Project information flows
Project information flows are crucial to the Project Manager. CONTENTS What happens to the information? Interaction between people and documents as a key element for the Information Flow The “Big Four” of interactions and communication Project information flows: Values, mental models and decision-making process Project information flows: complex cases Also due to new design methods, … Continue reading "Project information flows"
Analog and parametric estimation: differences in calculation for time and cost of a project
Analog and parametric estimation is what we will discuss today, partly to continue the discussion started in the last article about how to estimate the resources of a project. Project estimation is a key aspect of project management and analogical and parametric estimation techniques are the most commonly used methods. CONTENTS Analog Estimation Parametric Estimation … Continue reading "Analog and parametric estimation: differences in calculation for time and cost of a project"
Project work: a method that pays off
Working on projects and more in detail project management is not an impractical science, even if some people see it that way. In fact, project work is a set of tools and practices, a kind of roadmap, which allows managers to lead a project from point A to point B and to do it efficiently … Continue reading "Project work: a method that pays off"
Project management: fundamentals and tools
Project Management is a series of activities that allow, in coordination with each other, to successfully implement certain projects. CONTENTS The first fundamental of Project Management: the people The second fundamental of Project Management: the process The third fundamental of Project Management: the tecnology Many organizations struggle, however, to understand how to control the success … Continue reading "Project management: fundamentals and tools"
The matrix system for risk evaluation
What is the matrix system for risk evaluation and why should we talk about it? Well, it’s pretty simple. In today’s era of changing market trends, risks are unavoidable. Whether it’s a start-up or a multinational company, in the end everyone faces risks that require the utmost dedication. Every time you start a new business, … Continue reading "The matrix system for risk evaluation"
Project Management events and conferences in 2020: European overview
This article provides an overview of the most important conferences and events planned for 2020 in Europe. CONTENTS Project management events outside Italy PMO Conference 2020 – London APM Project Management Conference – Edinburgh, London, Manchester Passion for Projects Congress 2020 – Malmö Portfolio and Project Management Summit – Berlin Agile-Lean Ireland – Dublin SME® … Continue reading "Project Management events and conferences in 2020: European overview"
The Planning Game to overcome the risks of estimation of the effort and costs of a project
Estimating the effort and costs of a project is, for some project managers, one of the most difficult aspects of project management. CONTENTS Estimation methods for project effort and costs Estimate dangers Planning Game: an estimation method The Planning Game to overcome the risks of estimating the effort: conclusions To prepare an accurate and complete … Continue reading "The Planning Game to overcome the risks of estimation of the effort and costs of a project"
Shared Leadership in Project Management: benefits and techniques for developing it
Shared leadership in project management may not seem like a convenient solution; however, it is not. Let’s see together in this article what benefits could be gained from shared leadership and what are the best techniques to achieve it. CONTENT What is shared leadership exactly? Why implement shared leadership What is the ideal moment to implement shared leadership? … Continue reading "Shared Leadership in Project Management: benefits and techniques for developing it"
Gig economy in project management
We often hear a lot about the gig economy, but what is it really and how much can project management be involved? The work and commercial market scenario has changed dramatically in recent decades. We live in an age in which the economy rewards companies that interrupt and innovate the old ways of creating new … Continue reading "Gig economy in project management"
Innovation Scouting & Project Management: how to understand what innovations are required in project management
Innovation has become a key expertise and is essential for success in a rapidly changing strategic environment. In a way, if we think about it properly, every project, even if it looks like a duplicate, is undertaken for the first time. CONTENTS The role of the innovation in project management Project management: traditional models vs. … Continue reading "Innovation Scouting & Project Management: how to understand what innovations are required in project management"
The financial sustainability of a project
The term “sustainability” is gaining increasingly significant popularity in business development in recent decades. Without mincing words, it is a factor that guarantees the success of a project and of an organization in general. CONTENTS Key conditions for financial sustainability How can the financial sustainability of a project be planned? 1. Decide who will develop … Continue reading "The financial sustainability of a project"
Create project models with best practice
Creating project models with best practices is a good starting point, whatever the sector and the project, although it may seem similar to others, is unique. As technology grows and changes, projects become larger and more complex, and it’s easy to understand why. CONTENTS Best pratice n°1: Life cycle and set goals Best pratice n°2: … Continue reading "Create project models with best practice"
How to calculate the ROI of a project
Calculating the true value of any project has always been a challenge. This is mainly due to the ambiguity of the change from a paper project to an economic value. Let us show you some examples, just to be clearer. It is evident, for example, that the training of employees will improve the experience and … Continue reading "How to calculate the ROI of a project"
2020 Project Management Trends
It is essential to know and be aware of the 2020 project management trends. Projects have always existed and will always exist. CONTENTS 2020 Project Management Trends: Automation and Artificial Intelligence 2020 Project Management Trends: increasing the commercial value of soft skills 2020 Project Management Trends: an increasing trend towards fusion of methods 2020 Project … Continue reading "2020 Project Management Trends"
The lifecycle of a project and the customer experience
Customer Experience is the set of processes that a company employs to track, supervise and organize any interaction between a customer and the organization during the life cycle of a project. CONTENTS How is the customer experience different from the customer service? How important is the customer experience? Top 7 ways to improve customer experience … Continue reading "The lifecycle of a project and the customer experience"
Project management
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