Twproject 6.5.65000


We are happy to announce that Twproject 6.5 is out with some great new features free for all plans. This new release includes some database changes and updates so do a complete backup before upgrade.

If you are updating from a version before 6.3 remember to check the upgrade guide here:

Task Updates

Task logs, recording dates and status changes have been converted in the new task updates that you can use to save also comments/notes/updates of your projects and tasks.

Now you can record important information that remains in task history, visible to everyone that has the rights to see that task, on the overview page, Gantt editor, dashboards.

Task updates can be easily added from the task overview page but also from the Gantt chart. Just click on the + button and add a new note.

Task updates are fully indexed so you can search within their text and find them easily, thanks to this new feature it will be even easier to manage and control your projects progress!

Updates con be also monitored in a dedicated webpart that you can add to your dashboard showing you all new updates in real time.

And much more…

The new release includes also several minor features and bugfix.

You can find the entire list of updates here our Twproject Changelog.

Let’s check this new feature.

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