All you need to know about Portfolio Management with Twproject

Would you like to learn more about all the methods and tools that Twproject offers you for effective and profitable portfolio management? Here you will find lots of useful information and also some tips to put into practice.

Portfolio Management is a type of broader strategic management that deals with evaluating projects as a whole and the organisation’s ability to execute them.

In today’s increasingly dynamic and demanding environment, the role of the Portfolio Manager, a distinct position from the Project Manager, is crucial. The task of the Portfolio Manager is to hold the ranks together and help companies evolve and achieve their strategic objectives.

Aims and objectives of Portfolio Management

Let us start with a definition: when we talk about Portfolio Management, we mean the coordinated management of several corporate projects, done for various strategic purposes.

Project portfolio management can in fact have various objectives and purposes, and they are:

  • Having an overview of all projects and categories of projects (or programmes), in order to assess business efficiency, return on investment (ROI) and the direction towards specific innovation choices.
  • Achieving greater transparency on corporate objectives and resource management and being able to share this data internally and externally (teams and stakeholders)
  • Ensuring that the allocation of resources (human resources, but also assets, materials and services) is always optimal and in line with corporate planning strategies.
  • Providing information on the financial viability of projects, so as to highlight the lines on which to make the right investments in the future.
  • Guaranteeing that the relevance of projects is periodically analysed and modified as necessary, so that time and resources are invested accordingly.
Gestione del portfolio

Twproject has an optimal solution for all these goals and provides you with various tools for portfolio management.

Let us take a look at the main tools it provides.

Performing good Portfolio Management with Twproject

In Portfolio Management, Twproject provides very useful tools and methodologies to coordinate and clearly define the work of the whole team.

Generally speaking, it aims at linking day-to-day work with strategic corporate objectives, helping define an action plan.

In ths section we will see what areas to consider when carrying out this activity and how we can make use of Twproject’s functionalities.

Overview of any planning issue

Twproject has a powerful and precise filter management applied to several functions of the platform. Even for Portfolio Management, filters help you select and display projects with an incredible variety of choices.

The filters can be combined with each other and refer to the three main areas of data, i.e. those relating to the project (type, budget, characteristics, etc.), the timeframe (duration, relevant dates, etc.) and the resources involved.

Uso dei filtri nel portfolio management

There is a default filter in the main search bar, but it is possible to save new customised configurations and even to define a specific filter as the default selection.

A good use of filters therefore meets the first requirement of Portfolio Management, namely to have an overview of specific areas or groups of projects.

In addition to the classic Portfolio view, it is also possible to filter in the statistics dashboard to get an overview of the performance of selected projects by different progress factors.

Financial management

In order to calculate the ROI and see which business objectives have been met, it is also important to keep an eye on the project budget when it comes to Portfolio Management.

Among the filters that Twproject provides, the ‘Budget overflow‘ filter is very useful, allowing you to select all projects that are experiencing financial difficulties.

This will allow us not to perpetuate the error and to take the necessary corrective action.

Furthermore, in the classic Portfolio view, which in Twproject is represented by a large global Gantt chart, we have the ‘Financial Data‘ command.

This function will allow each project in the list to be paired with its financial report, relating the budget with estimated and actual costs.

Such a view is very useful for carrying out cash flow analyses and evaluating the highest-performing projects at a glance.

In fact, financial management in Portfolio Management helps measure the value created by each project and make decisions on the most profitable investment areas.

Relevance among projects

After measuring the performance of projects, it is important that the digital tool allows the priority that each project has over the others to be set.

Twproject allows you to assign a relevance value to projects and this value can be defined and displayed in the Portfolio.

We can sort projects according to increasing or decreasing relevance so that timing and allocations can also be redefined according to this criterion.

Project relevance column in Portfolio Management

Indeed, through the Portfolio, you can easily reschedule the start and end dates of projects and relate them to the overall timeline.

For example, a less relevant project can be moved later in time, choosing to give priority to other, more beneficial projects.

Resource management and allocation

Furthermore, an important function of Portfolio Management is the distribution of the workload between different projects, also according to their strategic and economic relevance.

Indeed, it is useful that the efforts of resources are well distributed, but also well focused on the projects that have the highest priority, both in terms of timing and strategic relevance.

This level of priority is only detectable, as we have seen, with the Portfolio Management activity.

Twproject takes this a step further and allows you to redistribute the load in an intelligent and thoughtful manner, with just one click.

Here is how you can do it with this simple trick:

  1. From the main view of the Portfolio, see which of your resources are overloaded with the ‘show/hide workload’ icon (scale).
  2. Secondly, filter the projects by assignee, limiting the view to those in which the overloaded resource (or resources) is included.
  3. After filtering, arrange the obtained projects according to order of relevance.
  4. Finally, use the command ‘optimise end date by resource capacity’ (the magic wand) on the project with the lowest relevance: the dates of the latter will be extended until an optimal load for the person involved is reached.
Ottimizzare il carico con il portfolio management

Strategic planning that takes these factors into account increases corporate welfare and the satisfaction of the entire team.

As well as, of course, optimising overall productivity levels.


Ultimately, the function of Portfolio Management is also to facilitate group communication and ensure that all parties involved in projects are coordinated with each other.

It is crucial to provide regular reports on the progress of the entire portfolio and its sustainability in relation to the company’s objectives.

The Portfolio statistics dashboard in Twproject shows the overall status of the work, with graphs and insights updated in real time. We can filter this data for any need, as already seen, and easily export it in various formats for full sharing.

Gestione del portfolio da parte del supervisor

In addition, on the main page of Portfolio, you can put information on the status of ToDos next to each project line, thanks to the ‘ToDo Data’ command.

Knowing the status of activities for each project is very useful for planning purposes, but also for sharing the up-to-date situation with the resources involved, in a cohesive effort to achieve objectives.

Indeed, creating a collaborative environment for a faster exchange of information is one of the objectives of Portfolio Management, with the ultimate goal of smoothing the planning of activities and their monitoring.

Twproject answers the central question of Portfolio Management

We can summarise all the operations we have seen with a single question that the Portfolio Manager tries to answer with the most suitable tools.

The question is: which projects contribute to the corporate strategy and should therefore be given higher priority, and which should be eliminated or postponed?

Twproject is a unique tool that answers this question, and it does so in an articulate manner, providing you with concrete data for your analyses.

Each analysis objective is covered with Twproject: the total cost of each project, the consumption of resources (human and other), the planned duration and investment schedule, the benefits and the relationships or interdependencies with other projects in the portfolio.

You do not need anything else for the overall planning of your business projects and Twproject guides you step by step.

If you want to put it to the test, you can make a free 15-day subscription during which you will see how to perform all the main Portfolio Management activities, with the help of our support team.

Put us to the test!

Portfolio Management has no secrets!

Twproject as CRM: In Practice

According to client’s needs, Twproject can also be used to insert contacts and customers among the resource list: this makes Twproject an excellent tool for CRM, as well as for project management as a whole.

It happens that our customers ask us whether they can only include users who have an active login in the resource list.

The answer is: not only!

All resources entered without login, in fact, are not counted in the license count, so you can have as many as you want.

Monitoring sale activities from the first contact stage is a good idea for several reasons, which we will discuss in detail below.

But now let’s see how to do it right from the start.

Record a first contact through Twproject as CRM

Say that you are at one of  your yearly trade fairs and, after some hours, you meet John James from ACME SPA, he is smart and you talk to him for a while about your company services, he is very interested.

You talk about his boss Victoria Miller, and also about the last NBA Match Boston – Cleveland, he roots for Boston Celtics. 

At the end of the conversation he gives you his business card.

Well, if you are using Twproject project management software as a CRM, it’s time to save all these information, and you can do that very easily.

For example I would simply take my iPad and create a new resource. I would create a new lead for John James from ACME SPA, I would record that his boss is Victoria Miller and all the other information written in his business card. I would also save in the notes that John roots for Boston Celtics… you never know.

Adding resources in Twproject CRM software

Follow the lead

Now that your lead is entered, you can search for the project you use to save pre-sales information and insert a new activity for the conversation you had, just to remember everything you said.

At the moment what you have is just a lead, so there is no need to create a specific task for this activity, it could be just a phone call.

The best way to manage this situation is to create a new pre-sales activity (a new To-Do in Twproject) as a reminder, in order to call John after a week and talk about what your company can do for him.

to-do as reminder for lead following

Twproject’s To-Do’s are the most versatile tool for carrying out such operations, for several reasons:

  • In addition to adding a title and a detailed description, you can insert a direct link to the resource by simply copying and pasting the alphanumeric code you will find on the top left of the resource page.
  • You can attach documents related to John’s profile or his company, so that everything is available for consultation.
  • You can use comments and tag your colleagues, simply by putting the @ before their name, to share information, suggestions, ideas.
  • Finally, you can assign the To-Do to a colleague, if you are not directly responsible for the customer relationship, and at the same time stay up-to-date on the progress of the deal.

When the To-Do expires, the system will remind you of the call.

to-do reminder when using Twproject as CRM

Thanks to the link, you can check all the details of the resource and start the conversation where you left off.

If the conversation is fruitful, you can finally create a dedicated pre-sales activity for ACME, to record in detail the first contact, perhaps a demo, the offer and the final contract.

Add a new pre-sales project

Now that your lead has become a real pre-sale project you can insert it in Twproject to check its progress.

Gannt chart in Twproject for pre-sales activities

Thanks to Twproject all pre-sales activity can be monitored, managed and saved like all the other projects.

One of the best tools Twproject offers for project management is its interactive and dynamic Gantt.

Even for pre-sale projects it can be very useful to have a tool that offers a 360° view such as Twproject’s Gantt.

In fact, each activity can have phases and sub-phases, either connected to each other or not, by different types of dependencies.

Let us say that the first phone call with John led to a presentation agreement with his boss Victoria Miller. This will involve a number of intermediate activities such as content optimisation, landing pages, etc. These activities will be included as related preliminary steps in an interdependent relationship with the presentation.

All of this will hopefully lead to the conclusion of the contract, which will then initiate an actual operational project.

In this way each step in the process will be monitored and can also be managed by different people involved in the project, eliminating unnecessary e-mail exchanges.

To sum up, thanks to Twproject’Gantt used as a CRM tool you have:

  • Contacts and projects together
  • Agents assigned on pre-sales activity
  • Pre-sales progress monitored
  • Pre-sales budget and expenses managed
  • Pre-sales effort registered for future report and considerations

Convert the pre-sales plan into an actual project

We therefore saw how to use Twproject tools for CRM activities.

It is evident that its functionalities exceed those of any other specific software for all the preliminary activity of tracking potential customers, thanks to the fact that Twproject is a complete, flexible and multifunctional software.

But there is more.

The advantage with Twproject is that the software evolves together with your projects.

Let’s assume that the presale phase has turned into a contract and you can start managing the actual project: if you use Twproject as a CRM you already have a lot of the information already entered and you don’t have to start all over from scratch.

In addition, you have everything together under control and so you can also monitor costs and hours worked for pre-sales.

This is usually data that is not counted, and ends up in a single block with all business activities.

Instead, it is key information to know if you want to manage projects accurately, right from the start.

All this because, with Twproject, you can have both a CRM software and a Project Management software, together.

To try this and other features for free, sign up for a 15-day trial period, or book a demo with our support team: see how many project issues you can handle on one platform!

CRM software and a Project Management software, together.

Multiple calendars: more flexibility for your projects

Twproject’s calendar has always been efficient and with a highly customisable configuration, but with the recent release it takes a huge step forward by allowing you to define multiple calendars for use on projects and resources.

With this innovation, we want to respond to the need of those who manage different teams and projects with non-uniform working hours.

The coexistence of several calendars is in fact an essential requirement for most structured companies, which necessarily have to manage different work configurations according to departments.

Target audience for the introduction of multiple calendars

With this shared development, Twproject wanted to respond to the most heterogeneous realities. We are talking, for example, about companies with departments that do not share the same working days, or international companies with branches in foreign countries and therefore with a different holiday calendar.

This was therefore an essential innovation to allow flexibility and adherence to the real needs of teams, which nowadays are increasingly manifold.

Until now, the calendar in Twproject allowed the definition of weekly working days and company holidays or closures; this calendar applied to all resources and projects.

It also allowed, from the calendar itself, to set the working hours of resources (such as part-time, etc.).

What changes with the development of multiple calendars

As we have seen, a main, customisable corporate calendar is already present in Twproject, and this is what will now be considered the ‘Default‘ calendar.

The difference will be that from now on for each resource, but also for each project, it will be possible to set a different schedule than the default.

But let’s go into detail: what changes with the introduction of multiple calendars in Twproject and how can we set them up?

Creating and editing a calendar

The system administrator can create a new calendar from the administration page, assigning it a name, description and other data that we will now see.

The calendar editor is in fact divided into two sections: the first contains the name, description, weekly working days and the ‘default’ tick.

Multiple calendars configuration

It is possible to define only one default calendar.

Please note: the default selection operation must be done with caution as it has an impact on project durations and workloads.

A change in this respect will not directly change the task data, but on first access on the WBS or Gantt the phases will show any inconsistencies due to changes on the calendar.

The second section of the editor relates to the definition of company holidays and closures.

company's closure or holidays

The first click on a cell defines a holiday with a variable date (Easter, Thanksgiving etc.), the second click sets a fixed holiday (Christmas, New Year etc.).

At this point we will have as many calendars as there are different configurations of working days at company level, whether they are determined by different types of work or geographical conditions.

Multiple calendars on resources

But that is not all: there are also important new features in the work settings section of the resource.

For each resource, the calendar to be used can be set via a drop-down menu.

If “Use default calendar” is chosen, the resource in question will use the calendar marked as default (via the tick we saw in the previous section). In this example, the default calendar is called “Default” and has an *.

multiple calendars on resources

An important new change introduced in this release is that for a resource, working weekdays can be defined, even if they are holidays for the chosen calendar.

This is useful for handling situations where the company generally does not work on Saturdays and Sundays but, for example, the maintenance department does.

Thus, the selected calendar provides public holidays, but working days can be defined for each individual resource.

Similarly to other work data, such as time, cost per hour, etc., the calendar is also inherited from the organisation chart unless otherwise specified.

If the calendar of a department is changed from A to B, all resources of that department that had calendar A will change to B. Those that had calendar C will keep C.

In the example in the image above, we see that the resource ‘Giulia’ uses the default calendar (which has five working days from Monday to Friday), but Giulia, in his specific case, has set Wednesday as non-working and Saturday as working.

Consequently, all interfaces that display the working calendar (such as timesheet, workload, timesheet overview, etc.) will show the non-working days specific to that resource. In the case of Giulia, Wednesday and Sunday.

Multiple calendars on projects

A further step forward is the fact that with the new version it is possible to set a specific timeframe for both the project and the phases.

A new project is always set to the default calendar. In the event of subsequent changes, the name of the chosen calendar will be shown to the right of the dates (as in the image below).

In this way, one could, for example, have a project using the solar calendar (365/365), but operational phases involving specific departments could use a 5/7 calendar.

calendar on projects

In the event that the project calendar is changed, e.g. by adding holidays or company closures, so as to interfere with the task dates, a small alert will be displayed the first time we access the project.

alert on calendar changed

Clicking on the alert will result in a more detailed message, highlighting the points where date changes generated interference.

But how do we change the timing of a project or phase?

To do this, we must use the Gantt diagram; this is because from the Gantt we can immediately see the effects of the change on dates and durations, and there is the possibility of saving at a later date, without the risk of permanently changing the data.

From the options on the project line, we can select the calendar change.

A pop-up will appear for choosing the calendar and deciding whether to try to keep dates or durations.

how to change the calendar on projects

It is optional to keep dates or durations as far as possible. The conditionality is that there is no guarantee that dates can be kept in full (as in the case where a start or end date corresponds to a holiday for the new calendar).

If milestones or binding dates are violated, the system will send a message and will not carry out the requested change. The user must first change the dates appropriately and then make the change.

With this new version, the first time one logs on to the Gantt, a check will be made to ensure that the start date, end date and duration of the project are consistent with the calendar in use.

In previous versions, if the unique calendar had changed, the end date was simply, and silently, recalculated from the start and duration.

In the new version, dates are kept instead and durations are changed accordingly. In the event of discrepancies, we will see an alert.

If milestones had been touched, these would be highlighted, as well as for the phases that had their duration recalculated.

fasi indefinite Gantt

It is sufficient to change even a single piece of data to enable saving and make the new durations definitive.

Effects of multiple calendars on interfaces

Having different calendars on resources and projects also has natural consequences on the appearance of certain Twproject interfaces, such as the Timesheet.

In this case, we note from the bottom line that the employee does not work on Wednesdays and Sundays.

multiple calendas on timesheet

At the same time, however, the projects she works on have different timetables:

  • A.365/365‘ (highlighted in red) is always active
  • B.LMM‘ (in yellow) is active for the first three days of the week
  • C.MMGV‘ (in green) is active from Tuesday to Friday

Users will be able to mark their worklogs freely, while taking into account the information on the timetable of each project, also made clearer by a more comprehensive legenda.

Twproject never inhibits the insertion of worklogs (except in the distant past or in the future), but simply reports the ‘suspicious’ worklog.

For example, if hours worked are recorded on a date that is non-working in both the resource calendar and the project calendar, this will be considered a ‘suspicious’ case, and consequently reported.

In the case of views with several resources, such as the Workload, the different calendars for each resource will be shown:

multi-calendari nel Carico operatori

Or, as in the case of the Timesheet Overview, since this includes an overall group of resources, the company calendar will be shown:

calendar shown in the timesheet overview

However, indications and reports from the calendar of the resources involved will appear within it.

We have seen how the use of multiple calendars for resources and projects can improve and make scheduling more realistic.

Now you just have to try out this important feature, which helps to make Twproject a tool that is always one step ahead of the others.

Twproject’s multiple calendars allow you to make your time management process much more efficient and to achieve greater flexibility in scheduling resources.

All customers using a Twproject cloud licence have already had the update automatically, while those who have Twproject on server can find the new installers here.

Try this and other features free of charge for 15 days. Start planning and setting work schedules now!

The new release is awaiting you

How to keep project expenses in check

Keeping a project’s expenses in check is often easier said than done.

Tracking expenses is becoming increasingly complex, and without the right tools and processes, meeting a project budget becomes virtually impossible.

So, in this article, we will cover how to make budget management efficient.

Why is project expense monitoring important?

A project budget is key in making critical decisions such as:

  • Which and how many resources to recruit;
  • What level of quality can be achieved;
  • What supplier quotes may be acceptable, etc.

Without a set budget, answering these questions is challenging, and once the project is in motion, it becomes impossible to assess whether one is headed in the right direction.

In large organizations, the scale of this concern is further increased due to the simultaneous management, del cambiamento delle ipotesi iniziali e della comparsa di costi imprevisti.

5 tips for keeping project expenses in check

tenere sotto controllo costi

1.  Check and change your budget frequently

Keeping your budget up to date is easily the most important element in project cost management.

If the pandemic has taught us anything, a change can happen at any moment, and it is necessary to stay responsive and prepared to find a solution.

The only way to do this is to monitor, update, and possibly change your project budget frequently so that you stay on track.

2.  Monitoring resource utilization

One of a project’s biggest cost areas is usually manpower, as well as machinery, tools, and technology.

As with constant budget control, successful project management is also linked to continuous resource monitoring.

Typically, project managers must regularly review the number of people working on the project and revise the strategy to stay within budget if costs are too high.

The same applies to any material resources, such as machinery. Reviewing a project’s resources will ensure they are used effectively.

It will also help to understand whether fewer or more resources are needed to complete your project.

A good cost management tool helps, for example, to differentiate between resource costs and ancillary costs, and also allows a comparison between estimated and actual cost.

management of resource cost with Twproject

3.  Involve multiple stakeholders

Teamwork is crucial to project success. Even when it comes to cost control, each team member should actively consider the budget before making any purchases.

This will help promote a mindful and healthy spending culture, reduce unauthorized spending, and increase each individual’s accountability.

4. Focus on your project

Over the course of a project, unplanned work may seep into your schedule.

This “scope shift” can lead to a major change in project focus, ultimately leading to the failure of both the budget and the project itself.

To mitigate this risk, constantly reminding team members of the original project goal is critical.

5.  Automating budget management with project management software

Project managers often track costs only after team members submit expense reports.

This reactive approach to project budget management can make all the difference between job success and failure.

Regarding cost management, working reactively can be harmful.

After all, a project manager needs to know the status of their project budget in real time to make informed decisions.

To do so, one solution would be to automate expense management and cost control as much as possible.

Project management software such as Twproject can significantly simplify this process.

Here is a short video showing how many processes you can optimise with the use of this tool:

Let’s take a look at some of the benefits of using this software in project cost management:

  • Automation of complex quantitative analysis during estimation and measurement helps prevent manual errors;
  • Data integration through planning, estimating, and cost control enables continuous monitoring and rapid, proactive responses;
  • Decision-making is made easier as the software helps evaluate alternative solutions through scenario prediction and what-if analysis;
  • Clear and user-friendly reports delivered as dashboards and other advanced and customizable user interfaces;
  • Many project cost solutions allow third-party integrations so that data can be grouped and analyzed;
  • Benchmarking and standardization are possible through the accessibility of project performance data.

Thus, to ensure efficient project expenditure control, you need a proactive management style and Twproject, the best project management software available.

Keep costs under control with Twproject


Projects and workload: what you need to know

In project management, evaluating the workload that insists over the resources shoulders plays a fundamental role for the project Happy Ending.

In an ideal world where you work with infinite resources, projects are always in-time.

In the real world, on the other hand, we often have to deal with team members simultaneously involved in multiple projects, which have to manage daily activities and several emergencies.

For this purpose a lot of companies use contractor scheduling software to  better allocatie resources across various projects  and make sure that no team member is overburdened. Optimizing schedules and balancing workloads ensures that projects are completed efficiently and within budget.

In this case, an indication on “sustainability” is essential to understand who and when will be able to positively bring our project to completion.

Duration and effort in workload: which is the difference?

At the beginning, I was surprised by the difficulties that some of our customers face to understand the difference between duration and effort. For many of them the ratio was one to one.

This type of approach is not only wrong in management terms (a phase that lasts 30 days could require an effort of one hour e.g.: waiting for material from a supplier), but implies a total and exclusive allocation of the resource on that one activity.

If this approach works well in the analysis and budgeting phase, it cannot work in the planning phase.

A good question to ask yourself at this point is: “How many hours can a resource work on his project per day?”

To answer correctly, several parameters must be considered:

  • the obvious working hours (full-time, horizontal or vertical part-time)
  • holidays, illnesses, permits etc.
  • what has already been allocated to other projects
  • routine activities
  • spot activities already planned

The first two points are intuitive and partly out of the PM’s control, so we will analyze the others and we will see how they contribute to generating the “workload” of a resource.

Project Activities

A project, or rather a phase, always has a start date, an end date (therefore a duration, usually expressed in working days), and some resources assigned on it.

Each resource must perform the estimated activities for a total of days / hours (effort).

Without going into too much detail, we can evaluate the load on a resource by dividing the estimated hours by the project/phase duration.

For example: a 10 days phase with an effort of 20h generates an average workload of 2h per day or 25% (assuming 8 hours a day).

Easy, at least before the project starts.

But once it get started, what happens if for the first 5 days I have not been able to work on this project?

It happens that I will have to work 20h on 5 remaining days, with a load of 50%.

Therefore in the project activities the hours “not yet done” give an incremental feedback to the workload, accumulating in the remaining days.

incremental feedback to the workload

Having the opportunity to compare the “ideal” situation (the one planned by the PM, without taking into account the done/ not done), with the “real” one (which takes into account the feedback) gives many food for thought and possible corrections.

It is interesting to note that the failure to work on the planned project can be read from the worklog records.

The worklog is an excellent indicator from this point of view, it is a sort of “heartbeat of the project“; if the heart doesn’t beat the project is dead!

What said above consider the “average workload”.
Twproject allows you to plan all the hours or just a part by assigning them directly on the calendar (there are various tools to do this), but the substance does not change; 20h needs to be done in the 10 days of the phase.

If a resource works on several projects at the same time, the calculations can become complicated and for this Twproject helps us by presenting this information in an efficient way.

Balance your resource as we do!

with Twproject you can manage your resource allocation, insert worklog and resolve peaks.

Try Twproject now!

Routine Activities: Do you work eight hours a day?

They are the Cinderella of activities.

Many of us, despite being in the office for 8 hours (at best :-)) can only dedicate a percentage of their time to “real projects”.

We spend a lot of time (note: I didn’t say “we lose it”) in activities not attributable to a project.

In my case: reading incoming emails, department meetings, phone calls, supporting colleagues.

In addition to these generic ones, there can be other more specific ones such as updating, training, document archiving, backup verification, maintenance etc.

How much time do I spend on these activities? Almost 3 hours a day!

I know this with some confidence because, with the help of Twproject, I recorded daily , for years, the hours spent and I know that, on average, the 38% of my time goes like this.

If I were planning a project that involves me 100% for a period longer than a few days, it would definitely go out of dates.

The funniest part is that if someone asked me how many hours I can work on one thing every day by instinct I would say “eight hours“. To avoid these errors it is important to have objective data on which to base our choices and analysis.

The worklog recording is the basis for good planning, not just for good cost control.

I know very well that this is an additional effort and in fact when I tell our clients to record the “lost” hours, the first reaction I get is of the “reluctant / snorting / I get up and walk away” type.

This is why it is important that the worklog registration activity is as “painless” as possible.

On this point Twproject is unbeatable; you can record the worklog at the close of the To-do, with the start-stop buttons, on one / two / three weeks, on the whole month day-by-day, etc .. The overhead is minimal!

With the aim of “measuring” routine activities, having a “cauldron” available where you can put everything that cannot be traced back to a project greatly lightens the recording by helping us to “reach 8“.

We always advise our customers to create a non-project “cauldron” (or “basket” or “BAU” Business As Usual for the more chic ones) which starts on 1/1 and ends on 12/31 for the recording of non-project activities .

After a few months of recordings, you can better understand how long our resources can really devote to their projects.

It also happens that it is necessary to take a look at what went into the “cauldron”; perhaps it could be structured to better “classify” routine activities.

For example this is what we use in Twproject:

Work Breakdown Structure
Business-as-usual structured example

We understand how to use the worklog to calculate the hours we can devote to “real projects”, but how do routine “projects” behave from a work-load point of view?

More or less like real projects. The effort is “spread” evenly over the period.
There is a small difference: they do not have incremental feedback.

Let’s take an example: my support activity to the development team takes me “on average” one hour a day.
If I don’t get support requests today, it’s not necessarily true that I will receive twice as much tomorrow.
In practice, the effort is considered constant over the entire period.
Its graphical representation is a constant bar:

constant effort
Routine activities

Spot Activities

These are activities that take place within a “contract” without knowing first how much and when.

The best example is the interventions to be made on request as part of an annual maintenance contract.

In this case, you can create a “project” that has the same dates as the “contract” and assign resources if necessary.

Since it is difficult to predict the overall effort first, for simplicity we can not specify it and leave it at zero.

If, on the other hand, you want to track it, because a package of hours has been sold to the customer, you can enter them, these will not be considered by the load anyway.

Therefore, unlike projects and routine activities, spot activities do not generate a “spread” load over the duration of the project / contract, but only on that days in which the activities are planned.

With Twproject this can be done directly by assigning ToDo’s or by using the work plan.

A practical example: Giorgio’s workload

Giorgio works in a production company and has been dealing with a specific product for many years, he supports customers who buy it and participates in the development of his customizations.

Giorgio’s daily work is therefore composed of projects of a different types. Let’s create them in Twproject and see how his workload looks.

Giorgio has a general customer support project that lasts all year and takes up more or less a couple of hours a day. This project is routine:

employee's assignment

And this is how the workload will look like:

employee's workload
Routine activity that takes about 2 hours a day – 25%

Giorgio is then involved in a project for a custom product of one of his customers. The phase in which he is involved lasts only 10 days and his effort is estimated at 40 hours.

This is the new assignment:

new assignment

And the new workload evaluated:

project workload
75% load with the addition of a project

Finally, Giorgio has an active support contract with a specific customer, with a 40-hour pay-as-you-go package. Giorgio does not work on this project unless the customer calls him. This activity is spot and even if we insert the effort, the load does not change.

spot activity

But what happens to Giorgio’s load if the customer calls him and they schedule an intervention on the product? Giorgio will create a scheduled ToDo and this will modify his load.

effect of spot activity on workload
Workload with the spot activity scheduled

As can be seen from the image, the commercial activity has stolen some time from the Analysis project and in fact the hours that Giorgio will have to dedicate to it in the remaining days have increased.

These are just 3 simple examples managed by Twproject but which give a good idea of how to map the different types of business activities.

For optimal workload management, it is therefore crucial to estimate the time required to complete each project step and to keep track of the activities involved in the process.

With Twproject 7 we have worked a lot on these aspects and introduced a tool, which using the information of the load “suggests” a “sustainable” project end date for the team.

We have also introduced a tool to quickly solve load peaks and overlaps, because not always everything goes smoothly like our Giorgio, we will see this tool in a dedicated post.

Start now with a proper resource allocation


Project monitoring: evaluation tools and methods

Project monitoring is a critical part of project management because it helps companies monitor progress, evaluate the effectiveness of efforts, and make informed decisions.

This article will shed some light on this topic by discussing popular evaluation tools and methods.

What are project monitoring and evaluation?

Project monitoring and evaluation are systematic processes that entail collecting, analyzing, and using data and information to track a project’s progress and gauge its performance.

Monitoring a project, therefore, helps the project manager ensure that work remains on track.

Monitoring plays a significant role in achieving a project’s desired and planned outcomes.

As such, project managers must be meticulous in all phases of project monitoring, ensuring that tasks are executed correctly and that any doubts or hurdles are ironed out in time.

Project monitoring: how is it performed?

A successful project monitoring plan can only take place through the following actions:

  • Setting clear goals: It means working with specific, measurable and time-bound indicators. These indicators provide benchmarks to measure progress and success.
  • Data collection: Data are the cornerstone of project monitoring. Throughout project implementation, data are collected through different methods, such as surveys, meetings, focus groups, observations, and document reviews. These data can include both quantitative and qualitative information.
  • Data analysis: Once collected, data are analyzed to measure project performance and impact. Data analysis may involve statistical techniques, qualitative coding, and comparative assessments.
  • Reporting and feedback: Findings from data analysis are used to generate reports. These documents provide in-depth information on what works and what does not during a project’s life cycle.
  • Learning and adaptation: Project monitoring is not just about evaluating past performance but also about using that knowledge to make future improvements- so-called “lessons learned“; project managers and stakeholders should be prepared to adjust their strategies based on their findings.

Project monitoring: 10 most used techniques

You can use many techniques for project monitoring.

Here are some examples:

  1. Work breakdown structure (WBS): A way through which work can be broken down and organized into smaller pieces. It includes a visual representation of all project activities and can be used to split up activities and budgets.

wbs work breakdown structure2. Gantt chart: It is another way of visual data representation. Nonetheless, it is probably more exhaustive than the previous method and provides more information to a project manager. Gantt chart visually represents activity versus time and helps project managers monitor progress in real-time.

diagramma di gantt

3. PERT chart or graph: PERT stands for “Project Evaluation and Review Technique.” It is similar to a Gantt chart, although structured differently. This chart allows project managers to spot and highlight interdependencies between project activities and identify possible bottlenecks.

4. Critical Path Method (CPM): This tool identifies the most important tasks in a project and the estimated time to complete them. Using this information, the project manager can determine which activities must start first and which affect the overall project schedule.

5. Project dashboard: Dashboards provide a real-time, visual overview of project status, including KPI (Key Performance Indicators), progress toward goals, risks, open issues, and milestones. These are powerful tools for project managers because they help them quickly grasp the project’s status and communicate it effectively to stakeholders and teams.

6.Risk monitoring: This technique involves identifying, analyzing, and responding to project risks. It includes assessing the likelihood and impact of risks, devising mitigation strategies, and continuously monitoring risks throughout the project to manage any changes.

7.KPI: KPIs are specific metrics used to measure progress in various aspects of a project. They can include task completion time, cost, work quality, customer satisfaction, etc. By measuring these indicators regularly, project managers can gauge whether the project is on track to meet its goals.

8.Project reviews and audits: These are formal reviews performed during and at the end of the project to ensure that everything is moving forward according to plan. Reviews may include reviewing compliance against quality standards, verifying adherence to budgets and timelines, and evaluating the effectiveness of project management.

9.Team feedback techniques: Encouraging regular feedback from team members can provide valuable insights into project progress. This can be accomplished through update meetings, surveys, or retrospective sessions, where teams discuss what is working well and what can be improved.

10.Trend analysis: this technique involves observing project performance over time to spot trends, predict potential problems, and take proactive action. Trend analysis can help predict whether a project is on track to meet its goals or whether corrective adjustments are needed.

By using a combination of these techniques, project managers gain a thorough understanding of project progress, identify and resolve problems in a timely manner, and guide the project to a successful conclusion.

Early problem identification allows corrective actions to be implemented before issues become more significant and costly. Furthermore, a thorough assessment of potential risks at each stage of the project enables the development of effective mitigation strategies and contingency plans.

Corrective actions may include adjusting timelines, reallocating resources, amending objectives, or revising execution strategies. These actions are crucial to keeping the project on track with its original objectives and ensuring that it is delivered on time and on budget.

In every project, it is vital to set up a structured process for monitoring and managing potential risks. This process begins with risk identification, followed by their assessment regarding the likelihood of occurrence and impact on the project. Subsequently, it is necessary to plan and implement actions to mitigate the identified risks, continuously monitoring the effectiveness of these measures.

Project monitoring: using Twproject

In the previous section, we went through various techniques used for project monitoring.

Using these charts can be simplified with Twproject, the best project management software available.

Twproject allows you to plan, schedule, assign, and update activities, resources, and end results.

It also provides customizable dashboards, reports, and alerts that indicate a project’s status, problems, and risks.

By collecting data and updates in a single place, project reporting and evaluation become, therefore, straightforward.

Thus, the project manager, team members, and stakeholders can access all pertinent and current information related to a project anytime and anywhere.

When it comes to project monitoring, the following features of Twproject make it the ultimate software:

  • Task planning and assignment: It helps to break down projects into tasks, set deadlines and detail work performance schedules.
  • Resource allocation: Assign and allocate both human and material resources.
  • Collaboration tools: They promote communication and teamwork among team members and stakeholders.
  • Document sharing and management: Facilitates centralized archiving, management, and project documentation sharing.
  • Time monitoring: It helps to track time spent on activities and projects for performance analysis.
  • Reporting and analysis: It provides in-depth information on project performance through customizable reports and dashboard visuals.
  • Scalability: It can vary according to the size and complexity of projects and grow with your business.
  • User-friendly UI: If a tool is convenient, team adaptation is facilitated, and problems associated with the learning process are minimal.
  • Integration features: Ease of integration with other business tools to assist workflow efficiency and reduce redundancies to a minimum.

Project monitoring and evaluation are key steps to project success.

Opting for comprehensive software such as Twproject will maximize efficiency, optimize resources, and guide the team to amazing results.

Plan your projects with Twproject


The best software for Gantt chart 2024

Do you want to quickly find out which are the best Gantt chart software in 2024? We have drawn up a special list for you.

The Gantt chart is the best tool to get an overview of project performance.

It allows you to have the start and end dates of the project and its phases, their duration, their correlation, the assignees, all in one view.

As we shall see, there are many reasons to implement it, but to draw up a Gantt chart that is really useful and effective, we need the right tools.

Otherwise, we risk wasting a lot of time creating a merely theoretical plan, which will soon be abandoned and remain only in the initial plans of the project leader.

In fact, the key words for evaluating a good Gantt chart are in our opinion: dynamicity and shareability.

Origins and qualities of the Gantt chart

The Gantt has undergone many evolutions over time. Initially, it was a simple, static, time chart for initial planning.

Until not so many years ago, the Gantt was a theoretical structure that was designed at the start of a project, then printed out and hung on a wall in the workplace.

It was a simple benchmark, but unfortunately after a few days or weeks, the chart already became obsolete.

With the emergence of calculation software and then later with web tools, the Gantt became an operational tool.

Its function today does not end at the planning stage, but continues during project execution.

And this is why it must necessarily be integrated and interoperable with other tools. Nowadays, the Gantt chart only makes sense if it is dynamic, sharable, updatable in real time.

Here are in detail the two aspects we took into account the most during our analysis in search of the best software for creating Gantt charts.

First quality of the best Gantt chart: dynamicity

By ‘dynamic’ we mean both the interactivity of the Gantt and its integration with other working tools.

In fact, a good Gantt chart must be able to evolve as various activities are completed. And of course, it is better if this evolution takes place in an automated way and in real time.

At the same time, the information that allows the Gantt to change and progress comes from other sources, such as worklog data, calendar and ToDos performed.

Conversely, the assignments distributed through the Gantt make up and update the 0perators’ workload; its duration affects budget estimates and many other aspects of project management.

This explains the relevance of the Gantt chart in a project management software: it is the starting point and the core to which everything leads back.

The tools we have included in our list of the best Gantt chart software possess this quality!

Second quality of the best Gantt chart: shareability

Together with the interactivity of the Gantt, the group of actors involved in the use of this chart has expanded.

We are talking about the actual project executors, but also about the stakeholders: each resource has its own specific reasons for keeping an eye on the Gantt.

Having a Gantt at hand when we are presenting a project and being able to act within it in real time during meetings is definitely a good practice.

This increases the involvement of the parties and helps achieve a holistic view.

In addition, the most advanced tools also have very customisable role permission systems that allow certain aspects of planning to be delegated.

For example, the project manager may need to entrust the planning of certain project sub-phases to other collaborators, and good software must in our opinion allow for this elasticity on permissions.

But let us finally come to our ranking of the best Gantt chart software, bearing in mind the aspects we have highlighted so far, and see who and how performs the work best.

Here is the list of the best Gantt chart software:

1. Twproject

Gantt Twproject - best gantt chart software

Let’s start with what is considered by many to be the best Gantt chart on the market: Twproject, a software that has made this chart its strong point.

Twproject was founded in 2001, but only from its fifth release did it integrate the Gantt among its tools.

Its team waited until they had the technological maturity to develop a tool that had real utility and was not equivalent to graphing on a spreadsheet.

Since then, however, Twproject has ensured that its Gantt chart became increasingly comprehensive and interoperable, always adding new optimisations and functionalities.

Twproject stands out by having a rather customisable and realistic Gantt that truly reflects the progress of projects.

The elasticity of Twproject’s Gantt is remarkable, but at the same time this tool is extremely precise and its interaction with the other elements of the software is total and accurate.

Last but not least, Twproject guarantees the possibility of keeping track of all previous changes made to the Gantt chart, thanks to the timeline: with this, you can scroll back in time and review the Gantt chart structure at any desired date.

Best features:

  • Overview or detailed view: possibility to have a lower or higher detail level and zoom in on individual phases of the WBS
  • Creation of phases and milestones: from list or drag and drop, as preferred
  • Assignment of phases: possibility to set assignees directly from the Gantt
  • Integration with workload: warning of overloads and reallocation with ‘magic wand’ tool
  • Critical path: possibility to check crucial nodes of project development
  • Timeline: user-activated project change history
  • Dependency types: in addition to the classic Finish to Start dependency, three more dependencies are available to better accommodate different work dynamics
  • Elasticity: possibility of having non-sequential dependencies
  • ToDo view: side-by-side and integrated ToDo management for each project phase
  • Role and permission management: possibility of assigning the planning of various phases to different users
  • Sharing: exportability in various formats

Pricing: from € 7.89 per user/month.

Pros: Twproject makes it possible to create a Gantt chart that is unrivalled in terms of user-friendliness, accuracy and variety of functions. Thanks to constant feedback from its users, this product is constantly evolving and improving.

Cons: Frankly, it is difficult to find a single negative aspect in Twproject’s Gantt.

With Twproject, you never have to enter information twice: everything is designed to optimise working time and offer a useful tool in daily operations

2. ClickUp

ClickUp - gantt chart software

The Gantt that can be created with ClickUp has a good overview of the entire project, which is also highlighted by the green bar that encloses all project phases, showing the total duration at a glance.

On each step, the name of the assignee is clearly visible, but other information, such as the percentage of work done, is missing.

There is a general lack of connection with the resource load.

As there is no difference between activities and project phases in Clickup, the Gantt chart is very quick to create and manage.

However, this can be a disadvantage when it comes to complex projects or projects with many micro-tasks to perform and keep track of.

Best features:

  • Hierarchical structure: Spaces > Folders > Lists
  • Lists of tasks have their own Gantt
  • Tasks that can be entered directly on the gantt by dragging and dropping
  • Secondary opening of the related tab with various detailed information
  • Duplication possibility
  • Wide range of customisation possibilities

Pricing: from $ 7 per user/month.

Pros: ClickUp has an attractive interface, and its Gantt is no exception. It makes the agile philosophy its strong point.

Cons: It lacks some advanced features and at first glance its Gantt editor can appear a little chaotic.

Agility and aesthetics combine in a tool that is quick to use but not always complete in its functions

3. GanttPRO

Gantt PRO - gantt chart software

With almost diametrically opposite characteristics we find Gantt PRO.

As its name suggests, it is a software totally dedicated to the Gantt chart.

Project planning starts precisely from the Gantt view, with a WBS side-by-side, in which projects and task lists are entered.

Alongside the Gantt, there are also secondary views, such as the Kanban board, operator loading and reporting.

Some secondary functions such as budgeting and time tracking are only available in advanced licences.

Best features:

  • Fixed hierarchy of projects and task lists
  • Various baselines can be created
  • Percentage turnaround that can be set directly on the task by dragging and dropping
  • Dependencies with Finish to Start or Start to Start type
  • Gap between dependencies settable in hours
  • Critical path

Pricing: from $ 9.99 per user/month.

Pros: It turns out to be a good technical product, with a simple, clean interface and few but clear functions.

Cons: It has a somewhat dated appearance and is little or no customisation. Some secondary functions such as budgeting and time tracking are only available in advanced licences.

If the objective is to create accurate Gantt charts, it may be a solution, although lacking in interoperability with other management tools

4. Smartsheet

Smartsheet - gantt chart software

It is a software that plans to replace Excel spreadsheets for business management, and thus closely replicates its functionalities.

Smartsheet is a tool consisting of many combined elements, with the addition of typical project management tools.

The data entered in your worksheet can then be interpreted through the various views, including the Gantt view.

It is therefore a tool that requires good expertise in the use of calculation formulas.

Best features:

  • Customising phase colours
  • Conditional formatting allowing the setting of customised rules for the display of phases
  • 4 zoom levels: quarter – month – week – day
  • Secondary views: list, calendar and board
  • Critical path
  • Percentage of work done shown on phase
  • Task duration: shown only when dependencies are activated

Pricing: from $ 6 per user/month, for up to 10 users.

Pros: The main feature of Smartsheet is the possibility of customisation, both graphically and in terms of the method used.

Cons: Lack of automation and the need to master the calculation formulae for its use.

Technical tool with refined functionality, but not exactly useful for saving time in planning

5. Toggl Plan

Toggl Plan

Toggl strongly focuses on the human resources aspects of the projects.

It is therefore very much geared towards managing tasks and assignments in a smooth manner, particularly through its Gantt editor, but not only.

The special feature of the tool is that it allows you to create resource-specific, as well as project-specific, Gantt charts.

It could therefore be useful for those who specifically deal with scheduling and balancing the working time of human resources in a company.

Best features:

  • Data sharing to external users also
  • Estimated vs. actual progress
  • Good integration with resource load, which is visible at the same time
  • 4 zoom levels
  • Drag and drop for duration and dependencies
  • Colour customisation of assignments

Pricing: from $ 9 per user/month.

Pros: In general, it is easy to use and has a modern, user-friendly interface.

Cons: Perhaps also because of its easiness, it has some limitations, especially when it comes to integration with other views of the software.

Agile and easy-to-learn software, more useful if the work is set up in a resource-oriented manner

6. Team Gantt

Team Gantt

Here again we are in front of a tool that starts projects directly from the Gantt.

Only at a later stage, one can add tasks and distribute assignments.

Almost all of its functionalities relate to the Gantt chart and many interactions can be done directly from this view.

A limitation is the fact that tasks and ToDos are not distinct from each other. In addition, all tasks related to a project are always visible on the Gantt, making the management of complex projects somewhat difficult.

Best features:

  • Ability to add notes and attachments to tasks
  • Possibility to enter the percentage of task completion
  • Workload view openable from Gantt
  • Total view of the number of tasks assigned per person in days or hours
  • Health report
  • Secondary views: list, calendar and board

Pricing: from $ 8 per user/month.

Pros: A detailed and very specific tool for creating Gantt charts, with some useful customisations.

Cons: Among the customisations, the differences between dependencies and their elasticity unfortunately do not appear. Furthermore, due to an excessive level of detail by default, the Gantt loses its primary function as a comprehensive overview tool.

Suitable for those who need to create many Gantt charts for small projects but somewhat lacking in cases of complexity

Bottom line

We have tried to help you choose the best Gantt chart software for your projects.

In conclusion, keep in mind that if you decide to try to Twproject:

  • its interaction with ToDo lists makes it possible to overcome the classic Waterfall vs. Agile opposition, and creates a new structured yet dynamic approach.
  • The possibility of having a timeline that allows you to go back to the planned structure at any time, right from the start of the project, makes Twproject’s Gantt chart the best planning tool. In fact, it allows us not to miss any important data and to be able to reschedule freely and without delay during project implementation.

If you wish, you can tell us if this analysis was useful to you and start creating a Gantt chart in the best possible way right away: with Twproject you can try it out for free for the first 15 days.

From time management to schedule management in projects

Schedule management or project scheduling is the process of project time management through milestones, activities and final results, usually indicating the expected start and end dates.

A schedule or scheduling is the project or program calendar.

This shows how the work will progress over a period of time and takes into account factors such as limited resources and the uncertainty estimation.

This process begins with the work necessary to meet the requirements of the stakeholders.

This includes the technical / practical work that creates the results and the management activity that deals with aspects such as risk management and stakeholder management.

Through careful scheduling, project managers can ensure that each project phase is carefully planned and monitored, improving the probability of success and optimising the use of available resources.

In this article we will explore the various aspects of schedule management, which is essential to ensure the success of a project.

Definition of types of work

Some types of work can be defined much more easily than other types.

Engineering work, for example, tends to have detailed and complete specifications from the start, while some IT activities follow a more iterative approach to define what needs to be done.

The approaches to time calculation must be equally flexible.

In some cases, you can use rigorous techniques to model the work and calculate the detailed times.

In other cases, general estimates have to be made from the start, then, as the project continues, they are constantly refined thanks to the information available.

A detailed model can be used to perform “what-if” calculations and analysis to test the result of potential events.

For example: “what happens if the X resource is not available in February?” Or “what happens if there are unfavorable weather conditions in March?”.

Schedule Management: Rolling Wave Planning

The detailed high-level planning approaches usually follow the so-called  “rolling wave” planning.

Short-term work is generally better defined and can be subject to more rigorous and comprehensive planning.

Long-term work is more vague and subject to changes and will be detailed working progress.

The detail window then moves along the program like a “rolling wave”, literally a rolling wave.

The most commonly used graphic planning form is the Gantt chart.

In its simplest form it uses bars on a horizontal chronological scale to show the beginning, duration and end of the various activities.

setting duration in the Gantt chart

Variants of the Gantt chart can transmit all types of information adapting to the circumstances.

At the end of the work scheduling shows what has been planned and what really happened and can be an important tool in identifying and determining the lessons learned.

How to perform project scheduling

Before deepening  project planning, let’s examine the basics.

You have to ask yourself three questions to start project planning:

  1. What must be done?
  2. By when will it be done?
  3. Who will do it?
to do list schedule management

Once you have the answers to these questions, you can start planning dates, linking activities, setting duration, milestones, and resources.

Following are the necessary steps  to plan a project:

  • Define activities: Using a Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) structure and a deliverable diagram, you can begin to perform these tasks and organize them by mapping the activities needed to complete them in an order compared to what is necessary;
  • Making estimates: Once the activities have been defined and divided, it is necessary to determine the time and effort required to complete them;
  • Determine dependencies: Tasks are not isolated and often it isn’t possible to start a new one until the previous is not completed. This is the so-called dependence of activities;
  • Assign resources: The last step to finalizing the planned program is to decide which resources will be needed to perform these tasks on time.

You will have to choose the project team and the time of the collaborators will have to be planned exactly following the planned activities in the planning.

As the complexity of work increases, it becomes impractical to maintain a single detailed program.

Large-scale projects will often use wave planning in which only short-term work is shown in detail with the long-term work that is shown in summary.

As the amount of management activity increases, it may be useful to create separate delivery plans for different areas such as a communication plan, a technical plan, a marketing plan, etc.

The need for multiple plans is inevitable as the complexity of project increases.

To be effective, the project manager must ensure that similar programming policies are adopted throughout the program.

These policies can be defined in a planning management plan.

The schedule management plan has essentially three parts:

  • Development planning
  • Control
  • Planning of changes

Schedule Management: Development planning

Development planning in schedule management is a crucial aspect for the success of a project.

In this section the procedures for the development and revision of the program are established.

The personnel responsible for the development is identified and the potential contribution of the project team members is discussed.

Written procedures for estimating asset duration and budgets, contingency levels, and resources are specified for the project.

Moreover, if the project is complex, a workforce scheduling software is very often a useful tool to have.

Scheduling check

In this section the procedures for measuring and monitoring the project program are implemented.

Throughout the project, planning deviations and costs should be known or calculated regularly, which requires an estimate of the percentage of completion of each activity according to scheduling.

At this stage it is necessary to have clear answers to the following questions:

  • How will the program be measured?
  • Which units will be used to measure completeness of activities?
  • Who will measure it?
  • How often will it be measured?

To measure project progress, it is important to clearly define measurement methodologies.

These may include techniques such as Earned Value Management (EVM), which integrates time and cost measurements to provide a comprehensive view of project progress against the project timeline.

Identifying who will be responsible for measurement is crucial to ensure the accuracy and consistency of the data collected.

Often, the project manager or a member of the quality control team may be in charge of this task. It is essential that they are trained in the use of monitoring tools and techniques.

The frequency of measurements must be established in order to provide timely and useful data for decision-making.

Measurements could be conducted weekly, monthly, or at major project milestones. The frequency should be sufficient to quickly identify and address any problems.

Scheduling changes

Normally, any change to the initial project planning must be communicated and approved.

In fact, in most cases, someone has initially approved the project budget and deadline and expects to receive results accordingly.

That person is usually called the “project sponsor“.

And it is the project sponsor together, often, to the stakeholders who must be informed and approve all the changes to the initial planning.

schedule management, time management
                                                                                                                                         Thanks for the image to  Watch List

Here are the basic questions to consider in this case:

  • What are the appropriate reasons for a change of program?
  • How much notice do you need?
  • Who must approve the changes?

Project planning is probably one of the most difficult jobs of a project manager, but the coordination of delivery dates on estimates can be simplified and made more efficient when you have gained experience and when using appropriate software for schedule management.

To sum up, proper scheduling supported by effective project management software such as Twproject allows the project team to work in a coordinated manner, monitoring progress and adapting to changes in real time.

This combination of skills and technology tools not only facilitates meeting deadlines, but also improves overall project quality and stakeholder satisfaction.

What are your experiences with project scheduling? Write us your comment here.

Start planning your projects.

How to manage project tracking with Twproject’s Timeline

The Timeline is a very useful tool designed to constantly track the progress of your projects.

With the Project Timeline you can keep track of changes and events that have happened over time; it is in fact the historical memory of a project.

Thanks to its slider, you can “navigate” back and forth in time and see the initial situation; you can see what and when it has changed from the baseline (i.e., the initial planning), pointing out the highlights.

Twproject offers you an incredibly functional and complete version of it. Want to discover this timeline with us? Here’s everything it allows you to do.

Features of the Timeline on the Statistics page

On the Statistics page, in the tab following the Project Overview, you will find everything you need to make a comprehensive and accurate project monitoring and tracking plan.

And this is where we placed our Timeline, to have at first glance a dynamic temporal line: this allows us to immediately see the dates of relevant changes from the initial planning (baseline).

The baseline, as the word implies, is in fact the base of the project, established before the project is started. It is meant to capture the initial situation, to see if and how far we will deviate from it later.

It mainly includes: timelines (start and end date), expected costs, and resources involved. In Twproject it is always visible in the Statistics page.

But as we know, it is natural for these variables to change during the actual course of the projects and thus deviate from the baseline.

All quantitative project variations are automatically recorded on the Timeline, without the project leader having to manually annotate them.

Recording events on the Project Timeline

So, what is meant by quantitative project variations?

We are specifically talking about changes in delivery dates and in budget; we will see all these changes highlighted on our timeline with a specific icon based on the event.

events on the timeline

This is what our Project Timeline looks like.

The icons within it show the times when something in our project was changed, and specifically:

  • Date: calendar icon indicates that a project start or end date has been changed. Since the Timeline is also available for project sub-phases, any time changes in these phases will also be visible on their related statistics pages.
  • Budget: any budget changes are recorded and shown on the Timeline with the coin icon.
  • Update: the small balloon icon instead tells us when a reminder has been manually added about a salient event that occurred on a certain date. Reminders can be added directly from the main page of our projects, in the section dedicated to updates

Free scrolling of the Project Timeline

But of course it is also possible to drag our cursor on the Timeline, to view the progress of the project over time.

As we scroll we will see the percentages of work done changing, along with all the other data shown in the graphs on the Statistics page.

timeline scrolling

We will be able to move back to any time point in our project, to monitor progress at a certain date or simply see what and how it has changed from the baseline.

An extra monitoring tool: the Project Snapshot

But there is a tool that complements and collaborates with our Project Timeline: the function that lets you take a Snapshot of the current state.

This will allow us to check this state easier at a later date.

project snapshot

On the Overview page of the project or of one of its phases, you will find the small camera icon.

With this you can ‘take a picture’ of the situation at any time and then display it clearly on the Timeline.

After you have captured the moment, you can write a note to link to this Snapshot: e.g. a time reference, a turning point in the progress of the project, or any other relevant aspect.

You will also find your snapshot icon among those in the Timeline; you can simply click on it to see the status of the project at the saved date.

This step is very useful in the case of long-term projects.

In fact, it will prevent you from scrolling through your Timeline randomly in the future, instead allowing you to have the most interesting moments already highlighted.

Bottom line

We have seen how important it is to keep track of a project’s progress over time, and Twproject offers you a unique tool to perform this analysis.

This is useful both for accurate reporting, but also for making more reliable future forecasts on similar projects.

In the seventh edition of the PMBOK, the project work performance domain is discussed.

This domain defines the basic principles for project process management.

These include the need to constantly monitor changes that may affect the project.

With Twproject’s Timeline, this is done in an agile way. You can ensure that every change is followed by appropriate adjustments.

Furthermore, you can use this data for better planning on future projects.

To start keeping track of all events related to your projects right away, try Twproject free for 15 days. Our support team is at your disposal!

Discover a brand new feature

Gantt charts for a project: productive advantage or disadvantage?

Gantt charts for projects are the essential weapon of the Project Manager, but they can be extremely useful and effective even for anyone who wants to organize their activities in a structured way.

This planning tool appeared in the early twentieth century and has since been widely used for project planning.

The main reason for the success of the Gantt charts is their simplicity and the focus on the quick visualization of the activities.

Gantt charts are also an excellent way to plan the project in a temporal way, allowing to define roles, responsibilities and effective use of resources.

In fact, they provide an immediate vision of how to develop and structure the project and act as a guideline to the end.

What is a Gantt chart?

The Gantt chart, also called scheduled bar chart, is a tool for panning a set of activities that, generally, are part of a single, more complex project.

On the horizontal axis there is the time span, whose unit of measurement depends on the project calendar – days, weeks, months, etc. – while on the vertical axis we find the list of the various activities.

Each task forms a coloured bar that goes from the start date to the end of the activity.

Once all the activities have been inserted, there is a visual scheme of how the project is structured, which tasks come first, which ones overlap and which ones happen later.

The resources that carry out every single activity are easily identifiable.

With such a graphic structure, it is easy to understand, at first glance, if the processes are taking place on schedule and if the progress of the project is in line with the scheduled deadline.

mobile app gantt Twproject

Many software have, in the Gantt, their sore point because the Gantt is not very effective or even non-existent.

Only some software, including Twproject, allow not only to obtain a Gantt chart of the project that is easy to read, but also to get even more details, indicating for example:

  • the resource assigned to a given activity;
  • if the resource works full-time or part-time;
  • how much work has been done and remains to be done;
  • the cost associated with each activity.

optimised workload management in Gantt with Twproject

What are the advantages of the Gantt chart?

As a company we think that the Gantt chart, if well structured and managed, can bring various benefits to the management of a project.

Here is a list of advantages that this system inevitably presents.

The Advantages of Gantt: Visualization

The Gantt chart allows to clearly visualize the workflow and the project structure.

When we insert the various tasks, or analyse the schema after inserting them, we can immediately realize any inconsistencies.

The linear scheme allows you to understand in advance if you will face potential organizational or technical problems and allows you to prepare in advance.

The distribution of the activities allows to identify the intermediate goals and to understand if the project is in line with the schedule or not.

clear and organised workflow visualisation with Twproject Gantt chart

The Advantages of Gantt: Flexibility

As already mentioned, an advantage of the Gantt chart is to clearly show the start and end date of a given activity.

The timing of each task will be set after a direct comparison with the managers of each sector, in order to have a realistic value.

For this reason, the Gantt chart is also useful for the feasibility analysis of a project.

Once the entire project structure is set up, it makes no sense to run to complete certain steps before the set date – unless there is really a valid reason – as this may be reflected in the lack of completeness and / or accuracy.

If you have agreed on a certain date speaking to the direct responsible, it means that this is the time necessary to carry out the work correctly and completely.

Forcing time would affect the quality of work.

flexibility of dependencies in Twproject's Gantt chart

The Advantages of Gantt: Efficiency

These charts allow an intelligent and effective use of resources.

It becomes really difficult for the resources to be reliable when they are grappling with too many processes and find themselves submerged.

All conflicts and problems that follow an overload of tasks can lead to a definitive blockage of the whole project and, inevitably, to its failure.

Using Gantt charts as a project planning tool gives you an overview of the project timeline so you can easily see where and when a particular resource is busy.

So, it is possible to allocate resources in such a way not to slow down or block the activities.

Once a process comes to an end, you can transfer the resource to another activity.

The Advantages of Gantt: Motivation

Gantt charts are great for morale!

Probably we all had those days where we felt completely lost and submerged from work and projects and we could no longer see the direction in which we were going.

In this case, the Gantt chart can be a valid psychological aid.

Looking at the diagram, in fact, you can immediately see how activities are taking place and how each process leads to the completion of the entire project.

It is a very effective method to raise morale and motivate the team.

Moreover, seeing the achievement of a goal – however small it may be – is still a gratification. It allows to concentrate, step by step, on the different blocks of activity without feeling disoriented by a project that can be long and complex.

The Advantages of Gantt: Communication

Gantt charts are not just a useful tool for planning the project.

Team members can use these diagrams to see where they are in the project, what they need to complete certain tasks and the inputs they need.

The project diagram shows them exactly who they should contact and who they should collaborate with during each phase.

This makes them able to communicate better not only with each other, but also with the Project Manager.

Thanks to the Gantt charts, it is also possible to help improve cohesion, communication and understanding of and in the team.

Create your Gantt now

Contact us for a tailored demo and find out how to use Twproject’s interactive Gantt

Try Twproject now!

The aspects (disadvantages) of the Gantt chart to keep under control!

As with any high performance tool, even for the Gantt Chart, there are some aspects to monitor.

Aspects that if not properly managed could result in real disadvantages.

Let’s list briefly the aspects to pay attention to, so that everyone can make his evaluations:

  • It can become extraordinarily complex. Except for the simplest projects, a Gantt chart will present a large number of activities and resources used to complete the project. There are special software that can handle all this complexity. However, when the project reaches this level, it must be managed by a small number of people, or often by one, able to handle all the details. Large companies often employ one or more prepared Project Managers. In companies not used to this type of management, this may not work as it should.
  • The size of the bar does not indicate the amount of work. Each bar on the graph indicates the period of time in which a given activity will be completed. However, by observing the bar, it is not possible to determine what level of engagement we need to complete these tasks. For example, a short bar could take 500 hours, while a longer bar could take only 20 hours.
  • The length of a bar in fact indicates the timing of a given activity and not its complexity in terms of working hours.
  • It needs constant updates. After starting the project, things can change. If you use a Gantt chart, you need to be able to change the chart easily and frequently.
  • Difficult to see on a single sheet of paper. The software that allows you to manage these graphics are mostly suited to a computer screen and are not meant to be printed. It therefore becomes difficult to show the details of the plan to a broad audience. It is certainly possible to print the chart, but this normally involves a job of “cutting and pasting” of the individual pieces, rather expensive in terms of time.

Bottom line

To sum up, in the context of project management it is essential to have a clear view of the beginning of activities and how they develop as the project progresses.

We have seen how using a Gantt chart helps team members visualise not only when individual activities begin and end, but also how they intersect and influence the final outcome of the project.

All in all, the biggest advantage of the Gantt chart is the pure simplicity and the clear overview of the activities and their duration.

This makes it ideal for projects where facilitated access to all relevant information is required and where these should be easily understood by all those involved in the project.

This is why we thought of an evolution of the Twproject Gantt.

We have, in fact, built a tool that can shape situations in real time and be easily modified over time.

Twproject’s focus is to capture the work done in real time, to guide the Project Manager during the entire project development.

Twproject includes an interactive Gantt that allows us to punctually assign resources to each phase. Thanks to this approach, we can monitor the progress of the project in all its parts with full transparency.

Our customers’ experience in this direction encourages us by providing us with guidance in future development.

Now it’s your turn, create your Gantt with Twproject and get a 15-day free trial!

Do you want to create your first Gantt?

Project Management 2024 Events in Italy and the World

Events 2024 in Italy and worldwide focusing on project management offer a wealth of learning and networking opportunities for professionals in this industry.

In Italy, the project management sector is growing, thanks in part to the many events that offer professionals and enthusiasts the opportunity to expand their knowledge and skills.

This article will showcase the major Italian and international project management events 2024.

Project Management 2024 events in Italy

Let’s have a look at an overview of the main 2024 events in Italy on project management:

PMexpo 2024 (October 4, 2024)

PMexpo is the major Italian event dedicated to project management. It will take place on October 4, 2024, at the Centro Congressi Auditorium della Tecnica in Rome.

The event is hosted by ISIPM (Italian Institute of Project Management) and is a unique opportunity for industry professionals to engage with the latest news and best practices.

Although the program for PMexpo 2024 is not yet public, there will be plenty of keynotes, parallel sessions, workshops, and laboratories, as there were in the last edition.

Forum nazionale di Project Management (June, 14 2024)

The forum hosted by the federation of 3 Italian Chapters, is one of the most important events at the Italian level for disseminating project management culture.

Last October 6, we attended it with our Twproject booth to support the event held at FICO Eatalyworld srl in Bologna.

forum project management italia

The 2023 edition had the theme “Food for Thoughts,” which stressed the importance of an innovative and creative approach in project management, comparing nourishing the body with food to nurturing the mind with innovative ideas and creative solutions.

The 2024 edition, however, will take place in Rome on June 14 and focus on “The Omniverse of Project Management”.

The event aims to provide an in-depth insight into the world of project management, exploring the various interactions between the activities performed by project managers and different operating environments, regardless of the specific context.

The main focus is to illustrate what PMI Italy Chapters call the Project Management Omniverse. This concept encompasses the peculiarities, characteristics, and contexts of projects, directly influencing the project manager’s responsibilities and actions. For more details, visit the official website


The Associazione Italiana Project Manager promotes project management culture in Italy. Although specific details of the 2024 events are not currently available, the association is organizing various webinars and meetings. To keep up to date with upcoming events, visit

PMday Italia

This is the annual event focused on product management, organized by 20tab, a training and consulting company specializing in product management.  

The 2023 edition of PMday Italia was dedicated to “The product manager of the future” and over 700 people attended, hosting talks by product management experts worldwide.

As we eagerly await what’s new for 2024, you can already register for the fourth edition of PMday Italy. This event is open to all product management professionals, regardless of their experience level, students and industry enthusiasts.

International Conference on Project Management, Planning and Control (ICPMPC)

This conference is hosted by the World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology and will cover project risk management, project planning and control, resource management and more.

It will occur in two Italian cities – May 2 and 3 in Rome and June 21 and 22, 2024 in Venice.

International Conference on Civil Engineering Projects, Planning and Management (ICCEPRPM) e International Conference on Civil Engineering Planning and Project Management (ICCEPPM)

These events offer valuable opportunities for project management professionals to learn, share experiences, and network. For more details, visit conference websites or use index indexes such as Conference Index.

Both will be held on April 4 and 5, 2024 in Venice and July 22 and 23, 2024 in Rome.

2024 World Events on Project Management

Now let’s take a look at the major international events in 2024 focusing on project management:

  • Regional Scrum Gathering Tokyo (January, 10-11 2024): an annual event for Scrum practitioners with keynote sessions, speakers, and networking opportunities. It will focus on the power of networking opportunities and offer a Coaches Clinic with experienced Agile coaches for tailored guidance.

  • Project Management Symposium (April 18-19, 2024): an event covering a range of global insights on project management. Sessions in 2024 will explore Lean and Agile methodologies, federal program management, and Project Management 4.0.

The conference topic is “Project Management in the Age of Artificial Intelligence” and will explore many aspects of the AI-PM intersection, including new project skills, ethical frameworks, sustainability, learning models, teams and collaboration, and more.

  • Project Summit Business Analyst World (April 22-24, 2024): is the main event in North America for Project Managers and Business Analysts. It will feature senior speakers from various industries worldwide and offer talks, workshops, panel discussions, and networking. The event will be held in Orlando, Florida.

  • Global Scrum Gathering 2024 (May 19-22, 2024): A not-to-be-missed event in New Orleans, Louisiana, for agile professionals of all levels. It features:
  • In-depth sessions focusing on agile methodologies and practices.
  • Customized coaching opportunities
  • Networking to connect with other agile professionals and share experiences and knowledge.
  • Career support

  • Agile on the Beach (July 4-5, 2024): it is an event focused on Agile methodology. It features a unique location by the sea in Falmouth, UK, and a mix of talks, workshops, networking opportunities, and social events.

It is held in a relaxed and inspiring environment, perfect for those seeking to blend professional development with an inspirational setting.

  • Agile2024 (July 22-26, 2024): this conference is held in Grapevine, Texas, and is focused on exploring, innovating, and advancing the values and principles of Agile. Hosted by the Agile Alliance, it is regarded as a premier event for project management professionals interested in the Agile approach. Agile2024 is suitable for both seasoned Agile professionals and those new to Agile, offering sessions suited to different levels of experience and interest.

The project management event scene in 2024 is rich and diverse, offering numerous opportunities for professionals from around the world.

Joining these conferences provides valuable opportunities for project management professionals to stay current on the latest trends, expand their skills, and connect with other industry professionals worldwide.

Work together with your team effectively

Critical Path in Project Management – How to

The Critical Path Method (CPM) is an essential algorithm in project management, used to plan a set of project activities. Its purpose is to highlight the steps involved in the longest path that determines the project end date.

In this article we see how to implement CPM.

How to implement the Critical Path Method

To implement the Critical Path Method effectively, it is crucial to draw a network diagram illustrating all the necessary activities and their dependencies. Identifying the activities that form the critical path is crucial because these, being interconnected, define the minimum time required for the project to be completed.

Any delay in one of these activities can slow down the entire project.

To use this method, you must build the model by paying attention to:

  1. Define all projects’s phases
  2. Highlight dependencies between phases
  3. Calculate the duration of each phase correctly

The critical path analysis allows you to highlight what activities are “critical” but also those that can be delayed without increasing the project lifespan.

Critical Path Method: a practical example

If you have never used this methodology, let’s try to apply it to a simple example: imagine we have to install a shelf in the house.

First, you need to split the project into phases:

  1. Buy the shelf
  2. Buy the fixing bars
  3. Choose the wall and the height
  4. Make the signs on the wall
  5. Do the holes with the drill
  6. Install the fixing bars
  7. Mount the shelf

Once you define each steps, you can try to identify the dependencies: at a first analysis you immediately realize that some activities can not be started until others are completed, for example, you can not do holes with the drill until you make the signs on the wall, also the shelf can not be placed until the fixing bars are fixed. At the same time you see that the choice of the wall, the purchase of the shelf and fixing bars are activities that you can do in parallel. Here is the Gantt of activities with dependencies:

critical path method

This type of activity can be easily planned using the Gantt diagrams that also shows the critical path calculation in red. The chart shows the sequential activities, they are in orange because suspended waiting for predecessor completion.

All these sequential activities are the fundamental steps that determine the length of your project. The critical path of the projects is the longest sequence of activities.

It is essential to pay close attention to phases on the critical path to manage the timing of your Gantt. For example, if you have a task that lasts 100 days, a 5-day delay on one of the sequential activities will result in a total delay of 5 days for the task.

Another important aspect to consider is the human resources availability, for example, we have said that some phases can be done in parallel such as buying fixing bars, shelf and choosing height in the wall, but these can be done in parallel only if you can count on three different resources available, in case you are alone to complete the project the Gantt changes drastically. Phases become all consecutive.

Gantt chart in Critcal Path Method

So, project critical path can be calculated according to tasks dependencies, but to determine task end dates it is necessary to identify the resources at your disposal and the correct duration of each phase. Only after analyzing these two aspects will you be able to handle project times by using a Gantt diagram and see a correct schedule.

From this simple example it is clear that critical path analysis is not trivial, this method is particularly used for complex but predictable activities.

In the real world, in fact,  it is difficult to follow exactly the established plan, moreover,  you can have external new requirements or constraints not considered at an early stage of planning.

In our example, if you did not find the fixing bars in the store and you have to order them online you could introduce a delay that could reflect on the overall project’s duration, even if this phase was not in the critical path.

Critical Path Method: the role of the project manager

The role of the project manager in this context becomes crucial.

An effective project manager not only supervises the sequence of activities, but also coordinates resources to ensure that the critical path can be completed smoothly.

The duration of activities on the critical path must be precisely managed, as any delay in these activities would directly reflect on the overall project timeline.

It is essential for the project manager to use tools such as Gantt charts to visualise progress and quickly adapt plans in response to any changes.
This careful control allows them to minimise the impact of delays and keep the project on schedule, making the best use of available resources and ensuring that deadlines are met.

It is also important that the project manager maintains constant communication with all project stakeholders. This not only helps keep everyone informed of progress, but also facilitates the collection of feedback that can lead to significant improvements in project management. The ability to quickly adapt plans in response to feedback or sudden changes is an invaluable quality in this profession.

With careful planning, dynamic resource management and effective communication, the project manager ensures that the project not only achieves its objectives on time, but also adapts to changes in the environment, thus maximising the chances of overall success.

Using Twproject for the Critical Path Method

To keep track of the progress of your plan at all times, you should therefore:

1. Update data frequently.
2. Carefully monitor the phases on the critical path, but also those outside it.
3. Keep resource availability under control.

This is why, being able to rely on software that manages easily updatable Gantt diagrams is essential: you will be able to enter dependencies quickly, as visualised in the previous images, but also enter durations and have the end date calculated automatically. An interactive Gantt chart will also allow you to quickly re-plan late tasks by showing you the changes immediately.

If you rely on project management software such as Twproject, which includes, in addition to the interactive Gantt with the critical path analysis, several tools for monitoring resources, you can easily manage the workload, so that you have the flexibility to intervene promptly on any critical issues and finally have everything under control.

Twproject not only simplifies the scheduling and monitoring of activities but also transforms the way information is shared and managed within the team.
By centralising information, each team member can access real-time updates, enabling a coordinated and timely response to any changes or issues that may arise.

In addition, the ability to visualise overall progress and relationships between different activities through interactive Gantt charts helps prevent bottlenecks and optimise workflows. The automatic update functionality of end dates, based on changes in previous activities, is particularly useful in dynamic project environments where time and resources may change frequently.

Relying on these advanced tools allows project managers to spend less time on manual data management and more time on strategic analysis and effective team leadership, thus raising the quality of the entire project management.

Finally, the integration of advanced project management software such as Twproject is crucial to ensure efficiency, responsiveness and successful project completion.

Expense report: how to manage it in complex projects

Expense report management is one of companies’ most sensitive and tricky tasks, especially for large projects.

The expense report is a core document that accounts for costs incurred by an employee during a trip or as part of a specific project.

Managing it can be challenging due to the variety of expenses involved and the complexity of the reporting process.

Let’s take a look at how to manage the expense report in complex projects.

The perfect expense report

Expense report management is critical for many companies, and having a clear and comprehensive expense report is fundamental to ensuring accurate and timely reporting.

A “perfect” expense report should be transparent, detailed and comply with current regulations.

The current regulation on expense reports in Italy is Ministerial Decree 55/2014, which defines the requirements that expense reports must meet to be valid for tax filing purposes.

Here is what a perfect expense report should include:

Personal data

The basic information of the employee who sustained the expenses. They should be clear and accurate to avoid possible misunderstandings or errors. They include:

    • Full Name: Complete identification of the employee.
    • Company Name: The legal name of the business or body for which the employee works. It is fundamental to ensure that the expense report is associated with the proper organization, especially in large companies or groups having several companies.

Expense list

A comprehensive list of expenses is vital to understanding the nature and extent of costs incurred:

  • Detailed: Each expense should be described in detail, specifying, for example, whether it is a business dinner, a train ticket, or an overnight stay in a hotel.
  • Broken by category: Expenses should be split into categories, such as travel, food, accommodation, etc. This helps to understand the nature of expenses quickly and facilitates their approval and accounting.

Date and place

These details are key to putting expenses in context:

    • Period: Specifying the dates when the expenses were incurred helps to understand the context and verify their relevance.
    • Context: The place or event at which the expenses were sustained (e.g., a business conference in Milan or a client meeting in Rome) provides additional details about the nature of the expenses.

Reimbursement of expenses incurred

This section of the expense report should make it clear how and when the employee will be reimbursed:

  • Method of reimbursement: Whether by wire transfer, check or other means, it is key to specify how the employee will receive their reimbursement.
  • Refund times: Clearly state when the employee can expect to get reimbursed, for example, within 30 days of submitting the expense report.

Managing expense reports in complex projects

Managing expense reports in a complex project environment can be a significant challenge due to the variety of expenses and the reporting process’s complexity.

Some of the challenges and critical issues that can arise in managing expense reports in complex projects include:

Variety of expenses

In large projects, expenses can come from multiple sources and for different reasons:

    • Travel and transfers: Business travel, both domestic and international, may include expenses for transportation, accommodation, food, and other related expenses.
    • Procurement of goods and services: This may include software purchases, equipment, external consulting, and more.
    • Events and trainings: Attending or hosting events, seminars or training courses may incur significant costs.
    • Unexpected expenses: In any project, unexpected expenses may emerge during the course of the project and must be properly documented and justified.

Complexity of the reporting process

Reporting expenses in complex projects can be a tricky process:

    • Expense approval: Any expense might require approval from different hierarchical levels or departments, such as finance or management.
    • Verification and monitoring: Expenses must be reviewed to ensure they are legitimate, relevant to the project, and in compliance with company policies.
    • Reporting: All expenses must be documented appropriately, with receipts, invoices, and other evidence justifying the amount spent.
    • Reimbursement: Once approved, expenses must be reimbursed timely, per the procedures and timeframes established by the company.

Twproject: a one-stop solution for managing expense reports

nota spese

In an age where digitization and automation are revolutionizing how businesses work, expense report management is no exception.

Manual expense management, relying on spreadsheets and folders full of receipts, has become obsolete and ineffective, especially in large businesses or complex projects.

Twproject stands out as a state-of-the-art solution, offering many features that make it a precious ally for businesses.

Here is a detailed analysis of its key features:

  • Multi-currency management: In an international context, companies must often manage expenses in different currencies. Twproject can manage expense reports in various currencies, ensuring accurate and up-to-date conversions and making reporting and approving costs incurred in foreign currencies easier.
  • Recurring and one-time expenses: Every company has recurring payments, such as subscriptions, but also one-time costs, such as travel expenses. Twproject allows both types to be managed effectively, enabling clear categorization and detailed tracking.
  • Personal expenses: An employee may incur an expense that does not fall under the company’s reimbursable items. Twproject also offers the option to record these expenses, ensuring a clear distinction between reimbursable and non-reimbursable expenses, thereby providing transparency and clarity in the reporting process.
  • Efficiency and accuracy: Managing expense reports with Twproject significantly reduces the time spent filling out, approving, and reimbursing expenses. It also minimizes the risk of human error, ensuring more accurate reporting.
  • Allocation to cost center: Whenever an expense report is inserted, it can be automatically associated with a specific cost center. This ensures that each expense is correctly recorded and allocated to the right project or department.
  • Accessibility and traceability: Expense information will become accessible in real-time from any device, allowing better tracking of expenses and greater transparency in the process.

Bottom line, Twproject is not just a project management tool but also a comprehensive solution for managing expense reports.

Its versatility and advanced features make it a great option for companies looking for an effective and reliable way to manage expenses.

Keep costs under control with Twproject


How to use the cost center to simplify large projects

The cost center is a valuable tool for simplifying the financial management of projects.

Accurate and detailed cost management is critical to ensure sustainability and growth in any company. Elements such as raw material, unit cost, and other economic factors are essential to the success of any business.

But how can all these elements be successfully managed?

The answer lies in the strategic use of cost centers, which provide comprehensive control over every financial aspect of your business.

Let’s examine how the cost center can help you simplify cost management for large projects.

What is a cost center?

A cost center is a department within a company that is in charge of certain costs.

Each single cost center is responsible for the costs involved in manufacturing products or providing services. It can be a production line, a department, or a subsidiary.

The cost center allows information to be collected regarding the costs of all project activities and components. This information can be used to:

  • Getting an overview of project costs
  • Identify cost areas where improvements can be made
  • Monitor cost trends over time

The various cost centers within a company can be associated with different products or services. Each product or service may have different related costs, which can be monitored and analyzed separately.


Why create a cost center map

Creating a cost center map is critical. The map helps to understand where costs occur and how they are distributed within the company.

Twproject is project management software that can streamline this process. It allows specific costs to be assigned to each cost center, providing in-depth insight into the allocation of costs within the company.


Notably, Twproject makes it possible to create a cost center map tailored to the company’s specific needs and defines cost centers based on the activities carried out by the company, products or services offered, or other criteria.

It also assigns costs to each cost center accurately and efficiently.

Information about costs provided by Twproject can be used for many different purposes, including:

  • Calculating the cost of products or services
  • Cost analysis
  • Cost management
  • Improving efficiency and productivity

 Project managers can easily monitor direct and indirect costs, production time, and other crucial aspects. Twproject allows assigning and tracking costs for each project, significantly simplifying cost management and analysis, providing greater efficiency and control.

It offers a clear, detailed, and up-to-date view of costs incurred, helping companies optimize resources and improve efficiency.

6 tips on how to simplify large projects with the cost center

Here is a guide on using the cost center to streamline large tasks while ensuring efficiency and financial control.

1. Get a cost management software

Begin by getting a cost management software such as Twproject. This tool centralizes and automates cost center management, allowing you to monitor costs in real-time, assign specific budgets, and generate detailed reports on a one-stop platform. This will save you time and reduce the risk of human error.

2. Clearly define your cost centers

A clear definition of each cost center within the project is key. This step eliminates confusion, makes communication with your team, and ensures that everyone is on the same page about the project’s cost structure.

3. Assign a specific budget

Assigning a specific budget to each cost center also prevents overshoots and ensures that each cost center has the financial resources it needs to operate efficiently.

This step is crucial for maintaining financial control of the project and preventing unexpected expenses.

cost management

4. Monitor costs regularly

Regularly monitoring actual costs compared to projected costs for each cost center allows you to spot any discrepancies quickly and make timely corrections. This practice ensures that the project remains within budget and time constraints.

5. Build your team

Make sure your team is properly trained on effective cost center management. An informed team is invaluable for cost control and effective project management.

6. Perform regular reviews

Don’t forget to regularly review your cost centers to ensure they stay aligned with project objectives. This allows you to make adjustments based on project needs, ensuring that cost centers are always optimized.

By implementing these steps, cost center management will become a more seamless and manageable process, thus contributing significantly to the success of your large project.

By streamlining internal project management via Twproject, we were able to implement a very strong and effective cost control on the resources directly involved in account-based projects.

Managing cost centers with Twproject

Recently, we released a new Twproject version with improved cost center management features.

Here’s an overview of its new features:

  • Cost center propagation

This feature allows you to change the cost center of a task or resource and automatically propagate the change to all subordinate subtasks or resources. This way, you will not have to update each item manually.

For example, if you change a project’s cost center, all project tasks and resources will automatically be updated with the new cost center. However, if a task or resource has a different cost center from the project, it will remain unaffected.


  • Choosing the type of cost center

Before, cost centers were used for both projects and resources. This new feature allows you to manage cost centers for projects and resources separately. This allows you to choose whether to use cost centers for projects, resources, or both and have a clearer and more organized view of your data.


  • Cost center legacy

This feature automatically allows project add-on costs to inherit the cost center from their phase. This way, you can skip manually editing the cost centers for each add-on cost.

For example, if an additional cost is related to a project phase, the cost center of that extra cost will automatically inherit the phase’s cost center.

In short, these new features allow you to:

  • Save time since you won’t have to update cost centers manually;
  • Improve accuracy, preventing potential errors;
  • Have a more transparent and structured overview of your data.

Ultimately, the cost center is a powerful tool for streamlining the financial management of large projects. Properly using the cost center can improve cost transparency and efficiency, reduce risk, and improve the odds of achieving project success.

Remember, sound cost control is the foundation of successful project implementation.


Keep costs under control with Twproject


Project Life Cycle: phases and characteristics

The Project Life Cycle consists of four main phases through which the Project Manager and his team try to achieve the objectives that the project itself sets.

The four phases that mark the life of the project are: conception / start, planning, execution / implementation and closure.

Each project therefore has a beginning, a central period, a completion and a final phase (successful or not). All phases that we will analyze in this article constitute the so-called Project Life Cycle.

Obviously, those mentioned are only the main phases of the project, which means the starting point for a further subdivision in sub-phases, activities and tasks, increasingly basic and detailed, necessary for the development and allocation of work among the resources.

For each phase or lifecycle activity, the project manager must have two clear things in mind:

  • The objectives of each project phase: based on company constraints ranging from quality to timing and costs;
  • Products (derivable): every activity must lead to results that can be tangible goods or a documentation or specific services, etc.

But now we specifically enter the four main phases of the project life cycle.

The initiation phase

During this first phase, the objective or “need” of the project is identified.

This can be, for example, the resolution of a business problem or the analysis and creation of a concrete opportunity.

An appropriate responce to the need can be documented in a business case with the recommended solution options.

A feasibility study is then conducted to verify if each option is in line with the objective and a final solution is determined.

The feasibility study asks questions about the feasibility of the project. Questions such as “can we do the project? Do we have the resources to do it?“.

Furthermore, a justification study phase of the project is also carried out, for example by answering the question “is the project necessary for this objective?“.

Once these analyzes have been carried out and the project is considered feasible and necessary, this is officially started and, in case it has not already been identified, a project manager is appointed.

The project team is then identified and involved, thus starting to take shape.

At this point we can then move on to the detailed planning phase.

If we use a good project management application, the initiation phase will be much easier and once fully operational, the software itself will answer the questions mentioned above, i.e. if we have the resources to do it, if it is functional to the objective and so on.

We plan ahead and monitor our progress, thus being able to identify the critical paths, anticipate project delays or interruptions before they happen and therefore improve workflow.

Twproject is a complete solution that offers all the tools the project manager needs in this phase. Using this platform you’ll have the possibility to create your project from the very beginning and add the different team members, specifying their roles.

The planning phase

In this phase we start from the objective of the project and move on to develop it in as much detail as possible, planning the steps necessary to reach the final solution.

The individual tasks of the project are then identified, as well as the requirements that the resources must have and the strategy to follow.

A project plan is created that illustrates the activities, tasks and timelines.

The project manager coordinates the preparation of a project budget by providing cost estimates for labor, equipment and materials, if needed.

The budget is used to monitor and control the expenses incurred during the entire project phase.

Once the Project Manager has identified the work, prepared the strategy and the performance and estimated costs, the basic components of the planning process are complete.

It comes then the right time to identify and address any factor that may pose a threat to the success of the project. This part is called risk management.

Potential problems are identified, as well as the action that must be taken to avoid them, solve them or at least reduce their impact.

This is also a good time to identify all stakeholders and establish a communication plan that sets out the information needed to keep all the parties involved in the project informed.

Finally, the project manager will draw up a quality plan that includes the quality objectives, the control measures, also listing the criteria to be met  obtain the acceptance of the client – customer that can be the company itself.

Arrived here, the project has been discussed and planned in detail, and is ready to run and move on to the next stage.

Twproject can also help you in this phase, in defining the activities through the drafting of the WBS and immediately following with the planning of the phases over time with an interactive Gantt editor:

Gantt chart

The execution phase

During the third phase, that of the implementation, the project plan is put into motion and the work is performed in concrete, following the steps structured in the planning phase.

It is important and fundamental to maintain control and communicate how – and when – necessary during this whole phase.

Progress is continuously monitored and appropriate  changes are made and documented as variations with respect to the original plan.

Whatever project  it is, a project manager usually spends most of the time at this stage.

During the execution of the project, people perform their tasks and progress information is exchanged through regular team meetings, so-called progress status meetings .

The project manager uses this information to maintain control over the project direction by comparing progress reports with the project plan, to measure the performance of activities and take corrective actions if necessary.

The main strategy should always be to bring the project back to its original course,that of the project plan drawn up in the previous phase. If this is not possible, the changes from the original plan must be recorded and the modified plan must be formalized.

During this step, project sponsors and all other stakeholders should be regularly informed about the progress of the work.

Each product result should be analyzed and accepted.

Once the results of the various steps have been produced and the client has accepted the final solution, the project is ready for closure.

Twproject helps you manage the execution phase, on two levels, for the project manager and for the team memebrs.

The project manager can constantly monitor the ongoing activities:

project overview

The team, on the other hand, will have a simple and extremely flexible ToDo management tool. ToDos can represent daily activities, tickets, bugs, ideas, organized in the form of a list or Kanban board.

The closing phase

During this closing phase, the emphasis is placed on:

  • the final results;
  • the delivery of project documentation;
  • the termination of supplier contracts;
  • the release of project resources;
  • the communication of the closure of the project to all the stakeholders.

The last remaining step is to conduct an analysis of what went well and what did not.

Through this type of analysis you gain experience and knowledge, are gained, factors that will help the project manager, and the team in general, for future projects.

Unfortunately, the closing phase is often underestimated and in many companies the project is delivered without further evaluation; it only matters if the project was a success or not.

In reality, it isn’t only important to conclude a project successfully, but also to be able to execute it in the way that was set in the original project plan.

There is no shortage of cases in which the objective has been achieved despite having experienced a phase of execution full of changes, delays and problems.

The closure phase also serves to analyze this, in order to avoid making the same mistakes in the future and not adequately assessing certain risks.

The four phases of this life cycle may vary according to the sector and the type of project, but in general they are valid in any area.

When a project manager follows Project Life Cycle taking into account all the factors of each individual phase, he will have already taken the first step towards success.

Tell us about your personal experience of success.

How can a software help you managing the life cycle?

As shown, good project management software can make a real difference in each of the 4 phases of the project life cycle, since it can:

  • help you draft the WBS;
  • guide you in planning and execution;
  • monitor and verify the phases  of a project with an interactive Gantt chart;
  • check the correct balancing of the load on the resources.

That’s why a tool like Twproject is fundamental in the outcome of a project, since it has all the suitable tools for following each phase of a project’s life cycle, providing the project manager with a complete and constantly updated view.

Try it now for free! And afterwards, don’t forget to share your impressions and experience in managing the phases of a project with us.

Get familiar with the phases of your project.

7 project management books to read on vacation

Are you looking for project management books to read on vacation?

You are in the right place!

Summer is a great time to relax, replenish your energy, and read.

If you are passionate about project management or wish to improve your skills in this domain, there is no better time to dive into inspiring books.

This article will introduce you to 7 project management books that will provide new perspectives, strategies, and valuable tips for successfully tackling your professional projects.

7 project management books to read on vacation

1. The Lean Startup

If you want to explore new approaches to managing projects and starting new entrepreneurial ventures, “The Lean Startup” by Eric Ries is an excellent choice.

This international bestseller offers a revolutionary methodology for launching new businesses efficiently and with minimal waste of resources.

In his book, Ries explains the idea of “Lean Startup,” where the principles of Lean thinking and Agile methodology are applied in the business world.

Through successful examples and real stories, the author explains how to quickly validate business hypotheses, gather customer feedback, and iterate continuously to develop successful products or services.

“The Lean Startup” offers an alternative to the traditional approach of detailed planning and long-term development, instead promoting speed and adaptability. This book is precious for those entrepreneurs and project managers working in uncertain and volatile environments, providing tools and strategies to manage and mitigate risks.

This book will inspire you to think innovatively, experience, and learn quickly from the market. You will be able to adapt to ever-changing customer needs with Lean startup principles and develop successful business projects.

2.Project Management for Dummies

One of the most popular and valuable books for project management newbies is “Project Management for Dummies” by Stanley E. Portny.

This practical and user-friendly guide offers a comprehensive introduction to project management, explaining the basic principles and best practices in a simple and understandable way.

Through real-world examples and practical advice, the book will help you master essential project management skills such as planning, executing, and controlling projects.

detto fatto

3. Getting Things Done

One of the most common challenges in project management is effectively managing time and tasks. “Getting Things Done” by David Allen is a book that offers a proven system for organizing work and maximizing productivity.

The GTD (Getting Things Done) method is based on principles such as accurate information gathering, clear action definition, and priority planning.

This book will guide you through implementing the GTD system, helping you create an organized environment and effectively manage your personal and business-related activities.

By creating action lists, managing projects, and adopting productive habits, you can overcome daily challenges with greater efficiency and peace of mind.

It is also helpful for those wishing to develop more efficient work habits and reduce stress from poor time management.

4. Crucial Conversations

Difficult conversations are inevitable in a project management environment.

Crucial Conversations” by Kerry Patterson, Joseph Grenny, Ron McMillan, and Al Switzler is a must-have guide to dealing with critical discussions constructively and effectively.

By reading this book, you will gain access to practical tools that will help you effectively manage conflict, solve problems, and communicate clearly and empathetically.

Additionally, you will learn how to establish an open and conducive environment for dialogue and maintain a level head even in the most intricate of situations.

5. The Mythical Man-Month

The Mythical Man-Month” by Frederick P. Brooks Jr. is aproject management classic that addresses the challenges of coordinating and managing resources in complex projects.

This iconic book provides a deep understanding of the problems that occur in large projects and presents Brooks’ laws and the concept of “adding people to a late project.”

By reading this book, you will acquire a unique standpoint on managing complex projects and the dynamics that can affect them.

6. Fiabe della buona notte per Project Manager

If you want a more casual yet entertaining and thought-provoking read, “Fiabe della buona notte per Project Manager” by Luigi Russo is the perfect book.

In this original book, Russo uses the format of fairy tales to present typical project management situations and dynamics allegorically.

Each fairy tale offers a valuable lesson and clever humor to make reading more enjoyable. This book is an excellent choice for relaxing under the umbrella, chuckling, and, at the same time, contemplating the challenges of project management.

Remember that reading does not always have to be serious and challenging, and this book perfectly demonstrates how you can learn while having fun.

7. Project & Process Management

If you are looking for a comprehensive project and process management guide, you cannot miss “Project & Process Management” by Stefano Setti.

This book provides an integrated view of both disciplines, offering a broad overview of fundamental principles, methodologies, and tools for project and business process management.

Thanks to his extensive experience in this area, Setti provides practical approaches and best practices for planning, executing, and controlling projects and designing, optimizing, and monitoring business processes.

Through concrete examples and case studies, the book will guide you in understanding the interactions between projects and processes and provide tools to maximize the efficiency and effectiveness of business activities.

Project & Process Management” is an in-depth yet user-friendly text aimed at professionals who wish to gain a holistic and integrated view of project and process management.

Whether you are a project manager or a process manager, this book will provide you with a solid foundation of knowledge to meet the corporate world’s challenges.

From the introduction to fundamental concepts to managing critical conversations and time management, these books will provide valuable knowledge to tackle your professional projects successfully.

Enjoy your reading!

Use Twproject to generate your status update reports.

Team performance domain: what’s new PMBoK 7

Team Performance Domain is one of the 8 Project Performance Domains introduced in PMBOK’s seventh edition.

These replaced the 10 Knowledge Areas featured in the previous Project Management Body of Knowledge edition.

This article will explore what this is all about and what this change implies for project management.

Project Performance Domain: what are they?

As mentioned above, the 10 Knowledge Areas of the former PMBOK have been replaced in the seventh edition by the 8 Project Performance Domains.

These are referred to as groups of interrelated activities critical to the effective implementation of a project.

As opposed to the knowledge areas of the sixth edition, performance domains are designed to span the entire life cycle of a project and focus less on rigid processes and more on the practices and behaviors that lead to desired outcomes.

The 8 project performance domains were developed to ensure project success and include:

  1. Stakeholder
  2. Team
  3. Development Approach & Life Cycle
  4. Planning
  5. Project Work
  6. Delivery
  7. Measurement
  8. Uncertainty

Therefore, they encompass all aspects of the project, from team management to planning, process control, and stakeholder management.

The most significant difference between  PMBOK’s sixth and seventh editions is that the focus has shifted from technical processes and tools to more general principles.

The seventh edition focuses more on the fundamental concepts of project management instead of focusing only on specific technical processes and tools.

This makes the guide more accessible and usable to a broader audience, including those without technical or specialized training.

Team Performance Domain: what is it about?

Now let’s take a look specifically at the Team Performance Domain, or team performance domain, a segment of the PMBOK.

team performance domain pmbok 7

In particular, three main aspects are covered within this domain:

1. Project team and how it works

2. Team Management

3. Leadership skills

The Team Performance Domain is about the support, organization, management, leadership, and culture of the individuals responsible for producing project results.

This entails defining the culture and environment that enable a diverse mix of individuals to evolve into a high-performance project team.

This includes identifying the activities necessary to promote the development of the project team and fostering leadership behaviors by all team members.

The project team generates value for the organization by producing project deliverables.

As we discussed earlier, performance domains are a new concept introduced by PMBOK 7 to replace knowledge areas.

Likewise, process groups have been replaced by project management principles.

The Team Performance Domain focuses on creating a high-performance team, effective team coaching, raising the level of operations, creating collaborative team spaces, and monitoring and measuring their performance.

Certain processes and actions are put in place to achieve the planned goals of this performance domain.

In PMBOK 7, it is assumed that if a team leader successfully executes all the activities of the performance domain according to the principles outlined here, the result will be a high-performing team.

Among some factors that contribute to an effective team are:

  • Open communication: an open environment fosters productive meetings, problem-solving, the birth of new ideas, etc.;
  • Shared understanding: what the project will create is clear to everyone
  • Shared ownership: the more invested team members feel in the project results, the more motivated they will be in their work;
  • Trust: employees who trust each other work together more effectively;
  • Collaboration: collaborative teams generate more innovative ideas;
  • Adaptability: a better-performing team can adapt to different environments and situations;
  • Resilience: in the event of a problem, the team can recover quickly and continue their work;
  • Empowerment: those who can make decisions independently without being micro-managed all the time achieve better results;
  • Recognition: recognizing a job well done motivates team members to keep performance high.

The project manager must keep a respectful, collaborative, and non-judgmental environment that allows the team to thrive and achieve maximum return on performance.

Expected results of the Performance Domain Team

Historically, responsibility for a project was always assigned to a single person, typically the project manager, who was in charge of the project’s success (or failure).

In contrast, the project team leader can delegate responsibility to team members and be held accountable for the work.

However, when we look at how some organizations have been structured in recent decades, sometimes, responsibility for a project, product, or service has been assigned to more than one person.

The PMBOK, in its chapter on the Team Performance Domain, refers to this as shared ownership.

This means there are contexts in which work results are assigned to more than one person or team.

This may be the case with a high-performance team that is stable, empowered, and self-organized.

Stable teams become a high-performance teams by progressing through four stages:

  • Training: team members work together and begin to get to know each other,
  • Assault: conflict and stress resolution,
  • Standards: at this stage, employees begin to understand their colleagues’ strengths and can support each other,
  • Exhibition: When the team reaches its peak performance.

The time for team growth in the performance stage may depend on different variables and cannot be predetermined.

However, when such a high-performing team is achieved, an organization can assign employees to a project and let them self-organize to decide their way of working.

They will be free to choose and evolve their processes and practices to implement within their project and set up operations based on the organization’s policy.

To put it another way, the organization can enable a high-performing team to be responsible for the work and own the organization’s results.

The self-organization of the high-performance team improves the efficiency and effectiveness of the work accomplished and the satisfaction of team members. They feel valued and involved in the project, thus increasing their sense of ownership and long-term involvement with the organization.

Twproject helps teams achieve the best possible results by providing them with the right tools to manage work in an agile and productive way.

Work together with your team effectively

New Twproject Release – All types of Gantt dependencies

After months of study and implementation we are really happy to announce that a new version of Twproject has been released and it includes, among other optimizations, a particular step forward on the use of the Gantt chart.

The Gantt developed by Twproject is undoubtedly one of the best on the current market in terms of flexibility and interaction with other pages in the application. It is also one of the few that allows you to do all sorts of tests on project duration and dependencies, thus proving to be a useful tool not only when sharing timelines but also in the process of studying them.

As always, the new release will be for the immediate benefit of all our customers, who can start using the new features right away!

Dependencies in the Gantt

According to definition, in the context of project management, “dependency” is defined as the relationship between two activities in a project or between an activity and a milestone (a precise point that defines the beginning or end of a relevant phase).

Dependencies thus allow one phase to be linked to the next in a way that indicates that they are consequential.


Introduction of new typologies

Until now in Twproject, the dependencies between project phases that the user could enter were of one type, the so-called classic Finish to start (FS). This means that activity A must finish before activity B starts, or in other words, activity B cannot start before A is finished.

But as we delved deeper into this topic and also through feedback from our clients, we realized that limiting the possible relationships that exist between the phases of a project to this classic type of dependency was reductive. In fact, there are additional relationships that can develop between the activities to be performed and that have been theorized in the principles of project management. Let us look at them in detail:

  • The Finish to finish (FF) relationship type implies that activity B cannot finish before A is also finished. For example, if activity B is the completion of writing a book and activity A is the writing of the last chapter, it becomes clear that A must necessarily finish for B to be considered finished as well.
  • Furthermore, there is the case that a certain activity cannot begin before another activity has in turn begun, and in this case the relationship will be Start to Start (SS). A classic example is the project management activity (B) of a project that cannot start before the project itself (A) begins.
  • Finally, a very specific case is the last type of relationship called Start to finish (SF), which is probably the most complex to understand and applies only in certain contexts. In this case activity A must start before B finishes, or in other words B cannot finish until A is started. Such a scenario may arise, for example, during shift change in a manufacturing plant whose machinery needs constant monitoring. The initial shift (A) cannot be said to have ended unless the next shift (B) has already started, on pain of putting the plant at risk.

We are therefore overjoyed to announce that in the new release of Twproject we have introduced the ability to assign all of the above types of dependencies to project phases.

After creating the dependency between two phases, you can possibly change the default value represented by the FS dependency and select another type of relationship.

modify dependency type

The application of the concept of “elasticity”

Another important paradigm shift, which makes us very proud of our work, is that we have made all the newly added dependencies “elastic.”

Indeed, if until now the assignment of a dependency established the linear succession of one activity after another, we know well that in the real world the downtimes.

That is why Twproject decided to allow the user to freely manage this elasticity.

So from now on when you enter a dependency it will be saved at first with the default FS hard type. But this classic “hard” dependency can be converted into “elastic” and with any type of relationship.

This means that two interdependent activities may also not be chronologically consequential and move apart, leaving any gaps between them, or overlap for a time, as long as the logic of chosen dependence is respected.

This is a big change in terms of sticking to the facts when carrying out a concrete project and reinforces the concept of delegation that is central in Twproject.

Imagine a project tree where a Project Manager (PM) is assigned for the whole project and then a specific one for each phase, one for the analysis(PMA), design(PMG) and production(PMD) phase, these phases are linked by an FS dependency.

The PM can define a total project duration and assign a specific duration to the phases, thanks to the elastic dependencies, he can, while maintaining the logic of the dependencies, create a lag between the phases and therefore leave to PMA, PMG and PMD great freedom of action (moving end and start data) without affecting the overall dates!

This was not possible before, since a postponement of an end date, for example of the analysis phase, would necessarily have led to a postponement of the consequent phases, phases over which PMA has no right.

Other news

But it doesn’t end there. With this release Twproject has made really a lot of improvements to the system, a full list of which you can find on the changelog page.

Here’s a sampling of them:

Revenues: a useful tool for turning an estimated value into actual revenue has been introduced to further facilitate the entry of these items.

Worklogs: filters by ToDo and by project have been added to the worklog analysis sheet, and in addition a column with the sum of total worklogs on a phase or project has been added on the timesheet.

Role security: we have made permissions on task management even more secure in relation to cost and form entry.

Agenda: various improvements have been made to the agenda, including the ability to view the duration of ToDo’s, and in addition, events entered in the agenda have been integrated into a dedicated row on the ToDo and resource planner.

So, don’t waste any time and go find out now how much these latest innovations from Twproject will benefit the efficiency of your work!

All clients using Twproject on the cloud will get the update automatically in the coming days, while those who have Twproject installed on their own servers can find the new installers here.

The new release is waiting for you

PMBoK 7 vs. PMBoK 6: Evolutions, Challenges, and Jokes for the Modern Project Manager

My fellow Project Managers, welcome to the mightiest match of this century: PMBoK 7 vs. PMBoK 6!

Jokes aside, the world of project management is constantly evolving, and as professionals in the field, it is paramount to stay up-to-date on the latest trends and methodologies.

In this article, we will explore the differences between PMBoK 6 and PMBoK 7, highlighting the evolutions and new challenges that Project Managers face given these changes.

Before we begin, here’s a joke: “The project manager is like a juggler who must keep time, cost, and quality in the air. But! All balls are made of rubber, except for the quality ball, which is made of glass!

Now that we’ve eased the mood let’s cut to the chase.

PMBoK 7 vs. PMBoK 6: introduction to the differences

1. Basic principles

PMBoK 6 is based on 10 knowledge areas and 49 processes, constituting a fairly prescriptive and linear approach to project management. This approach worked for many years but showed its limitations when applied to complex and adaptive projects.

PMBoK 7 introduces a more flexible and agile approach based on 12 core principles.

These principles, which apply to any type of project and industry, help project managers better adapt to the challenges and changes during project development.

2. Performance Domains

While PMBoK 6 focuses on knowledge areas, PMBoK 7 introduces the concept of Performance Domains, namely 8 performance areas that cover the different dimensions of a project. These domains are:

These Performance Domains cover critical aspects of project management, offering a more holistic and integrated view of the project management process. As a result, project managers can focus on value creation and adaptability rather than following a strict, prescriptive approach.

performance domain pmbok 7

3. Hybrid and agile approaches

PMBoK 6 introduced a few Agile concepts, but PMBoK 7 takes it further, stressing the importance of hybrid and Agile approaches in modern project management.

This reflects the growing need for flexibility and adaptability in organizations that manage increasingly complex and uncertain projects.

Project Manager Challenges in Consideration of PMBoK 7

1. Adapting to a more flexible and agile approach

One of the main challenges for project managers in the transition from PMBoK 6 to PMBoK 7 is adapting to a more flexible and agile approach to project management.

This requires shifting away from old habits and prescriptive ways of working to embrace new techniques and tools that promote adaptability and speed in response to change.

2. Managing stakeholder expectations

As Performance Domains are introduced, project managers must be able to communicate effectively with stakeholders and manage their expectations throughout the project life cycle.

This can be challenging, as different stakeholders may have other goals and priorities. It is, therefore, essential to establish open and constructive communication with all stakeholders to ensure project success.

3. Focusing on value creation

PMBoK 7 emphasizes value creation more than PMBoK 6. Project managers must focus on the project’s value to the business, stakeholders, and customers rather than merely completing tasks according to a set plan.

This requires a results-oriented mindset and continuous watch for opportunities to improve and optimize resources.

4. Managing uncertainty and risk

PMBoK 7 acknowledges the importance of managing uncertainty and risk in projects. Project managers must be prepared to address unexpected challenges and adapt their plans accordingly.

This requires a proactive approach to risk management, early identification of threats and opportunities, and the skill to make quick and informed decisions to mitigate negative impacts.

5. Developing personal skills and leadership

Shifting to PMBoK 7 also requires the development of  project managers’ personal and leadership skills. Besides technical skills, professionals must hone their communication, negotiation, time management, and conflict resolution skills.

Also, they must be able to motivate and lead project teams toward achieving goals by leveraging team members’ diverse skills and strengths.


5 practical tips for tackling new challenges in Project Management

Now that we’ve outlined some of the major challenges facing project managers as they transition from PMBoK 6 to PMBoK 7, here are some practical tips to help you overcome them:

1. Regular training

Keeping your skills up-to-date is critical to facing new challenges in project management.

Attend training, seminars, and workshops, and strive to learn from peers and industry leaders. Also, it is important to keep abreast of the latest trends, tools, and best practices through blogs, podcasts, books, and articles.

2. Networking and collaboration

Nurture your professional networks by attending industry events, conferences, and online forums.

Sharing experiences and knowledge with other project managers can be precious and will help you better understand how to apply PMBoK 7 in your day-to-day work.

3. Adopting an experimental approach

Feel free to test new methods and techniques in your work. Adopting PMBoK 7 requires a degree of openness to change and experimentation.

Bear in mind not all solutions work for every project or scenario. Be ready to test different strategies and adapt them to your project’s needs.

4. Reflecting and learning from experience

Learning from past experiences and using these lessons to improve your project management skills and processes is crucial. Take some time to reflect on your experiences and what you learned during your transition from PMBoK 6 to PMBoK 7.

Examine what worked and could be improved, and use this information to guide your future decisions.

5. Balancing strictness and flexibility

Lastly, finding the right balance between sticking to PMBoK 7 principles and practices and being flexible enough to manage complex and dynamic projects is essential.

Keep sight of your primary goal: to create value for stakeholders and the organization through effective and adaptable project management.

The transition from PMBoK 6 to PMBoK 7 brings a significant challenge for project managers, but it also brings an opportunity to improve and innovate in how we manage projects.

By adopting a more flexible, agile, and value-driven approach, project management professionals can successfully meet the challenges of our ever-changing world.

Bear in mind, however, that a good project manager is always open to some ironic joke: “ If project management were a game, it would be the game of musical chairs–where everyone tries to find their place before the music stops!

Now that you know the differences between PMBoK 6 and PMBoK 7 and are aware of the challenges ahead, you are ready to conquer the world of project management and guide your projects to success.

Godspeed, and may the power of PMBoK be with you!

Keep up with the times.

7 tips to boost work productivity

Boosting your team’s work productivity is no impossible feat, but it does require practice and some good tactics.

The productivity of the working group in project management depends on the organization of work and on the use of techniques and tools for managing activities and time.

So, in this article we will take a look at 7 simple strategies to boost work productivity.

7 tips to increase work productivity

1. Focus on one activity at a time

When we focus on more than one task at a time, we tend to waste precious time as we switch from one task to another.

This can lead to some of the tasks needing to be completed or accomplished with inferior quality.

Many people think multitasking is the best technique, yet while this may seem productive, it rarely delivers the best results.

By focusing on one task at a time, their will complete it with a higher standard and quicker, allowing you to proceed to your next task effortlessly.

2. Take regular breaks

It may sound weird to suggest taking breaks regarding work productivity, but regular breaks help reduce stress and boost productivity.

Taking a break may seem like a waste of time, especially in the event of a close deadline.

However, neglecting to treat yourself to a few minutes of relaxation, can affect your overall productivity by inducing fatigue or exhaustion, thus hurting progress.

It is good to plan short breaks, 15 minutes every two hours, during the workday.

This will allow you to replenish your stamina, clear your mind and prepare for your next task.

3. Focus on the most important tasks first

You can stay more focused by focusing on the most challenging and time-consuming tasks before anything else.

It can be tempting to shy away from difficult or time-consuming tasks and focus on easy wins.

However, completing the most challenging projects early on can increase your motivation and focus for the rest of the day.

So learn to prioritize these most important tasks early in your workday or generally when you are most alert and active.

Some of us may work best in the morning, while others peak after lunch.

Knowing when you are most productive and then planning your daily schedule to make the most of these peak times is a great way to increase productivity.

4. Set small goals

Large tasks or projects can be somewhat daunting, and we often overestimate how long it will take to accomplish them.

A powerful tip is to split tasks into manageable, bite-sized milestones that pile up until project completion.

For example, emptying your inbox by answering e-mails during the day or filing required documents are small daily goals that every team member can set and achieve during the workweek.

Similarly, you can use these short goals as milestones to measure your progress toward a larger goal.

aumentare produttività

5. Delegate some tasks

Delegating does not involve offloading work you don’t want to do, but rather it is about ensuring that everyone is working on the tasks that best match their skills and availability.  

As project manager, consider using delegation methods to split tasks among your team members.

Delegating some tasks can also allow you to focus on other duties that might be specifically assigned to you.

For example, if you have e-mails that you need to get back to, but a colleague can provide the same attention to detail, consider delegating the task to them. At the same time, you focus on relevant assignments that no one else can or is authorized to undertake.

A common mistake that undermines productivity is that we often take on work beyond our assignment or that others can do much more quickly.

6. Boost work productivity: use the tomato technique

Being more productive at work can depend on time management, and the “tomato technique” is a strategy you may find helpful in managing your time more efficiently.

Similar to scheduling breaks, the tomato technique involves using a timer, where you spend 25 minutes on a task.

During this time you focus only on the activity until the timer stops.

Then there is a five-minute break before starting with the new 25-minute block.

This strategy can be effective because it helps improve concentration by providing more time for focused, uninterrupted work with the promise of being able to take a break as soon as the timer sounds.

7. No meetings

Most meetings are known as big-time wasters, yet the habit of continuing to arrange them without asking questions still prevails.

Before organizing or confirming attendance at an upcoming meeting, ask yourself whether you can achieve the same goals through other channels, such as e-mail, phone call, etc.

And if you must hold or attend a meeting at all costs, there is evidence that stand-up meetings can lead to increased group enthusiasm, decreased territoriality, and better performance.

Another suggestion based on a study conducted by the  Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) is to have three days a week completely meeting-free.

Work productivity in these cases increased by 73 percent, worker satisfaction increased by 65 percent, and employee stress levels decreased by 57 percent.

Meetings are undoubtedly crucial for setting goals and gauging the organization’s performance.

However, daily meetings cause apathy, especially when scheduled unannounced, without preparation, and about trivial matters.

Finally, allow yourself and your team to apply these tips and use project management tools like Twproject to boost team work productivity and maximize professional and personal goals.

Increases work productivity.