Our personal efforts to reduce
the environmental impact
We cycle, walk or take public transport to our workplace and encourage all team members to make sustainable travel choices.
Greater business efficiency
results in less impact
Teams that choose to adopt Twproject to manage corporate projects experience
a big increase in business productivity and organisation. This means:
Less economic and material resources are wasted: more careful planning is also more strategic in reducing unnecessary consumption
Better workload management: optimisation of human resources and consequent equity and welfare at work
Process digitisation: Twproject reduces the impact across the board as it provides digital and centralised tools, replacing traditional methods that are (also) often based on the use of pen and paper or on scattered and confusing communication
Twproject welcomes new roles and methodologies
The GPM – Green Project Manager
A new professional role increasingly in demand by companies adhering to the P5 standard. The GPM incorporates sustainability – environmental, economic and social – into classic planning. GPM teaches companies to consider sustainability not as an obligation, but as an opportunity.
The classical risk analysis is replaced by an impact analysis, which is more comprehensive and up-to-date, as well as cost effective in the long term.
Twproject offers all the appropriate tools for this new declination of the profession, such as impact calculation functions, models for forecasting risks e.g. related to climate change, customisable reports that measure the company’s ecological footprint, etc.
PRiSM – Projects Integrating Sustainable Method
The most modern project management method, the PRiSM methodology, has sustainability, process ethics, social equity and economic prosperity as its core values.
It assumes that sustainability is to be explicitly included among the components of a project and impact among the measurable KPIs.
Twproject supports this approach throughout the project life cycle, offering adaptable tools that each project manager can use to measure these indicators and highly customisable reports to analyse and share the measured data.