Leading a team successfully
Leading a team successfully, being an efficient manager and a charismatic leader at the same time may seem an impossible task, however, it doesn’t necessarily have to be so. CONTENTS 9 basic rules to lead a team successfully Rule #1 to successfully lead a team: Find a management strategy and stick to it Rule #2 … Continue reading "Leading a team successfully"
How to estimate the resources of a project
Knowing how to estimate the resources required to carry out a project is never the simplest of tasks. CONTENTS Resource estimation Estimation of activities’ duration Project planning and critical roadmap Resource equalization Resources are people, equipment, places, money or anything else a project needs to be executed. As a result, resources must be allocated for … Continue reading "How to estimate the resources of a project"
Research project manager
Research project managers are in charge of conducting research and development projects that lead to the achievement of a business and/or scientific objective. CONTENTS Research project management Qualifications and skills of a research project manager The 11 best skills that every research project manager should have 1. Leadership 2. Communication 3. Planning 4. Risk management … Continue reading "Research project manager"
Functional managers in a project: how to involve them and why
Functional Managers do not always get taken into account in the realization of a project. These managers are generally seen as an additional cost rather than an investment. However, this is not the case! In many organizations, teams are made up of so many members from so many different departments that it is often impossible for … Continue reading "Functional managers in a project: how to involve them and why"
Problems with the team – identifying and neutralizing a toxic (negative/damaging) member
Problems with the Team can be a daily occurrence for a Project Manager. Finding and retaining valuable employees is critical, but identifying and dealing with so-called “toxic” employees is vital to the team’s compactness. CONTENTS The different kinds of toxic members Toxic members: The gossiper Toxic members: The one who always says yes Toxic members: The procrastinator Toxic … Continue reading "Problems with the team – identifying and neutralizing a toxic (negative/damaging) member"
Become an agile coach to lead companies to success
The role of Agile Coach was born in the IT (Information Technology) sector. Still, now it is very sought after in other industries because organizations see the advantages of agile work. So if you are in the field of program/project management and you are looking for a new and exciting role, becoming an Agile Coach is a great opportunity to … Continue reading "Become an agile coach to lead companies to success"
The project stakeholder register
What is the project stakeholder register, and what is it used for? We will see it in this article. What is certainly undeniable is that no project can be successful if the stakeholders are not happy. Stakeholder satisfaction is essential for the successful completion of the project. CONTENT What is a project stakeholder register? The content … Continue reading "The project stakeholder register"
Stress management and Project Management: how to manage stress in crucial moments of the project
The job of a Project Manager is undoubtedly one of the most stressful, as this position is directly responsible for the success or failure of a project. Some project managers believe they can handle and deal with the high level of stress, making mistakes, and some even ignore or refuse to recognize that they are … Continue reading "Stress management and Project Management: how to manage stress in crucial moments of the project"
Collaboration with the team: The advantages for the PM
Collaboration during a project is a method by which teams and project managers plan, coordinate, and monitor the project on which they are working. In practice, the entire success of managing a project is based on group collaboration. INDICE DEI CONTENUTI The importance of collaboration Collaboration and Project Management What are the advantages of collaboration … Continue reading "Collaboration with the team: The advantages for the PM"
How and why to get feedback from the project team
Getting feedback from the project team is one of the things that seem most obvious for a project manager, but that can be very difficult. It is a task of the project manager to support and challenge the team, so that together they can achieve the expected results. TABLE OF CONTENTS Exit interviews and feedback … Continue reading "How and why to get feedback from the project team"
Communicate with the project team: the best techniques to use
A good communication with team is the main method for excellent project management. In fact, effective communication allows a project to have a successful conclusion, but on the other hand, bad communication could be fatal. The project teams are in a constant state of communication: e-mails, videoconferences, phone calls, messages, face-to-face discussions, and non-verbal interactions. CONTENT … Continue reading "Communicate with the project team: the best techniques to use"
Steering Committee
As the name suggests, a steering or coordination committee helps guide and coordinate a project from beginning to end. Sometimes, the committee is formed entirely by the team that is directly involved in developing and implementing the project. TABLE OF CONTENT What is the role of a steering committee? What role do individual members of … Continue reading "Steering Committee"
Project Leader vs Project Manager
Project Leader and Project Manager are two terms that are sometimes used interchangeably. But are they really synonymous? We will see in this article the differences and similarities between this two roles. We will explain their tasks and responsibilities and how important it is to know the difference between the two. TABLE OF CONTENT The … Continue reading "Project Leader vs Project Manager"
Project chat: how to use it to motivate the team
Using a Team chat during a project to speed up communications and improve results? It can not only be useful, but I would say that today it has become almost indispensable. From the pictograms carved in stone to the latest chat apps, humans find always better and faster ways to communicate. Not surprisingly, MSN Messenger, … Continue reading "Project chat: how to use it to motivate the team"
Resource management
Resource Management, or the ability to manage resources useful for the execution of a project, is one of the skills definitely required in the case of a Project Manager. It is logic that an organization uses different resources for the execution of a single project. These resources typically include people, equipment, information, materials, time, and … Continue reading "Resource management"
Resource management
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