Scrum vs Agile: which framework is best for your needs?
When comparing Scrum vs. Agile, many professionals are left debating which framework is better suited to optimize their processes and maximize project efficiency. In the project management world, these terms often go hand in hand. But what do they mean, and how can they impact your projects’ success? This article will explore the nuances of … Continue reading "Scrum vs Agile: which framework is best for your needs?"
Optimize your company to-do list with Twproject
Organizing your to-do list can be challenging for a project manager, especially in large business environments. Every day, project managers have to tackle countless tasks that need to be accomplished. But how do they manage to accomplish all that needs to be done? The answer may be simpler than you think: create a”to do list.” … Continue reading "Optimize your company to-do list with Twproject"
New Twproject Release 7.1.008 – Assignments and load for departments
Despite the summer period, the Twproject development team has certainly not stopped and today we are releasing a new version that we are sure you will appreciate. This new release, which is free for all customers, includes an important new feature on the workload and in particular on the use of department on projects, but … Continue reading "New Twproject Release 7.1.008 – Assignments and load for departments"
Work management software: Cepi Silos’ experience
Work management software for project optimization: this is the key to effective work management in an era when digitization is changing how companies operate. Efficient project management has become a key element in the success of any business. CONTENT How important it is to have work management software Cepi Silos’ experience in project management Twproject: … Continue reading "Work management software: Cepi Silos’ experience"
New Twproject Release 7.1.004 – All types of Gantt dependencies
After months of study and implementation we are really happy to announce that a new version of Twproject has been released and it includes, among other optimizations, a particular step forward on the use of the Gantt chart. The Gantt developed by Twproject is undoubtedly one of the best on the current market in terms … Continue reading "New Twproject Release 7.1.004 – All types of Gantt dependencies"
Revenue management with Twproject: an excellent solution
By reading this article, you will discover how advantageous revenue management with Twproject is, and some tricks to put it into practice in the best possible way. The detailed and constant analysis of a company’s financial flows is the main tool for not making losses, and in general for not running into unpleasant events that … Continue reading "Revenue management with Twproject: an excellent solution"
Track time with Twproject – Simple as it should be
In the workplace everyone has their own habits and what a project manager soon learns is that the way of recording the time spent on the various tasks is very different depending on the person involved. Some people focus on a task and complete it without distractions, putting off logging time spent until the end.Others … Continue reading "Track time with Twproject – Simple as it should be"
Project costs: everything under control
A successful project must not only be on time, but also on your budget. In this article we will see how Twproject manages project costs. The overall cost of a project depends mainly on the scope of application; the list of items contributing to the total will be very different between a consultancy project, a … Continue reading "Project costs: everything under control"
New Twproject Release 7.0.009 – Two-factor authentication
With this release we have made great strides in navigation security and data protection. In fact, we implemented two-factor authentication, the most secure system for account security so far, with a temporary password linked to your device. Vogliamo perciò parlarti brevemente di questa novità, sia per spiegarti cosa cambierà da oggi, sia per avvalorare questa … Continue reading "New Twproject Release 7.0.009 – Two-factor authentication"
The “To Dos”: the agile way of managing projects
Thanks to “to dos“, or the agile way of managing projects, some companies can revamp their products in a short period of time, while others spend years doing so. CONTENT What is agile project management? The 4 core values of agile methodology The 6 to dos of Agile methodology 1. Project planning 2. Product roadmap … Continue reading "The “To Dos”: the agile way of managing projects"
Motivate and monitor the use of a tool: user scores
A project management software like Twproject, to be really effective, has to be used by all the team, so, how can we valuate if and how much the software is really used? The question is apparently simple, but it hides some pitfalls. Twproject is a PM software used by different user profiles: Project managers, Workers, … Continue reading "Motivate and monitor the use of a tool: user scores"
Knowledge management: sharing project knowledge with Twproject
Sharing project knowledge allows you to manage the project effectively, tracking all the steps, choices made, reasons, changes, and what didn’t work. CONTENT Twproject’s best features for sharing project knowledge 1. Resource management 2. Activity management 3. Planning and scheduling 4. Work time management 5. Documents management 6. Issue management 7. Cost management 8. Enterprise … Continue reading "Knowledge management: sharing project knowledge with Twproject"
Project chat: how to use it to motivate the team
Using a Team chat during a project to speed up communications and improve results? It can not only be useful, but I would say that today it has become almost indispensable. From the pictograms carved in stone to the latest chat apps, humans find always better and faster ways to communicate. Not surprisingly, MSN Messenger, … Continue reading "Project chat: how to use it to motivate the team"
Visual project management
Visual Project Management is an interesting approach to project management. A project management strategy designed to increase success by visualizing project components like data and activities. It is a proven fact that people receive more than 80% of information through the sense of sight. From the most tender age, we write and draw in order … Continue reading "Visual project management"
Work Breakdown Structure: some suggestions for using it to the best
A Work Breakdown Structure, abbreviated with WBS, is a visual tool for the definition and tracking of a project deliverable and all the small components necessary to create it. With a Work Breakdown Structure, the project manager can concentrate on what he has to accomplish as he approaches the project deadline. This is a fundamental … Continue reading "Work Breakdown Structure: some suggestions for using it to the best"
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