Teamwork 4.0 released
Download Teamwork 4. Today, 30th of January, 2009, Teamwork 4 is available for download. Get it here: http://www.twproject.com/download.page In the same page you can generate a 30 days evaluation license. The multi-platform installer includes an upgrader from version 3; you can buy both new and upgrade licenses here: http://www.twproject.com/licensing.page The base cost is 90 Euro … Continue reading "Teamwork 4.0 released"
Teamwork’s new blog!
This blog is the continuation of this old one on Blogspot. As blogging has become an important mean of providing information and news on Teamwork and related methodologies and technologies, we moved the blog under Teamwork’s domain and began using a more powerful content manager (WordPress). Now some of the more recent and relevant content … Continue reading "Teamwork’s new blog!"
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