How Marketing Agencies Use Twproject

We have always defined Twproject as a flexible project management software and the reason why we do so is that there is not a sector where Twproject is not useful. Our project management software is used by thousands of companies all around the world meeting expectations of great project managers and their teams in almost any fields. Twproject project management software has a very intuitive interface that enables an efficient communication in the team, and a great set of features answering needs of all companies leaders.

Today we want to focus on how marketing agencies use Twproject, which are key features for these teams and why.


Twproject can be easily used for managing marketing campaign; every project you create has a start and an end date identifying your campaign period, milestones can be set at the beginning or during the marketing initiative according to goals you want to achieve. With Twproject you can set your goals and meet them. Every project can be structured in tasks as per your campaign strategy, tasks can be closed, paused according to your needs; checking progress in real time is the key to make your campaigns work.

Campaign strategies, ideas and resources

Once your project structure is created you are ready for brainstorming with your team about things to do, tools to use, social media to engage and Twproject is ready to help you. Every project has a discussion section where all team members can discuss, propose, approve ideas, encouraging creative thinking.

Twproject allows you to link every project to a to-do list. You can add here everything you need to remember, everything you need to do, and in the same place you can store useful links, images, videos, every resource helpful for your marketing campaign. Everything can be commented by the team, collaboration has never been so easy.

Utilizing a video editor can also streamline the process of creating engaging video content for your campaigns, enhancing the visual appeal and effectiveness of your marketing efforts.

You can always stay in touch with your colleagues, arrange meetings with Twproject shared agendas and staying up to date with campaign progress.

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Campaign report and achievement

Every information about your progress is stored and easily readable so that you can analyze your achievement and improve your future campaings. Twproject project/campaign can be cloned, so for the next campaign you just need to duplicate it and you are ready to go! Twproject includes complete reports for adjusting and changing future strategies.

And last but not least you can record all your time spent on every specific project, so that you will always be able to track your campaign costs.

Convinced right? So just give Twproject a try!

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Author: Twproject staff

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