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How to optimize work organization in teams
Efficient teamwork organization is an key process for achieving project success. An effective team stimulates unique strengths and allows individuals to reach their full potential. In this article, we will cover how to optimize work organization in teams and what tools to choose to maximize work performance. CONTENT Why is work organization in teams important? … Continue reading “How to optimize work organization in teams”
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Twproject: the power of an in-house solution
Complete control. This is the answer to the question that often comes back talking about Twproject: why, being used to online products, why our customers still prefer a software to be installed in-house? As we said, the answer is simple: you need to have complete control over your data. Even if there are many simple online project management services, it is … Continue reading “Twproject: the power of an in-house solution”
Collaborative working environment: the Gandalf way to success
If you have to get inspiration about collaborative working, think big: Gandalf, CEO of The Fellowship of the Ring Startup, has been probably the best ever…
Introducing Twproject 6: it’s all new!
We are really proud to announce that we have recently released an all new Twproject version and that it costs exactly the same! You can get Twproject 6 here: In the same page you can get a 15 day free evaluation license. You can try Twproject by downloading it, and you can then either … Continue reading “Introducing Twproject 6: it’s all new!”
Twproject 5.6.59930: the final release of TW5
Twproject 5.6.59930 is the last release of Twproject 5 family. In this release we fixed some minor bugs Get it here. Bug Fixes Fixed a problem when moving worklog between assignments. Security fix on counters creation.
Work environment and Papuasian tribes: how to solve team conflicts
You can think of open space offices and flame mails, but team conflicts are a little bit older than that: Cain and Abel, you know..? Since that time we learned the lesson: conflicts can destroy a team.
Twproject 5.6.59820: subscribe to Gantt assignments
Twproject 5.6.59820 is a bug fix release, get it here. Bug Fixes Fixed a Gantt problem when browser time zone was different from servers. Fixed getting subscriptions when creating assignments from the Gantt simple edit tool. Now possible to add a property for activating TLS (mail server), use MAIL_SMTP_USE_TLS Restored digest message dispatcher channel. A … Continue reading “Twproject 5.6.59820: subscribe to Gantt assignments”
The never ending Twproject “war” with Microsoft Project
Through our customers and contacts we frequently get reminded about Microsoft Project© enduring existence. Twproject was in fact first born as the limitation of Microsoft Project (it was 1999 🙂 ) were unsolvable by using the Microsoft Project API available at the time. And the two project management solutions are born to differ in their … Continue reading “The never ending Twproject “war” with Microsoft Project”
Usability of a product and flexibility of a custom solution? Enter JasperReports!
Starting with version 5.5, Twproject acquires a new powerful report capability, integrating JasperReports engine.
Twproject 5.6.59808: in what time-zone does the project start?
This is a bug fix release. Thanks to the feedback and collaboration from one of our customers (Johnson & Johnson) we have finally identified the source of a weird incongruence between dates in Gantt, project tree and task editor. A working day calculation error could happen in cases when the time zone of the browser … Continue reading “Twproject 5.6.59808: in what time-zone does the project start?”
Eight project management problems in search of solutions
Project management problems and solutions Handling teamwork by project management requires expertise, skills, experience and flexibility in time. In our fifteen years of development and support of Twproject, we have found some problem patterns that are repeatedly found in teamwork management, and we have hence created corresponding solution support in Twproject. Some of the problematic … Continue reading “Eight project management problems in search of solutions”
Tracking work time in short time
Insert worklog and manage your time tracking. You will no need to change you work habits to start working with Twproject. It will adapt to your needs.
The many sides of issue tracking
An issue in a productive environment is something smaller than a project or task, but that is important enough to deserve separate treatment. Lets take a look at the life of issues. [av_iconlist position=’left’ font_color=” custom_title=” custom_content=” color=” custom_bg=” custom_font=” custom_border=” av_uid=’av-eef0tr’] [av_iconlist_item title=’Issues simplify’ link=” linktarget=” linkelement=” icon=’ue8b8′ font=’entypo-fontello’ av_uid=’av-bsrysv’] Being easy to … Continue reading “The many sides of issue tracking”