How to choose a project management software

What are the main reasons to choose a good project management software, and how to do that? Let us look at this topic in detail. Using a project management software is a versatile way to simplify the process of managing any project. It helps to unify the work process on one or more projects. This … Continue reading “How to choose a project management software”

Optimize your company to-do list with Twproject

Organizing your to-do list can be challenging for a project manager, especially in large business environments. Every day, project managers have to tackle countless tasks that need to be accomplished. But how do they manage to accomplish all that needs to be done? The answer may be simpler than you think: create a”to do list.” … Continue reading “Optimize your company to-do list with Twproject”

Inclusivity and project management: core values

Inclusivity and project management are ever-evolving domains. Human resource management plays a significant role in project success. Inclusivity is critical in efficiently leading a team and achieving its goals in an ever more interconnected global environment. In this article, we cover the importance of inclusivity in project management by analyzing the core values that underlie … Continue reading “Inclusivity and project management: core values”

How to calculate work hours in a project

CONTENT Time Tracking: 5 reasons why it is crucial in project management 1. Track and estimate work time 2. Helps bill suppliers correctly 3. Helps better manage project teams 4. Helps create a work record How to track hours worked Pen and paper Digital clock Time tracking software Calculate hours worked on a project: choose … Continue reading “How to calculate work hours in a project”

Corporate change: the 8 reasons that cause difficulties and resistance

Today, the resistance to change in the company is a very important, and the same time delicate, subject. In fact, in business, it is assumed that – big or small – organizations must change to remain competitive and survive in an ever-changing market. However, facing this (big) change leads to face resistance barriers. There are … Continue reading “Corporate change: the 8 reasons that cause difficulties and resistance”

The Most Effective Strategy to Estimate Projects

Estimate projects correctly is a difficult task that every project manager has to face. It doesn’t matter if you estimate in order to evaluate resource work load (time/effort estimation) or just to create customers’ offer (cost estimation), the problem is just the same. How can I predict exceptions, delay, bottle necks and create an estimate … Continue reading “The Most Effective Strategy to Estimate Projects”

Scrum With Twproject for SEO & Digital Marketing

I recently read a very interesting post about how to use Scrum methodology in a SEO & Digital Marketing Team. The post has been written by Marcus Miller (@marcusbowlerhat) and you can read it here: Using agile project management for SEO & digital marketing This post gives me the idea to write a new one … Continue reading “Scrum With Twproject for SEO & Digital Marketing”

How to Introduce Project Management Software & Succeed

One of the biggest challenges, a project manager can face in a new team, is to change things for the better and let this changes take effect without the resistance of the team. One of the most frequent examples is when a project manager decides to introduce a new tool for project management. This moment … Continue reading “How to Introduce Project Management Software & Succeed”

How To Manage Distributed Teams – Sharing is Caring

These days, companies has to face an ever growing need for dynamic teams, shared groups of people working together through the internet. This need increases hand by hand with the difficulty of managing team dynamics and project updates. For this reason, using conventional software like Microsoft project, built for managing projects in their best case scenario with … Continue reading “How To Manage Distributed Teams – Sharing is Caring”

5 Secrets to Improve Your Meeting

Work meetings can be stressful and often perceived as a waste of time for your whole team. Finding the best moment, coming with a clear idea of the meeting purpose, taking important decisions, define a project’ plan and all designated resources: all these points can decide if your meeting will be a complete failure or a success. If … Continue reading “5 Secrets to Improve Your Meeting”

We need to talk: collaboration trends and mistakes to avoid

Companies becoming “liquid”, teams spread over thousands kilometers: workspace has changed, it is wider and faster. This is the reason why you need the right collaboration tools to… make the work work! Collaboration tools: what is happening right now It has already happened and it is happening. Despite being a big, medium or small company, … Continue reading “We need to talk: collaboration trends and mistakes to avoid”

Murphy’s Law VS Remote Collaboration

Anything that can go wrong, will go wrong. Even when you work remotely. No fear: this post is about how to save the day! Anything that can go wrong, will go wrong: these are supposed to be the words of Edward Aloysius Murphy Junior (1918 – 1990), words that became an ante – litteram meme … Continue reading “Murphy’s Law VS Remote Collaboration”

Work environment and Papuasian tribes: how to solve team conflicts

You can think of open space offices and flame mails, but team conflicts are a little bit older than that: Cain and Abel, you know..? Since that time we learned the lesson: conflicts can destroy a team.

Teamwork’s team releases a new service for helping companies change

We just released a new (free) online service for facilitating change in companies, groups, teams: it’s called Your Change Manifesto, and you can use it online here: The service idea is heavily inspired by several of Teamwork bootcamps, experiencing the difficulties and opportunities innovative managers find in introducing change.

Teamwork 4.5 released: a major free upgrade

We are really happy to announce this major release update. As you may guess from the length of this announcement, this update will improve your Teamwork in almost every section, providing more modeling tools and functions. The web browsers’ enhanced capacities (in particular those of Firefox, Safari and Chrome) are used in depth to give … Continue reading “Teamwork 4.5 released: a major free upgrade”