Anything that can go wrong, will go wrong. Even when you work remotely. No fear: this post is about how to save the day!
Anything that can go wrong, will go wrong: these are supposed to be the words of Edward Aloysius Murphy Junior (1918 – 1990), words that became an ante – litteram meme and the inspiration for a huge amounts of variants in almost every fields of human activities.
Nevertheless sometimes bad things (we are not going to use the s. word in this post…) happen. And yes: it seems that “bad things” happen always in the worst possible moment.
IT stuff, computers, the internet can’t avoid Murphy’s law, and the collection of Murphy’s Computers Laws is a lot of fun. Well: it is not, actually, while it happens.
If you are involved in remote collaboration, if your teammates are peppered across the world, your Achilles heel is, of course, the internet connection.
And, according to the Murphy’s law view of the world, probably you are going to experience a problem when a deadline is close, or when there is something very urgent to do.
First things first: no panic.
It is very likely that the problem you are experiencing is local, or maybe only your service provider is involved. Then try to contact the service provider’s customer care. You will know immediately If it is really that bad, because it won’t answer…
You must not waste your time, so just pick up your smartphone, tablet and laptop and… Run! What for?
To find a wi-fi connection of course. Because, it is the only thing you really need.
Good remote collaboration tools such as Twproject don’t even need a computer: you can check the workstream just via the smartphone app, and a tablet is more than enough to do everything else, to interact with the team just like nothing had happened. So, just look for libraries or coffeehouses – in some cities even public transports have a good wifi connection, in that case: jump on a bus! – and everything will be OK.
From an Italian point of view, one for which coffee, il caffè, is quite an important thing, you could tell that some coffeehouse companies actually sell wifi connection, because that is not real coffee… 😉
So just give Twproject a try!
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