Teamwork 5.2: refining planning, costs and more customization flexibility

customizable worklog week

We just released Teamwork 5.2 (build 59000) here:

This release comprises a wide set of improvements, ranging from custom fields in several new sections to cost management, to improved planning integrations. We’ve also done several user interface improvements and bug fixes.

This is a free upgrade for all users of version 5. Database schema will be updated, it’s the first schema update since version 5.0: columns will be added for budget on assignments, and four custom fields on costs and worklogs; the schema update is done automatically by the application on first start after update (database user for the app must have alter schema rights).

Together with the web application update, we also released a wider spectrum of installers, better supporting 64-bit servers. Also the installation procedure has been improved, in particular for Oracle and PostgreSQL databases and Linux servers.

Major feature updates

more customizable parts

Custom fields expanded. Now custom fields can be created not only on tasks and issues, but also on assignments, worklogs and costs.

Moreover the types of possible custom fields have been extended, with fields based on internal and external database querying, and fixed values case. So now custom fields are so powerful that they even support external database querying for filling up values!

more customizable types

It is all documented in-place (where you add and define fields) in the web application, just access it through the admin page. N.B. This requires some “development awareness”.

assignment expenses

You can now add custom fields on costs and assignments, but one of the coolest features is adding custom fields on worklogs: say you want to make it possible at worklog insertion to insert additional info, e.g. location and “pair partner” (say that your quality policy requires work in pairs). Just define the two custom fields in the admin section, and you’ll get an expanded worklog insertion form in the worklog week page:

custom fields on worklog week

The new custom fields types are available also for tasks / issues.

Advanced: customize Excel exports, custom forms on worklog week.

Teamwork now allows enabling / disabling of powerful customized parts, in such a way that also customers with customized parts can update Teamwork without danger of losing any customization. There are several such features that can be enabled / disabled concerning planning and worklog insertion (see the user guide “Custom Features”).

split assignments

An example of such features that can be enabled is splitting assignments: any given assignment can now be split between resources. This allows for the following scenario: you can assign the task to “virtual” resources, filling up planned work for an entire group. When production starts, .

The custom fields language also allows customization of Excel exports through a scripting language; again this is a quite advanced feature, and see the user guide “Customize Excel exports”.

There are even more customizations possible, injecting entire forms on worklog week and creating custom permissions for specific portlets, but these are advanced topics which we can discuss if needed in the support pages.

more links from plan

More cross-linking. Costs, expenses, planning and load are teamwork functionalities that are interconnected. We added several cross links in order to make it easier to jump preserving references from one section to the other.

search on expenses
The assignment expenses screen is more reachable and now has also a specific search function. Moreover we added the “budget” field on the assignment that is computed against assignment expenses.

– Plan view shows estimated load and work done.

Japanese translation. We are very happy to announce that the user interface is now available also in Japanese.

Teamwork UI in Japanese

We will present Teamwork also in Japanese on the site.

admin as listAdministrator page redesigned. We redesigned the administration page as a list in a clearer form, with also the links to the new customizations entry points.

64-bit installers and more. We now release Teamwork also with 64-bit compatible installers.

Teamwork 64bit installers

Teamwork relies on Tomcat by default, of course if you have your own configuration, simply use 64bit Java to maximize performance.

Minor improvements

operator load zoom

– Operator load now can be zoomed in / out by 1, 2,3 weeks or full month

compact view for task and issues

– Task and issues have now a compact view option (issues already had it, but now it is even more compact).

– Change of person on assignment does now remove subscription on the previous one.

– External calendars on Teamwork agenda are now shown in a different style. Moreover agenda events that are created externally are not editable from teamwork – you can only remove yourself.

– Gantt improved: starts focused on today.

– Improved layout compatibility for task with very long names.

– Issues’ text area grows as you type longer text.

– Operator load in case of failed tasks does not consider them in load calculation for the future.

no disabled assignments on plan – Plan can be filtered showing only active assignments.

– “Plan by resource” can now be filtered by a workgroup!

– LDAP now updates names and surnames on repeated imports.

– Now team events imported from an external calendar (like Outlook) cannot be changed in time in Teamwork – as we always said, this must be done at the source of the group event.

– New subscription on assignment: “overtime”, when worklog exceeds estimated.

Bug fixes

– In case of e-mail download activation and invalid e-mail re-sent to server address, the invalid e-mail notification process could loop, stressing the e-mail server.

– The home menu is always visible even when not on home.

– Agenda editor: problems on chrome when scrolling hours combo.

– Portlet “issues created by me” issues not displayed correctly.

– Workload approval and worklog analysis: refined security on search.

– LDAP import exchanged names and surnames in import for OpenLDAP and Apache Directory.

– When changing assignee it didn’t update hourly cost if resource is new.

– Again possible to pass from “failed” to “active” task status.

– Some fixes on internationalization settings.

Teamwork 5.1: Project trees and more

We just released Teamwork 5.1 (build 57001) here:

Contains a new view, task trees, and a subtle but important extension in functionality for “staff” selection.

This is a free upgrade for all users of version 5. There are no changes in the database structure with respect to version 5.

Task trees

Teamwork tree

Teamwork project actions Thanks to user feedback and direct experience in bootcamps, we added a tree view of tasks which is simpler to read and allows basic data editing. It has limited functionality with respect to the Gantt editor but it can be practical in many cases.

Staff & department management

We revised both the inner logic and the user interface of the resource department / group / staff theme. The modeling problem that we’ve frequently met recently for Teamwork used in large organizations is complex cases of delegation handling.

Now if you are manager of a department you can assign all those in the department (inclusive of sub departments) as now they are on your staff – without setting area-global permissions.

This makes it easier to model delegation in structures where a certain kind of project managers create work for other departments, without overriding that department resources assignments.

It can be useful in cases where you have a planning department distinct from the set of project managers that handle resource’s assignments. So the planning manager can assign tasks to a project manager that has no global company rights, but manages her own staff, i.e. the entire department she’s heading.

We also improved the use interface by removing the “staff” checkbox which made you filter resources by staff, having your staff members always as first rows in bold in combos.

Little improvements

– Gantt editor is now in full screen (relative to the browser).

– Date change and status changed request for feedbacks are active only on tasks not just created.

– See in the resource assignment part all assignments on open tasks, also those out of date scope.

Bug fixes

– Mobile module: got “undefined” when saving agenda events.

– When creating a new document file / folder selection from file storage did not work.

– Made “my open issues” and “my open severe issues” predefined filters behave similarly in task selection.

– Gantt editor: task descriptions inserted from that page were not saved.

– Fixed default language pick at startup and on options.

Teamwork 5.0.2 patch 56000

Teamwork documentA little patch release, available here:

No database or “jar” (library) changes.




– A new parameter is available in task, issue and assignment custom fields: adding “required” at the end of the comma separated parameter value makes it a mandatory field.

– More robust upgrade procedure from Teamwork 4 to 5 on MySQL.

– Fixed a bug when uploading zip files, in some cases the files got copied to the Tomcat root for an indexing bug.

Teamwork 5.0.2 patch release

imageWe just released a patch for Teamwork 5.0 here:

Mainly small bug fixes, and some improvements in the jQuery Gantt editor.

No changes in the database structure.


Bugs fixed

– “When you click on an operator for Load Detail screen, it always goes to the top left corner which can be off the screen.”
– “The Custom filters on the Resource screen does not work and has strange behaviour. The filters should appear on the right hand panel and should not be doubled up. Also they bring incorrect results back when run.”
– “Plan view detail is going off the screen bordered area”

– Gantt editor: an ugly bug when using the editor with a western time-zone: GMT-n (e.g: USA, Canada, South America etc.).
– Gantt editor: an invalid message call when a circular reference was created that force js execution to stop
– Gantt editor: no detection for avoiding a parent depending on its descendant
– Gantt editor: if project loading fails for invalid/incomplete data, you loose the control of the  application
– Gantt editor: you can restrict parent changing duration even if not allowed by constraints: e.g.: a larger child


– Your personal to-dos are invisible to all others including administrators
– Gantt editor: dependencies now supports lags: you can specify a dependency in the form of “7:3″ that means the task will start after three days task “7″ is completed

– Gantt editor: better snap-to-grid moving tasks
– Gantt editor: better feedback if project loading fails

Teamwork 4.8 – Plan your issues

teamwork 4.8 new release issue organizer

With the new Teamwork version 4.8  a new tool for organizing your issues is released. In addition to the issue organizer which lets you change task, assignee, gravity and status simply dragging your issues in different columns, there is now also a new functionality, the issue planner, that helps you schedule issues in time. Here is a Issue Planner video demo:


This new page shows a week view in which your filtered issues are distributed according to their due date. Every issues can be moved between week days automatically changing the due date. By moving between rows you can also change the issue assignee.
Every cell shows that resource’ load for that day according to the assigned issues’ estimated duration.

Download this release here; there are no database schema changes from latest release.


  • Task description in flux was not copied in Teamwork task.
  • In the time-sheet –day web part worklog on different tasks in different assignments was not presented correctly
  • When moving worklog only an assignment was shown even if there were more than one saved.

Teamwork 4.7 patch release (4.7.25104)

In this minor release the bug that prevented users deleting Teamwork resources has been resolved.

It is a free upgrade for all users of version 4. Get the installer / upgrader here:

Bug fixed:

– Bug that prevents user deleting resources

– Iframe portlet not displayed correctly

– Loading image on resource profile

Small improvement:

– Issue exported excel contains issue id (feature request)

Temwork release 4.7.25013

This is a minor release which includes some bug-fixes and some improvements.

It is a free upgrade for all users of version 4. Get the installer / upgrader here:

The most important improvement in this release is in the Teamwork process management module.
Now, for instance, you can auto assign resource directly from the process definition file: you can find some xml examples in the application folder (TEAMWORK_ROOT/webapps/ROOT/applications/teamwork/processes).

More details about these improvements will be given in a dedicated blog post out soon.

This  release contains a bug fix on smart combo that doesn’t  show scrollbars in the drop down window.

It includes also an important bug-fix for all users of  Teamwork 4.7 on Oracle.

All the instruction to upgrade your Teamwork installation if you are using Oracle can be found on our forum here:

Feel free to post your feedback and problems:

Teamwork 4.7 patch release (4.7.25011)

A patch release for Teamwork 4.7 is available.

Thanks to user’s feedback we included an important fix to a bug that prevented Teamwork sending notification e-mails.
This is a free upgrade for all users of version 4. Get the installer / upgrader here:

Teamwork 4.7 has been released with a major technological update including the latest stable release of Hibernate. This Hibernate release unfortunately includes a bug that prevents Teamwork to  work properly on PostgreSQL. The instructions to get your Teamwork working properly on PostgreSQL after installation are available from our forum here:

These operations are required for new installations and for upgrades on PostgreSQL.

Feel free to post your feedback and problems on our forum here:

Teamwork 4.5 patch release (4.5.17900)

As always after a major upgrade, thanks to your detailed feedback we can already do a patch release with a few bug fixes. This is a free upgrade for all users of version 4. Get the installer / upgrader here:

Bug fixes:

– IMPORTANT BUG FIX FOR ORACLE INSTALLATIONS: Release 4.5.17800 had a schema name bug which made it impossible to install it on Oracle – a problem in our Oracle test due to an existing table made us fail to detect the problem. This release works fine on Oracle.

– issue editor is now compatible also with lower screen resolutions

– issue statuses can now de deleted

– the “worklog day” portlet now saves also descriptions

Teamwork 4.5 released: a major free upgrade

We are really happy to announce this major release update. As you may guess from the length of this announcement, this update will improve your Teamwork in almost every section, providing more modeling tools and functions. The web browsers’ enhanced capacities (in particular those of Firefox, Safari and Chrome) are used in depth to give users a better experience.

This is a free upgrade for all users of version 4. Get the installer / upgrader here:

The main features of this release are:

– Issue managing by dragging – “kanban” like.

– History of issue assignee, status and task change (better help desk and issue scaling support).

– Customizable issue statuses.

– Better graph and agile / scrum handling.

– Cross links between tasks / issues / resources / agenda events / meetings / boards.

– In-place popup editors.

– Operator load computation has become much smarter.

– Greatly extended user guide with real case work “mappings” to Teamwork, and a new section on performance optimization.

Layout changes

Several pages that up to now were popup windows are now windows in place, which improves their usability: issue editor, custom forms, workgroup selector.

Several text areas now support internal links (e.g. T#MYCODE#), web links (, smiley’s, absolute URLs to images.

New features


Issue statuses – customizable. New issues statuses can be created. There is a page for managing issue statuses (which before version 4.5 were fixed):


And for every status not only its color, but most importantly its business logic behavior is determined from this editor:


Whether it should “behave” when asking user feedback as an open status, as close, whether it should ask for comments and / worklog when entering a status.

So typically if your status is something in which the issue enters at “end of life”, it should be marked “as close” and “ask for worklog” too should be enabled.


Issue change history. When changing a status, task or assignee on an issue, the editor will ask for a reason, and the change will be recorded on the issue. And in fact there is an additional tab on the issue editor, “history”.

Issue organizer “Kanban”. Issues can be now be organized in a completely visual way by dragging and dropping them: filter the issues in which you are interested in, and then select the “organizer” button.


clip_image010 Now you can also enable use of external codes on issues (admin -> default for projects).


The usability of the “customize this page” function has been improved: all portlets are always visible:


And it’s easier to drag them in the dashboard. Moreover it is easier to access the general page / portlet disposition page: just click “all users”. clip_image014

There is a new additional starting page: help desk support.

Operator load and planning. This was the user request:

“refine the operator load showing the effective load taking in consideration worklog done. E.g: 100h estimated on 20 days, done 10h in 10 days the resting 10 day must have a load of 90h not 50h like now”

Also take care of unavailability.

Use the new operator load on plan, load by day, end wherever it is meaningful

Operator load textual: put worklog with totals and pink holydays. Use striped background

Advanced users

– The examples in the distribution and the documentation now cover also “custom wizards”: see section 14.4 Custom wizards of the user guide.

Minor improvements

– More kinds of documents are now full-text indexed; these are the extensions now supported:

“.txt”, “.rtf”, ”.log” “.pdf”. “.htm”, “.html”, “.zip”, “.war”, “.jar”, “.xls”, “.xlsx”, “.xltx”, “.xlsEmb”, “.doc”, “.docx”, “.dotx”, “.docEmb”, “.ppt”, “.pptx”, “mpp”, “mpx”, “.msg”, “.msgEmb”, “.vsd”, “.pub”.

Also custom fields are full-text indexed.

Here are several user requests fulfilled:

– “Add worklog approval monthly screen” -> We will add bulk status change in worklog search / analysis

– Expose issue id in editor and list.

– LDAP authentication cascades to system one.

– Develop a resource snapshot.

– Sort File Storage Document Listing.

– Make “add document content” in a rich text editor.

– Please put a link to a task on the agenda event : we actually did much more by having full internal links.

– Need to add subscription event for when a new version of a document is uploaded.

– Display agenda items in planByResource like in worklogWeek.

– Search for specific custom fields.

– You can have a customized help message in the “help” page, just add in the labels CUSTOMIZED_HELP_CONTACT.


– Notes on issues are on the main tab and self-resize.

– Issue assignee selector got simplified.

– Now you can create subtasks as sub-fluxes.

– Counters can now be reset and deleted.

– When changing a task on an issue, notify the new assignees.

– Since version 4.5 custom fields support also “typing” of data. E.g. “cost,20,java.lang.Double” will add a custom field of length 20 and type “double” (a floating point number).

– Holiday settings: now you have year-specific settings.

– In issue list you can now filter by task type.

– Resource print includes my assignments.

Bug fixes

– Check why in the assignment notification we add a link to the task even if the resource has not the rights to read task … .

– Meetings are not full-indexed.

– Index custom forms data.

– Create issue from task editor menu does not launch creation nor filters???

– Issue multi edit: bulk change gravity do not close actions clicking “close”.

– Fixed MIME for teamworkMenuPlusCss.jsp,

– Issue cloning did not raise events,

– Fixed various combo positions in bulk update screens in case of scroll.

– Summa is not saved on document link and file storage on tasks and resources.

– A fix for Oracle on Resources with no surname.

– An operator may change his own password even if cookies are enabled.

– Do not notify disabled users.


Technical points

– In order to optimize memory usage,


If you log as administrator and go to the label management section, open the “label rules” container (it is closed by default), and say if you want to have only English as language, type EN in the enabled languages field and select SAVE.


– Teamwork 4.5 is no more on quirks mode – we dropped support for Internet Explorer 6 – and pages are in HTML 5

Important for upgrades. Several JARS have been updated, added and removed. If they are present these JARs should be deleted by hand from WEB-INF/lib:

o commons-collections-2.1.1.jar

o commons-logging-1.0.4.jar

o poi-3.0.1-FINAL-20070705.jar

o jcaptcha-all-1.0-RC3.jar

– Added -server configuration to the Java JVM distributed.

– If using HsqlDB you can make a dump of the current log by hand from system check instead of having to wait Teamwork restart:


Notes for updating to 4.5:

Any custom filter on issues will need to be redone as the issue statuses are a lookup field.

Unfortunately all document list attached to discussion points of meetings will be reset.

P.S. We’re building the beta of a new online service – called Licorize – a cocktail of Delicious bookmarking and light to-do management. If you’d like to beta-test it,  just send an e-mail to with “Licorize” in the subject or body – we will soon give you access and also a year of free usage to your entire group.

Lighter, faster Teamwork (release 4.4.16000)

lambda probe This release (4.4.16000) includes fixes and refinements on memory usage that make Teamwork lighter and faster – thanks to the great  Lambda Probe tool for help (we are not associated with them). Both absolute memory usage and memory usage by logged user has been significantly reduced.

A few features included: custom pages can be disabled, possibility to speed up the “my assignments” web part.

The release includes also some bugfixes:

– fix in task list search when you search for code and name
– better logging for scheduler exceptions
– faster task print list
– fixed a rare key incompatibility with certain versions of MySQL
– custom pages can be disabled
– safer schema update procedure

You can download this release here. It is a free upgrade for all users of version 4. This release does not include database schema changes.

Teamwork in Chinese – 中文 (release 4.4.15200)

This new Teamwork release includes the Chinese translation of the entire interface, we want to thanks Mr. Chenfan for his great work ( we hope that the blog’s title is correct 🙂 ) .

This release includes also an improvement in the public task page. We added a new check box that enables showing also custom fields contextually with the “add proposal” functionality. Thanks to this, your customers could send you not only a simple issue with a description but also some additional data from fields that you defined. On issues you can add up to six custom fields.

A requested feature was to display also event hours in the results of the search events page, and its done.

The release includes also some bugfixes:

– bug fix in the project summary web part.

– bug fix in the generated iCal file from the Teamwork agenda

You can download this release here;

This release does not include schema changes.

Teamwork 4.4.0 available: public pages for tasks

Teamwork public task pageTeamwork 4.4.0 is released: download it here.

We often get requests from customers and evaluators to give access to some Teamwork data to someone who does not log in Teamwork; data like status, progress and open issues on a project . Before this release, to do this you had two options:

1. set the customer as an assignee and give them access to Teamwork with limited rights (which from a Project Management perspective is formally the right choice), or

2. you exported the project data in say a PDF and sent it to the customer

Both choices have their disadvantages: the first one, that you are giving access to a system of which the customer does not know anything about, and the second one is that you have to do the procedure by hand.

Hence in this release (4.4.0) we added a third option:

3. public project pages: for any project / task, a public page can be enabled which will be exposed at Teamwork’s address, will not require login, and will present selected information. It is a way to automate distribution of information always updated from Teamwork to people that do not access it.
The pages will be available at URL of the form

[http://your teamwork address]/project/[task id]

When enabling such pages, there are several options available; most are self explanatory, like “show issues” or “show costs”, but these two need some clarification:

– “enable add proposal”: if you enable this option, visitors to the page will be able to propose issues / features on such task: the proposal will be saved as an open, unassigned issue on the task.

– “ask key to access the page”: access to the page will be protected by a key which you define and will be requested on access.

In the picture above an example resulting page.

Another nice feature is the introduction of custom types on issues (six fields like in tasks)  and the refinement of those on tasks, that now support dimensioning. Full details are in the user guide, section 5.8.

Other new features

•    added custom prefix for Teamwork notification by e-mail
•    issue list export in Excel now exports also estimated duration, so you can esteem the load of any group of issues
•    new custom field management with filed size
•    added notification on change assignee on issue
•    check on issue editor remove tab notes as button submit
•    created a new line in notes when the issue change assignee
•    nicer browser history
•    older hits get removed from database
•    tested file storage with Drop Box works just fine
•    automated worklog entry question also for issues going from test to closed
•    updated Twitter import with latest Twitter4J API


•    bug on first access with cookies in page size
•    fixed bug on priority color in portlet “My assignments” (wp_myAssignment.jsp)
•    check on issue editor remove tab notes as button submit
•    fixed bug on cookies
•    fixed bug on work load
•    fixed bug on bulk issue move operations of required fields
•    fixed bug on issue list drag and drop
•    false JS error message “element not…”


The schema update will add six columns on issues (twk_issues) for the custom fields and the distributed web xml will add a filter for the public task pages.

Teamwork release 4.3.14232

This is a minor update but it includes two useful new features, also requested on the feedback service:

– in task list the possibility to filter by the creator of the assignment, and not just by the assignees. This will work for new assignments.

– cookies management to store user’s credential data in the web-browser.

Download the release here. The installer will upgrade your web application; the database schema in this release will be changed (it just adds a new column in “twk_assignment” table).

Other features included:

– added in the RSS reader web part  a filter to set the number of feeds shown

And here the bug fixes:

1- Fixed error page in Internet Explorer 7
2- Fixed a bug in the drop down list
3- Fixed a bug in the test connection procedure for Pop3 configuration.
4- Fixed a bug in Internet Explorer 8 opening documents form task
5- Fixed a bug in the copy/move functionality, added a default operation.

This is a free upgrade for all users of version 4.

Teamwork release 4.3.13250

This new release includes some useful new features, the translation in Slovenian, and some bug fixes.

Many of these fixes and features come from Teamwork users who, always help us improving the software, making Teamwork more usable and “comfortable”. In particular we should thanks Marko Vaupotic from the Skrasistemi for the Slovenian translation.

Download this release here; there are no database schema changes from latest release. Technical note: the web.xml of the application will be updated.

Collect errors with BugsVoice:

From this new release Teamwork’s errors are going to be collected using the BugsVoice online service. This will probably not be a big difference for Teamwork users, because the page shown in case of errors is quite the same (the same information with a new skin 🙂 ), but it is a complete example of BugsVoice usage. Give it a try to trap your errors!


1. Possibility to notify a user by email once his/her account has been created.

2. In the first step of Teamwork usage, if you chose “software house” as company type, the operational role will be changed adding to it the permission of issue creation (according to how this type of company generally work: everybody can add issues)

3. Possibility for a resource a resource to modify his/her personal data even without the resource_write permission.

4. Added the possibility to choose if drawing or not your sticky notes in case the user has more than 30 when logging in.

5. Added a in the list of subscriptions a new one which alerts if a child task is created.

6. Teamwork scheduler know sends e-mail in a nicer format.

7. Added a smarter link for sending e-mail, if you use Gmail for example the e-mail link redirects you to it.

8. Added the possibility to remove all subscriptions with one click.

9. Added the possibility to customize the text automatically added in the action of the worklog created on issues: If you close an issue the action includes the label “CLOSED_ISSUE_PREFILLED_ACTION” If you simply add worklog on an issue the action includes the label “ISSUE_PREFILLED_ACTION ”

10. Traslation in Slovenian.


1. Fixed bug on combo box in issue editor.

2. Fixed a bug on saving worklog in the issue editor.

3. Fixed bug on search: task with notes and tags were not found searching by something written in a custom filed.

4. Fixed bug on search result: notes, tags an custom filed were shown without spaces.

5. Fixed an inconsistency in the view of costs in the worklog analysis page.

6. Fixed a bug in the report with worklog detail(task name showed twice)

7. Fixed an inconsistency of behaviour in worklog management. Users without permission now cannot change the status of their worklogs.

8. Fixed a bug in the generation of a link-type document.

Teamwork release 4.3.11360

postgresThis patch release includes one major extension and one bugfix.

The major extension is the support for PostgreSQL, we have in fact corrected a  known error in the Hibernate’s PostgreSQL dialect.

You can read here for more details about this issue.

Bug fix:  error in issue multi-line editor, adding a new assignee for the task of the issue.

Download this release here; there are no schema changes from latest release.

Teamwork release 4.3 available for download

Teamwork 4.3 multi-Gantt view.
Teamwork 4.3 multi-Gantt view.

A free upgrade release for all users of version 4.0-4.2, this release includes some major extensions of functionality; while there is no “revolution”, this kind of release makes your “Teamwork life” more comfortable. Several features requests from the feedback service have been fulfilled. Also the user guide has been updated.

Download this release here.

Multi-Gantt support

This was motivated by this request: “Manage graphical Gantt-type overview of all projects”. We then realized that all it needed was the filtering power of projects search together with a Gantt style visualization. So this is what we’ve done: we added an additioanl visualization of the search results. So for example you can see all your root open project closing in 2 weeks in a Gantt style view.

Also all the Gantt scales have been extended to 5 years.

Import from CSV – Bugzilla

Import of issues and resources from CSV files: issues get imported from the Bugzilla CSV export format, but of course in this way you can import from anything.

Collapsible project trees

Projects trees can be collapsed and there are options to keep them open by default etc. . This was this request; thanks to Halil for the first implementation.

More Twitter integrations

Twitter integration with any action and there is a new portlet for filtering tweets on any topic: see the user guide, section 8.3.3.

Little improvements

– All notifications have in the subject the task they refer to, if it exists (this request).
– Display log on descendants (this request).
– Balloons have no more the confusing Roman number.
– Use  darker gray on Gantt duration background – better prints.
– Search analysis worklog: make the field “action” larger.
– In resource list there is no more the bothering default filter by company.
– Snapshot of a task can be edited.
– Search analysis worklog: make the column “action” larger.
– Issue multi editor: if there is a task on the issue and you have an assignment on it, let the watch icon appear even if the issue is not assigned to you.
– Experimental: supporting SSL over LDAP (LDAPS)

Bug fixes

– Issues didn’t get indexed any more for full text search.
– Order in company news doesn’t work.
– Portlet news doesn’t show news ordered by order factor.
– Resource hourly cost sometimes gets set to zero.
– Meeting: drag&drop multi editor doesn’t work for the just inserted.
– The link to resource drawn by the smart combo if the resource is from another area on which you have no right you see the link but you get an error.
– Search of a string containing ” in issues looped the application.
– Sometimes the rollover menu opened in the wrong direction.
– If you change the allowed file storage roots, disable links to old locations.

Technical notes for upgrade

This release build is 11250; it contains no database schema changes for all users of 4.2.10080 and following. As it contains an issue full-text indexing fix, you should reindex your data: see 17.4 of the user guide.

try darker gray on gantt duration background