Tips & Tricks: Create Projects by E-mail
Even if I’ve worked with Twproject for several years I get surprised every day by its number of hidden features. The one that I show you today could really help you, if, for example, you cannot access the application and you have to create a task to save information that you can loose otherwise. Twproject … Continue reading "Tips & Tricks: Create Projects by E-mail"
How To Manage Distributed Teams – Sharing is Caring
These days, companies has to face an ever growing need for dynamic teams, shared groups of people working together through the internet. This need increases hand by hand with the difficulty of managing team dynamics and project updates. For this reason, using conventional software like Microsoft project, built for managing projects in their best case scenario with … Continue reading "How To Manage Distributed Teams – Sharing is Caring"
Twproject 6.1.61007: Three Features You Cannot Miss
Twproject 6.1.61007 has been just released with a huge list of features, fix and improvements that you can read here in details. This new release includes 3 amazing new features that will improve your every day usage of Twproject. As always this is a free upgrade for all users of Twproject 6. 1) A brand new … Continue reading "Twproject 6.1.61007: Three Features You Cannot Miss"
To all Pokemon Trainers!
We are thrilled to announce that a legendary Pokemon has been sighted inside Twproject site. We have seen it only once, and it never showed up again, please help us finding it! Articuno, one of the three winged mirage Legendary Pokemon, is somewhere inside Twproject website, hided very well in one of its pages. It seems he has found the … Continue reading "To all Pokemon Trainers!"
Save cost of interruptions with Luxafor
“Got a minute?” How many times do you hear that phrase in your office? Interruptions are the most common reasons for low productivity and it is very hard to avoid them, lets’ say that, simply you can’t say no. Here at Twproject we studied a lot about productivity, in order to help people boost it, … Continue reading "Save cost of interruptions with Luxafor"
Twproject LoVe Startups
Twproject love startups and thinks that great ideas deserve to be supported. We have been a startup too and we know how hard is to stay organized when you have a low budget, few resources and tons of great ideas in your head. When we started Twproject we were just a team of few smart guys … Continue reading "Twproject LoVe Startups"
6 Project Management Blogs You Need to Follow
OK you know it, the community of Project management is full of great bloggers, podcasters and experts but there are some of them that you really cannot miss. This list of course includes some gurus, some of the blogs that are known by all of us, but it includes also those we have always read … Continue reading "6 Project Management Blogs You Need to Follow"
Twproject 6: This is why they already love it!
Twproject 6 success left us completely speechless, we have immediately understood that you were loving our project management software as much as we do and this makes us so happy! Ok, we have to be honest, we were so excited about your feedback that we did a little bit of investigating and we interviewed 3 of our … Continue reading "Twproject 6: This is why they already love it!"
Twproject October Roundup
Two months has passed since we released the all new Twproject 6 and reactions went beyond our expectations. All our customers have really appreciated the new interface, migrating happily to a total new project management experience. Our followers feedback has been impressive as well, all of you were so kind with us and we are happy you all love the … Continue reading "Twproject October Roundup"
A matter of time: Time tracking in a serious way
Twproject time tracking system is flexible and customizable: because projects in different fields have a different approach to the workflow and the time spent on the project itself, and so different needs about time tracking as well.
Twproject: the power of an in-house solution
Complete control. This is the answer to the question that often comes back talking about Twproject: why, being used to online products, why our customers still prefer a software to be installed in-house? As we said, the answer is simple: you need to have complete control over your data. Even if there are many simple online project management services, it is … Continue reading "Twproject: the power of an in-house solution"
Tracking work time in short time
Insert worklog and manage your time tracking. You will no need to change you work habits to start working with Twproject. It will adapt to your needs.
The many sides of issue tracking
An issue in a productive environment is something smaller than a project or task, but that is important enough to deserve separate treatment. Lets take a look at the life of issues. [av_iconlist position=’left’ font_color=” custom_title=” custom_content=” color=” custom_bg=” custom_font=” custom_border=” av_uid=’av-eef0tr’] [av_iconlist_item title=’Issues simplify’ link=” linktarget=” linkelement=” icon=’ue8b8′ font=’entypo-fontello’ av_uid=’av-bsrysv’] Being easy to … Continue reading "The many sides of issue tracking"
Twproject 5.6 released
Keep your timesheets under control, task and issues on agenda, identify your customer’s projects Here again: a new free release for our customers (version 5.6.59800) rich of interesting features. Download your update or a free trial here. Twproject timesheets: In this release we have introduced a new powerful tool for keeping under control the timesheets … Continue reading "Twproject 5.6 released"
Twproject free online Gantt service: Save and Share your Gantt charts
Twproject is the state-of-the-art software for the development of a Gantt chart that is easy to build and use but at the same time comprehensive and suitable for every need. TABLE OF CONTENT Integration of Gantt chart and other management resources A further step for comprehensive monitoring 1. Load and operator management 1.1. Allocation of … Continue reading "Twproject free online Gantt service: Save and Share your Gantt charts"
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