How to manage an Agile team
Learning to manage an Agile Work Team is not easy. For many companies, becoming more “agile” requires a significant change in the way leaders and managers seek success. The frameworks of managing projects established as Agile are too often considered as models to copy and paste. But if you really want to work fast, deliver the … Continue reading "How to manage an Agile team"
The next generation PMO
Our journey into the future continues with the analysis of the second report on disruptive technologies presented by the PMI. You can read the first article here. This time the focus is on the PMO, the department that manages the projects within an organization. The massive chain effect of disruptive technologies is like a powerful … Continue reading "The next generation PMO"
Multigenerational Work Team: Know them to manage them
We talked a few articles ago about the Project Manager and how the management of the project teams should function, not considering the generational difference. We have described, in that article, how today, in a job or in a team, up to 5 generations can be co-present, and this aspect must be managed at best if … Continue reading "Multigenerational Work Team: Know them to manage them"
Emotional intelligence and project management
When the concept of Emotional Intelligence entered the mainstream for the first time, the skeptics labeled it as a temporary fashion that would soon be forgotten. However, since the publication in 1995 of Daniel Goleman’s book “Emotional Intelligence”, emotional intelligence has increased its credibility in the business world more and more, becoming an important skill … Continue reading "Emotional intelligence and project management"
Process or project? What differences? What goals?
People often confuse projects with processes. Some might argue that this is only a question of semantics and that saying “project” rather than “process” does not change much. CONTENT INDEX Project vs. process: the definition Project vs. process: the common points Project vs. process: the differences Further differences between process and project Projects, projects and … Continue reading "Process or project? What differences? What goals?"
Earned Schedule
The Earned Schedule (ES) is a rather recent methodology. It was first introduced in 2003 and it is a method of analysis that extends and completes the benefits of the Earned Value Management. Currently, the Earned Schedule method is used globally in projects of any type and size. This method is taught in academics, is … Continue reading "Earned Schedule"
Delegating project activities effectively: (7) key suggestions
Delegating project activities is a delicate task, but most often necessary in the management of complex projects. By working alone you can only do a limited amount of work. Indeed, the hours in a day are limited. Often, however, especially in the case of the project manager, it will be required to do much more. … Continue reading "Delegating project activities effectively: (7) key suggestions"
How to manage a highly productive team: top performers and key aspects
We all know that managing a team is not easy. When then, in the group there are also top performers, the situation becomes even more complicated. Yet a highly productive team is a great advantage for everyone as long as one can manage it. Let’s see then how to manage the top performers for the … Continue reading "How to manage a highly productive team: top performers and key aspects"
Organize team work time: leveling or smoothing resources?
Being able to organize the work time of your team is essential for the success of each project. This is also because a project manager does not always have all the necessary resources to complete the project. And even in the case when the resources are sufficient, during the execution of the project there are … Continue reading "Organize team work time: leveling or smoothing resources?"
How to manage remote working teams
The idea of how to manage remote working team until just 20 years ago was pure madness. Internet has changed the history, and companies are adapting to it. In the ever-changing and rapidly developing modern world, it is almost impossible to imagine something stable and stationary. CONTENT INDEX Choose the right members for the team Communication … Continue reading "How to manage remote working teams"
Project handover: how to manage it
Project handover can be very simple or extremely complicated. It all depends on the organization of the Project Manager. Projects can be short and can last up a few days or can be complex projects with a lifecycle that can even reach several years. It is precisely for the duration of some projects that some … Continue reading "Project handover: how to manage it"
The kick off meeting: how to set up a project start meeting and get the best results
A project lifecycle often involves many meetings with different purposes. One of these meetings is the so-called kick off meeting or preliminary project meeting. This meeting is an important communication tool between project manager, team and stakeholders. If organized and properly executed, a preliminary meeting can help the project manager in order to handle the … Continue reading "The kick off meeting: how to set up a project start meeting and get the best results"
Project workload: how to plan it to the best
A project manager has to deal with customer expectations, project deadlines and evolving priorities, all of this while trying to coordinate and manage the team and respond to stakeholder demands. Let’s face it, it is a demanding job that takes time and effort to manage all the parts and sometimes hours are never enough! Project … Continue reading "Project workload: how to plan it to the best"
How to manage the workload of a project: 6 key suggestions
Managing the workload of a project, is getting the right balance of tasks for each team member, is one of the most critical tasks that a project manager has to face. In fact, the equitable distribution of the workload in a team is definitely a challenging task, and the temptation to entrust more projects to … Continue reading "How to manage the workload of a project: 6 key suggestions"
Project Stakeholders
Who are the stakeholders? When we read the title, this is the first question that comes to mind. If we take the definition of the PMBok, a stakeholder is an individual, a group or an organization that can influence or can be influenced (or perceive itself being influenced) by a decision, activity or result of … Continue reading "Project Stakeholders"
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