for Wrike, also in Clickup it is easy to reallocate activities among the personnel involved, however the system lacks a bit in accuracy. Furthermore, Clickup does not support tools for managing hours, holidays and leaves while Wrike does not have worklog recording.

So, even if Wrike’s workload management is more accurate than its main competitor, in our opinion it would be useful to go a step further and allow the load to be allocated dynamically, with an optimized distribution that assign hours dedicated to projects differently among days, depending on whether or not the resource is engaged on other fronts.

Wrike vs Clickup: Agile management with Kanban board

To identify which between Wrike vs Clickup offers a better approach to the Agile methodology, we mainly focused on the composition of their Kanban board. This is a sort of “whiteboard” in which the project activities appear as post-it notes arranged in columns based on their production status and it is much loved by those who want to speed up times in updating data.

Also in this case, the two platforms proved to be aesthetically pleasing and easy to use, but Clickup scored slightly higher for allowing to customize the statuses of the task phases . Not only those standard statuses (typically: to be done – in progress – to be approved – closed) but all those you need and with a customisable label.

kanban wrike vs clickup

It would have been even better to give the possibility to organize the columns according to different criteria other than the status, but in general we found this function satisfactory.

Wrike vs Clickup: Cost management

And here we are at the last point taken into consideration in this Wrike vs Clickup challenge and also the one that has scored more sore points in our view. Cost management doesn’t offer any further advantage compared to the mere use of classic spreadsheets and therefore the only advantage is the usage of a unique platform. But the project manager will have to enter everything manually and define the values to be analysed without any support from the system.

Neither platform has automatic calculation functionalities and the project budget is an almost accessory value, of no use with the basic features.

Wrike catches up a bit in its “Enterprise” version since it offers the possibility of downloading advanced reports with different predefined templates from which to start for cost monitoring.

budget wrike vs clickup

But one needs high-level skills to understand how the Report section works, since it is very unintuitive compared to the rest of the platform, and this could discourage small managers or those who are beginners on the subject.

What if there is a third solution?

We examined four specific topics that we consider fundamental in the project management sector and our “Wrike vs Clickup challenge” has broken even personal ranking. Although they both offer a solution to the four topics, neither of them is totally exhaustive.

The inefficiencies we found make us affirm with certainty that there is a third way: Twproject. We have tested the functionalities of the two biggest project management platforms on the market and we have discovered that all their features are handled with greater accuracy in Twproject. In particular:

1. Project planning and the Gantt diagram: setting up project timelines and the dependencies between its phases is the basic work of the project manager that must be done carefully, considering multiple aspects and not just the availability of a worker.

gantt twproject

Therefore our choice in Twproject is to let the availability of employees be managed independently based on their time sheets, but the absence of an employee will not change the dates of the project and its phases, but simply the workload will be recalculated.

Twproject’s Gantt also offers the possibility of dynamically managing dependencies between phases, which do not necessarily have to be consequential and without intervals between them, as is the case elsewhere.
Furthermore, it offers an integrated view with ToDo lists, also allowing them to be edited from the Gantt itself, thus integrating two of the main project management tools in a single view.

2. Workload: the workload distribution in Twproject is really dynamic and optimized, qualities that other software lacks. This is what our smart time management looks like.

workload twproject

In the image, the different colors represent different projects and the dedicated hours change according to the load of each single day. In fact, Twproject uses a load distribution algorithm that optimizes resource capacity, it does not simply sums up the values entered by the user.

Twproject also distinguishes between project, routine and ‘spot’ activities, making it possible to plan more realistically the timing of activities.

3. Agile management with Kanban board: here Twproject takes a further leap compared to its competitors Wrike vs Clickup and allows you to view the columns of your Kanban according to other criteria in addition to the status. In fact, it may be useful for you to view as many columns as you have Projects: you can easily move the To-Dos from one project to another. Again, you can have Assignees organized into columns and move tasks from one person to another or even distribute unassigned tasks. Also if you wish, you can view the To-Dos in Priority columns and then reassign them accordingly.

kanban board twproject

4. Cost management: as we have seen, budget planning is practically not contemplated in the two software analysed. On the contrary, with Twproject, cost management is a function of paramount importance and really allows you to take care of this need completely within the software, without the need to use additional external tools. Our software follows you step by step in the creation of the project budget as it has a dedicated report for each ongoing project and also for its sub-phases and activities.

budget twproject

In this table, the project manager can enter the planned cost and its actual application, divided between personnel costs and ancillary costs, estimated and actual.
In fact, only Twproject allows you to indicate the hourly cost of employees and as they insert the hours worked on projects: these will increase the expenses incurred on a project or one of its phases. At the same time, the project manager can record all additional costs, starting with estimated budget and then entering the actual expense items later.

In this way you can always keep expenses under control and compare them with the planned costs. You can possibly adjust the data over time and the system will warn you in case of overrun of the planned budget.

Put us to the test

The fact that Twproject has turned out to be better, even compared to the big names, in many key aspects, is due to the experience acquired in over twenty years of activity. Since the first release of our software, we have dealt with different needs of large and small companies and found ad hoc solutions for each of them.

Twproject offers you fifteen days free trial, during which you can take advantage of the advice of our support team.

Let us know if you try it and don’t forget to share your experience with us.

Try the alternative choice with Twproject.