Create project models with best practice
Creating project models with best practices is a good starting point, whatever the sector and the project, although it may seem similar to others, is unique. As technology grows and changes, projects become larger and more complex, and it’s easy to understand why. CONTENTS Best pratice n°1: Life cycle and set goals Best pratice n°2: … Continue reading "Create project models with best practice"
How to calculate the ROI of a project
Calculating the true value of any project has always been a challenge. This is mainly due to the ambiguity of the change from a paper project to an economic value. Let us show you some examples, just to be clearer. It is evident, for example, that the training of employees will improve the experience and … Continue reading "How to calculate the ROI of a project"
2020 Project Management Trends
It is essential to know and be aware of the 2020 project management trends. Projects have always existed and will always exist. CONTENTS 2020 Project Management Trends: Automation and Artificial Intelligence 2020 Project Management Trends: increasing the commercial value of soft skills 2020 Project Management Trends: an increasing trend towards fusion of methods 2020 Project … Continue reading "2020 Project Management Trends"
The lifecycle of a project and the customer experience
Customer Experience is the set of processes that a company employs to track, supervise and organize any interaction between a customer and the organization during the life cycle of a project. CONTENTS How is the customer experience different from the customer service? How important is the customer experience? Top 7 ways to improve customer experience … Continue reading "The lifecycle of a project and the customer experience"
Project customer satisfaction: 5 tips for dealing with it in the best possible way
Customer satisfaction, it may seem obvious, is the key element in defining a successful project. The project is modified, shaped and customized to achieve this goal. CONTENT Fundamentals of customer satisfaction What are the advantages of customer satisfaction? Why should customer satisfaction be measured? 5 ways to measure customer satisfaction 1. Customer satisfaction survey 2. … Continue reading "Project customer satisfaction: 5 tips for dealing with it in the best possible way"
Program Management: coordinate a set of projects
Program Management is a different sort of project management and until now we have never mentioned it in our blog. In our articles we have always talked about project management and never about program management. Let’s have a look at what it is all about. CONTENT Program management vs Project management: Projects vs. Programs What … Continue reading "Program Management: coordinate a set of projects"
Project Manager’s intuition: why it is important and how to improve it
Is a project manager’s intuition an innate gift or is it possible to improve it? In recent years, the theme of intuition has been the key focus of many debates, research and articles, including in project management. CONTENTS What do we mean by intuition? Developing intuition How the Project Manager can develop the gift of … Continue reading "Project Manager’s intuition: why it is important and how to improve it"
Project Management for start-ups: 5 key tips
Project management may seem very formal to those unfamiliar with the project. This is due to the fact that project management draws up a specific, seemingly inflexible process for starting, monitoring and closing a project. Everything is carried out according to a consolidated methodology. CONTENTS Project Management for start-ups: Kicking off with a vision Project … Continue reading "Project Management for start-ups: 5 key tips"
Project Audit: what it is and how to perform it
A project audit for a project manager is like a judgement day. That’s because work, time and money are at stake. CONTENTS What is a project audit? 1. Ensure the quality of products and services 2. Ensure the quality of project management 3. Identify the business risk 4. Improve project performance 5. Learn Audit policies … Continue reading "Project Audit: what it is and how to perform it"
Gap Analysis: how it can improve project management
The Gap Analysis is a highly effective method used to determine whether the project is progressing as planned. You can plan whatever you want, but once you have executed the plan, if you don’t have a method or tool to assess whether you are meeting the requirements of the project, then you may experience problems.i. … Continue reading "Gap Analysis: how it can improve project management"
Lean Manufacturing – what it is and how to manage it
Lean manufacturing, in Italian “lean production”, deals with one of the worst things that can happen to any organization: the wastes. Not taking full advantage of all resources means losing efficiency and, in the worst cases, even halting the production. These neglected resources cover everything from production project management tools to the skills of staff … Continue reading "Lean Manufacturing – what it is and how to manage it"
Predictive analysis of project schedule and costs
Certainly, predictive analysis is not an easy thing to perform. However, making the right predictions about project schedules and costs will save the organization money and offer greater results. CONTENT INDEX What is a predictive analysis? 5 steps to begin a predictive analysis of project schedules and costs 1. Define the business result you want … Continue reading "Predictive analysis of project schedule and costs"
Corporate Governance: what it is and how it can impact on the implementation of a project
Making a profit is the primary goal of any for-profit organization and each individual company is run by its own set of standards and practices. CONTENT INDEX What is Corporate Governance? Positive and negative effects of corporate governance How does corporate governance affect the success of a project? Corporate Governance: conclusions Said standards and practices … Continue reading "Corporate Governance: what it is and how it can impact on the implementation of a project"
Product roadmap: How to best design it
The roadmap of a product is actually more than an unimportant detail to which you do not pay much attention. A few simple reflections are enough to change your mind quickly. INDICE DEI CONTENUTI What is a product roadmap? How to create a product roadmap in 5 steps 1. Define the product strategy 2. Collect … Continue reading "Product roadmap: How to best design it"
Project Killer: the 6 main reasons for the failure of a project
The project killers are always around the corner. What we can do as a project manager is to understand when we are not working in the most effective way on a project with our team. CONTENT INDEX Project Killer n°1: Unrealistic deadlines Project Killer n°2: Scope Creep Project Killer n°3: Wrong information Project Killer n°4: … Continue reading "Project Killer: the 6 main reasons for the failure of a project"
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