Twproject Changelog
13 February 2025
- Wbs cost: new project costs report implemented. It displays project structure resuming cost financial data
- Application license: added a warning in case of activation of a user that goes beyond the maximum number of those licensed
- Advanced customization: CLOSED_TASK_WORKLOG_FORBIDDEN now it implies that worklog insertion is prohibited also for SUSPENDED, INDEFINITE and FAILED phases.
- Advanced customization: introduced a new property INACTIVE_TASK_WORKLOG_FORBIDDEN: if set, users will not be able to record worklog on suspended or failed tasks
- Advanced customization: introduced a new property TODO_RESET_ASSIGNEE_CHANGING_TASK: it removes To-Do assignee when task is changed
- Advanced customization: introduced a new property CUSTOM_FEATURE_GRACE_PERIOD in replace of NOTIFY_ONLY_SIX_HOURS_OLDER_TASK.
It specifies the number of hours to notify/apply changes after creation of an task (to avoid notifications during project setup etc.). When value is 0 notification is always on, when -1 off - It is now possible to generate task codes with a simple prefix independent of the typology
- resource profile: add hourly cost variations chart in work settings tab
- Assignment editor: it is possible to change assignee only if no worklog has been inserted
- Gantt charts: better performances in loading projects with more than 1000 phases
- Export excel: now it exports images too, in different worksheet.
- Apache ECharts JavaScript Library updated to 5.5.1 version
- All charts are now exportable as images
- cashflow chart: added worklog costs
- ToDos planner: total number of daily todos is now reported in day header
- Task revenues: print added.
- Task: added mention support to description and deliverables fields
- Chat: department chat implemented. It includes all its members and underlying departments members too
- Table search: added an highlight in cells containing what searched
- Extraordinary job insertion: the message via digest did not include the name of the user it refers to.
- Worklog list: total worklog cost is now shown, according to owned permissions
- Mention list: special characters could damage the layout
- Create new project: in case save action was stopped because of an error, it was no longer possible to proceed without closing the popup
- Gantt chart: long fields (for example “description“) used textareas breaking page layout
- Gantt chart: print PDF did not list assignees
- Gantt chart: print PDF now shows task name in single page mode too
- Gantt chart: when task name filter was filled an unexpected alert was displayed
- Gantt chart: custom fields containig visibleIf/rootonly/childonly conditions are no longer displayed as it was not possible to evaluate conditions
- Gantt chart: more task property columns added (hidden by default)
- Gantt chart: in Mozilla Firefox only it was not possible to change task status
- Gantt chart: changed task codes were not saved
- Kanban: “Load project’s phases with no todos too” option was not saved in custom filters
- Kanban: columns ordering was not saved in custom filters
- Kanban: a todo box moved from a column to another one did not mantain its position
- Time counter: when launching a time counter, it was not always clear what the worklog referred to when switching the application interface.
- Attendance overview: a worklog entered on a non-working day did not appear in overtime
- Task list: the baseline data appeared as in “warning” (red colour) even if the date was the same
- ToDos: creating recurring todos threw an error
- ToDos planner: when more resources were listed and then rows were removed, the last remaining one split the layout
- ToDos planner: javascript error when changing gravity from a todo box
- ToDos planner: recurrent todos were not displayed until the page was reloaded
- ToDos merge: worklog registered on “slave” todo was not merged to “master” todo
- Wbs: delete project icon of the wbs did not work anymore unless you were on the main tab
- Wbs: cost alert icons indicated budget overflows even in inappropriate cases
- Task overview: taskLog popup was not displayed when date were manually changed
- Task import: enforced process to avoid NPE occurring in particualar project structure
- Task import fron JSON file: in case of installation with task custom field setted, import could produce a crash
- Task clone: “move ToDo” option caused a blocking error
- Task document editor: a NPE was launched in case of uploading files with a size bigger than the permitted one
- “Portfolio statistics” portlet: some filters did not load data
- Project public page: sub-phases’ todos were not listed
- Project public page: it was not possible to add a comment to todos
- Project public page: comment attachments were not displayed
- Worklog: in case of digit error a worklog with duration =0 was created
- Job list: enable/disable job checkbox crashed resulting in a blank page
- Split assignment: “hours to be assigned to the resource” did not worked well
- Assignment subscriptions editor: permissions were wrongly checked
- Assignment estimation time: very high values were calculated incorrectly
- Resource plan: in the export excel task path was malformed
- Department’s profile: hidden resources/persons are no longer displayed
- Dashboard pages: if a permission to see was setted, it was visible to administrator only
- Timesheet: in worklog popup list, worklog status colour was not shown
- Timesheet: an assignment added by user was not preserved when changing dates
- Calendar configuration: change variable to fixed holiday did not work
- It was possible to inadvertently close popups before saving even if some content had been entered
- API: revenue’s “refersTo” property was not managed
- Mobile: todo comment attachments were not downloadable
28 November 2024
- Javascript working day computation has beeen optimized and now it is much faster
- An assignment having “Customer” role and a worklog estimation (and a cost as a consequence), was not shown in task cost section.
- Updating ToDo’s worklog removed reference to the ToDo itself
- ToDo’s planner: the agenda row was not refreshed after a change in the timeline
- ToDo’s planner: a blocking javascript error occured when inserting the assignee
- Worklog insertion popup: in particular cases it caused a NPE error
- Attendance overview: a personal holiday event was counted even when it intersected with a company closing day
- Group agenda event: operators without “agenda manage” permission in their roles could not create group events
- Group agenda event: “remove me” from appointment didn’t work
- Task cost section: an inappropriate warning message was displayed
- Assignees selection smart combo: it filtered data according to a wrong permission
- Update worklog via API: assignee id was setted in place of ToDo id
- Assignee editor: even if the field was disabled, it was possibile to change the assignee from the input arrow.
30 August 2024
- Gantt: copy/cut/paste support added
- Gantt: more columns on grid side are now available
- Gantt: columns for custom fields (the simple ones) are now available
- Gantt: rows search and filter added
- Gantt: shrink now support start, end, both
- Snapshot: a “photo” of all project statistical data can be made at any time adding a label. Snapshots are available on timeline bar
- Actual margin added on wbs statistics (@Sidea)
- Estimated margin added on wbs statistics (@Sidea)
- Invoice reminder: when an estimated revenue is created, using a checkbox, one ToDo is creates as invoice reminder
- Clone project/phase: is now possible to specify the number of desired clone(s) and the code numbering offset
- Project/phase icon: if set, icons are displayed on Gantt at phase end, even if the branch is collapsed or is out of the currently inspected subtree. Useful to mark important dates
- Privacy: an “Unused accounts cleanup” tool has been added, in order to respect policies on resource data management
- Worklog: added a flag to block worklog insertion when a task is set on closed status (CUSTOM_FEATURE_CLOSED_TASK_WORKLOG_FORBIDDEN)
- New worklog related permissions created: add, read, write, delete, manag. This allows a more refined controls in large companies
- OWASP: Get for Post vulnerability: all critical command are enforced to use POST method
- OWASP: Cross Site Scripting (Reflected) “order by” parameter on datatable component
- OWASP: Cross Site Scripting (Reflected) on timesheet page
- OWASP: Information disclosure: error messages; avoid to show error that disclose system information
- OWASP: login page, Cross Site Scripting (DOM Based)
- OWASP: login page, it was possibile to execute javascript code
- OWASP: Broken session management: session fixation. TW7LCK – JSESSIONID cookies pair was not completely invalidated by the logout procedure
- OWASP: Insecure direct object references: deleting notes
- OWASP: Insecure direct object references: posting notes and e-mails
- OTP: administrator can now remove users’ OTP key
- Password hashing has been changed from MD5 to SHA256. New hash is recomputed at first login
- jQuery-UI library updated from version 1.13.1 (vulnerable) to 1.13.3
- File upload: a new flag has been added in order to disable it (CUSTOM_FEATURE_UPLOAD_DISABLED)
- Worklog by day widget: do not block deletion in case of missing worklog manage permission and wl approved
- Agenda: a malicious user was able to add event(s) to any other user
- Kanban: change status button in ToDos box was always active, even in case of missing status-change permission. Action was blocked-server side but the UI acted wrong
- Expense editor: wrong permission tested (expense manage)
- Worklog: several minor glitches solved by the introduction of the new worklog permissions
- Bulk operations: transmitted ids list is now inspected for every value
- ToDo action: it was possible to insert any value for “gravity”. Now checks for admitted ones
- Role editor: did not check permissions according to role type: global, local, structure, system
- Missing HTML encode on page titles. It is not a vulnerability (values are sanitized) but could lead to ugly UI effects
- Message media: enabled system medias must be checked before sending a message
- Area manager default: missing permissions on project costs
- Logging: logging has been improved and a dedicated security log is now available; it monitors every security-related event
- Logging: log file rotation rule is configurable in order to preserve log files
- Logging: log file rotation rule is configurable in order to preserve log files
- StickyNote: enforced security checks
- Gantt: FS (elastic) dependence is now created (instead of “hard” one) when dragging the bar’s “dot”
- Project additional costs: “unexpected” property added. Unexpected cost doesn’t count for budget overflow rule (CUSTOM_FEATURE_COST_OVERFLOW_FORBIDDEN)
- API: added support for custom form data
- API worklog: added support to change status
- Revenue: added type property
- Revenue: it is now possible to specify a % of estimated value when adding an invoice
- Revenues: automatic recomputation of estimated values introduced. It consider the revenue target and revenue estimated for each phase (CUSTOM_FEATURE_AUTOMATIC_REVENUE_RECOMPUTATION)
- Project clone: can now clone revenue target and estimations
- Worklog edit: inserter names is now visible
- Mobile agenda: in some devices save button was not visible
- Attendance overview: now exports color as well
- Agenda month: company holidays were not shown
- ToDo comments: in case of file upload, the editor was close in case of uploaded file inspection. As a result inserted text was lost (@de Poda)
- CUSTOM_FEATURE_MAX_WORKLOG_ALLOWED: is now checked on the total for the day
- Side menu-bar: some buttons were not visible in case of reduced resolutions
- Gantt: UI improvements
- Several UI improvements
- Task full export excel enriched with total revenues data
- Timezones: in wbs interface (not in the gantt), a wrong date could have been set in case of editing long phases/project crossing a daylight saving date.
- Timezone Brazil: due to the abolition of daylight saving on 2019, the Java jdk tdzdb.dat must be update. Please contact us for more information
- ToDo planner: changing periods did not update calendar events consequently
- Scheduler editor: changing start hour several times lead to a wrong changes on end date-time
- Scheduler editor: “whole day” checkbox was not checked in edit
- Subscriptions: in case of assignment to a department subscriptions should be disabled
- Split assignment: it caused an NPE in case of existing department assigned to the tree
- WBS: since the last update, 7_1_018, task updates was not refreshed while browsing wbs tree. A page refresh was required (@Alejandro Barocio Vaca)
- Agenda month: selected resources were lost changing month (@Cepi Silos)
- Task list: filter by cost center did not work well
- Agenda meeting: wrong conflict detection time management in case for the discussion points (@Claudia Aragone)
- Agenda meeting, discussion point: javascript blocking error fixed in case of “browser back” once followed “related ToDo” link
- Expense editor: attachments were not correctly uploaded if the expense was unsaved
- Portfolio: add, move, indent buttons disabled
- Time counter: automatically closes counter respecting the user work schedule, but using the server timezone instead of the user timezone
- Dashboards: if not modifiable is not possible, for the admin, to assign it to users
- Dashboards: admin could not assign to users when not modifiable
- Project templates: creating a new project the status is now active or compatible with the parent in case of added branch
- Gantt: did not save comment on date changes
- Gantt: resource avatars were not visible when adding a “never-assigned-before” resource
- Gantt: big sized custom fields where displayed as a textarea and not as a text field (to preserve gantt layout)
- Attendance overview: a personal holiday event was considered in case of company closure
- Several minor fixes
24 April 2024
- Multi calendars implemented: from now on, calendar is a persisted object.
As a consequence it is now possible to create different calendars, having different working days, different working hours and different holidays.
A calendar can be applied to tasks (it affects task dates and duration) and resources (it affects operator working availability and workload).
A project phase inherits the calendar from its ancestor, but a different one can be setted.
An operator inherits the calendar from its department, but a different one can be setted.
The appropriate calendar (if any) is shown in interfaces having a time header (agenda, attendance overview, ToDos planner, gantt chart and so on)
By default, upgrade procedure to 7.1.018 version preserves previous configuration. - OAUTH authentication implemented (Microsoft 365 and Google). It requires an accurate configuration in authentication provider console.
- ToDos list: total worklog estimated/done added at the bottom of the list
- A new, more accurate, business logic applied to target revenue. It can not be lower than the sum of its estimatations plus the total of sub-phases.
If the value is higher, it can be automatically recomputed all along the the node branch
- Task revenues: wrong permissions were checked (costs permissions rather than revenues ones)
- New project popup: inmproved layout in case of new, multiple assignments
- Task statistics and gantt history: new timeline implemented
- Task assignments list: operator’s path added
- Task assignment editor: role dropdown layout optimized
- WBS: now horizontal and vertical scrollbars appears if necessary for a better project browsing
- Plan: inputs are disabled as long estimated worklog has not been setted
- ToDos planner: estimated work overflow is now shown
- ToDos: it is now possible to schedule a ToDo for any date within task dates range, holidays included
- Database obsolete data clenear job: unused listeners are deleted
- Timesheet: when appropriate custom feature is enabled, old worklog editor is open in read only mode
- As a consequence of OAUTH authentication feature, the administration interface s been reorganized
- NPE verifying permissions in case of operator null
- Operator workload: wrong calculation in case of worklog inserted before the start of the task, or ToDo over-estimated
- New project popup: javascript error in multi assignments role dropdown
- A worker operator, having permission to change phase status, was not allowed to do it in task overview
- Task: command move could break gantt chart integrity
- Task progress: it was never incremented when “by phases completed/total”
- Task overview: security error was launched if logged had not costs/revenues permissions
- Task overview: in particular conditions, task image was setted to project root
- Task assignments list: insert worklog icon was not shown to the team in case of department assignment
- Gantt chart: many different fixes to preserve chart integrity
- Gantt chart: wrong label on “show todo list icon”
- Gantt chart: focus was lost once saved the last row
- Gantt chart: resize column now has a minimum width
- Gantt chart: in case of date discrepancy, only duration is recalculated and task start/end dates preserved
- Gantt chart: when a phase was moved preserving its level, the change was not detected
- Gantt chart: dependencies editor crashed
- Gantt chart: javascript error when dragging a phase out of the splitter area
- Gantt chart: print pdf did not show project history
- ToDos list: bulk actions crashed in case of new/unsaved ToDo
- ToDos list: default export excel crashed
- ToDos list: web links in the text were truncated
- Add sub-phase from a template launched an error on dates
- Plan: values inserted in the last day cell in rows were not loaded
- Plan: budget overflow feature was not checked when saving estimated worklog
- Chat: javascript error when creating a new one from workgroup popup
- Chat: it was no longer possible to insert a mention
- Admin section: subscription search crashed when lastMatchingDate filter was filled
- “Projects Summary” portlet: projects owned by logged operator were not shown when not assigned.
- “ToDos Summary By Assignee” portlet: wrong calculations in case logged user had administration privilegies
- Users with administration privilegies did not see private task ToDos, although assigned on it
- “My appointments” portlet: external events overwrote internal ones having the same time
- Full text search: private task ToDos were not excluded from results
- Task templates were not filtered according to area
- Export ToDos from project view: ToDos of sub-tasks were not exported
- ToDos planner: new resource’s ToDos were not loaded when “Unassigned filter” was active
- ToDos planner: add new resource did not show operator’s path
- Project costs table sometimes had a “Not a Number” javascript error
- Project costs and revenues analysis: find action did not filtered sub-phases too
- API: create person command did not set hourlyCost property
09 January 2024
- NPE assigning a department/company to a ToDo when the task assignment was not already created
14 December 2023
- Gantt chart: it is now possible to show/hide data editor columns
- Gantt chart: it is now possible to load a custom form in place of the chart
- Gantt chart: new print options implemented
- Gantt chart: added icon to list selected node’s todos
- Additional cost: added new boolean value “unexpected”
- Revenue: added new field “target”
- Added new lookup “Revenue classification”, referred by revenues
- ToDo impact: added “color” property
- Added a checkbox to make a todo comment not visible in project’s public page
- It is now possible to edit and change portlet, widget, custom form from within the application
- It is now possible to insert mention in task discussions
- API: added new command to task. “SetCustomFormData” allows to set values on custom form. It checks “document write” permission
- Custom forms: calculated fields are now supported
- Dashboard customization: it was possible to use widget of a different security area
- Enforced security checks in page and portlet actions
- Added new property CUSTOM_FEATURE_PROPOSE_TASK_TYPE_FROM_PARENT to propose on phases the same task-type of root/parent task
- Added new property CUSTOM_FEATURE_BUDGET_OVERFLOW_FORBIDDEN to bind estimated costs to budget
- Added new property CUSTOM_FEATURE_COST_OVERFLOW_FORBIDDEN to bind real costs to estimated ones
- Improved MsExcel export and added to Timesheet, Plan, Attendance overview and Timesheets overview
- Gantt chart: improved performances when loading or saving a project
- Gantt chart: improved keybord navigation
- OTP: Twproject administrator now can switch off users OTP key (just in case of cell phone loss)
- Worklog popup action field now loads the text of todos
- Project JSON export can now include todos
- Assignments can now be added from task cost section
- New “custom forms” implementation (for details see the guide
- Lookups editor’s behavior standardized
- When CUSTOM_FEATURE_WORKLOG_ROUNDING_TO property was setted, feedback messages were not displyed in case of rounding to zero
- Resource workload: added link to resource portfolio
- Task print: added a checkbox to hide costs
- Feedback messages popup: improved layout
- Operator load diagram: task color is used (if setted)
- ToDo history and comments: the complete date is shown on mouseover
- Revenue, additional costs, expenses and task reports: improved layout
- Apache ECharts JavaScript Library updated to last version
- BSH interpreter: improved performances
- ToDos list: search crashed in case of particular filters selection
- Portfolio: operator workload value was wrong
- Portfolio: operator workload icon did not scrolled to the right position
- Explain workload popup crashed when work daily capacity was zero
- Portfolio: assignments editor displayed an empty roles combo after a save
- WBS: when changing task status a wrong permission was checked
- WBS: it was not possible to add sub-phases despite having permissions (the icon was missing)
- Gantt chart: many fixes in milestones, dates and dependencies behavior
- Gantt chart: when a phase was moved preserving its level, the change was not detected
- Gantt chart: in case of a date change the popup for a note was no longer displayed
- When a todo was upgraded to task its worklogs were unhooked
- Calendar: external events were not synchronized when updated from external calendars
- Mobile: todos could not be closed when displayed in task editor
- NPE in department type editor in case of missing area
- Revenue list: search crashed in case of particular filters selection
- Background jobs sometimes changed incorrectly lastModified field
- In case of remarkable vertical scroll, worklog popup was displayed in a wrong position
- ToDo’s history sometimes displayed empty lines
- Javascript error when closing task image popup without saving
- PortfolioStatistics portlet crashed if its filter was no longer existing
- IssueSummaryByAssignee portlet crashed if its filter was no longer existing
- WorklogDay portlet: improved layout
- Task discussion: javascript error when trying to edit parent post
- Kanban: worklog icon disappeared after todo edit and save
- Task clone: in case of double-click two new projects were created
- Remote file: zip folder truncated file name
- Javascript error when deleting two chats one after the other
- Operator load diagram: the calculation was not precise in case of part-time work-plan
- Task discussion: post counter was not updated after a deletion
- Assignement: if role was changed all the subscriptions were deleted but not created accordingly to the new role
- When working with two or more instances on Twproject in the browser, timecounter sometimes registered worklog to the wrong todo
- Custom form: improved print layout
- Cost center list: search didn’t filter results
29 August 2023
- From now on it is possible to assign a department to a phase. All the team belonging to it can insert worklog on its assignments.
Each member of a department has its assignments listed in all UIs; this is no longer valid if someone has of personal assignment too on the same phase.
This is the default application behavior (no configuration needed). - It is now possible to view the workload of a department and plan working hours for it.
Its working capacity is given by the sum of its children working capacity (or its own if there are no children at all). - From now on all project phases inherit the ownership from parent.
- Cashflow: when costs and revenues haven’t a date, task end date is taken into consideration.
- Added new property CUSTOM_FEATURE_BUDGET_OVERFLOW_FORBIDDEN: when active it will not be longer possible to exceed the estimated budget (i.e. the sum of cost, estimated/real resource costs and so on cannot exceed it).
In particular:
– every children node cannot overflow its parent budget and, at the same time, the budget of a parent node cannot be lower than the sum of its children nodes budget.
– estimated cost cannot overflow the (remaining) budget, the real costs cannot overflow their estimates.
– personal expenses cannot overflow personal budget
At the same time a node budget cannot be changed to a value lower than what distributed or estimated. - Added new property CUSTOM_FEATURE_USE_REAL_RESOURCE_COST: always use the real resource cost on assignments.
When active, the assignment hourly cost field is disabled and the work cost is computed using the historical hourly cost (resource hourly cost at the time work was done).
Estimation is consequently computed using the historical hourly cost for what has already been done, and the current cost for the remaining part. - Added new property CUSTOM_FEATURE_WORKLOG_OVERFLOW_FORBIDDEN: when active users will not be able to exceed the estimated worklog on assignment, regardless the monetary budget.
Worklog with no estimate will be disabled. - Added new property CUSTOM_FEATURE_COSTS_INHERIT_COST_CENTER: when active all costs inherit the cost center from the corresponding phase.
- Added new property CUSTOM_FEATURE_USE_DISTINCT_COSTCENTER_PRJ_RES to use distinct cost center for projects and resources. If not setted nothing changes.
- Added new property CUSTOM_FEATURE_WORKLOG_ROUNDING_TO to round-off the worklog registration to ‘n’ minutes (the value inserted). Default 0 means no round-off.
- New permissions added to manage task budget, revenues and cost center; upgrade procedure automatically add the new permissions to all existing roles having cost permission.
- A sub-phase inherits, at creation, its parent cost center, if any; it can be changed later.
- Kanban: search in every single column implemented.
- Worklog insertion now stores resource hourly cost in order to compute the historical cost, i.e. the”real” cost at the time of insertion.
- Assignments list: print page now shows custom fields too (if any).
- Resource workload detail popup has now more summary information.
- Task having “undefined” status: phase progress is always setted to 0 and it is ignored in global project progress.
- Added new property CUSTOM_FEATURE_PROPOSE_TASK_TYPE_FROM_PARENT to propagate task type from parent to child node.
- API command DELETE for object Resource crashed.
- Under particular circumstances, if a task changed status from “completed” to “active”, relative assignments were not shown in UIs.
- Mobile: in the dashboard “my assignments” total was different from the actual elements listed.
- Mobile: many layout improvements.
- Task creation from template: wrong permission was checked.
- Resource workload: improved performances.
- Gantt dependecies editor didn’t show task start/end dates.
- Task list: searching for “Intersects the period” with invalid chars crashed.
- ToDos list: searching for “To do on” with invalid chars crashed.
- NPE in WBS in case of back button after filtering todos by tag.
- Kanban: todos order in each column is now preserved.
- WBS and resource editor launched a wrong conflict detection time when a new image was saved.
- Expired ToDos notification was sent too early on the scheduling day itself.
- Task start/end date alert delta crashed in case of uncorrect user input.
- WBS: meeting links caused a crash in agenda editor.
- Tooltip balloon had a wrong position, in case of scroll left.
- Print pages: the company logo didn’t appear in all interfaces.
- When role of the assignment was changes, relative subscriptions were not created.
For more details read our blog-post here >>
28 June 2023
This is mainly a bug-fix release.
- A child node could have a start date earlier than its parent when the latter had an external dependency.
This could cause, under particular circumstances, an high CPU usage - Timesheet: last day of month cell did not show inserted worklog
- In case of more than 99 child tasks, the (unique) code was not correctky created
- Portfolio: column ordering did not work once added an additional search filter
- Gantt chart: it was no longer possible to add a role to the assignment of a brand new node, until it was stored
- Task ToDo list: worklog editor was displayed under wbs column
- Task editor: javascript error trying to add a project image from any other tab than “Project data”
16 June 2023
This is mainly a bug-fix release that requires your attention.
- WARNING: MILESTONES CAN BE BREACHED!!! in case of dates changes were propagated from children to ancestors
- Task list: search for invoiced less than extimation crashes
- Task history do not record correctly the old status when new status has been changed according to status constraints
- Headline crashes when “Show only task where I’m involved to” checkbox is checked
- Gantt: js error in case of missing resource permissions
- API: NPE in case of new “create task” command without dates setted
- Task editor: changing dates. In case of dependencies across different project branches could lead to an exception
- Moving task, the status is preseved (if it respects status constraints) instead of inheriting status from parent.
4 May 2023
- Task public page: it was possible to publish project costs without having the “project/phase cost: write” permission
- Portfolio: now action saved checks “project/phase cost: write” permission on every single task involved
- Task custon forms: their visualization was hackable
- Resource editor, “Security/login” tab: now only administratos can disable an admin
- The upload temporary folder has been moved to a secured, not accesible position
- Gantt chart: all kind of task dependencies implemented
Finish to start (FS)
Finish to finish (FF)
Start to start (SS)
Start to finish (SF)
Lag supported for all types.
The use of these dependencies has logical consequences on date management in task editor
New types implementation is compliant with Twproject task statuses management - Conflict detection time has been introduced: now it is not possible to save an object (task and Gantt chart, task forms, ToDo, event, resource, document) if has been saved by someone else in the meanwhile
- Gantt chart: added assignee avatars
- Gantt chart toolbar: added back pan mode button and feature
- Task list: added complexity and having public page filters
- Todos list: added filter for todos having attachments
- Resource: in order to hide a company too, the Hidden (visible by admin only) checkbox has been moved in Work settings tab
- Friendly page implemented in case of missing object (NullPointerException)
- Log messages: added tooltip with date and hours
- Headline widget: new alert for “Invoiced below estimated”
- Task revenues list: added button to create invoiced from estimated data
- Admin panel advanced customization: added property CUSTOM_FEATURE_EXTERNAL_CALENDAR_REFRESH_TIME to specify the period to refresh external calendars
- Admin panel advanced customization: added property CUSTOM_FEATURE_DISABLE_WORKLOAD_DETAILS to disable workload details
- Worklog list: added todos type filter
- Resource plan and Todos planner: added agenda events row.
- Resource options: send appointments to my e-mail account now supports multiple e-mails
- Import task from MsExcel and JSON file: better feedback implemented as well as link to imported project
- Admin security panel: added checkbox to disable error reporting to external tracking system application
- Security area wizard: now is possible to reset all role permissions to factory configuration
- Twproject smart links (T#12#, I#123#, R#123# etc.) implemented in Kanban view, Planner, task discussions, Agenda meeting minutes
- Workgroup message: sender name is now displayed
- Agenda, show todos mode: ToDo’s estimated duration is now shown
- My Appointments widget: added option to show external events too
- Export buttons: they are re-enabled once the export is done (before it was necessary to refresh the page)
- Twproject internal bookmarks: implemented in worklog approval, timesheet, agenda (calendar), agenda editor (meeting view)
- Resource deletion redirects to its parent resource (if any) else to resource list
- All search list: secondary filters are hidden
- API: added task complexity filter
- API: added assignment priority
- Worklog analysis: added filters for project status, todo code, todo type and todo tags
- Worklog popup: textarea is now auto-size according to the text inserted
- Timesheet: added columns for total worklog done and other info
- Assignments list: added to total also worklog from unassigned todos
- Task: when changing dates to a phase having scheduled todos, an history record was not created to register the schedule changed
- Task editor: changing dates could cause wrong propagation to sub-phases with milestones
- Task editor: the page crashed following of a particular combination of tab browsing
- Task clone from template didn’t remove tag “template” from the cloned task
- Import task from MsExcel: in case of error interface wasn’t refreshed
- Gantt chart: the history balloon was displayed under the toolbar
- Gantt chart: it was possible to save different tasks with the same “unique” code
- Portfolio: when using budget filter an alert was displayed
- Portfolio: pagination sometimes crashed
- Todo editor: attachment deletion didn’t work
- Todos: when created from task public page the field Signalled on was not populated
- Todos: bulk move to a resource without an assignement crashed
- Todos summary portlets: counters didn’t add up exactly with what was shown on the landing page
- Kanban: when a new column was added the “Expanded view” checkbox was hidden
- Kanban: once a todo was saved the “expanded view” mode was not preserved
- Resource manager: it was possible to create a circular reference resulting in an application exception
- Resource editor: path to manager ordered correctly
- Resource editor: the last anagraphical data saved was setted as the default one
- Resource subscriptions: layout was broken by long task names
- Plan by task: “Reconcile/Fill plan” contextual menu didn’t work
- Agenda: in create editor popup the sace button stored two events when double clicked
- Agenda: when in monthly view mode, the header did not change monthly period correctly
- Agenda: recurrent events, once exported to Google Calendar, had infinite schedulation
- Agenda, show todos mode: the page was not refreshed once changed ToDo’s schedulation
- Admin panel advanced customization: once the max number of days allowed for inserting future worklog was setted to 0, insertion in current day was blocked too
- Admin panel, shared holidays configuration: wnen adding/removing holydays, distances in working days cache was not updated
- Bad formatting in presence of multi-lines feedfback errors
- Role editor: save action did not removed reference to no longer existing permissions
- Timesheet: in one week mode, the worklog details balloon was badly placed
- Worklog list: the change of date didn’t recompute denormalized fields and didn’t generate webhooks events
- Hint navigator: flickering fixed
- js load function in case of relative URLs crashed
- Event list: searching for an user’s default empty filter caused an exception
- Schedule composer yearly: wrong month displayed
- Expense list: search for tags crashed
- Mobile: worklog insertion is now possible when assigned
- Mobile: fixed js error when trying to save with mandatoruy fields missing
- Lookup deletion: in case of referential integrity error, the exception is friendly shown
- Ical import: fixed crash becouse of not-null property references
- API: command LIST for object Event, sorting by start or end crashed (Invalid path: schedule.start)
- API: command LIST for object Role, the field name was not includedd in response
- API: command LIST for object Expense, orderBy crashed
- API: command LIST for object Revenue, orderBy crashed
- API: command LIST for object Document, orderBy crashed
- API: command LIST for lookup crashed because of unsupported attributes (filters and orderBy)
20 January 2023
- Task types in multiples security area environments: users with area manager profile in one area different from the area he/she come from, could change area of types he/she come from without noticing it
- Project costs: estimate and real costs are now separated. It is possible to link costs to the estimate and monitor the % of coverage
- Revenues: estimate and invoices/real are now separated allowing to attach two distinct documents
- Revenues: are now allowed on phases and subphases setting the deepest level on advanced customizations
- Revenues: estimated and real value is now available on task list
- Revenues: the WBS icon is red (alert) if at today you invoiced less the estimated
- Task automatic progress by revenue; estimated/invoiced
- A new checkbox has been added on assignment editor in order to enable/disable the worklog and expenses recording (default is enabled)
- Public page: it is now possible to choose todo’s statuses exposed on the public page
- Task list printed version layout improved
- Private project icon has been added where necessary
- Task selection combo do not hide open tasks even if un-changed since a while
- Bulk assignments: “team of” filter now search on closed task too
- Smart links (T#123#, I#123#, R#123 etc.) produces a valid link that can be copied
- Mentions list now opens on the left menu-bar
- Notification list now opens on the left menu-bar
- Relative date labels (e.g. two months ago) now have a tooltip with the real date
- Operator load computation can be skipped using a parameter
- ToDo planner now supports a real fullscreen
- Account create notification memssage re-designed
- Workgroup/Team builder now allows companyies too
- Widget ToDo summary by assigne refined
- ToDO: attachements gallery now shos the document id
- Operator load has been refined in order to manage ToDo planned in the future but closed earlier
- Operator load has been refined in order to manage correctly recover over-planned hourse on assignments
- Task total costs are not updated coirrectly moving a phase from a project to another one
- Mobile version is not reacheable if AccessControlFilter is mapped on “*” (that is the new version of web.xml)
- Deleting a task do not remove task relations on SQLServer, no consequences, just junk
- Deleting a task do not remove designer data, no consequences, just junk
- Worklog menu on my assignment crashes in case of “name
task” - Task statistic do not resize charts correctly
- Lists: monkey clicking the search button can produce unexpected sorting results
- Project forum: layout fixed on image editor
- Gantt: double scrollbar on some screen resolutions
- Time rounding issues inserting in decimal mode (e.g: 0.01,0.02,0.03,0.04,0.05,0.06,0.07,0.08,0.09,0.1,0.33, etc.)
- Agenda: do not shows todo assigned to your department
- Profile: it is not possible to remove the avatare once uploaded
- Forum: post notification contains an invalid link
- Worlog list: missing encoding
- ToDo planner: open/close of resource column break the size of the board
- WBS collaps butten scrolls in case of scrollbar
- Gantt: save do not refresh WBS data
- Mobile: todo edito in case of long description hide the upload attachment button
- Mobile: error on log list
- Public page add ticket: set a max lenght on email field
- Public page: additional comment is not created when answering to e customer comment using email
- Custom fields of type “Persistent file” are encoded twice, see html tags instead of field value
- API fulltext search calls: NPE in case of no results
- Import from Ical could generate a NPE
- Agenda manage permission: some buttons are enable even if should not and lead to security exception message
- Several labels fixed
25 November 2022
- SEVERE: Todo in private projects was visible by administrators, users with a global permission and resource managers
- Private projects/tasks was visible by the manager of a resource in a specific case: the “manager” should not be administrator and the system role “manager” must have the “task read” permission
- Tomcat JSESSIONID no longer visible in url during login phase
- File storage: on-the-fly search enabled
- Upload: when fails wrong feedback messages
- Resource planning layout
- Licence validation on restart sometime fails with invalid dates
- Timesheet: error adding a new assignemnt on list
- Project revenue: charts missing
- Postgresql: resource subscriptions page crashes
15 November 2022
- SEVERE! User session mixed-up, apparently, in case of long-standing sessions. This vulnerability seems somehow related to Tomcat (CVE-2021-43980). Twproject version 7.1.000 only is affected
- Login cookie is set “secure” in https installations
- JSONP calls is now set to “application/javascript”
- Resource list: phone numbers are click-able
- Advanced customization filtering
- Some labels improvement
- Error moving assignments from resource page
- Attendance overview: legenda was partially hidden
2 November 2022
- SEVERE! LDAP authenticate user passing an empty password. This is related on LDAP/AD server configuration. Only Twproject versions from 7.0.009 to 7.0.013 are subjected to this vulnerability
- SEVERE! duration fields allows code injection. Twproject versions from 7.0.000 to 7.0.013 are subjected to this vulnerability
- Several Content Security Policies (CSP) has been enabled
- SameSite Attribute added on JSESSIONID. META-INF folder added on web application structure
- CSP: unsafe-eval. All “eval” usages removed
- Myself system role do not have agenda related permission
- API: Access-Control-Allow-Origin header added in state-less call only
- JQuery UI 1.12 vulnerabilities CVE-2021-41184, CVE-2021-41183, CVE-2021-41182 solved using version 1.13
- Websocket: do not accept connection without user logged
- All ajax controllers accept POST message only
- Commands SAVE, DELETE, and DELETE_PREVIEW accepted on POST messages only
- Mentions: it is now possible to mention your colleagues on chat messages, todo comments, task updates, worklog, agenda events
- Resource selector dropdown has a new amazing UI
- Task selector dropdown has a new amazing UI
- It is now possible to configure Content-Security-Policy headers
- ToDo assigned to your department are NOW considered YOUR. No more lost ones
- Headline widget: allows to restrict messages from project where I’m directly involved
- Hints: new hints added
- Create an agenda event from the Todo editor
- Department’ todos are included on todo summary widget and SLA
- Public page: todo list grouped by status
- Bulk operation: click on selector supports now “shift” key for partial selection
- Project list: edit and delete button added
- Attached image overview in balloon
- Todo planner: expanded view added
- Advanced customization: a new powerful and self-documented editor is now available
- API: documentation improved
- Task import from excel: error feedback improved
- Worklog day widget has been re-designed
- ToDo comment editor re-designed
- Agenda time scroll disabled until full-loaded
- Project cost editor: UI improved
- Several labels added/improved
- Scheduler editor improved
- Gantt: role list order on assignment editor changed
- Gantt: on save refresh statuses on wbs
- Code cleanup
- My link widget re-designed
- My appointments widget improved
- Login-name field now supports very long name
- Cache control header improved on img and css
- Resource editor: colleagues box limited in height in case of big teams
- Gantt: create todo on new assignment, refresh data immediately
- Project clone: added flag for active task only
- Project image upload made easy
- Hints: improved
- ToDo list: number of attachment is now a button. Click on it to upload new files
- Excel exports full version now uses native types for dates, numbers and money
- Gantt pdf export: assignments representation refined
- Fullscreen is now browser-native
- Phone numbers are now clickable
- Several small layout improvements
- Multiple click on “create to-do” buttons tamed, and “deadlock error” resolved
- Worklog approval by resource: crashes on multiple security areas environment
- Worklog approval by resource: several error fixed
- Worklog approval by task: several error fixed
- Agenda: removing an event of your team crashes
- Portfolio statistics: do not refresh correctly task rows when changing the filter and searching again
- ToDo full editor: crashes on multiple security areas environment
- Task editor, assignments tab: sorting columns reveals a gray row
- Todo list: it is not possible to clear impact value on bulk operation
- Revenue: custom fields are not saved
- Revenue: adding/changing a revenue do not refresh totals
- Add assignments bulk add one line at time
- Fulltext search: setting a period do not work
- Agenda: modifing an existing event do not refresh values on screen
- Daily recurrent events/todos with “working days only” and a number of repetition set creates a wrong number of events
- Custom forms: show “some unsaved data” saving the task
- Project public page: opening a ticket do not send email notification
- NPE in worklogList.jsp
- Agenda: changing the start hour do not work well
- Agenda: allows to create weekly event without a day set
- Mobile: resource, edit, save. A new edit do not work
- Portfolio: saving the assignments are not visible anymore
- Portfolio: cannot add new assignment
- Agenda: editing an event with multiple attendees change the current filter
- My documents widget: setting a wrong value hide the widget forever
- WBS assignment list: removing a worklog do not refresh values
- Portfolio do not have an horizontal scroll
- API: don’t show cost even if user has permissions
- Todo editor: adding a worklog causes an error if todo’s description contains an apex
- Plan: z-index and css issues solved
- My Todo widget do not ask worklog closing from full editor
- Kanban: error moving todo without subject
- Meeting minute: require confirm on leaving page even if correctly saved
- Error message alert on field layout fixed
- User score race issue with hsqldb
- WBS: NPE catched and recorded internally instead of “Ooops..”
- Hidden users, should not appear on workgroup composer
- Duration fields do not support 10d anymore
- Portfolio crashes if no task filtered
- Kanban and organizer do not inherit todo description recording worklog
- Expense list: searching for type crashes
- API: do not check correctlu “OneOf” types
- Random logout after several minutes of un-usage (tomcat session expire time: 15m)
- Several small layout fixes
04 August 2022
- ToDo created by email do not send notification to requester
- Public page: NPE when customer add comments
- NPE commenting a ToDo created by public page
- Cleanup, labels, images
18 July 2022
- Bulk roles management tool: a manager of one security area can see and manage resources from every area.
This issue affects the role management tool in multi-area environment only.
- Task import from Excel
- Revenue list page has ben added
- Task export to Excel (full version) several columns added (baselines, costs etc)
- Tags: you can define a color for each tag
- Hints: now supports video tutorial
- Worklog approval page has been restored
- Portfolio statistics page: summarizes info from a filter-defined set of projects/tasks
- Excel export. Dates and number from custom fields are now in the correct format
- Resource editor: manager drop-down do not shows yourself
- From the ToDo Detailed View directly jump to the related Task/Project editor
- Kanban: ToDo preview now shows tags, type, and impact
- Area: for better performances now implements permission caching
- Worklog list: change statu has been re-introduced with a new, performant, component
- My Assignments widget: add worklog and start time counters added
- Resource editor: my managers hierarchy computed from the organization chart
- Gantt: setting a branch name as empty, do not remove the branch anymore
- ToDo: upload file progress bar has been added
- Add ToDo from menu: gravity is now set as Medium
- Kanban: columns and size are now saved with the filter
- Upload of .dwg is now supported
- ToDo editor: ID is now visible in the editor
- Several labels improved
- Multi security area. After assigning a ToDo to a new assignee in an area that differs from the user ones, rise and exception
- Multi security area. After changing the task of a ToDo (tasks from different areas), rise and exception
- Kanban: closing a ToDo and inserting the work done, crashes
- ToDo planner: closing a ToDo and inserting the work done, crashes
- Agenda: schedule editor allows to create events with start > end
- Monthly recurrent events: do not keep the date and the recurrency type
- Gantt: in case of deletion of a sub-task, it is visible after “save” eve if it has been correctly deleted
- Add task from template: ignores the end date
- Worklog management: bulk operations crash
- Bulk assignment: do not empty the filter correctly
- Expenses: managers cannot manage expenses of other resources; only theirs
- Postgers: error showing the “users score race” widget
- Chat: removing a chat the menu is not refreshed correctly
- Document list: saving a doc do not refresh the list
- ToDo list: do not preserve the view options
- ToDo print crashes is some cases
12 May 2022
This version is mainly an hotfix release to solve a major issue introduced on 7.0.009 regarding phases creation using Gantt.
Save action could reports a not existing error, that lead the user to save again and create multiple copies of just create phases.
What previously planned for 7.0.010 will be released on 7.0.011
- API: assignment list shows hourly cost and budget
- Assignment list: now supports sortable columns
- Assignment list: operators load lind added
- Additional markup: use “++” for bigger text e.g.:++text++ text
- Additional markup: “—….-” becomes a separator
- Some fixes on popup windows/messages positioning
- Multiple areas: message error for discording areas properties improved
- .DWG files are now considered as downloadable instead of just IMG
- Gantt: saving with new phases generates a non-existing error
- Chat: in case of multiple browser tab opens do not initialize correctly the component
- Tag on filters: now supports correctly QBE in case of single tag search
- Tag on filters: tag in OR (A|B) now supports correctly QBE (tag in AND (A,B) doesn’t)
- Menu: in case of multiple browser tabs, switching on the time counter in one tab, will hide the menu on other tabs
29 April 2022
Two main changes that could effect integrations:
2) API: “id” parameter on “get” and “list” is integer for every object. On previous versions it was string or integer depending on objects
- Manage favorites page has been secured (requires login). CK parameter (MD5 password+username+salt hash) was weak
- Workgroup editor: permissions checks has been re-designed
- Agenda Icalendar servlet: CK parameter (MD5 password+username+salt hash) was weak.
- DoS attack detection is now available. Can be activated from the admin security panel
- Login has been re-disigned in two steps. 1)login name 2)password. Eventually 3)TOTP
- Multi factor authentication enabled via Time One Time Password (TOTP). See here for details:
- Task list: new filter by “changed from baselines”
- Task list: cost center column is now available
- Project costs page: resource and costs columns are now sortable
- Project public page: new “show ToDo also from phases” is now available
- My ToDo widget: expanded view option added
- Import from json task list: is now possible to choose if import into a single root or on multiple roots (one for each task)
- It is now possible to inject a custom js on every page using CUSTOM_FEATURE_ADDITIONAL_JS_SCRIPT
- API: “id” parameter is now an integer for every object
- Email and ToDo: email attachment are now fully supported (both attached or enbedded)
- “You have new assignment” notification improved
- User score race allows you to select your team
- Delete preview layout enhanced
- Radio button custom field layout
- Meeting: print button enabled
- Timesheet: movement buttons do not work correctly when daylight saving occurs in the middle
- Attachment icon on project costs document is now visible
- API: ancestors ids added on task and resources json representation
- Kanban layout improved with extended view, new field on preview, etc.
- Custom fields: logged operator is now available for BSH conditional checks
- Create project from template now accepts a new code
- Switching from task list to gantt view (portfolio) now preserves the filter
- Task list: project healy visible as heatbar instead of %
- Project summary by customers: performance improved by x20
- Hints: z-index refined
- Event listener matcher: performance improved by adding several missing indexes
- Worklog list: layout improved in case of very long description
- Tags search was case sensitive on PostgreSql
- Task overview: minutes of work done/estimated are now visible. It was badly rounded
- Widget “todo created by me” now supports expanded view
- Dashboards: in case of broken widget an error is displayed in-place instead of being redirect to “Ooops..” page
- Import project form mpx/json: waiting load message improved
- ToDo list bulk action: add tag now use a tag box input
- Full-text search now proposed the last search done with results
- Confirm box position improved
- Worklog export now log usages (INFO level) and ignores double clicks (it could lead to high cpu usages and DB deadlocks)
- Worklog lis: avatar images added on every line
- Chat: several small improvements
- ToDo planner: ToDos saved retain their original position instead of being moved to the end
- Projects Pipeline widget layaout is now compatible with Firefox
- Dashboard: widget loader icon is displayed while loading
- API Task get, list commands: root id is now available on json response
- Project custom forms: if only one is available do not show the menu but a button
- Several layout issue fixed
- Several labels fixed
- 500 Servlet error editing a document with non-existing file
- Access control filter: when intercepts a JSON call un-autenticatd, redirect to login in a badly way
- Agenda: a personal event shared with multiple attendees is visible to the author only
- Changing password should not log of your current session
- Chat: messages do not keep the line breaks
- Chat: creating ToDo from chat log do not preserve new lines
- Create ToDo from discussion: Title and Description are both required. Only one of two is mandatory
- Document lists crashes for not-administrator users
- Document uploaded on documents and custom form are not immediately visible
- Error adding ToDo on a just-created task from the WBS
- Event listener matcher: removes duplicated messages even if are not really “duplicates”
- Expired task closer job generates NPEs
- Full text search crashes in case of discussion points
- Gantt: removing a dependency from the graph side do not refresh status
- Gantt: from root “insert below” and the “insert above” lock the button bar
- Gantt: removing a phase and changing other tasks lead to view “gost” phases when saving
- Gantt: it is possible to drag task with dependency even if the previous task has milestones
- Kanban: layout problem with fixed columns and preview
- Kanban: it is possible to insert worklog on not assigned resources. This lead to error editing worklog
- Permission required error raised on admin account using workgroup editor and saved filters
- Project clone: sometime there is a “null” into the new code
- Project discussions: once you select a thread clicking on WBS lead to a NPE
- Switching to Japanes or Russian languages lead to js errors
- Tag organizer: it is not possible to rename a tag from “tAg” to “tag”
- Tag on filter: do not work fine in case of multiple areas
- Tag organizer: crashes when used by an “Area manager” in a multi-area environment
- Task list: do not show the declared baseline, but the one computed from task history
- Todo: error while assigning a resource on some misconfigured tasks (coming from very old TW version imports)
- ToDo: if a new assignment notification appears saving the ToDo, the link is broken
- ToDo attachments gallery: in case of downloadable files the layout is broken
- Widget: automatic imports from default path only, not the customer one
- Widget “My ToDo”: change status do not work
- Widget “Generic reports” crashes
11 March 2022
- Disabling a user, login cookie is invalidated as well
- Workgroup composer: resource read permission checked
- “Areas for permissions” function now considers also areas inherited by assignments
It is not longer necessary to have global cross-area roles while filtering data.
Having a wide impact filtering on list pages, in order to keep performance, a permission-areas cache has been introduced - Reset password link now expires after 15 minutes
- Default project file storage restored.
This allows you to duplicate the project structure with folders in a remote file system - ToDo list: new filter available for work overflow (done>estimated)
- Project public page: ToDo list shows “to be done on” column as well
- Budget custom fields added on exports where missing
- Project public page now shows ToDo title
- Task list: sort by budget
- WBS cost tab: custom fields re-designed
- WBS cost tab: filter enabled
- WBS: better support for huge task names
- Worklog list page: performances improved
- Link to resources added on assignment lists
- Link to resources from timesheet
- Project clone: new codes generation improved
- Kanban: on-the-fly todo preview restored
- Event minuta: link to documents
- Tag searches: single tag query optimized for performances
- ToDo list: if it is not sortable, drag handler is now hidden
- Cannot remove an assignment to a resource with assigned ToDos
- Workgroup saved filter added on workgroup-based pages (Agenda, operator load, plan etc.)
- In case of multiple areas, the area name is displayed on lookup combos
- Mobile: time selector with better layout
- ToDo list: better layout for description data
- Plan weekly view: better layout
- Custom fields: in case of wrong definition is now hidden instead of crashing
- QBE help: some glitches fixed
- Several labels improved
- Performances: readonly access used listing objects
- Several indexes added on tables for better performances
- Tags: unique indexes added on tag – task/resource/todo/issue relation tables
- Installer: distribution file size reduced
- Lock exception by stopping a time counter by clicking on a different one
- My ToDo summary crash in case of tasks without assignments
- Chat duplicates randomly messages on Firefox
- Filter for empty values (QBE “//” and “()”) on lookup entities do not work correctly
- Workgroup composer: do not save filters correctly
- Agenda events list: dates filter do not work correctly
- WBS Todo list: print do not work
- Cross-area lookup (area=null) are not shown on smart combos
- Kanban: the function area is sortable. It should not
- Timesheet: double click on the cells open multiple editors
- Issue planner: refreshing the page the header disappears
- Issue planner: multiple click on search button do something strange
- WBS: NPE following old links with TASK_ID parameter
- Timesheet with lots of rows: exception clicking on timebar
- Custom field with smart combo do not fill with the selected value
- WBS: document drag&drop do something strange when open a file repository
- Remote file system (windows) uses “\” on path definition instead of “/” and this generates invalid links
- User scores builder not robust in case on invalid json definition
- Timesheet: on-the-fly added rows are not active
- Websocket NPE changing user default email in som cases
- Project list: Excel full export wrong translation
- MySQL8: “lag” reserved word has been re-introduced
- Color value chooser: in case of multiple areas some html is in the description
03 February 2022
- Gantt: assignment editor now behaves correctly on role list. You will see/modify only the ones you can manage. The previous implementation was too strict
- Meeting: minute was not modifiable for user with “Agenda manage” permission
- Part multimedia files: the old features that support .jsp files inclusion has been removed
- Full text search improved. Reindex is suggested
- Full text search now supports date filters
- Tags: search now supports wildcards
- Kanban: now supports compact and extended view
- Kanban: card has been integrated with id, links,
- Kanban: now you can add worklog from the card
- ToDo planner: layout improved and 1,2,3 weeks view selection
- Gantt pdf export: you can choose one or two pages layout. Single page is meant for video presentation ore share. Two pages is optimized for printing
- Operator load: work done today is ignored to avoid “partial” results
- Not active cost centers must be hidden on editor but not on filters
- Resource list: filter by cost center
- Menu issue: keep filter if you change page, but reset it to default if you click the same link
- Menu add: add new ToDo do not require global permission anymore
- Job scheduler: estimated duration has been removed. Eventually use timeout
- ToDo editor: add worklog button has been re-introduced
- Kanban: in case of multiple areas, the area name is shown in the column header, and D&D rollback in case of cross-area operations
- ToDo list: filter now supports search for empty Impact
- Project discussions: the number of replies has been reintroduced
- Multiple areas: drop down now shows the area name
- ToDo full editor: id is now more visible
- API: Get and FIND command enabled for Deletion Logs objects
- Task create from template: some option was missing with respect to clone function
- Resource cost center not saved when null
- Task statistics: cost beat failure in case of project end after last cost date
- Full text search: cannot find name with numbers e.g.: T3st
- Project import from json: import correct, but crash at the end
- Cash flow: last value is doubled
- Job scheduler: in vary rare case when two jobs starts exactly at the same millisecond, a “race” event could happen causing high cpu usage
- API: Person and Company json representation show invalid lastModified, creator, creationDate, lastModifier
- Chat: if you create tow chats for the same project, you cannot access that project anymore
- Resource name-surname or surname-name selection is reset at every restart
- Attendance overview: color issue
- WBS: adding new task from wbs when CUSTOM_FEATURE_SHRINK_PARENT is set causes error
- ToDo list: file upload sometime append to a wrong ToDo
- Time counter: if you star a new one, when a old one is running, sometime do strange things
- Custom fields: in case of short field length definition fails
- Worklog move: wrong permissions check: too strict
- Worklog: when generated from time counter Cost center and hourly cost are not set
- Kanban: attachment links do not work
- Short links T#…# do not work on sticky notes
- ToDo planner and Kanban cards now uses the same layout
- Kanban: after drag the card data have to be refreshed
- Kanban: column counter is not refreshed in case on invalid drag
- Twproject installer: SQLServer test do not work in case of instance name without port specified
- Custom fields: “root only” flag do not work
- Remote file S3: do not work for obsolete libraries
- Disabled portlets are still visible on dashboard but cannot be edited
- ToDo list full Excel export wrong labels
- Timesheet: in some cases clicking on cells open multiple editor in wrong position and stop working
16 December 2021
- CVE-2021-44228: the Log4j version used in Twproject was not affected by this vulnerability.
We released a patched library that solves CVE-2021-45046, CVE-2019-17571, CVE-2017-5645 - Disabling a user force now a logout
- Resource hourly cost changes are now stored.
- Resource cost centers can be used for filtering expenses and worklog
- Worklog records keep the hourly resource hourly cost and cost center at the insertion time
- Fulltext search now allows you to search, task, To-do, resources etc. separately
- Cost center has now a dedicated editor
- Worklog filtering supports multiple statuses
- Worklog filtering by resource cost center
- Cost center added on project costs
- Mobile: fulltext search implemented by default
- API: fulltext search support added
- API: support for Document “list” and “get” commands
- API: lastModified and creationDate filters added for “list” command on Cost, Expense, Revenue, Issue, Resource, Document, Worklog
- Kanban: performances improved in case of thousands of cards
- Task statistics: now uses task dates boundaries for charts. Layout improved.
- Portfolio statistics: layout improved
- The featured that keep the last search has been removed….
- Portlet “my plan” now allows to choose the number of day displayed
- Portlet “my appointments” now allows to choose the number of day displayed
- API: cost center added
- API: get/set json data fro task, issue, resource
- Database connections in readOnly where possible for better performances
- Several list pages: refresh list content closing the popup editor
- To-do list: preserve expanded view mode between sessions
- Tags with “-” are badly managed
- Fulltext: keep last search done
- Fulltext: now search for codes and smart links
- Mobile: sevaral UI improvements
- Issue planner: several issues for the same day causes graphical overlaps
- Version 6 compatibility: some missing pages now redirect to wbs
- LDAP integration: creating a user not in LDAP causes NPE
- Excel export for very large files reaches the maximum styles available
- Scrum: sprint generation fails if the resource is not allowed to login
- Custom fields: boolean type are now visible again in read mode
- Time bars (agenda, timesheet, plan, operator load, to-do planner): keep period when going back/forward
- LDAP user import: better feedback and NPE solved
- Role combos: do not consider report permissions. In some cases several roles are hidden
23 November 2021
- ToDo Service Level Agreement (SLA) widget. You can define your level basing on ToDo gravity
- ToDo list: you can opt-in the expanded view
- List pages: a “gear” button allows you to customize the view
- Kanban cards: attached files are now opened in gallery
- Selector for local roles do not check for report permissions
- Project launcher: security exception raised assigning themselves
- Mobile: links on messages are now open in mobile app
- Wizard menus enlarged
- ToDo list has been compacted
- Messages, Events, Subscriptions editors has been re-designed
- Mobile: sticky and logs added to menu
- Worklog list: column size optimized
- Public page gantt: locked buttons has been hidden
- Attachment gallery: counter added and optimized size
- Expenses are not included on totals
- Public page: error commenting a ticket
- Job editor layout fixed
- Upgrade procedure cleanup: checks for removing very-very old unused tables
- Project type editor, do not allowed changes
- Custom fields label resized
- Login NPE when no default page set at user and global level
- Tag boxes: in case of multiple lines in edit do not open correctly
- Kanban: pn/un-pin fixed
- Wrong link on notifications fixed
- Project progress report was not visible on task editor
- Task short-path do not work correctly
- Several missing labels added
12 November 2021
- Kanban: is now possible to organize it by ToDo “type”
- Kanban: each column show the number of ToDo contained
- Kanban: always preserves gravity,manual sorting fo ToDO
- Kanban: always uses alphabetical order for columns
- ToDo list: view has been compacted
- WBS: add phases is now easier to use
- Assignments: project launchers (project create permission) must be allowed to auto-assign as PM
- ToDo: in case of r/o permissions the “add” button is visible. The action correctly rise a permission exception
- Account creation: a “create login” button facilitate the process
- Kanban: D&D between columns do not change gravity
- Kanban: link to project added as icon
- Mobile: several resource data are now displayed
- Mobile: ToDo added type, impact, code and requester
- Mobile: several screes re-designed
- Fulltext search: tool restyled
- MS Project import: tool restyled
- All filters: it is now possible to search for un-filled types, tags etc using “[]” operator
- ToDo list: database id added
- Logged users widget: date added if needed
- Chat: add emoticon preserves cursor position
- Upgrade from previous versions: several error fixed
- Several error fixed on generated messages links
- Assignment split: error after splitting
- NPE on task-related aggregated email messages
- MS Project import: xml format fixed
- Mobile: back click fixes
- Mobile: first login fixed
- Mobile: a just created resource was not visible
- Timesheets: ignore the first day appointments
- Timesheets: cannot remove a single log
- Kanban: a double search do magih things
- My assignemts widget rise exception in some cases
- Meeting minuta: in some cases loose data modified
- Safari & Firefox: some buttons do not work correctly
21 October 2021
- Revenues: a new diagram is available
- New widget: My ToDo Summary. If you work with several ToDo at once it is a great replacement for “My ToDo”
- ToDo: do not check write permission for attachment remove
- Project Manager permissions on worker expenses restored
- Actions confirm is “floating” instead of stay close to button
- Several labels added/improved
- Popup editor size now fits the content better
- Menu: sometime double click do not work
- Dashboard customization: drag & drop improved
- Kanban: board size is now best fitting
- File storage: auto refresh when added on list
- Additional option bars now have a uniform style
- API: example on documentation improved
- Gantt: in case of deleting multiple lines and “undo” the deleted tasks are not removed from database
- Agenda integration: removing an event generated outside Twproject (Google calendar, Outlook etc.) do not remove the corresponding event in Twproject
- Twproject installer. Windows service name conflict with version 6 fixed
- Version check in Twproject admin page fixed
- Socket error raised sometime refreshing the page
- Tag boxes do not support read-only
- Tag boxes do not support resize correctly
- Agenda month: previous, next month do not work correctly
- Assignment split can cause a 404 error
- Portfolio statistics now checks the filter set
- Project image now checks the size
- Personal To-Do “done” checks< do not works correctly/li>
- Plan by task: “show work load details” button restored
- Kanban: in case of no To-Do rise e NaN
- ToDo planner: print is not working
- Lookups editors: mandatory field checks added
- Timesheet: if you change the resource and then perform a bulk action, cells are refreshed with logged data, not the select resource
- Move worklog: selecting twice a task generate an error
- Time counters check: in some case do not stop correctly
- WBS document counter: on MSSQL upgrade TW6->TW7 causes a wrong count
- Query By Example: if you write something invalid on a date field cause an error
- Mobile: expense editor attachment do not work
27 September 2021
This is a completely re-designed version. Tons of new features has been added.
A new license is required to use Twproject 7. Contact us at to convert your current license.
Several performance enhancements are now in place.
From the point of view of system compatibility Twproject now runs on JDK8+.
All java libraries has been updated to the latest version.
The newer versions of supported databases, are now available.
Here is an abstract of main changes:
- Completely new UI
- WBS integrated in project overview
- New statistics with Echarts library
- Custom forms integration in wbs
- Complexity, Risk and Project Value assessment forms
- WBS with alerts for dates, cost, resource workload, costs
- New section for revenues and cash flow
- The new “spot” assignment type for projects
- Gantt-Resource workload integration
- Gantt task end date suggestion
- New Tags with tag cloud and a powerful editor (tags rename, merge, delete etc.)
- Automatic task coding with user defined format (e.g. TYPE###YY-MM)
- Issue has been renamed to To-Do
- To-Do can be recurrent
- To-Do subject added
- New powerful Kanban
- New To-Do planner
- You can record time spent on To-Do starting a timer
- To-Do comments: you can attach comments
- Lists: most of then supports additional columns
- Users usage statistics with weight panel and widget
- New search engine with new UI and fields scores for better results
- Delete preview with complete element counts and strong confirm
- Lists and filters: new design with intuitive UI
- Security: private projects. Visible to assignees only (no even the admin)
- Security: Banned IPs management
- Security: teams propagation. A PM with no additional permission can assign resources at the same level
- Deletion log enhanced
- New intuitive recurrent events editor
- JDK8+ and OpenJDK compatibility
- DB compatibility with MS-SQLServer 2019, MySQL 8, Postgresql 13, Oracle 19, Hsqldb 2.6
- Latest Hibernate
- API: more commands available
- Project baselines are now explicitly editable
- Workflow engine removed
- Cost center moved from assignment to task
- New summary widgets available
- Query By Example: on date fields you can use “w(2)” or “m(5)” for the second week or the fifth month of current year
- Assignment statistics are now available
- Resource hourly cost can be inherited from department/company
- Permissions propagation: cannot assign with a roles that has more permissions than you
- Agenda management permissions added on system roles
- API: stronger key required. Old keys are not longer valid. You must re-generate a new one
- Public page: meetings can be visible
- Public page: documents can be visible
- Task recode tool: now do it better!
- File storage list do not wait for connection
- Database schema simplified
- Signed pdf support .p7m
- Attachment galleria show any “visible”
- Resource name-surname or surname-name selection
- Attendance overview anhanced
- API dates fields: now supports both milliseconds or text representation in user format
- Gantt: PDF export has now a better formatting
- Timesheets: now available in 1,2,3 weeks and monthly views
- Gantt: wrong week count
- In case o LDAP authentication, users cannot change password from inside TW