Teamwork in Chinese – 中文 (release 4.4.15200)

Product updates

This new Teamwork release includes the Chinese translation of the entire interface, we want to thanks Mr. Chenfan for his great work ( we hope that the blog’s title is correct 🙂 ) .

This release includes also an improvement in the public task page. We added a new check box that enables showing also custom fields contextually with the “add proposal” functionality. Thanks to this, your customers could send you not only a simple issue with a description but also some additional data from fields that you defined. On issues you can add up to six custom fields.

A requested feature was to display also event hours in the results of the search events page, and its done.

The release includes also some bugfixes:

– bug fix in the project summary web part.

– bug fix in the generated iCal file from the Teamwork agenda

You can download this release here;

This release does not include schema changes.

Author: Twproject staff

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