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Twproject: The software that fits your business needs
Business needs are characterized by rapid change, increased diversification, and a strong focus on efficiency. Therefore, using flexible and powerful tools has become key for every project manager. In this scenario, Twproject stands out as a solution that can be used in any business environment, regardless of size or industry. In this article, we take … Continue reading “Twproject: The software that fits your business needs”
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How SCRUM methodology can help you minimizing project risks
Most of project managers have to face projects whose planning was done incorrectly, not in line with customer expectations, with the bad result of big delays and budget overflows, and maybe this has happened to you too.It is true, companies are being renewed, working groups are heterogeneous and distributed, increasingly flexible, and often, this flexibility … Continue reading “How SCRUM methodology can help you minimizing project risks”
The Most Effective Strategy to Estimate Projects
Estimate projects correctly is a difficult task that every project manager has to face. It doesn’t matter if you estimate in order to evaluate resource work load (time/effort estimation) or just to create customers’ offer (cost estimation), the problem is just the same. How can I predict exceptions, delay, bottle necks and create an estimate … Continue reading “The Most Effective Strategy to Estimate Projects”
How Mobile Project Management Software Increase Productivity (Infographic)
We recently released a completely new mobile app for Twproject and we want to share with you some interesting studies we found about how using project management software with mobile devices can increase efficiency at work. We were so excited about these studies and so we created an infographic, that you can easily share with … Continue reading “How Mobile Project Management Software Increase Productivity (Infographic)”
Twproject 6.2.62001
I’m really happy to announce a new great Twproject release. This release includes an important fix related to task statistics and totals. You can download the installer here Download the new Twproject release. We also work and improved a lot the plan and operator load page. Operator Load: The Ideal Trend In this new release … Continue reading “Twproject 6.2.62001”
Twproject 6.2 – A Brand New Mobile App
Twproject 6.2 is finally out with a brand new mobile interface. We are so proud of it and we really hope you will find it useful and practical as we do. In the last few months we listened to all your comments and feedback and we realized that having a new app that could be … Continue reading “Twproject 6.2 – A Brand New Mobile App”
3 Project Management Templates – Free Download
The series of post we recently created sharing project templates has been highly appreciated by all our readers, so we thought to share some new templates that can be of great help in the first adoption/testing phase. Production Project Template The first one is related to a sample production project: this project starts with customer … Continue reading “3 Project Management Templates – Free Download”
How to Introduce Project Management Software & Succeed
One of the biggest challenges, a project manager can face in a new team, is to change things for the better and let this changes take effect without the resistance of the team. One of the most frequent examples is when a project manager decides to introduce a new tool for project management. This moment … Continue reading “How to Introduce Project Management Software & Succeed”
Happy Holidays from Twproject’s Team
2016 has been such a great year for Twproject’s team, we worked very hard on our software and we met so many new great customers along the way, we couldn’t be more grateful. Despite all that it is happening around us, we know that the world is full of great people, working with passion and getting … Continue reading “Happy Holidays from Twproject’s Team”
Twproject 6.1.61008 – Even More Secure
Twproject 61008 is out with an interesting list of features and improvements. Before checking them in details a special thanks to Larissa from Hornbach that revise our German translation entirely. The improved translation is available in this release. We have significantly improved performance in saving big Gantt charts and introduced a lot of small improvements … Continue reading “Twproject 6.1.61008 – Even More Secure”
How to be an Innovative Project Manager (Infographic)
Despite what people think, being a project manager requires a lot of creativity. A project manager has to be creative managing his resources and their productivity lacks , emotions or peculiar ideas, be creative in communication with his own bosses, be creative managing large projects with unexpected delays… So, how to stay creative even when … Continue reading “How to be an Innovative Project Manager (Infographic)”
Tips & Tricks: Create Projects by E-mail
Even if I’ve worked with Twproject for several years I get surprised every day by its number of hidden features. The one that I show you today could really help you, if, for example, you cannot access the application and you have to create a task to save information that you can loose otherwise. Twproject … Continue reading “Tips & Tricks: Create Projects by E-mail”
How To Manage Distributed Teams – Sharing is Caring
These days, companies has to face an ever growing need for dynamic teams, shared groups of people working together through the internet. This need increases hand by hand with the difficulty of managing team dynamics and project updates. For this reason, using conventional software like Microsoft project, built for managing projects in their best case scenario with … Continue reading “How To Manage Distributed Teams – Sharing is Caring”