Twproject 6.0.60013 release is out with a new very interesting features.
Twproject Gantt Charts have collapsible branches since the very beginning but the big news is that since Twproject 6.0.60013 it will remember your last view choice.
If you are used to work on specific branches or you want to collapse say just the completed ones, you can do that, and you will find them collapsed every time you will be back on the task, until your next change.
This will help you focus on what you are working on, deep trees will be more easy to read, every users will be able to see what they are interested in.
Great, isn’it?
We have included several bugfixes listed here:
This release is a free upgrade for all users of Twproject 6. You can download the installer here:
[av_button label=’Give Twproject a Try!’ link=’manually,’ link_target=” size=’large’ position=’center’ icon_select=’no’ icon=’ue800′ font=’entypo-fontello’ color=’green’ custom_bg=’#444444′ custom_font=’#ffffff’ av_uid=’av-381xep’]