Project Stakeholders
Who are the stakeholders? When we read the title, this is the first question that comes to mind. If we take the definition of the PMBok, a stakeholder is an individual, a group or an organization that can influence or can be influenced (or perceive itself being influenced) by a decision, activity or result of … Continue reading "Project Stakeholders"
7 tips on how to manage winning projects
The success of any project depends on the ability of a project manager to have a specific methodical approach to each project. The approach must be in line with the needs of the client and with the strengths of his team. In order to manage a winning project, it is essential to create an effective … Continue reading "7 tips on how to manage winning projects"
5 Most Common Mistakes in Managing Projects
There are no two identical projects, at the same time all projects seem to suffer of similar problems. Even the best project manager can, in case of important tasks, particularly long-lasting or if subjected to continuous requests for updates, fall into common errors that could lead a task to fail. These frequent mistakes in managing … Continue reading "5 Most Common Mistakes in Managing Projects"
How to Improve Resource Management and Get The Best From Your Team
We know that, you are a project manager and you really need to close your tasks on time and on budget. Recently, increasing company’s culture has become important as well so now, to those two goals you have to add a third one: work with an happy and productive team. Work in a relaxed environment … Continue reading "How to Improve Resource Management and Get The Best From Your Team"
3 Useful Tips to Improve Work Time Management
Have you ever had the feeling that everything in your to-do list has maximum priority? If yes, which method do you use to identify what can be postponed? Being a project manager, you know that managing project timelines is crucial; with a correct and realistic plan you will be able to work better, and all … Continue reading "3 Useful Tips to Improve Work Time Management"
How SCRUM methodology can help you minimizing project risks
Most of project managers have to face projects whose planning was done incorrectly, not in line with customer expectations, with the bad result of big delays and budget overflows, and maybe this has happened to you too.It is true, companies are being renewed, working groups are heterogeneous and distributed, increasingly flexible, and often, this flexibility … Continue reading "How SCRUM methodology can help you minimizing project risks"
The Most Effective Strategy to Estimate Projects
Estimate projects correctly is a difficult task that every project manager has to face. It doesn’t matter if you estimate in order to evaluate resource work load (time/effort estimation) or just to create customers’ offer (cost estimation), the problem is just the same. How can I predict exceptions, delay, bottle necks and create an estimate … Continue reading "The Most Effective Strategy to Estimate Projects"
How to be an Innovative Project Manager (Infographic)
Despite what people think, being a project manager requires a lot of creativity. A project manager has to be creative managing his resources and their productivity lacks , emotions or peculiar ideas, be creative in communication with his own bosses, be creative managing large projects with unexpected delays… So, how to stay creative even when … Continue reading "How to be an Innovative Project Manager (Infographic)"
Does Twproject use Twproject?
If someone would have asked me the most frequent question I get since I worked here at Twproject, I would answer without hesitation “Does Twproject use Twproject?” This is the most asked question by our customers and then of course “How do we use it?” If I was a good marketer I should probably say: “Yes, … Continue reading "Does Twproject use Twproject?"
Twproject security model: you are on a solid ground
Twproject security model has been designed and refined in years, and it’s now the most complete and safe model you could have. Since we added a new permission in the latest release, dedicated to assignment expenses management, we decided to write a new post to explain in details how the Twproject security model works, and … Continue reading "Twproject security model: you are on a solid ground"
We need to talk: collaboration trends and mistakes to avoid
Companies becoming “liquid”, teams spread over thousands kilometers: workspace has changed, it is wider and faster. This is the reason why you need the right collaboration tools to… make the work work! Collaboration tools: what is happening right now It has already happened and it is happening. Despite being a big, medium or small company, … Continue reading "We need to talk: collaboration trends and mistakes to avoid"
6 Qualities Of Great Leaders – Infographic
In our experience with thousands of great companies, that we’ve met thanks to Twproject, we have analyzed so many teams at work, encountering always the same characteristics defining great leaders with successful and happy collaborators. Being a leader is not an easy job, you have to carefully balance humility, strength and integrity, being always steps … Continue reading "6 Qualities Of Great Leaders – Infographic"
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