The sixth edition of PMbok
General overview and differences from the fifth edition At the end of 2017, the sixth edition of the PMbok was published. Let’s start from the base: what is the PMbok? It is the Project Management Body of Knowledge, a guide, published by the Project Management Institute – PMI, which aims to document, gather and standardize … Continue reading "The sixth edition of PMbok"
The 3 trends of Project Management
Project Management is not a static topic but evolves from year to year and follows the trend of industry and the world of work in general. There’re trends, that we can clearly see, that are increasingly influencing this profession. Some of these started some years ago and gradually take hold, others have been born only … Continue reading "The 3 trends of Project Management"
5 Project Planning Mistakes to Avoid (Part 1 of 5)
Managing a project is complicated and making mistakes that can compromise the progress of all activities is very simple. One of the most delicate phases from this point of view is the project planning one, errors made in this phase are in fact the most serious and can negatively affect the achievement of the entire … Continue reading "5 Project Planning Mistakes to Avoid (Part 1 of 5)"
5 Most Common Mistakes in Managing Projects
There are no two identical projects, at the same time all projects seem to suffer of similar problems. Even the best project manager can, in case of important tasks, particularly long-lasting or if subjected to continuous requests for updates, fall into common errors that could lead a task to fail. These frequent mistakes in managing … Continue reading "5 Most Common Mistakes in Managing Projects"
3 Useful Tips to Improve Work Time Management
Have you ever had the feeling that everything in your to-do list has maximum priority? If yes, which method do you use to identify what can be postponed? Being a project manager, you know that managing project timelines is crucial; with a correct and realistic plan you will be able to work better, and all … Continue reading "3 Useful Tips to Improve Work Time Management"
How SCRUM methodology can help you minimizing project risks
Most of project managers have to face projects whose planning was done incorrectly, not in line with customer expectations, with the bad result of big delays and budget overflows, and maybe this has happened to you too.It is true, companies are being renewed, working groups are heterogeneous and distributed, increasingly flexible, and often, this flexibility … Continue reading "How SCRUM methodology can help you minimizing project risks"
How to Introduce Project Management Software & Succeed
One of the biggest challenges, a project manager can face in a new team, is to change things for the better and let this changes take effect without the resistance of the team. One of the most frequent examples is when a project manager decides to introduce a new tool for project management. This moment … Continue reading "How to Introduce Project Management Software & Succeed"
How to be an Innovative Project Manager (Infographic)
Despite what people think, being a project manager requires a lot of creativity. A project manager has to be creative managing his resources and their productivity lacks , emotions or peculiar ideas, be creative in communication with his own bosses, be creative managing large projects with unexpected delays… So, how to stay creative even when … Continue reading "How to be an Innovative Project Manager (Infographic)"
How To Manage Distributed Teams – Sharing is Caring
These days, companies has to face an ever growing need for dynamic teams, shared groups of people working together through the internet. This need increases hand by hand with the difficulty of managing team dynamics and project updates. For this reason, using conventional software like Microsoft project, built for managing projects in their best case scenario with … Continue reading "How To Manage Distributed Teams – Sharing is Caring"
Software Development Project Template – Free Download
Even if every company has its own peculiarity, we find, in our experience, that company with same business share also the same internal processes. This is probably the reason why, often, our customers, ask us for project’s template that they can import and adjust in their own Twproject instance. This helps them starting with Twproject easily, refining … Continue reading "Software Development Project Template – Free Download"
Does Twproject use Twproject?
If someone would have asked me the most frequent question I get since I worked here at Twproject, I would answer without hesitation “Does Twproject use Twproject?” This is the most asked question by our customers and then of course “How do we use it?” If I was a good marketer I should probably say: “Yes, … Continue reading "Does Twproject use Twproject?"
Twproject security model: you are on a solid ground
Twproject security model has been designed and refined in years, and it’s now the most complete and safe model you could have. Since we added a new permission in the latest release, dedicated to assignment expenses management, we decided to write a new post to explain in details how the Twproject security model works, and … Continue reading "Twproject security model: you are on a solid ground"
The Most Effective Way to Solve Management Problem
When a company feels the need of introducing a project management software is probably because a deep change is happening. Time of changing introduce a feeling of uncertainty that often terrifying people. It is instead usually a great opportunity for a company to grow and improve methodologies and results. When your work is well organized, working … Continue reading "The Most Effective Way to Solve Management Problem"
New In Twproject: Conditional Custom Fields
Twproject is flexible, you know that right? It lets you create your own reports, forms, dashboard and from its very beginning it allows user to add custom fields on all main entities. During the years this great functionality has been improved, adding custom fields on every object, tasks, resources, worklogs, costs, issues. Now we give you … Continue reading "New In Twproject: Conditional Custom Fields"
6 Qualities Of Great Leaders – Infographic
In our experience with thousands of great companies, that we’ve met thanks to Twproject, we have analyzed so many teams at work, encountering always the same characteristics defining great leaders with successful and happy collaborators. Being a leader is not an easy job, you have to carefully balance humility, strength and integrity, being always steps … Continue reading "6 Qualities Of Great Leaders – Infographic"
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