Twproject 6.1.61008 – Even More Secure

Twproject 61008 is out with an interesting list of features and improvements. Before checking them in details a special thanks to Larissa from Hornbach that revise our German translation entirely. The improved translation is available in this release.

We have significantly improved performance in saving big Gantt charts and introduced a lot of small improvements like filtering assignments list, moving in timesheet page with arrows, full task path in all pages and notification and several others.

The entire list of features introduced, bug fixed and improvements is available on our change log.

Even More Secure

The new big feature introduced is that now you can set a default number of login attempt before asking for captcha.

This, in case  your Twproject is exposed online will prevent external attacks making your Twproject more secure than ever.

The number of attempts can be set from the administration page:


and this is what you will have in case of too many wrong attempts: the user will be asked to confirm he is not a robot.


This new features is included in Twproject 6.1.61008 that is a free upgrade for all users of Twproject 6.

[av_button label=’Download Twproject now’ link=’manually,’ link_target=” size=’large’ position=’center’ icon_select=’no’ icon=’ue800′ font=’entypo-fontello’ color=’green’ custom_bg=’#444444′ custom_font=’#ffffff’ av_uid=’av-38yy76′]

Twproject 6.1.61007: Three Features You Cannot Miss

Twproject  6.1.61007 has been just released with a huge list of features, fix and improvements that you can read here in details. This new release includes 3 amazing new features that will improve your every day usage of Twproject.

As always this is a free upgrade for all users of Twproject 6.

1) A brand new Dashboard

Twproject dashboard has been redesigned to improve readability, helping your team getting things done. Task requiring attention are now more visible, appointments are easy to read and find.  Twproject customizable dashboards are your home to check open tasks and things to-do and we are always at work to get it better and better.


2) Documents: easy to add, share and move

Attach documents to your projects has never been so easy, now you have a dedicated editor for each kind of document you want to add.

You can simply drag and drop your files to upload them in your repository, or  you can create a link to an already uploaded file, available in your file server. With Twproject you even create a link with a repository available on Google drive, Dropbox, GitHub, every service exposing an URL. Last but not least you can create brand new text documents with all the information you need, authoring, versioning and locking available!


The new release include also documents’ bulk actions, move them to projects or resources can be done with a click.

3) A new UI for inserting worklog

In these latest releases we have changed the way of inserting worklog trying to find a better way for you to record your time. In this new release we finally did the last step introducing a contextual box for your registrations, the same that you will find in the issue list, and all over the application.


We believe that inserting worklog is one of the most important yet hardest thing to do, and this is the reason why we have always done our best to let you insert worklog with the minimum effort possible. We hope that this new release will do the trick.


Let’s check this new feature.

Twproject 6.1.61003: A brand new way of inserting worklog

Improving Twproject is also about making changes, after a long period of study on our customers experience and feedback. Every time we release a new feature we listen about your suggestions and impressions but we also monitor with several kind of testing tool the user experience and the learning period. Our time sheet page has remained unchanged for a long period but we have had the impression that, at an early stage it was really hard to use and understand. Continue reading “Twproject 6.1.61003: A brand new way of inserting worklog”

Twproject 6.1: tickets and baselines

Twproject is used all around the world by all kind of teams, most of them are smart production companies that design, develop and crete amazing new products. If you are one of those, this new release is dedicated to you,  with Twproject 6.1, in fact, you will be able to follow all your customers requests completely.  Twproject is now equipped  with a powerful ticket management system that allows e-mail “closed loop”.  This new feature, combined with re-designed project public pages, give you a new integrated and powerful tool to manage your entire products life-cycle.

And that’s not all…this new release includes a new project history viewer to check how your projects statistics changed in time, Project Managers will be now allowed to inspect project baselines.

Twproject 6.1 : tickets and troubleshooting management

How do you usually receive feedback from your customers? By e-mail? Or using a dedicated web page?

With Twproject you can have both up and ready with few clicks. Enabling a specific project page you can allow your customers to send you requests.

Tickets will be collected in the right place, your project, and you will be notified immediately every time a new request is added.  Your customers will monitor their requests, checking their status, adding comments,  from a single dedicated page.  Every e-mail exchanged will be tracked by Twproject and saved on the ticket.

Supporting the e-mail closed loop you will be able to check all requests added to your e-mail account, answer to your customers and having all the conversation saved in your Twproject’s ticket!



All of this integrated with the most powerful project management software.

Twproject 6.1 is closer to your customers: the new project public pages

Do you want to involve your customers in one of your projects? Just set-up a project public page.

Your customers will see the project progress, health, statistics, the entire Gantt chart and will have a simple way to communicate with you: a form to submit requests; but they will see only what you want to show them.



Twproject 6.1 keep the history

You need to re-schedule your project? Just do it!
Twproject 6.1 records daily the complete status of your projects. Now you can inspect baselines and see your project’s status in the past with the flashback slider.


Twproject 6.1 is nicer

Our UI team is always at work to refine Twproject user interface and in release 6.1 they tried to get easier the editing phase; “add” buttons has been enlarged and are now context responsive. Several pages has been fine tuned to be more captivating.

We also add the possibility to upload a logo for projects, companies and resources so that identifying your customers will be so much easier.




Twproject 6.1 is more

Release 6.1 includes also some interesting features on Gantt Editor (columns sizes are preserved and has been introduced better visibility of task progress), task and issue list can be now filtered by “customer” and “recently used”, issue requester can now be a company instead of a person.

All improvements and bugs solved are listed here

The update is free for all users of version 6. A few changes on database schema will be done at startup.

[av_button label=’Download the new Twproject now’ link=’manually,’ link_target=” size=’large’ position=’center’ icon_select=’no’ icon=’ue800′ font=’entypo-fontello’ color=’green’ custom_bg=’#444444′ custom_font=’#ffffff’ av_uid=’av-38yas0′]


Twproject 6.0.60018: Improvements and fixes

Another great release is out today including a significant list of improvements and fixes. Our team is always working on improving Twproject interface and functionalities in order to make your every day work even easier.

Search field on tables:

We often hear about users having a long list of projects with similar names that were difficult to find in the timesheet page. For this reason we introduced a small search field that will help you find your tasks for registering worklog. One of our customers, that has already tried the feature, define it this way “In a simple way you have resolved a complex problem”


Additional costs management:

We introduced a new dedicated page for managing  task’s additional costs. Having under control task’s costs and budget will be so much easier now.


Task Json import/export:

We also introduce an import export procedure dedicated to those that are migrating from our online demo to the production server, or from the test database to the real one. The exported task will include all the structure, assignments and resources, costs and worklogs are not exported.

Security model refinement:

We also worked on refining the security model introducing a dedicated permission for managing assignment expenses. Resources with this permission will be able to manage, approve and delete this objects.

Twproject permission will be updated automatically, giving this new permission by default to all of those having the assignment manage one.

The release includes some interesting fixes on Gantt Editor, operator load, events and issues, also some small improvements on translation and layout:  all listed here

The update is free for all users of version 6 and does not include database changes.

[av_hr class=’invisible’ height=’50’ shadow=’no-shadow’ position=’center’ custom_border=’av-border-thin’ custom_width=’50px’ custom_border_color=” custom_margin_top=’30px’ custom_margin_bottom=’30px’ icon_select=’yes’ custom_icon_color=” icon=’ue808′ font=’entypo-fontello’ av_uid=’av-2abidl’]

Let’s check this new feature.

Twproject 6.0.60017: Mobile Receipt Upload

Things are a little bit messy right now at Twproject because we are developing a brand new mobile app and we are totally over excited with all the new great features we are developing. Waiting for this new amazing release, we are still improving our beautiful application, even the mobile one, today in fact I introduce you the new mobile expenses editor with the possibility to upload pictures directly from your phone. You just need to update your Twproject and the mobile application will be updated too.

File upload on assignment expenses was already available on the web application but now it is available on the mobile view too, so practical to just take pictures of your tickets and receipt and upload them on your assignment.

The complete list of bugfix and improvements is here:

This is a free upgrade for all users of Twproject 6.

It does not include database changes.
[av_button label=’Download Twproject now’ link=’manually,’ link_target=” size=’large’ position=’center’ icon_select=’no’ icon=’ue800′ font=’entypo-fontello’ color=’green’ custom_bg=’#444444′ custom_font=’#ffffff’ av_uid=’av-1xkel3′]

Twproject 6.0.60016: Task Status Change

Twproject is out with a new great release that includes an impressive list of features and improvements.

In this new release the task’s detail page has been changed a little, giving more wight to task status, it is now in the statistics part, represented with a big balloon. It is also visible on the upper part of the task near the name, visible in every tab.


This new Twproject release includes also some interesting improvements in cloning functionality, you can now add child to your task cloning it from a template: on the hamburger button, on your task page, you will find the new link “add from template”. So handy, isn’t it?


The complete list of improvements is here: and it is very long!

This is a free upgrade for all users of Twproject 6.

It does not include database changes.

[av_button label=’Download Twproject now’ link=’manually,’ link_target=” size=’large’ position=’center’ icon_select=’no’ icon=’ue800′ font=’entypo-fontello’ color=’green’ custom_bg=’#444444′ custom_font=’#ffffff’ av_uid=’av-312ato’]

Twproject 6.0.60015: Custom Fields on Budget

Twproject is out with custom fields on additional costs and budget. Twproject is becoming more and more flexible, helping your company managing your project in the way that best fit your needs.

In this example we have created two additional fields on budget to take trace of budget reference document and its date. Custom fields can be added according to your needs to integrate project information with data that is sensible for your own company.



The same customization can be added on project additional costs.

Check the full list of fixed bugs and improvements.

A free upgrade for all users of Twproject 6.

Twproject 6.0.60013 Collapsed Branches in Gantt Charts Saved

Twproject 6.0.60013 release is out with a new very interesting features.

Twproject Gantt Charts have collapsible branches since the very beginning but the big news is that since Twproject 6.0.60013 it will remember your last view choice.

If you are used to work on specific branches or you want to collapse say just the completed ones, you can do that, and you will find them collapsed every time you will be back on the task, until your next change.

This will help you focus on what you are working on, deep trees will be more easy to read, every users will be able to see what they are interested in.

Great, isn’it?


We have included several bugfixes listed here:

Twproject change Log

This release is a free upgrade for all users of Twproject 6. You can download the installer here:

[av_button label=’Give Twproject a Try!’ link=’manually,’ link_target=” size=’large’ position=’center’ icon_select=’no’ icon=’ue800′ font=’entypo-fontello’ color=’green’ custom_bg=’#444444′ custom_font=’#ffffff’ av_uid=’av-381xep’]

New Twproject Release – Expenses Management and Inline Workload

Among lots of improvements and fixes, we include two new fantastic features for you in this last Twproject 6 release: a dedicate section for assignment expenses management and the workload value inline while assigning.

You can download the new release here, it includes some database schema updates so do a complete backup before upgrading.

Assignment expenses management

Assignment expenses has been introduced since Twproject version 5 but today you will find them completely redesigned; we introduce in fact the possibility to add attachments on them, say for expense receipt, tickets, invoices, expenses status is now managed too.


Attachment can be simply dragged on your new expense:



The big news is that since this new release there is a dedicated page for expenses management, designed for project managers or accounting department  to check all costs on assignments:


Status changes can be applied on single row or using bulk actions. The list can be filtered with the powerful Twproject search filter, by task, by resource, period and much more, export functionalities and print button are also available.

Inline workload

The other great feature we added in this new release is the possibility to see the workload of resources while you are assigning them on your tasks. This is really helpful to choose the best resources available, to distribute correctly your work to do, in particular if you have several resources that can accomplish the same task.


Every assignment list will show you the workload for resources involved, changing the estimated work to do will change also the workload value giving you the possibility to see how much that resource will be loaded adding those hours. This information is available also on the add assignment form: selecting a resource you will see her actual workload, then, adding an estimated work to do for the new task, the value will be updated, it will be shown in red if the resource will be overbooked.


This release includes also other interesting features, such as bulk set dates on issues, a dedicated page describing Twproject Object for generating custom excel and much more.

The complete list of all new features is available on the change log page for releases 6.0.60011 and 6.0.60012.

Just give Twproject a try!

[av_button label=’Give Us a Try!’ link=’manually,’ link_target=” size=’large’ position=’center’ icon_select=’no’ icon=’ue800′ font=’entypo-fontello’ color=’green’ custom_bg=’#444444′ custom_font=’#ffffff’ av_uid=’av-2y179g’]

Introducing Twproject 6: it’s all new!

We are really proud to announce that we have recently released an all new Twproject version and that it costs exactly the same!

You can get Twproject 6 here:

In the same page you can get a 15 day free evaluation license. You can try Twproject by downloading it, and you can then either use it from our online service or have it installed on your network.

Twproject’s costs have not changed, you can have it at the same price of the old version 5, for more details about pricing go here:

get things done

What’s new

When we started building Twproject 6 we’ve examined all users’ feedback on usability and by leveraging the evolving capabilities of browsers we created an interface that is readable, compact and can represent the state of several projects and tasks together.
Twproject 6 features a redesign of the overall user interface. Maintaining all the key features and flexibility now Twproject is more readable and easy to use.

Creating new projects and tasks is now easy and fast, and at the same time there is complete support managing easily projects changing in time.

project statistics

Every screen of Twproject has been redesigned and crafted in order to facilitate information gathering and input, and ease navigation between different sections. Data can be filtered and sorted in a simpler way, and more data is visible on screen. Pages are responsive to different screen sizes, so to optimize user experience in different settings. {issue list}

Twproject known capacity of handling complex projects has been preserved and empowered, for example by allowing Gantt-like functionality in a view spanning several independent projects, supporting portfolio analysis.

project portfolio

Overall everything is changed and nothing has been dropped, the user interface rework also meant adding functionalities and facilitating usage across the application.

Get Twproject 6 here:

And more

On top of being a major update with the entire user interface redesigned, we added a host of new features, while preserving the  model of all Twproject versions.

One of the immediately visible ones is the new home page / dashboard composition, with a notification top bar and “red circled button” news entry point.

All editors now have in place editing, which speeds up the creation and editing process and also eases checking related information.

All search / filter results have sortable grid layouts with very compact lines, without compromising readability.

A unique feature of Twproject 6 is that it provides a multi Gantt view that allows view and editing of entire project trees of different projects.

And beyond this there is a lot more: issue notes are now always visible, their editing process is streamlined, project discussions are easier, search speed and functionality improved … the best way to appreciate all this is to give Twproject 6 a try!

For all users of version 5 that purchased after 1st of September 2014, upgrade to version 6 is free. All users of the online services will get a free upgrade on request. For the detailed cost of your upgrade, free licenses and more information do write us here.

Get Twproject 6 here:

Upgrading from Twproject 5

The multi-platform installer includes an upgrader from version 5 which updates the web app and your data, but it cannot update Java’s JDK (see FAQ), you must do that by hand or do a new installation; Twproject 5 needs Java JDK version 7. In order to try version 6, the best way is to do a fresh installation. The new installer requires 64 bit operating systems.


Twproject 5.6.59820: subscribe to Gantt assignments

Twproject 5.6.59820 is a bug fix release, get it here.

 Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a Gantt problem when browser time zone was different from servers.
  • Fixed getting subscriptions when creating assignments from the Gantt simple edit tool.
  • Now possible to add a property for activating TLS (mail server), use MAIL_SMTP_USE_TLS
  • Restored digest message dispatcher channel.
  • A few fixes on page customization.



Twproject 5.6.59808: in what time-zone does the project start?

This is a bug fix release.

Thanks to the feedback and collaboration from one of our customers (Johnson & Johnson) we have finally identified the source of a weird incongruence between dates in Gantt, project tree and task editor.

A working day calculation error could happen in cases when the time zone of the browser and the one of the server were not the same, and the project tree got edited in the Gantt window. This has been fixed, and the local time offset is always included allowing for the same project to be edited coherently in time from different time-zones.

For users with teams spanned across several time-zones this upgrade is mandatory.

editing a project from different time zones

Twproject 5.6.59805

This release contains some refinements and small bug fixes. You can download new installers here:

Cloud customers can write us if they want this upgrade.


Timesheets overview and alert job: a better view on future days and link from cells to weekly timesheet.


Agenda: more space for hours and auto-scroll to current hour.


Task editor and resource editor: a new compact set of buttons.



Bugs Fixed:

  • missing worklog checker job: the first day was always in alert
  • task costs: the first time you insert a budget and save it still says, falsely, “unsaved data”
  • import events from iCal: always says “unsaved data”
  • import events form online iCal: fails on some sites (e.g.:

Twproject 5.5 release: project reporting, collapsible Gantt and more

Reporting, statistics, Gantt, security and much more

After less than one month from last release, here is a brand new Twproject version with exciting new features.


Your project data are carefully collected and maintained by Twproject and this represents on of the most valuable aspect of Twproject adoption.
How can you extract your data and present it to your users? Actually Twproject has several pages with dynamic filtering capabilities that extract meaningful data, but a customizable reporting systems was missing…. until now!
On version 5.5 we have integrated Jasper Reports, one of most powerful reporting engine. Jasper reports add the capability to create your reports in minutes using an intuitive graphical editor.
Reports are integrated with the flexible Twproject security structure in an easy and practical way, without forcing users to write complex query and rules.

Here a screenshot from the report writer Jaspersoft Studio

Jasper Reports Editor


and a couple of reports

Jasper Custom Report: worklog by resourceJasper Custom Report: worklog by resource


Thanks  to a contribution of “BestKen” to our open source jQuery Gantt editor (see jQuery Gantt editor – collapsible branches) this version includes a nice new feature, collapsible branches:

Collapsible Gantt

Collapsible Gantt


On task data, there are more statistical information available: ideal trend, worklog aggregated, and worklog done


the visual comparison between trend and aggregation makes you get at a glance the project’s “health”.

This is the first step in introducing earned value management, that will be completed in one of the forthcoming releases.



In this version we introduced some new features related to security.

In Twproject you can upload files on tasks, issues, resources and so on. Uploaded files are indexed, for full-text searching, and then saved to a repository.  Now you can choose between three different kinds of storage: folder, encrypted folder or database.


In the first case uploaded files are copied as-is on a folder or network disk.

In the second case, files are encrypted using a AES key, and then saved on the same folder. File decryption is automatic when you need to access the file from Twproject, but the file itself remain encrypted on the repository. There are tools for generating AES keys and for encrypting existing files.

In the third case, files are stored on a database table as BLOB data.

Note: existing files will use its original type and will not be touched.



  • We have introduced a seal for every document that allows you to send a link to a friend (even without having a Twproject user defined). This link will be valid for 24 hours only, so that the risk of “leaks” will be reduced. Moreover the seal keep your repository safer, making harder an url guessing attack.
  • Another minor security improvement has been introduced for the LDAP mixed authentication. This authentication modality is useful in companies where Twproject is used by internal and external users at the same time. Sometimes a large company uses the LDAP authentication to make the user’s life better, allowing a single login name and password for multiple systems (and also to have a single point for password policy management). Actually Twproject can be used not exclusively by internal users, but also by consultants or third party suppliers that are involved in projects but are not present in the LDAP server (for several good reason 🙂 ). In this case Twproject can use a fallback to its internal authentication using its internal database. Now we can force LDAP users to do not fallback; internal user MUST authenticate on LDAP, external ones will fallback.

Bugs fixed and little features:

  • full search on plan comments
  • search on agenda events using “a:…”
  • IE fix on large auto-sizing notes fields
  • fix for jdk 1.7 in some comparators
  • a stylish background, and smoother colors


Twproject 5.4 now available

New free features and a new site

We are very happy to announce that after a long period of development we have just released Twproject 5.4 (build 59600).

This new release includes a relevant redesign of the interactive Gantt chart, moreover we improved the interface usability of the entire application, fixing most of the bugs signaled through our support forum (thank you!).

This release also contains a major internal refactoring focused on providing better access to Twproject trough an API that will be released soon.

Some additional fields have been added on the database schema, now supporting custom fields on resources; it is also functional to maintaining custom orderings in Gantt chart. As usual the upgrade procedure will perform all necessary steps automatically.


Gantt Chart


The new interface has been rebuilt using HTML5 and SVG, giving to our users a brand new usability experience.

We lets you navigate the grid using your keyboard, in this way editing and creating task will be much easier. We also introduce the fixed header to help users interact with complex trees. Task and dependencies can be selected and removed directly from the chart side.


The Gantt chart is now really easier to use. You can manually link projects creating dependencies, task names are displayed beside each task, task days are shown while you are enlarging or reducing tasks.


The new Gantt editor also includes critical path identification. Critical path computation can be turned on and off and is updated automatically with your tree changes.




We think that team communication is essential for task progress and for this reason we enhanced discussions’ strength giving new visibility to this feature.

Now is easier to create conversations and contribute. Users can initiate a new discussion on each task, so that will be easier for workgroups to discuss about specific task matters. Subscriptions and notifications keep your group up to date.


twproject mobile


Minor changes and a really nicer skin.


Minor features and bugs

  • Added paginator on bottom page lists
  • Added isPersonal and isUnavailable in agenda’s small editor
  • Added custom fields on resources
  • Fixed header and footer on worklog week
  • Main menu can now be opened in new tab
  • Redesigned Copy task feature for a more intuitive cloning procedure.
  • Fixed issue filter with duration>0
  • Fixed agenda search bug on private event
  • Fixed issue order on Kanban
  • Full search for Task: filter is now preserved
  • Fixed moving issue assignment bug
  • Fixed public page bug
  • Minor bugs fixed


Twproject Shop

Since Twproject 5.4 you have direct access to Twproject shop in order to easily increase you number of user licenses or update your license expiry date. The new license will be generated and sent to you within few minutes. If you are using our cloud solution, your environment will be automatically updated.

A brand new site for Twproject and guide

We are also very proud of our new Twproject website released last week. We worked really hard to make all information about our software features available to customers in a simple and intuitive manner.

Buying Twproject is now more simple and fast, licenses are sent to your email address immediately after purchase and Amazon dedicated Instance are instantiated automatically too, in a few minutes.

We completely redesigned our guide that is now a dedicated site to help all our acquired customers finding answers on their work management problem.

Twproject 5.3: drag & drop docs in the browser and more

We just released Twproject 5.3 (build 59500)
There are several new interesting features in the version.

Documents and files

We introduced drag and drop functionality for uploading files almost everywhere. You can upload your documents on your projects, issues, resources, remote storages in few seconds, even multiple files at once. Duplicated files are versioned for projects and resources. Continue reading “Twproject 5.3: drag & drop docs in the browser and more”