
  • Why invest in warehouse management software

    twproject - warehouse management software

    Using warehouse management software for efficient control is critical to a company’s success, regardless of size. Both small and large businesses face the daily challenge of optimizing their inventory, streamlining order fulfillment, and improving overall operational efficiency. Warehouse management software can streamline business operations by streamlining processes, improving efficiency, and reducing expenses. Let’s learn more … Continue reading “Why invest in warehouse management software”

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Recent posts

  • More questions? More Answers!

    Today we put online a new support and Q&A’s site for Teamwork. Here it is: http://answers.twproject.com/ During this year we focused on improving communication with the Teamwork’s community, by getting more and more contributions from our customers and testers; for this reason we have tried to improve the way people can give us feedback. UserVoice … Continue reading “More questions? More Answers!”

  • Everybody contributes!

    One of the features appreciated by Teamwork users in contrast with other web applications for project management is that it is not exclusively oriented to technical users. For example, about 8% of Teamwork customers are software houses, and several of them migrated from bug-tracking oriented software to Teamwork, simply by realizing that there is more … Continue reading “Everybody contributes!”

  • Teamwork release 4.3.11360

    This patch release includes one major extension and one bugfix. The major extension is the support for PostgreSQL, we have in fact corrected a  known error in the Hibernate’s PostgreSQL dialect. You can read here for more details about this issue. Bug fix:  error in issue multi-line editor, adding a new assignee for the task … Continue reading “Teamwork release 4.3.11360”

  • Teamwork release 4.3 available for download

    A free upgrade release for all users of version 4.0-4.2, this release includes some major extensions of functionality; while there is no “revolution”, this kind of release makes your “Teamwork life” more comfortable. Several features requests from the feedback service have been fulfilled. Also the user guide has been updated. Download this release here. Multi-Gantt … Continue reading “Teamwork release 4.3 available for download”

  • New multi Gantt support

    Forthcoming Teamwork 4.3 release will support a way of “managing a graphical Gantt-type overview of all projects”, actually, more than this: simply any filter on the project list can be seen in a Gantt-like way, and also printed. The need for this new implementation was suggested on our feedback service and got many votes from … Continue reading “New multi Gantt support”

  • More Teamwork – Twitter integrations

    Forthcoming Teamwork 4.3 will include among many new features, a richer Twitter integration, extending the existing worklog import/export functionality. In the picture on the left you see how you can use the tag field to send any issue to Twitter, similarly to delicious. So not only worklog can be sent back and forth between Twitter … Continue reading “More Teamwork – Twitter integrations”

  • Twproject webinars

    We have just activated the possibility of delivering webinars to customers to remotely supply instruction from our instructors. This is at a fraction of the cost of a bootcamp, and may be all you need. Details can be found here: https://twproject.com/services/

  • Open Lab’s new blog

    Open Lab, the software house producing Teamwork, has a new blog here: http://blog.open-lab.com, on the first post we explain the significative positive evolution that we are going through.

  • “Adding a wiki” to Teamwork

    The meaning of “adding a Wiki” The most voted request on our feedback service is “Integrate a wiki in the dashboards”: I think that what actually users mean is “integrate Wiki functionalities in Teamwork”, but this is one of the requests that can be interpreted in several different ways: it probably implies a feature set, … Continue reading ““Adding a wiki” to Teamwork”

  • What you get with Teamwork and what you don’t

    Some project management applications provide minimal functionality: just a Gantt drawer. Some, more groupware oriented, provide a vast spectrum, including e-mail and chatting. While developing Teamwork, we made several choices about what to include and what not. The choice for Teamwork has been guided by this simple princliple: include only what will not sharply conflict … Continue reading “What you get with Teamwork and what you don’t”

  • Teamwork release 4.2.10250

    The main features of this release are: –    iPhone calendar synchronization: this is first presented in this blog post, and also documented in the user guide –    Active task filter on the task tree: this had many votes on the feedback service, so… we did it. Download this release here; there are no schema changes … Continue reading “Teamwork release 4.2.10250”

  • Integrating Teamwork calendar with the iPhone

    In theory, being Teamwork integrated with the iCal format, it has always been possible to sync it with the iPhone, just like with Outlook and Google calendars. But as often happens, things turn out to be more complex, in particular if one wants to get a not only working, but also a comfortable solution. So … Continue reading “Integrating Teamwork calendar with the iPhone”