Twproject per il no-profit
Grazie alla sua politica di licenze scontate dedicate alle organizzazioni non-profit, Twproject ha tra i suoi clienti alcune tra le più importanti organizzazioni a scopo benefico.
- ACP, America college of physicians, USA
- Asi…nunCamas, Spain
- Camfed International, Girls’ Education and Women’s Empowerment in Africa, U.K.
- Children’s Center of Wayne County, USA
- Computer Professionals’ Union, Philippines
- CNTA, Advanced Transport, Canada
- Context Institute, Washington
- Dada, Dads against dirty air, Canada
- Emerald Coast Wildlife Refuge (ECWR), USA
- Fragile X Association of Southern California, USA
- Hannover spielt, Germany
- International Student Association, Netherlands
- Ose Tout, Belgium
- Madina, School, Casablanca
- Mennonitische Brüdergemeinde, Evangelical Free Church, Germany
- Micronesia LawHelp, Legal Services Corporation, Micronesia
- Mission SOS – For the unreached peoples, Sweden
- Neurotrauma.NET
- NMD, Hungarian students in Oradea, Romania
- Non-profit Church organization, Canada
- Ride Safe India, India
- Ronald McDonald House Charities, Australia
- Round Rock Area Arts Council, Texas
- Springvale Community Aid & Advice Bureau, Australia
- SSVC Services Sound & Vision Corporation, Charity, England
- Tasi, the animation society of India, India
- The Center for Collaborative Change, Newark, New Jersey
- The Friendship Circle, NY, U.S.A.
- The Peoples Charity, U.K.
- The Wellness Plan (TWP) Medical Centers
- The Zeitgeist movement, Australia
- You are Here Festival, Germany
- UNFPA, United Nations Population Fund, Worldwide
Richiedi una licenza scontata
Se siete una piccola organizzazione non profit che sostanzialmente non ha un budget IT scriveteci, potreste chiedere una licenza scontata; Le licenze in questo caso limitano il numero di utenti a 5 (si prega di utilizzare un account e-mail della vostra organizzazione non-profit, invece di uno generico). Richiedi ora una licenza scontata.