If time is one of your most valuable resources you will probably love this new release because it will let you save a lot of time. Even if summer holidays is right behind the corner we never stop improving our software and today we finally introduce a bulk assignments functionality and you will love that!
If you are a Twproject user you already know how powerful the workgroup functionality is but let’s do a brief recap: Twproject workgroup lets you create teams filtering by name and now also by tag, once you’ve created your team or teams you can save the filter and find it already filled every time you see this icon
With the new workgroup filtered by tag you can now create groups by skills and save them for your projects.
Bulk assignments example:
From now on, free for all users with advanced and enterprise license and on Amazon cloud, you will find a new button in the assignment creation
Thanks to this button you will be able to assign a filtered set of resource with one click. Resources can be filtered by name or tag or with already created filters, in my example I am creating assignments for the new December issue for National Geogrphic and I am searching for all writers that will work on this copy. I’ve a already created filter selecting all my writers.
When I insert them the system will ask for a role to pick, I can choose one for all or select row by row, but Twproject will do more than this, Twproject will show you the work load of each resource I select. This information could be crucial, I can use infact this functionality to simply select the writer less loaded in this case Silvia:
So, the workgroup functionality applied to assignment can be helpful in two different ways:
- Select a standard group of resources to assign on a project: thanks to saved filters you can create groups reflecting teams, for example the design team, the marketing team, the administrative team.
- Select resources by skills (tags) and find the best ones for the project: which one is unloaded?
Twproject 6.2.62004 includes also a list of small improvements and bug fixes that you can find in our change log.